6 minute read
Sarah Al-Baker
from CP January 2023
by CPmagazine
Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers.
Hello! I am Sarah AlBaker - a TV host on the official Kuwait Television and a also a Civil Engineer.
Tell us about your education.
I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from University of Surrey, United Kingdom.
What are your fondest childhood memories?
Well honestly, my childhood was really great. I have so many incredible memories. The most significant ones are that I had all my family around me, we had too many warm gatherings and picnics, too many laughs and love. I was the youngest child in my family so I had everything I wanted from toys, food and sweets. It is always known that the youngest child is the most spoilt one. So yes, I was a little bit spoilt child but was joyful for me back then.
What got you interested in choosing Civil Engineering? Who or what inspired you?
Since I was young, I have always been interested in bridges, fancy buildings, skyscrapers, and roads. I always wondered how those miracles are actually built and done. I mean since we are born, we see shapes and architecture all around us. Civil engineers can really shape a better world we live in. They can think and maintain the infrastructure, design and build. That’s why I thought that I should be a civil engineer.
What sparked your interest in media and what lead you to be a show host?
This is a good question and something I get regularly asked. Well, it is a great story that came out of sudden. I was a volunteer in Kuwait society of engineers and back then I had too many TV interviews talking about the events we had and about voluntary work in general, and from my first TV interview, I got that feeling and the spark of loving the camera and loving the audience. All my family and friends actually noticed that as well so they started encouraging me and supporting me to be an official TV host and then I worked so hard and I believed in myself that I should follow what I love. So that’s how I became a TV host.
What special preparations do you do before presenting a show?
First of all, I have to put all my life behind and what I mean by that is that if in case I am not in a mood or I’m having unpleasant day or some obstacle, I have to put all that away and I should get into the mood and try to smile. I also like to meet the guest before hosting them so that I can make them feel more comfortable and relaxed. It helps me to know the guest’s personality better and after that as I mentioned before, I love the camera so everything works smoothly and fine before starting my show.
Who has been your biggest mentor?
I would say that my father has always been my mentor. Besides, each person I have met basically gave me something whether that thing is good or bad, I learn from other people’s experiences. I’m always trying to listen to their advices for me. I even listen and learn from a child.
What’s the best piece of advice you have heard and repeat to others?
Believe in yourself, be optimistic and never stop following your dreams.
What was your proud moment so far? What are some of your achievements that you are proud of?
As long as I do what I love and make my beloved ones happy; I feel proud, and speaking about achievements, being a satisfied person is my main achievement.
What is your motto in life?
Be yourself, inspire yourself, trust yourself and be proud of yourself always.
Your favourite quote (s)?
“I never lose, I either win or learn” by Nelson Mandela.
What music do you listen to?
I have always been interested in music and art since I was a child. I like all kinds of music that can really touch my heart and inspires me. But mostly, I love listening to classical music and soundtracks from movies and from TV series.
Which was the last interesting book that you read and what did you take from it?
“Sons of Sindbad” by an Australian Author, adventurer and a photographer. What I liked about this book is how is shows my country Kuwait in the past especially in maritime where the citizens used to earn their living. The author basically visited Kuwait in 1938, his photographs depict the life and skills of the Arab sailors of the ports along the route of Kuwait, and of the pearl divers of the Arabian Gulf. The pictures and the details in the book are so marvelous. It makes us thankful and appreciate how our people built Kuwait with their sweat and blood.
What are some of your favourite apps on your phone?
Instagram. It is my main window to let my followers watch my daily life and my work. I also love watching YouTube, YouTube music and using Pinterest.
What is your beauty and fitness secret?
There is no secret at all. I always like to sleep early and drink more water. Eating less junk food, trying to exercise three time in a week, and the most important thing is trying to be happy and truly satisfied.
What is your favourite travel destination and why?
Italy for sure! Because it is the city of art, love, joy and beauty. It has breathtaking beaches and mountains, amazing food, fancy places and museums. Italians are friendly as well. Everything in Italy feels like it’s a part of me.
What is your dream? What would you like to achieve?
To achieve all my to-do list. I’ll share some of them with you: like being successful in my life and my career, travel to all the countries that I always wanted to visit, learning new skills, and meeting new people.
How do you unwind from your busy routine?
Well relaxing and meditating are essential to my daily routine after a rough busy day. I prefer to be by myself preparing a cup of tea with a soft lighting and some candles and reading a book or watching a movie. I also feel relaxed writing down my plans. All these are really helpful to unwind myself from a busy day.
What can’t you leave home without?
My phone and wallet for sure.
What are some of your other hobbies?
I do embroidery which is a type of art where you can basically paint with threads and stitches on a piece of fabric I also love playing piano and I’m a big fan of cooking as well. Yet I’m always trying to discover new skills and hobbies.
Your message for us at CP magazine.
A big thanks and appreciation for the CP magazine team and for you Mr. Jameel Arif for this great opportunity and choosing me to be featured on your cover this month. I wish you all the success.