3 minute read

Bashar Al Jawad

“I started artistically during a difficult period where the whole world had experienced lockdown and confusion; and people today are hungry for joy, dance and letting go of all the negative things”

Words: José Berrocoso


There is one name that represents success beyond a talent show: Bashar Al Jawad. The young Lebanese rising star and artist has released his new music video song titled "Mesh Tabi3iye – She’s Outstanding" recently, in partnership with Universal Music MENA for the summer of 2022, and the song garnered one million views on YouTube in just a week.

"Mesh Tabi3iye – She’s Outstanding" is a youthful, rhythmic, dance-able Arabic pop love song, through which Bashar gets attracted to a girl’s smile that’s “Outstanding” and charmed his heart from the first sight. The song is written by Ahmed Madi, composed by Robert Al-Asaad, arranged and mastered by Omar Sabbagh.

Our lifestyle editor, José Berrocoso, got the chance to sit down with Bashaar Al Jawad. Find out more about his new hit song and his success into the music industry.

CityPages Magazine: How did you start off in the industry?

Bashaar Al Jawad: My first official experience in the singing industry was The Voice (season 8), it was a beautiful experience which I will never forget.

CPM: What type of songs do you enjoy singing the most? And why?

BAJ: I never limit myself to any type of music. I like to listen and sing everything. I even taught myself a few Indian and Turkish songs though, I don’t understand the language. Music is international so I make it a point to listen to all types.

CPM: How did you figure out which kind of music genre works best for you?

BAJ: As I mentioned previously, I choose not to limit myself but for instance, I sang the slow and dramatic songs in TV series opening credits. I sing the Khaliji accent very well since I was brought up in KSA. But people know me now as the positive singer with positive uplifting songs.

CPM: You have recently released Mesh Tabi3iye – She’s Outstanding, which is already a hit with over 1 million views on YouTube. Tell us more about the song.

BAJ: This song surely makes me smile and gives me such a positive vibe. It makes me so happy that people are feeling the same. It’s a super positive song!

CPM: The music video of Mesh Tabi3iye – She’s Outstanding was filmed in several places in Beirut, Lebanon. How was the filming process of the video?

BAJ: It was fun and very lively as you saw in the music video. We had a good laugh with all the characters who joined me. Needless to say it was one hectic day. We started 5:30 a.m. and ended at sunset since the shots were all daylight/ outdoor.

CPM: The song is now available on all music apps. How do you describe your song in one word?

BAJ: Positive.

CPM: You’ve become one of the biggest music icons in the Middle East. In your opinion what is the key to your success?

BAJ: Thank you for saying that. That's a huge responsibility. To be honest, I am just being me and having fun! I enjoy my work… Its my passion. So, I am literally just having fun and minding my own business. I think that it’s reflecting on people.

CPM: What is your advice to an aspiring singer?

BAJ: Have fun, be yourself and don't let anyone stand in the way of your dream!

CPM: How is Bashaar the artist different from the person?

BAJ: I can honestly say I am being myself. Bashaar the artist and Bashaar the person are one! The smile and laugh are not fake nor forced. It is just me being me!

CPM: What role does social media play in your life & career?

BAJ: It is a major role for every artist and it is a platform for me to show my talent and stay in contact with people. Social Media is beautiful if used wisely but can be deadly for an artist if it is abused or used in the wrong way.

CPM: What is your proudest achievement?

BAJ: I would have to say the year 2021-2022 was my proudest achievement all in all! Everything that happened in this year: the songs, the events, the shows the awards… it was a beautiful year for me!

CPM: How would you describe your fashion style? And where do you get your fashion inspiration?

BAJ: Young, fresh, and comfortable.

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