13 minute read
from CP July 2020c
by CPmagazine
(March 21 - April 19) ARIES
June 2020 holds many twists and turns on the path for you, Aries. Interestingly enough, though, many of these roads before you may actually be calling you to retread avenues from the past. A major theme this month is about revisiting and reviewing your life, as well as reconnecting with people from chapters you likely thought were closed. With Mars, planet of energy, powering through the most hidden part of your chart (your solar twelfth house) throughout much of June, you could be deeply reflective and focusing on private affairs. With the past being activated, you could be passionately handling situations you thought were tied up and done from before but aren’t. Other Aries could be focusing immensely on finding closure, healing, and letting go. Mercury, planet of the mind, also goes retrograde in your sector of the home (your solar fourth house) on the seventeenth, further urging you to review how you are building your future and if you’re on the right track to manifest your greatest ambitions. (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus is a zodiac sign that loves pleasure, romance, and all of the Venusian blessings that life can give. And with your ruler dancing in your prosperity sector (your solar second house) for many months, you are certainly attracting more abundance into your life. However, the reason she is spending more time in this piece of the sky is because she is retrograde at the beginning of June. This affects you tremendously because when your ruler is moving backward, you feel as if your energy is off and you’ve stepped into a portal of the past. You are highly affected by Venus retrograde, which takes place until June 24. You may already have or could yet this month reconnect with an ex, twin flame, or past-life connection who possesses a karmic purpose in your life. Sometimes in life, we reunite with people because the timing has aligned and you both have grown and are ready to pick up the pieces where they fell and build something anew. However, another reason you could be crossing paths is because you must face them, realize what you learned from it, and release them forever. This clears space for better relationships to come into your life once there is room for love to breathe. (May 21 - June 20)
June is a month you could end up remembering forever, Gemini, with so much planetary activity written in the stars. Some moments will feel electric, as if your life is changing overnight like the onset of a hurricane. But there will also be times when everything feels frozen.
The first thing to note is that Venus, planet of love and harmony, is spinning backward in your zodiac sign (your solar first house) until June 24. You could feel as if you’re in a vortex of romantic passion and you don’t know what is real or illusion. Another possible manifestation of this could be that you feel like you’ve stepped into the twilight zone and been transported into the past. Your life could suddenly be filled with much nostalgia—old friends, places from the past, or even old lovers. If you decide that you’d like to rekindle a connection with someone, you can. Otherwise, reflect on the past, appreciate it for what it was, and learn from it what you can. This focus on the past is even stronger for you when your ruler Mercury begins its regular backward cycle (in your solar second house), starting on the seventeenth and continuing for the weeks to come. Your mind won’t be clear this entire month, so do your best to not make any final decisions until the dust has settled near the end of July. (June 21 - July 22)
As the sun moves through the most private sector of your chart (your solar twelfth house) throughout most of the month, many Cancers will be enjoying the time to rest, recharge, and lie low. Many of the planets this month are in backward motion as well, further convincing you that the time to chase all of your plans and ambitions may not be right now. Venus retrograde until June 24 could be tempting some Cancers to reconnect with old flames or friends. If you do so in a private setting, you could see luck in rekindling the connection. Just don’t be tempted into a clandestine affair! Also, beware when Mercury goes retrograde later in the month in your zodiac sign (your solar first house). You had a similar transit like this in the summer of 2019, and you could feel as if your mind and emotions are very clouded. This begins on the seventeenth officially, but with Mercury in preshadow all month, you’ll likely notice that something feels off. However, despite the planets telling you to slow down, the universe has some destined surprises coming your way. Eclipse season is always a time when powerful beginnings and endings take place, the ones you look back on and realize changed your forward path forever. (July 23 - August 22)
In a month with so much planetary activity, Leos will be wondering where to place their attention first. One of the key themes will certainly be fun and recreation, as the sun will be igniting your social sector (your solar eleventh house). This arena has ties to not only your friends but to all of the communities—and the global community—that you are a part of, too. You could be building your network or relying more on the people you know no matter where you live. Venus, planet of joy and harmony, will be spending a great deal of time in this same sector, bringing sweetness to your life. However, throughout much of this month she’s retrograde, helping you to reconnect with many old friends—and possibly old lovers—during this time. Her backward shimmy began in May and lasts until June 24, with her post-shadow phase echoing until the end of July. If you’d like to reach out to someone you’ve lost touch with, this is certainly an auspicious time to do so. Mercury’s retrograde begins in your privacy sector (your solar twelfth house) on the seventeenth and lasts for several weeks. You could notice some secrets emerge that you didn’t know about or you could be seeking closure on things that have come before. Do not sign contracts or make agreements during Mercury retrograde, as they will falter later. (August 23 - September)
When the world has so much going on, you, Virgo, are the zodiac sign that usually knows how to juggle all of the pieces. This is because your logical and rational approach to life can organize even the most chaotic storms. Yet you’ve never lived in June 2020 before, so don’t be surprised if it pushes you to your limits. Many of the planets at this time will be spinning backward, causing major projects, plans, and relationships to spiral off the rails. This is because the universe is showing you that even though you thought you had everything figured out, not everything is what it seems. The universe has an even brighter and better plan ahead of you, but first you must watch as the past catches up with you. With Venus retrograde taking place, there’s an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and lovers. However, the actual retrograde transit takes place in your career sector (your solar tenth house), so you may have an opportunity to once again work with professionals you knew in the past. If this happens to be stalling some of your work projects, don’t be frustrated. Be grateful, actually, because they aren’t meant to debut in their current incarnation and need more time to ripen and then bloom. (September 23 - October)
June will be a time when you’re wondering about your place in the world and watching as your present and your past blur together like a song that keeps skipping forward and back. Venus, planet of love and beauty and also your ruler, will be spinning backward throughout most of the month, until June 24 (in your solar ninth house). Whenever one’s planetary ruler is retrograde, one often feels as if it’s harder for them to achieve satisfaction and harmony in their life. The key to working with this energy is to realize that you must release control and watch as the world shifts around you so that you can react rather than impulsively take action. Sometimes, too, these transits bring forth important reconnections with old flames or friends you’ve lost touch with. If you choose to, use the early weeks of June to reminisce and learn how they have grown. Perhaps you can reignite a connection that is as joyous as it once was. However, if you reconnect and realize that you’ve both gone in different directions, set that relationship to rest peacefully so you can happily move toward more fulfilling ones ahead. Mercury goes retrograde in your career sector (your solar tenth house) on the seventeenth, so when that occurs, it’s likely that some work-related endeavors could be stalled or need to be reconsidered. This is okay. Take it in stride. (October 23 - November)
As Mars, planet of passion, powers through your romance sector (your solar fifth house) throughout most of the month, you are smoldering with desire. Energy to build love and express yourself will radiate from you during June. This is also a magnificent time to create art or involve yourself in a hobby, as you will not only feel more fulfilled but also show the world more of the color upon your soul. Venus, the planet of love and romance, will be spinning backward in your intimacy sector (your solar eighth house) throughout much of the month, until June 24, meaning that, if attached, you could be revisiting relationship needs with a partner. Single Scorpios could be reconnecting with past lovers during this time as well, either to learn if they’re finally ready to give each other what each party needs or if they can release each other fully once and for all. Venus retrogrades affect you quite intensely because she rules your sector of marriage (solar seventh house). When Venus revisits the past, so do you reflect or reunite with significant ones from before, too. Mercury retrograde begins on the seventeenth in Cancer (your solar ninth house), so expect that some things may become even fuzzier at the end of the month. (November 22 - December)
June 2020 has arrived, Sagittarius, and your energy will mark the world around you. You have entered a pivotal point in your lifetime that will help you not only stand up for your worth but also rise in your personal power. For too long you haven’t seen your energy respected or cherished, but the seeds of this occurred because you did not stand up for yourself. The time has come now to rectify that and watch as the world sees you for who you truly are. This month, you will see the beginning of eclipses in your sun sign (solar first house) that will shoot out to the stars like fireworks. They will continue on later this year and into 2021. Later this year, you’ll have eclipses in your partnership sector, too (your solar seventh house). You are undergoing a powerful transformation in relation to your partnerships and how you own your thoughts, opinions, and desires in congruence—or opposition—to those you unite with. The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5 will see you rising as an important dream within your heart puts you front and center. Later in the month, on the twentieth, a solar eclipse in Cancer (your solar eighth house) will push you to understand your partnerships and work as a team—or finally
move on. (December 22 - January 19)
Relationships have been a powerful learning curve for you over the last few years, Capricorn, as you are better learning how to stand up for yourself but also work better as a team with someone who truly respects and values you. This trend will continue into June 2020 for many reasons, most notably because of the cycle of eclipses that bring destiny to your doorstep. In life, we have free will, but there are also mighty forces that help us evolve into who we are meant to be and teach us that as much as we try to orchestrate our life, we aren’t in complete control. The dominion of the universe can be scary to many Capricorns because you like to strategize your plans. One of the things that eclipses can teach you is that life happens when you’re open to it rather than letting the fear of the unknown cripple you, and not trying to always control it so it’s “perfect” in your eyes. On June 5, an electric lunar eclipse in Sagittarius resounds (your solar twelfth house). It marks a moment when you will feel the need to lie low and potentially run for cover. This is because some of your secrets and fears could be exposed, or you must face the truth about something you took for granted that isn’t what you had demanded it be. Oftentimes, this is about anxieties and illusions you hold within you in an attempt for selfpreservation of the ego rather than attacks from someone else. This is an
excellent time to heal, release, and surrender love into the universe. (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius, June 2020 is your opportunity to walk into the heart of a storm and emerge victorious. Many cosmic factors work in your favor as long as you’re aware of the currents that are moving. Most important to note is that this is a month highly focused on the past because so many of our planetary forces are already retrograde, or will be. Your greatest asset is that Uranus, planet of liberation and your ruling planet, will be strong and direct during the month. While many other people can’t think as clearly, you’ll be able to see light through the smoke and come up with brilliant solutions. The most notable retrograde to affect you this month will likely be the movement of Venus, planet of love, in your true love and creativity sector (your solar fifth house). This means that many Aquarians could be reconnecting with a twin flame during this time, most likely a soul mate in this lifetime who may be a past-life connection. You may crave this person deeply, but it’s important for you to assess whether or not you will reignite that connection or merely reminisce on how beautiful the rapport once was. It’s also likely that you’re doing a great deal of thinking about what love is to you and what you want it to be. Some Aquarians could be revising the entire way that they feel about love and realizing the function it has had in
their life until now must change. (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces, June 2020 is here and you are on fire. Your energy is ignited, your goals are within reach, and above all, you believe that you are unstoppable. Mars, the planet of passion and drive, resides within your zodiac sign (your solar first house), gifting you with confidence, sexual magnetism, and hunger. This transit doesn’t happen often. In fact, it happens but once every two years. It’s of the utmost importance that you utilize this power to your greatest magnitude and push toward everything that resides within your soul. Whether it’s love, success, community, or true happiness, you must use your strength now to create that reality around you. Do not settle. Take charge and command. This isn’t like you, Pisces, as you’re typically a more gentle soul. That doesn’t matter, though. It is your time. This is clear instantly as the month begins, when a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius (your solar tenth house) on June 5 ignites your name in the sky. Eclipses mark destined and pivotal moments in our lifetime, and for you, this is all about rising in success, power, and achievement. You are so tremendously blessed, Pisces, because not only do you have people around you who believe in you and wish to support you, but the universe wants you to go even higher.