1 minute read

Eurovent issues new recommendations on RAHUs

Organisation says the document focuses on Ecodesign and Energy Labelling compliance of bi-directional residential ventilation units

By CCME Content Team


EUROVENT said it has published its first Residential Air Handling Units (RAHUs) recommendation, which focuses on Ecodesign and Energy Labelling compliance of bi-directional RVUs. Making the announcement through an April 18 Press release, Eurovent said participants of PG-RAHU prepared the recommendation in a joint effort.

The recommendation, released on April 4, aims to enhance the enforcement of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for bidirectional residential ventilation units, placed and put into service on the EU market, Eurovent said, adding that it is principally addressed to suppliers and market surveillance authorities.

According to Eurovent, the first six chapters provide the general legislative background and an overview of the specific requirements, to which suppliers are subject to.

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