06/12/2005 License Keys (USB) & ActiveLicense
The program ActiveLicense offers the following features: 1. Display the contents of a license key, in terms of loaded programs and corresponding activation licenses available 2. Install one of the available licenses on the computer 3. Recover a license from a computer 4. Add licenses to the license key 5. Display the programs for which the license has already been installed on the computer (‘without key’ operating mode) 6. Allow remote installation of licenses (on a computer other than that where the key is present), by means of a validation system via password. This method also allows to install a license on a computer not equipped with USB port, when you have a USB type license key.
ActiveLicense has three operating modes; the first two are relevant to the actual presence of the license key, while the third one contemplates activation without license key. 1. Validation mode with key: ActiveLicense is launched directly by the program that must be activated (e.g.: CorobDRIVER) and recognizes that a license key is connected to the computer. In this case, ActiveLicense allows you to solely install licenses (license is transferred from the license key to the computer). 2. Full validation mode: ActiveLicense is launched as a stand-alone program and recognizes that a license key is connected to the computer. In this case, the user is provided with all the available functions. 3. Validation mode via password: ActiveLicense is launched as a stand-alone program or is launched directly by the program that must be activated (e.g.: CorobDRIVER). It recognizes that NO KEY is connected to the computer (neither license nor standard key) and provides the user with an activation system via password (LOCK CODE and UNLOCK CODE).
06/12/2005 License Keys (USB) & ActiveLicense
Remote installation of licenses ActiveLicense gives the possibility to activate one or more programs in a workstation different from that where the license key is actually present. This is done using a system that foresees an exchange of special passwords, or codes. To better understand the method used, let’s consider the example where a user is located a thousand km far from the owner of a license key, and that he needs to validate a CPS Color program. In order not to “trouble” the owner of the key, the user can communicate him (by phone or e-mail) a LOCK CODE - created by ActiveLicense and valid only for his computer - and the name of CPS Color programs he needs to validate. Workstation A owner of license key
Workstation B User, 1000 km far
User B
User A
Generates an UNLOCK CODE and 1 license is decremented from the USB license key
Enters the UNLOCK CODE and activates the program without needing to actually connect a key to the computer
06/12/2005 License Keys (USB) & ActiveLicense
Step 1 - Workstation B Creation of the LOCK CODE The users launches the CPS Color program that he wants to activate; the ActiveLicense starts automatically and shows a LOCK CODE. NOTE - The code generated is valid only for the computer onto which it is created and does not contain the information about the programs to be activated. The LOCK CODE contains all the information, necessary for the ActiveLicense of the owner of the USB license key, to create the unlock password for the programs required. This password will have then to be sent to the far user, who will have to enter it to be allowed to use CPS Color software.
06/12/2005 License Keys (USB) & ActiveLicense
Step 2 - Workstation B The user communicates, by phone or e-mail, to the owner of the USB license key, the password generated at step 1 (LOCK CODE) together with the name of the program he wants to activate.
Step 3 - Workstation A Creation of the UNLOCK CODE The owner of the USB license key connects the key to his own computer and launches ActiveLicense. From the tab “Unlock code�, he selects the program defined by user in workstation B, enters then the LOCK CODE received in the special fields provided and creates the UNLOCK CODE by clicking on the Create code button. This causes the license key to be decremented of one license, for the program requested. Of course, if there are no licenses for the program requested or an invalid unlock code is entered, an error message appears and the password is not created. Note - It is possible to create UNLOCK CODES for a maximum of four programs at a time.
06/12/2005 License Keys (USB) & ActiveLicense
Step 4 - Workstation A The owner of the USB license key sends the user in workstation B the UNLOCK CODE generated at step 3.
Step 5 - Workstation B Program activation The user enters the unlock code received in the special fields provided and installs the license by clicking on the Unlock button. Obviously, the unlock code contains the information necessary to identify the programs to activate and check that the computer in question is actually the one from which the request was originated.
06/12/2005 License Keys (USB) & ActiveLicense
If the operation is successful, the list of activated CPS Color programs (if any) is updated with the addition of the new licensed program.
06/12/2005 License Keys (USB) & ActiveLicense
Installation of a license on a computer not equipped with USB port
Workstation B without USB port
Workstation A with USB port
User B
User A
Generates an UNLOCK CODE and 1 license is decremented from the USB license key
Enters the UNLOCK CODE and activates the program without needing to actually connect a key to the computer