1 minute read
How To Improve Your Immune System With Exercise
from CP July 2021
by CPmagazine
Build up your immune system the natural way.
When we’re hit with the cold, the flu, or a life changing illness, we’re reminded very quickly just how important the immune system is to our overall wellness.
Unfortunately, there’s no single magic pill that will transform your immune system into a superhero.
You can learn how to improve your immune system with exercise!
Regular exercise is one of those lifestyle tweaks that can improve your immune system. How to Improve Your Immune System with Exercise: 1. Exercise gets the immune system in gear. 2. Exercise lowers stress hormone levels. 3. Exercise helps you sleep better. 4. Exercise may help purge ineffective T-cells.
What happens when you get too much of a good thing?
Some research suggests that heavy, acute exercise may temporarily lower immune response. It’s believed that heavy exercise increases stress, which, in turn, has a negative impact on the immune system.
Experts say these types of exercise include endurance races and marathons, which can weaken the immune system for up to 72 hours after working out.