12 minute read
from CP March 2022
by CPmagazine
(March 21 - April 19) ARIES
March is a dreamy month for you, dear Ram, as the sun makes its way through Pisces and activates your solar twelfth house. The season of the Fish gives you a chance to fantasize about your future, and the universe is encouraging you to dream big! These vibes also allow you to embark upon some serious healing, though you’ll need to be real with yourself, especially when it comes to identifying behavioral patterns. While twelfth house activity can be heavy at times, you should ultimately feel fairly optimistic thanks to a cosmic alliance between the sun and Jupiter on March 5. Major inspiration might find you when the sun cozies up to visionary Neptune on the thirteenth. Your psyche could be flooded with brilliant ideas, though you’ll need to make sure you stay grounded and practical as well. It would be easy to romanticize almost any area of your life in this cosmic climate, which could be dangerous if you get too swept up in a fantasy or begin to ignore red flags in your relationships. Before getting caught up in your daydreams, remember to ask yourself if the outcome you envision is practical and how you’ll get there.
(April 20 - May 20) TAURUS
You could be in a compassionate and generous mood this month, sweet Bull, as the sun makes its way through sensitive Pisces. The temptation to help others fix their issues is real right now, but you need to be mindful that you’re not giving too much of your energy to others, especially if they aren’t grateful for it. It’s also worth remembering that you can’t save people from themselves, no matter how clearly you see the solutions to their problems. Make an effort to gravitate toward people who are stable in their own lives, so you can direct your efforts toward community service or humanitarian organizations that speak to you on a soul level. No matter how wrapped up you get in the lives of your family and friends, you’ll want to make sure you’re carving out some time for yourself. The Virgo full moon on March 18 shines a light in the sector of your chart that rules fun and self-expression, giving you a chance to prioritize your desires. Use this lunar event as an excuse to let your hair down with friends who won’t drag you down with their baggage, or opt to spend the evening at home working on a creative project.
(May 21 - June 20) GEMINI
You’ll be able to break through professional barriers this month as the sun makes its way through expansive Pisces, activating the sector of your chart that governs career. Your colleagues and superiors could be more emotionally open than usual, dear Gemini, so use these vibes to develop your professional relationships. A nurturing attitude toward your co-workers can help you gain the devotion of the people you work with, boosting your popularity at the office. However, you could be more sensitive than usual, so remember not to take on more than you can handle. Meanwhile, the new moon on March 2 is the perfect time to strategize about your future because your ruling planet Mercury forms a cosmic alliance with pragmatic Saturn. And your hard work is likely to pay off when Mercury cozies up to auspicious Jupiter on the twentieth. Don’t be afraid to take credit for your work now, and be ready for good news to come your way. The sun makes its way into fiery Aries, so this day also marks the beginning of spring and the astrological new year. This solar placement lights a fire in the sector of your chart that governs community, helping you to gain attention in the weeks ahead.
(June 21 - July 22) CANCER
March is filled with synchronicities, mysticism, and magic as the sun travels through Pisces, illuminating the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. Connecting with the universe should be a priority right now, especially when the new moon manifests on March 2. This day is one of the most sacred of the year for you, little Crab, so be sure to take a few moments to commune with the life force that exists within and around you. Your manifestation skills also benefit from a nice boost, making it important that you set your intentions and let the other side know where you could use some help. The twelfth brings a flurry of good vibes your way as the Cancer moon shares supportive aspects with Jupiter and Neptune. Your dreams can grow into reality in this cosmic climate, so don’t be afraid to approach the world with optimism. The karma points you score now are also sure to bring big rewards down the road, so be sure to embrace good deeds throughout the day. If you’re in the mood to do some candle magic, consider donating to a charitable cause as a way of showing gratitude to the powers that be. (July 23 - August 22)
March starts with an emotionally intense vibe as the Pisces sun shines a light in your solar eighth house, dear Lion, encouraging energetic exchanges between you and your loved ones. It could be harder to set sustainable boundaries with the people in your life, which might inspire you to leave behind any friends or romantic partners who have become overly difficult in recent months. If you’re not sure you want to say goodbye to someone for good, consider distancing yourself until Aries season. The new moon on March 2 can help you set your intentions around what you hope to grow as the sun and moon align next to lucky Jupiter. However, you might want to get a bit transactional with the universe now, promising to break a bad habit in exchange for assistance with your goals. This is also a great time to reflect on what you need to cut out of your life in order to make way for the new people, hobbies, healthy habits, or relationships you dream of. While Pisces season asks you to rework some situations and connections in your life, the vibe shifts when the sun enters fiery Aries on the twentieth. This cosmic climate lights a fire in the sector of your chart that rules personal philosophies and spirituality, helping you reconnect with your intuition and the world around you.
(August 23 - September) VIRGO
If any distance or barriers have manifested in your relationships, they can begin to melt away this month as the Pisces sun shines a light in the sector of your chart that rules love. This powerful astrological period can help you reestablish and strengthen your romantic bonds as you and your partner melt into one another. This energy can also cause you to glamorize situations that might not be in your best interests, so just make sure you’re not slipping into a fantasy. Keep an eye out for red flags, but if the dynamic seems healthy and genuine, feel free to release your inhibitions. If you’re currently single, this cosmic climate allows you to practice some radical self-love, giving you an opportunity to fully accept and adore the person you are. The full moon on March 18 takes place in your sign, dear Virgo, giving you a chance to transform and better yourself. A helpful connection to Pluto supports any mission that requires you to tap into your personal power, so don’t feel guilty about throwing your weight around. You might have to put someone in their place, especially if they’ve bullied you or tried to erode your confidence in the past.
(September 23 - October) LIBRA
You might feel like there are more hours in the day right now, dear Libra, but only if you take a proactive approach to organizing your schedule and establishing routines. With the Pisces sun shining in your solar sixth house, it’s also important that you get to bed and wake up at a reasonable hour. You might even want to consider rising a bit earlier than usual so you can get a jump on your tasks. The more you check off your to-do list each day, the more emotionally fulfilled you’ll feel as you find ways to take control of your life and circumstances. Just try not to interfere with other people’s habits even if you’re sure that your advice would help them reach their highest potential. People are sensitive to criticism, so it would be best to lead by example versus trying to force your ideas on them. March 5 brings a surge of motivation your way as passionate Mars connects with your ruler Venus and they cross into Pisces together. Pay attention to your relationships during this time, and make sure you’re not aligning yourself with someone who doesn’t fully support and encourage you to follow your dreams.
(October 23 - November) SCORPIO
While Pisces season is highly emotional for some, dear Scorpion, you feel confident, strong, and inspired by the season of the Fish. You’re one of the most organically confident members of the zodiac, which means you’re not afraid to put yourself out there and take a few chances. However, you counter this exuberance with a fierce desire for privacy, which can make it difficult to gauge how and when to come out of your shell. Give yourself permission to go out on a limb—and often—but do yourself a favor and consider exactly what this looks like before moving forward. If you’re hoping to share a passion project with the world, have your most opinionated friend look at it first. If you’re hoping to get closer with your crush, make sure your communication is open and honest so the object of your affection knows where you stand. After all, you’re one of the hardest signs to read, so dating you can be intimidating! (November 22 - December)
The energy in your home should feel much lighter this month as the sun makes its way through Pisces. Use this astrological period to get creative with your interior design, especially if you’re overdue for a domestic facelift. Just make sure you don’t accumulate too many new things or you could end up with clutter rather than convenience. When the sun cozies up to your ruler Jupiter on March 5, take some time to nurture yourself. Your stress will melt away if you give yourself a chance to relax. Don’t feel guilty about putting your needs first, dear Archer, even if you’re tempted to take care of others (which is likely). This planetary alignment also brings a touch of luck your way, so go ahead and light a candle and make a quiet wish to the other side. You’ll benefit from a healthy ego boost as Aries season emerges on the twentieth and the universe puts some weight behind your talents. Now is not the time to hide in the shadows, since almost everyone will be drawn to your aura. Use these vibes to further your artistic goals, even if it’s just to pick up a new hobby. Whatever your agenda is at the moment, your voice and natural talents can help propel you to the top.
(December 22 - January 19) CAPRICORN
The Pisces new moon on March 2 brings an abundance of lucky, healing, and transformative vibes your way as Venus, Mars, and Pluto collectively align under your sign. If ever there was a time to get serious about reworking your perspective and your life, dear Goat, it would be now. Just don’t expect to see a difference immediately. You’ll need to give yourself a bit of time and space to truly evolve. Fortunately, this cosmic climate acts like a blank canvas for you, giving you the power to change almost any area of your life as long as it’s something your heart truly wants. An alliance between Mercury and your ruler Saturn on that day can help you formulate a solid plan, so be sure to sit down and write out your goals for the next six months. The moon and Venus cozy up to Saturn on the twenty-eighth, bringing growth to your finances. This is a great day to pay off debts or make investments, especially if your intuition tells you it’s a good call. However, if you don’t have to be unreasonably responsible with your money right now, feel free to reward yourself with a little gift. The universe wants you to reap the rewards of all your hard work!
(January 20 - February 18) AQUARIUS
The month kicks off with the Pisces new moon on March 2, which puts a spotlight on your bank account. Take some time to analyze your monetary health, dear Water Bearer, since these vibes can bring growth and healing to your personal finances. This theme continues throughout most of the month as the sun journeys through Pisces. Your money can easily grow between now and the twentieth, but if you’re not smart about your spending and investments, it could flow right through your fingers. Major shits come your way when Venus and Mars join hands and cross the threshold into your sign on the fifth. This planetary power couple can help rev up your motivation, but only around goals that fill your heart with inspiration. Whether it’s a move, career change, new look, or return to school that’s at the top of your list, now is the time to put yourself into high gear, since manifestation could come quite easily in the coming weeks. The sun and Jupiter canoodle in the cosmos, so don’t put off such action for another time. Any new journeys you begin now will be met with a blessing from the universe. With so much change happening in your life, it’s possible that a few mental wires could get crossed as you embark upon this fantastical journey of manifestation. Luckily, things begin to make more sense as spring emerges and the sun enters fiery Aries on March 20.
(February 19 - March 20) PISCES
With Pisces season in full swing, little Fish, you should be feeling the love from your family, friends, and the other side. The universe is looking for ways to guide and bless you right now, especially during the new moon in your sign on March 2. Use these vibes to think hard about what you want to accomplish in the year ahead, and be sure to send a little birthday wish to the sun and moon. Meanwhile, the cosmos is full of activity as Mercury and Saturn align in your solar twelfth house on that day. This planetary alliance can help you use a logical approach to break unhealthy patterns, and it can also give you the words to set boundaries where needed. We are also blessed with a triple conjunction between Venus, Mars, and Pluto on the third, which puts a focus on your friends and community. If you need to cut ties with anyone in your friendship or social media circle, now would be the time to block and unfriend.