1 minute read
In love with the Danish summer nights
Let me start by admitting that I love to travel. I love to go abroad, experience different cultures, be places where the sun always shines and leave a busy everyday life behind for a while.
But that said, I also think that Denmark, despite the fact that it might rain and not be that warm, is one of the best places to spend the summer.
Why? Because nothing beats the Danish summer nights.
Perhaps I’m in love with the Danish (and Scandinavian, to be fair) summer because of my childhood memories.
As a child I spent most of my summer holidays in Norway and Sweden. I recall nights when we would sit outside talking, playing and laughing.
Later, as I grew older, my friends and I spent night after night partying. And now, as a father of two, my wife and I tend to spend the summer nights sipping white wine on the terrace of our summerhouse.
When we sit there – perhaps with a blanket – it’s like time stands still and we wish the summer would never end.
Denmark is, of course, much more than those summer nights. And in this supplement we’ve
Enevoldsen Jesper Skeel CEO jesper@cphpost.dk
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Lennart Nielsen Head of Sales lennart@cphpost.dk
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Hans Hermansen Contact Director hans@cphpost.dk collected a bunch of inspiration for you.

Personally, I like to keep a bucket list of all the Danish hidden gems I’ve not yet visited. A new inclusion this year is the Regan West bunker.
If you’re looking for more expansive places to visit, I recommend you read about the Danish islands. All of them are worth visiting during the summer.
And if you’re into festival life, but find major options like Roskilde and Smukfest a little too much, we’ve handpicked five alternatives for you.
You’re probably wondering where I’m going myself. The truth is that we’re off to Italy.
But even while we’re there, I think I’ll be looking forward to returning to our summerhouse to drink chilled white wine with my wife after a busy day playing with the children.
I guess you could say true love never dies.
I wish you a great summer – in Denmark or elsewhere …
Best regards,

Uffe Jørgensen Odde Editor-In-Chief
Uffe Jørgensen Odde Ansvarshavende chefredaktør/Editor-in-Chief uffe@cphpost.dk
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