CPS 2010 Congress Program

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CPS Distinguished Congress Thur Jul 29 –Sun Aug 1,2010 Hilton BWI Airport



Table of Contents Welcome from the President The CPS Vision & Manifesto Leadership Team Our Events Sponsorship & Registration form Our Programs The Distinguished Annual Congress (DAC) Tentative Program—DAC Sponsorship Opportunities Contacts

3 4 5 6 7 10 8-13 14 15-16 17-19 20



Dear Colleague: I am delighted to welcome you to the Cameroon Professional Society (CPS) and hope that you will find a reason to become involved and to champion the many projects and initiatives currently being pursued.. The CPS is made up of professionals around the world who are interested in building a strong Cameroonian community and who are focussed on improving the current socio-economic conditions in Cameroon. Through collective action, the CPS harnesses our expertise and talents to forge a united agenda for the Cameroonian diaspora. The Cameroonian diaspora is diverse and continues to grow exponentially. Our linguistic, ethnic and geographical diversity, indeed, makes it unquestionable that Cameroon is Africain-miniature. Through our many programs and projects, the CPS promotes the very best of what we have to offer and advocates for the formulation of policies affecting the Cameroonian diaspora in particular. To achieve these goals, we need you to become involved. As an Associate or Fellow of the CPS, you will play leading roles in strategizing and implementing many initiatives around the country. Our symposia offers the unique opportunity to share ideas on the many issues facing Cameroonians and Africans in general. The Distinguished Annual Congress offers an incredible platform for experts, researchers, economists, policy makers and the rest of the Cameroonian community to directly confront our immediate, short term and long term developmental problems and formulate strategies to overcome them. This years event is scheduled for July 29th—August 1st, 2010 at the Hilton BWI Airport Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland. The CPS counts on your support and participation. Please join us as we forge a new alliance for our communities. Sincerely, Denis A. Foretia, MD., President, CPS.


The Cameroon Professional Society (CPS) seeks to fundamentally transform our communities by leveraging the expertise, leadership and extensive networks of Cameroonian and African professionals both in the United States and abroad. With a focus on nurturing a robust network of patriotic leaders and entrepreneurs, the CPS believes in the strength of our collective union, to critically analyze our problems and propose concrete solutions to foster our. Without regard to political ideology, linguistic preference or ethnic origins, the CPS projects a united front to empower us to seek novel ways of transforming our communities and our country. Through various symposia, seminars, Leadership initiatives, philanthropic projects and business forums, the CPS directly engages the citizenry to spur development. The CPS is a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Maryland with headquarters in Baltimore. We are supported by individuals and organizations/ corporations that seek to impact meaningful change in our Cameroonian communities, Cameroon in particular and Africa in general


The CPS Vision & Manifesto

Our goal is to nurture a robust network of Cameroonian professionals from all segments of the society to share ideas, elevate and empower each other as well as nurture a new generation of effective leaders. We will leverage Cameroonian professionals and highlight the social changes in our communities, the deteriorating state of Cameroons’ economic, social and infrastructural status and aggressively seek the implementation of progressive policies to effect positive change. In doing so, the Cameroon Professional Society (CPS) uphold the foregoing as founding principles and resolutions.

Our Principles………… 1. Power of every Cameroonian We believe in the ability of every Cameroonian citizen to participate in the development of our motherland. By applying our individual leadership, expertise (academic or technical), networks (large or small), and locations (in Cameroon or abroad) we each have an opportunity to bring valuable contributions towards our development. 2. Cameroonian Unity Though a diverse group of people - from the Fulani of the North to the Equatorial Bantus, from the Highlanders to the pygmies of the East – we believe in a united and indivisible Cameroon. We believe in the sovereignty of this unique triangle of people, cohabitating in the interest of our nation. 3. Human Rights for All We believe in a Cameroonian society where the respect for individual rights, the right to choose, the respect for human dignity and the adherence to the stipulations of the Geneva Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are the norms of the day. 4. Respect of the Law The Laws of the land as defined by the Cameroon Constitution were created to shape politics, economics and society in numerous ways and serve as a primary social mediator in relations between people 5. Universal Freedoms We believe in the freedom of self-expression without fear of intimidation, reprisal or isolation. We believe in the potential of an independent press as a critical vehicle of economic, social and democratic progress and reject the manipulation of organs for self interests. 6. Progressive Policies We believe in policies that advance the wellbeing of every Cameroonian, individually and as a nation. Such policies include those that address sustainable development of healthcare, education and economic interests of the Cameroonian people. 7. Transparency We believe that as responsible citizens, we individually hold equal stakes in the welfare of our communities and Cameroon. In this context, and without compromising national security, we believe that we are entitled to information concerning policies affecting the Cameroonian people. 8. Equality - Non-discrimination We strongly oppose discrimination amongst Cameroonians on the basis of tribal groups, ethnic communities, religious affiliations, political identification or linguistic preferences. We believe in gender equality and the shared inclusion of every Cameroonian in the benefits accorded by our economic resources.


The Leadership Team Dr. Denis A. Foretia President Resident Surgeon Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, GA

Alain Monkam Chief Marketing Officer Investment Analyst Westrock Capital Partners Little Rock, AR

Fofeyin Y. Bonito Chief Operating Officer Inventory Forecast Analyst Rent-A-Center, Inc Plano, TX

Benison Forfeke Chief Legal Officer Indiana University School of Law Indianapolis, IN

Austin Awasung Chief Financial Officer Independent Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Boston, MA

Eyong Nsoesie Technical Advisor Senior Software Engineer HCL Technologies, Inc. Baltimore,MD

Our Events CPS Houston Symposium at Rice University, February 20, 2010 Organised at Rice University in Houston, Texas, under the theme “The Cameroonian Leadership Deficit – How do we Evolve?” this symposium featured prominent Cameroonian educators, businessmen & women, scientists and entrepreneurs. Participants discussed concrete strategies to inculcate leadership traits in the Cameroonian youths of today. The event brought together a cross section of the Cameroonian and African community in Houston. Panelists included Evaristus Enongene PhD, Michael Fonge PhD, Raissa Simo BA, Pauline Kwang PhD, Elias Bongmba PhD and Gabriel Kuiatse MBA. The symposium was moderated by Hermann Ndofor PhD. “The void of leadership in our community is characterized by the lack of followers and the fact that followers just quit when they feel the organization’s leadership does not represent their interest.” Gabriel Kuiatse, MBA


CPS New York Symposium at Columbia University March 13th, 2010. Columbia University was host to the CPS Symposium under the theme “Transforming the Cameroon Economy in the 21st Century.” This unique event featured renowned investment lawyers, World Bank economists and development economists who spent three hours analyzing the economic situation in Cameroon, proposing concrete strategies of jump-starting the economy and moving it towards an emerging market. Filled with suggestions of their own, the Cameroonian and African community in the Greater New York area peppered the panelists with numerous questions. Speakers included Dr. Emmanuel Mbi from the World Bank, Jacqueline Musiitwa, Esq. from Hoja Law firm and Mr. Emmanuel Bong from the Economics Department at Morgan State University. The symposium was moderated by CPS President, Denis A. Foretia, M.D. A follow-up event is being planned.

“A generation that waits to be handed free gifts, one that is passive with respect to the affairs of the land would have served the unfortunate purpose of exacerbating a society's decay.” Denis A. Foretia, M.D.,

CPS DC Symposium at Johns Hopkins University April 10, 2010 The 2010 Washington D.C Symposium was hosted at the Johns Hopkins University. The theme of the event: “Leveraging the Cameroonian Diaspora toward Development – Prospects & Challenges” offered the distinguished panelists an opportunity to appraise the contributions of the Cameroonian diaspora to Cameroon’s economy. It was evident that a concerted and robust partnership between the Cameroon government and its diaspora was critical in leveraging the huge potential that lays in the diaspora. Panelists included Mr. Eugene Nyambal, Dr. Regina Tawah, and Dr. Eric Mabo. The symposium was moderated by veteran journalist Mr. Asonglefac Nkemleke.

“With the engagement of the Cameroon Professional Society (CPS) in discussions as to the role of the diaspora, there is also hope that the government will take these discussions as input into the process of policy making.” Regina Tawah, PhD.


Our Programs The CPS Scholars program This program provides academic scholarship, leadership training and service opportunities to promising young Cameroonians in the United States and beyond. Its mission is to cultivate a new generation of Cameroonians in the mainstream of leadership in business, law, education, medicine, engineering, public service and a wide variety of professions. Once accepted into the program, scholars are each awarded $500 that may be used at any college or university of their choice, and are provided with the mentorship and nurturing that is required to excel in college and beyond. The program seeks to produce outstanding young men and women who will go on to pursue careers in the arts, sciences, public service and professional degrees in business, law, medicine. CPS Scholars are leaders in their communities and represent the best and brightest. To sponsor a CPS Scholar please contact Mr. Austin Awasung at aawasung@cps-usa.org

The CPS Leadership Academy The Leadership Academy was created to provide an educational forum for Cameroonian and African professionals to maximize their leadership potential through high-powered sessions with seasoned experts. This forum features outstanding keynote speakers, conference workshop opportunities, and 8 targeted educational sessions! Of course, there will be many opportunities to network and reconnect with CPS professionals! The BWI Hilton Hotel staff is ready to host us in their beautiful facility. For more information about this program, please contact Mr. Austin Awasung at aawasung@cps-usa.org



The Journal of Cameroon Affairs (JOCA) The Journal of Cameroon Affairs, the official publication of the CPS, provides a platform to publish research papers, committee reports, policy initiatives, guidelines and expert opinions on a wide-range of issues facing the Cameroon diaspora and Cameroon. The CPS commissions and supports research on Cameroon affairs. A better understanding of the issues and possible solutions, done through a non-confrontational way, will move us a step closer to economic and social prosperity. For additional information about JOCA or to submit an article, please send an email to: info@cps-usa.org

The CPS Internship Initiative With this initiative, the CPS will network with Cameroonian-owned businesses, as well as Cameroonians who hold leading positions in organizations to persuade them to recommend or offer internships to needy members. Internship offers are posted on the website to allow members to submit applications. In the event that the CPS cannot secure any internship offers, the organization allows members to be able to post internship requests directly on the website.

Cameroonian Database This database will allow Cameroonians throughout the world to register and advertise various business opportunities available. The database will serve the purpose of approximating the true strength of the Cameroonian diaspora. Through a robust search engine itemization, individuals will be able to quicker query the database for pertinent information such as “number of Cameroonians in Houston who are in the nursing field”. With such a powerful instrument, the Cameroonian diaspora will better quantify the shear magnitude of its contribution to Cameroon’s economic and developmental process.


The 2010 Distinguished Annual Congress “TOWARDS A PROGRESSIVE CAMEROON – BECOMING INVOLVED” The Distinguished Annual Congress of the CPS is a seminal event that brings together Cameroonian professionals from all walks of life and throughout the world to discuss concrete issues facing Cameroonian communities throughout the world and especially issues facing Cameroon. Through its various working sessions, roundtable discussions, debates and symposia, Congress attendees interact closely with other professionals from across the globe in formulating strategies for socio-economic development and progress. The Congress emphasizes leadership development with the goal of empowering and nurturing the next generation of Cameroonian leaders.

Who Should Attend This Congress is open to all Cameroonians resident in the United States and abroad. Other Africans, businesses, venture capitalists and internationals with interest in Cameroon are especially welcome. Cameroonian professionals are urged to not only attend but to actively participate. The following are invited to attend: 1. Cameroonians from all walks of life residing Cameroon and abroad 2. Leaders of professional associations, expertise centers, non-governmental organizations. 3. Deans, directors and researchers from universities and the higher education sector. 4. Corporate training and development personnel 5. Senior staff from government departments and international development agencies 6. Publishers, journalists, human rights activists, legal and healthcare personnel, engineers, business entrepreneurs, philanthropists, artists, writers, educators, IT developers etc. 7. Young Cameroonians and students in the diaspora.

Why You Should Attend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Form lasting relationship with individuals of like-mind and work towards community empowerment. Keep up with all the major issues, latest developments and trends in Cameroon Hear from the experts on practical ways of spearheading a change, however small it may be. Form lasting relationship with individuals of like-mind and work towards community empowerment. Learn specifics about Cameroon’s rich history and cultural heritage vis as vis its interaction in the international scene Become familiar with Cameroon’s bilateral and multilateral relationship and its impact on the society Develop business and professional contacts in various fields.


Tentative Program – 2010 DAC


The 2010 Distinguished Annual Congress Organizing Chairs Kadija Bakary

Fochive Njikam

Chair kbakary@cps-usa.org

Co-Chair fnjikam@cps-usa.org

17 Congress Keynote Speaker: H.E Philemon Yang (Prime Minister, Republic of Cameroon) Sample of Distinguished Speakers: H.E Louis Paul Motaze (Min. Economy, Planning & Regional Dev't)

H.E Amina Salum Ali, (AU Ambassador to the US)

H.E Henri Eyebe Ayissi (Min. of External Relations)

Jem Spectar, JD, MBA, PhD (President, Univ of Pittsburgh @ Johnstown

There is a rich plethora of other speakers on very diverse topics. Check for a more detailed list in our Distinguished Congress Booklet due in June. Also check on an updated list of speakers on the website cps-usa.org.

Sponsorship Opportunities The CPS seeks potential sponsors for the Distinguished Congress. Sponsorship can be in the form of goodwill donations to help the organization. Individuals, groups, corporations, business ventures are encouraged to support the activities of CPS. Sponsorship for various aspects of the Distinguished Congress is currently being sort after. You can sponsor a power breakfast/lunch, a lectureship, the event in general. Endowments are greatly encouraged. Individuals and business are advised to seize the opportunity to advertize in the official brochure of the Distinguished Congress. The rates and specifications for the various ads are outlined below. Use the Sponsorship form to indicate your selection(s)

and make a payment. 1.

Presenting Sponsor: (1 Sponsor) $5000 Full page color greeting/advertisement on back cover of the Annual Congress booklet Exhibition table at the Distinguished Congress Backlit sign panel featuring name and logo* Name featured on all event marketing Name announced at podium during event 2 complimentary tickets for the entire congress Representative may address attendees and present materials Logo and link featured on website Will be added to press releases as sponsor

18 2.

Platinum Sponsor (2 sponsors) $4000 Full page color greeting/advertisement on inside front cover or inside back cover of Annual Congress booklet Exhibition table at the Distinguished Congress Backlit sign panel featuring name and logo* Name featured on all event marketing Name announced at podium during event 2 complimentary tickets for the entire congress Representative may address attendees and present materials Logo and link featured on website Will be added to press releases as sponsor 3. Gold Sponsor $2500 Half-page color greeting/advertisement placed in program booklet Exhibition table at the Distinguished Congress Backlit sign panel featuring name and logo* Name featured on all event marketing Name announced at podium during event One (1) complimentary ticket for the entire congress Representative may address attendees and present materials in select events Logo and link featured on website 4. Silver Sponsor $1250 Quarter page color greeting/advertisement placed in program booklet Exhibition table at the Distinguished Congress Name featured on all event marketing Name announced at podium during select events Logo and link featured on website 5. Bronze Sponsor $1000 Half page Color greeting/advertisement within Program booklet Logo and link featured on website Verbal recognition during select programs at the Annual Congress 6. Friend $500 Name/ Business name and link on website Name printed on all event brochures Verbal Recognition during select programs at the Annual Congress 7. Supporter $250 Name/ Business name printed on all event brochures Name/ Business name placed on website

19 8.

Sponsor a Session $1000 Panel discussions for a given session (e.g. Health Care) will all be held in one auditorium. Sponsor the session for the entire day. Exhibition table at the auditorium Backlit sign panel featuring name and logo* Name announced at podium during event Representative may address attendees and present materials Logo and link featured on website 9. Sponsor a Distinguished Lecture $1000 A Distinguished Lecture will bring in all congress participants in one auditorium. Exhibition table at the auditorium Backlit sign panel featuring name and logo* Name announced at podium during event Representative may address attendees and present materials Logo and link featured on website 10. Full Page Ad: $1000 11. Half Page Ad: $500 12. Quarter Page Ad: $250 13. 1/8 Page Ad: $250 Common Benefits for sponsors (different for categories) 1. Logo inclusion on event marketing materials 2. Right to use event logos 3. Logo inclusion on the website 4. Recognition at event meetings and ceremonies 5. Dedicated area/booth during day program 6. Logo visibility on T-shirts etc 7. Banner placement 8. Right to exclusively sponsor a particular program 9. Speaking opportunities for company representatives *Backlit wall-mounted light boxes are 18�x24� and prominently featured at event

Registration Form Distinguished Annual Congress Cameroon Professional Society July 29 – Aug 1, 2010

“Towards the creation of a progressive Cameroon” Hilton BWI Airport Hotel Baltimore, Maryland

Program and lodging information: www.cps-usa.org Full Name: _______________________________________________ (First name for badge)____________________________ University/Organization: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Mailing Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State/Province: ______________________ Zip/Postal Code: _________________ Country: _____________________________ Telephone: (______)__________________ Fax: (______)____________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________

CONGRESS FEES 1. Registration Fees (All fees listed in U.S. Funds.) Includes reception, 3 lunches, breaks, banquet, and proceedings. POSTMARKED & PAID BEFORE/ON MAY 1 AFTER


CPS Member (Fellow, Associates, International Members) Nonmember Student

$99 $150 $50



$199 $199 $100

If you received a scholarship, check Do not pay a registration fee. Still complete this registration form.


Guest Lunches

Indicate number for each day: ___Fri ___Sat ___ Total number x $10

$99 $99 $50 $ ____________

= $ ____________

Print full name of guest(s): 3.

Guest Banquet (Fri & Sat)

Indicate number of guests: ___

= $ ____________

total number x $25

Print full name of guest(s): 4.

Payment of 2010 CPS Membership Dues: Fellow $250 Associate $150 International Member $150


Count me for lunch: Fri Sat Count me for banquet (Friday) Sat

$ ____________ $ __________

Vegetarian meals required: Self Guest(s) Vegetarian meals required: Self Guest(s)

Please list any ADA Special Needs: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Cancellations/Changes and Refunds: Fees for missed meals, late arrivals, and early departures will not be refunded. Substitutions are allowed at no charge.

PAYMENT METHOD Check or Money Order must be in U.S. funds payable to: Cameroon Professional Society. There will be a $25.00 fee charged on checks returned by the bank due to insufficient funds. Registration confirmation/receipt and further information will be mailed. Email confirmation will be sent for all online registrations. Please check appropriate box: Check

Money Order



Expiration Date: _____________________

Card #: ____________________________________________________ Print Cardholder Name: ________________________________________ Please mail or fax completed registration form with payment to: Phone: + 1 (410) 499 1569 FAX: + 1 (410) 521-4467 Email: congress@cps-usa.org Do not email credit card information because security cannot be guaranteed. Please fax or telephone credit card information.

2010 CPS Distinguished Annual Congress Eyong Nsoesie 8341 Church Lane Ste 2 Baltimore, MD 21244

Sponsor Registration Form Distinguished Annual Congress Cameroon Professional Society July 29 – Aug 1, 2010 “Towards the creation of a progressive Cameroon” Hilton BWI Airport Hotel Baltimore, Maryland

Full Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State/Province: ______________________ Zip/Postal Code: _________________ Country: _____________________________ Telephone: (_____)__________________ Fax: (______)____________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________

Sponsor Levels: 1.

Presenting Sponsor: $5,000

(1 Sponsor only. Call to confirm availability)

= $ ________


Platinum Sponsor: $4,000

(2 Sponsors only. Call to confirm availability)

= $ ________


Gold Sponsor: $2,500

Number of spots requested: ___

total number x $2,500

= $ ________


Silver Sponsor: $1,250

Number of spots requested: ___

total number x $1,250

= $ ________


Bronze Sponsor: $1,000

Number of spots requested: ___

total number x $1,000

= $ ________


Friend: $500

Number of spots requested: ___

total number x $500

= $ ________


Supporter: $250

Number of spots requested: ___

total number x $250

= $ ________

Sponsor a: 8.

Session: $1,000 (e.g. Health Care)

Number of spots requested: ___

total number x $1,000


Distinguished Lecture: $1,000

Number of spots requested: ___

total number x $1,000

= $ ________ = $ ________

Ads Only: 10. Full Page Ad: $1,000

Number of ads: ___

total number x $1,000

= $ ________

11. Half Page Ad: $500

Number of ads: ___

total number x $500

= $ ________

12. Quarter Page Ad: $250

Number of ads: ___

total number x $250

= $ ________

13. 1/8 Page Ad: $125

Number of ads: ___

total number x $125

= $ ________ TOTAL ENCLOSED:

$ __________


CPS CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 8341 Church Lane, Ste 2 Baltimore MD 21244 Tel:+ 1 (410) 499 1569 Fax:+ 1 (410) 521 4467 For specific information, please contact the following departments: • General inquires: info@cps-usa.org • Inquires about programs: programs@cps-usa.org • About the Distinguished Annual Congress: congress@cpsusa.org • To partner with the CPS: partnership@cps-usa.org • To donate to the CPS: donations@cps-usa.org

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