Top Hotel Industry Players Introduce Basic Sustainability Framework The Basic Sustainability Framework is a bold step towards driving responsible travel and tourism. Working on the framework are some of the top hotel industry players, including Jin Jiang International (Holdings) Co., Ltd. and their affiliates Jin Jiang Hotels, Louvre Hotels Group and Radisson Hotel Group,along with other leading groups. Under the framework, the hotel industry aims to set common definitions of hotel sustainability in a clear and transparent manner. The framework encompasses four clear stages and practical tools that will guide hoteliers towards a regenerative impact on our planet.
“The Basic Sustainability Framework is a step-change that will help every hotel to get started on their sustainability journey faster. This will move us at the Radisson Hotel Group, and the whole industry, closer towards the ultimate target of Net Zero and at the same time, respond to our clients’ demand for sustainable travel options.” – Federico J. González , CEO Radisson Hotel Group
The Basic Sustainability Framework has entered into development phase and will be launched in March 2022.