11 minute read
from CP October 2022
by CPmagazine
(March 21 - April 19) ARIES
Although Mercury’s retrograde journey through Virgo concludes on October 2, its rocky vibes will continue to be felt throughout its post-retrograde shadow period, threatening to leave you overly stressed and disorganized until the sixteenth. Luckily, Aries, you’ll have a chance for a reprieve through love’s healing touch as the sun makes its way through harmonious Libra. Lean in to these dreamy vibes by embracing plenty of self-care and nurturing your body, especially on days that feel particularly tense. Romance will also flourish under this luminary placement, so be sure to let down your guard with that special someone. And you’ll have a cosmic excuse to prioritize your own needs when the full moon manifests in your sign on October 9, sharing connections with the healing asteroid Chiron and sweet Venus. Use this energy as motivation to embrace forgiveness, especially when it comes to yourself and your closest companions. Unfortunately, tension could arise within your romantic relationship, and you might need to fight to maintain balance in the dynamic. (July 23 - August 22)
You’ll view the world through a fair-minded lens this month as the Libra sun and Venus activate your solar third house. Unfortunately, you might also become more sensitive to the injustices that plague our world. This could cause your mental health to take a hit if you don’t monitor your news consumption in accordance with what you can carry emotionally. These vibes will also elevate your skills as a mediator, Leo, so don’t be afraid to step in and attempt to mend quarrels between loved ones, helping to replace conflict with peace. A curious energy could take hold of you once Mercury enters Libra on October 10, gearing you up for a period of growth through education. Use this planetary placement as an opportunity to groom your intellect by researching personal interests, writing, engaging in the art of conversation and appreciating your mind. Though you might feel as though your thoughts and ideas are overstimulating at times, finding a healthy outlet for your psyche can help keep these moments at bay. (November 22 - December)
The social butterfly that lives within you will be soaring high this month, Sagittarius, as the sun and Venus travel through airy Libra and the sector of your chart that governs community. This cosmic climate can provide you with an opportunity to relate to people from all walks of life, helping you expand your social circle and view of humanity. Try to keep your mind open when it comes to communicating with those whose views oppose your own, because your patience could reveal an unexpected meeting of minds. Try to remember that compromise can help rebuild broken bridges, bringing healing to our society at the grassroots level. Your mood shifts once the sun and Venus enter secretive Scorpio on October 23, bringing you to a quieter and more solitary headspace. These vibes ask you to review your lifestyle choices, personal goals and, most importantly, relationships to address any areas of your life that could use some revamping. Change will be a major theme when it comes to surviving this luminary placement as the Universe asks you to transform on a profound and internal level.
(April 20 - May 20) TAURUS
You’ll be in a body-conscious and peaceful mood throughout much of the month, Taurus, as the sun and Venus move through harmonious Libra and your solar sixth house. This cosmic climate will inspire you to embrace wellness, helping you reconnect with your health. Use this energy to reevaluate your lifestyle choices and personal habits, identifying and remedying any behaviors or situations that have unnecessarily elevated your stress levels. You might also find that eating more healthful foods and experiencing restorative sleep are more of a priority as you strive to become a more efficient version of yourself without adding more responsibility to your life. On October 23, you’ll notice some serious shifts when the sun and Venus move into transformative Scorpio, activating the sector of your chart that governs love. This cosmic climate will funnel some seriously intense vibes to your closet relationships, helping you pull back the curtain when it comes to your nearest and dearest. The relationships you form right now will also feel deeper and more meaningful, though you’ll want to watch out for dramatic encounters or toxic situations that could lead to trauma bonding. On the plus side, this energy can also help you break away from anyone who hasn’t been contributing to your emotional or mental wellbeing, giving you the strength and motivation to walk away from such dynamics. (August 23 - September)
You’ll be in the mood to slow down and embrace the sweeter side of life this month, dear Virgo, as the Libra sun and Venus travel through your solar second house. These vibes are all about soft sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes and the golden hues of fallen leaves as the stars push you to indulge your senses while admiring the world around you. Treating yourself to the occasional luxury will also help boost morale, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. While the cosmic climate at play will certainly have you reaching for your wallet more often than usual, opportunities to grow your finances are also liable to pop up. However, expanding upon the foundation that you’ve already built will take some intellectual maneuvering on your end, especially when it comes to making investments. The Aries full moon on October 9 can help you make important business decisions, but try not to move too impulsively. Meanwhile, Mercury’s entrance into Libra the next day asks that you analyze your budget, bringing some organization to your monthly expenditures. (December 22 - January 19)
Keep a tight rein on your finances, Capricorn, because Saturn and Uranus square off through the first half of this month. This cosmic climate could lead to unexpected expenses at any moment, so you might want to pad your bank account with some extra dough in the event of an emergency. Luckily, with the sun and Venus traveling through Libra and the sector of your chart that governs professional ambitions, you’ll have an opportunity to make headway with your career goals, which can help bring some extra income your way. You’ll feel more vocal around the office once Mercury enters Libra on October 10, encouraging you to share ideas and invest more time in socializing with colleagues. Making new connections will feel more organic over the next several weeks, and the relationships you forge now could open doors in the future. If you’re overdue for some continued education, or you require a new certification to move up in your company, use this energy as the motivation to start this process, because your mind will absorb career-related information more easily.
(May 21 - June 20) GEMINI
Though Mercury’s retrograde journey through Libra and Virgo might have cursed you with a healthy dose of drama and emotional upheaval last month, you can breathe a sigh of relief when your planetary ruler heads direct once more on October 2. However, Gemini, you could feel as though you’re still struggling to tidy up any messes this planetary backspin contributed to until this cerebral celestial body clears its post-retrograde shadow on the sixteenth. Use this time wisely by issuing any apologies you owe, reorganizing your space and finding your center so you can enjoy what remains of Libra season. You’ll notice a shift as the sun and Venus enter Scorpio on October 23, activating the sector of your chart that governs daily routines and health. This cosmic climate is perfect for breaking bad habits and assuming new behaviors that will elevate your wellness, making it a good time to get back in shape, sharpen your time-management skills, and find healthy ways to alleviate stress. Purging your space of any unwanted items will also score you some major points with the Universe, so be sure to sort through all your cabinets and closets. (September 23 - October)
You’ll carry yourself with composure and grace this month, Libra, as the sun and Venus make their way through your sign. This cosmic climate provides you with the sense that you are in your element on a universal scale as the stars align to help you feel supported, vibrant and optimistic. Keep your eyes peeled for signs and synchronicities during this time, because the other side will be eager to guide you toward your dreams. However, you’ll need to pull at the thread of any messages that land in your path. Be willing to step up and work hard for the rewards you seek. Your intellect and conversational charisma will benefit from some celestial aid starting when sharp-witted Mercury enters your sign on October 10. This planetary placement will be working overtime to help you get your point across, making it important that you use your voice, share ideas and ask for what you deserve. New friendships could also be forged during this time. People will be naturally drawn to your curious yet comforting aura. (January 20 - February 18)
Mastering your emotions could feel like a tall order through the first part of the month, Aquarius, as Saturn and Uranus square off in the sky. Sudden mood swings could cause you to unexpectedly close off or lash out, making it important that you find ways to stay centered and grounded if you feel your tension increasing. Unfortunately, a fierce desire to meet your personal goals could contribute to these difficult vibes, especially if you aren’t scheduling enough time for solitude and self-care in the comfort of your own home. Luckily, the Universe rallies to bring some extra support your way as the sun and Venus travel through Libra and the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. Communicating with the other side will feel like a natural occurrence right now as the stars align to supercharge your intuition and ability to see beyond the veil. Devoting yourself to a meditation or religious practice can also help anchor you when troubled waters head your way, providing you with an opportunity to see the path ahead even when skies are gray.
(June 21 - July 22) CANCER
With Libra season in full swing, Cancer, you’ll be devoted to the idea of spending more time in and elevating your space as the sun and Venus travel through your solar fourth house. Recharging at home will be vital to your sense of personal balance, though you’ll also feel the urge to decorate for Halloween, try new recipes or move furniture around. You should also consider bringing some homey elements from your childhood into your abode, dusting off old knickknacks from when you were a kid or recreating the interior design choices behind your grandmother’s sitting room. The Aries full moon on October 9 could have you pondering a new career path, especially if you’re hoping to spend more time working remotely or have grown bored with your current occupation. Unfortunately, the desire for a fresh start could bring out an impulsive streak, though you should avoid quitting your job on a whim without a safety net under you. Luckily, this cosmic climate could also drum up new leadership opportunities, though you’ll need to get comfortable with the idea of having authority over others. (October 23 - November)
through the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. This luminary placement provides you with an opportunity to restore balance to the depths of your soul, helping you find harmony and inner peace as you sort through your psyche. Luckily, the placement of Venus in your solar twelfth house brings an extra element of grace into the equation, allowing you to find patience for yourself and the journey that brought you to where you are today. A more critical and methodical energy comes into play once Mercury enters Libra on October 10, asking you to take a practical look at your fears and the behaviors they cause. While confronting the ways in which you’ve been selfdestructive in the past might not sound like the most relaxing way to spend your time, acknowledging these patterns is the only way you’ll be able to overcome them. Luckily, logic will prevail for you during this time, giving you a chance to learn from the past without beating yourself up over mistakes that have been made. (February 19 - March 20)
Censoring yourself might feel like a difficult task through the first part of the month, Pisces, as Saturn and Uranus square off in the sky. This planetary exchange could cause you to inadvertently blurt out any thoughts that are racing through your head, which could get you in trouble if you aren’t careful. You might also want to be mindful of who you share your deepest secrets or emotions with, confiding only in those you know you can trust and who won’t use the information against you later. Meanwhile, the sun and Venus continue their journey through Libra and the sector of your chart that governs personal transformation, providing you with an opportunity to evolve at the core level. However, this cosmic climate could also lead to broken relationships and falling-outs, especially if the Universe wants you to move past any dynamic that has become toxic or unsupportive. Luckily, the idea of saying goodbye to people or situations that have been weighing you down won’t feel so scary when the stars align to lend you strength and power.