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eurammon Symposium 2023

Association says the Symposium will feature presentations on current developments, applications, EU regulations and case studies on natural refrigerants

Edited by CCME Content Team


eurammon, an association of companies, institutions, and individuals committed to the promotion and use of natural refrigerants, will hold its annual Symposium, a key event for the refrigeration industry, from June 26 to 30. Making the announcement through a Press release, eurammon said the Symposium will feature informative presentations on current developments, applications, EU regulations and case studies on natural refrigerants. The complete programme of the digital event is now available at https://www. eurammon.com/news/symposia/11symposium/227-symposium-2023

According to the Press release, three keynote speeches will set the scene for the Symposium. They will include a project to measure energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the transport, industrial and commercial refrigeration sectors in the United

Kingdom, a lecture on the development of CO2 refrigeration technology over the last two decades and a speech on a natural refrigeration initiative, in the Middle East. Day Two will focus on what is currently at stake – updates on existing/planned EU regulations and other regulatory frameworks: F-gas regulatory update, PFAS and Eco Design regulations, and a Q&A session, eurammon said. Day Three will focus on applications with sustainable, energy-efficient and natural refrigerants; the fourth day will focus on presentations on current developments, and the final day of the Symposium will focus on recent case studies, eurammon added.

Ákos Murin, Chairman, Steering Committee, eurammon e.V, said: “eurammon is an organisation, which promotes natural refrigerants and their use for the refrigeration and heat pump industry. Don’t miss this year’s Symposium to get full info on these relevant topics and case studies.”

According to eurammon, the programme agenda is as follows… (Symposium language is English)

26 June - Keynote speeches

09:00 Welcome & greeting, Michael Freiherr, Chairman, eurammon e.V.

09:10 Reducing carbon emissions in transport, industrial and commercial refrigeration, Catarina Marques, London South Bank University.

09:55 Evolution of CO2 refrigeration technology from 2000, Bernd Heinbokel, Carrier Kältetechnik Deutschland GmbH

10:40 Break

10:45 Cool Up: The rise of natural refrigerants in future-proof cooling solutions, Dr. Andreas Hermelink, Guidehouse

11:30 Concluding remarks, Michael Freiherr

27 June - Policy and regulations update

09:00 Introduction, Lambert Kuijpers, A/genT Consultancy

09:10 News on the F-Gas regulation, Cornelius Rhein, European Commission, DG Clima

09:40 Break

09:45 The Universal PFAS Restriction proposal under REACH, Thijs de Kort, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (NL)

10:15 Further uptake of flammable refrigerants, especially those of safety class A3, for various applications, Carsten Hoch, TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH

10:45 Break

10:50 Update of Eco design regulation ENTR Lot 1 Professional Refrigeration - focus on condensing units and process chillers, Davide Polverini, European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

11:20 Panel discussion with all 4 speakers

11:50 Concluding remarks, Lambert Kuijpers

28 June - Applications with Natural Refrigerants

09:00 Introduction, Michael Rabenstein, Evapco Europe GmbH

09:10 Hydrocarbons - application within chillers and heat pumps, Marco Funes, Secon GmbH

09:40 Break

09:45 Cooling of server rooms with CO2, Christoph Galli, HERMETIC-Pumpen GmbH

10:15 Ultra-low temperature cooling with air as refrigerant, Thomas Frank, Refolution Industriekälte GmbH

10:45 Break

10:50 Transport refrigeration with Propene and Carbon Dioxide, Jürgen Süß, ECOOLTEC Grosskopf GmbH

11:20 Concluding remarks, Michael Rabenstein

29 June - Current Developments with Natural Refrigerants

09:00 Introduction, Monika Witt, TH. Witt refrigerating machine factory

09:10 Current developments in the refrigeration industry - New innovative refrigeration oils for natural refrigerants, Wolfgang Bock, FUCHS LUBRICANTS


09:40 Break

09:45 Geothermal heat pumps with ammonia highly efficient for concrete core heating and concrete core cooling, Werner Eller, Friotherm Deutschland GmbH

10:15 Efficiency and availability with NH3 compressor packs, Jürgen Filster, BITZER Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH

10:45 Break


Extreme low charge systems with Ammonia R717, Christian Kempe, Alfa Laval Technologies AB

11:20 Concluding remarks, Monika Witt

30 June - Case Studies with Natural Refrigerants

09:00 Introduction, Thomas Spänich, GEA Refrigeration Germany GmbH

09:10 Benefit of holistic planning, Thomas Lergenmüller, GEA Refrigeration Germany GmbH

09:40 Break

09:45 Semiflooded evaporation for supermarket refrigeration, Esra Wirth, Kaufland Stiftung & Co. KG

10:15 WT: Industrial Heat Pumps with Ammonia, NN, Kreutzträger Kältetechnik GmbH & Co. KG

10:45 Break

10:50 Practical experience with a 3 stage Ammonia DX-plant, Finn Dresen, Kältetechnik Dresen + Bremen GmbH

11:20 Concluding remarks, Thomas Spänich

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