2012 CPS Distinguished Annual Congress

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“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon�


ear Colleagues, It’s hard to believe but summer is already around the corner and preparations for the 2012 Distinguished Annual Congress has already reached an unprecedented intensity. Our summer rendezvous in Washington D.C will provide an incredible opportunity for Cameroonians from all walks of life, but especially those actively seeking to positively impact our motherland, to reflect, debate, criticize but most importantly, propose bold solutions to the mounting challenges facing our country.

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Message President About the Congress Congress Registration Past CPS Events/Symposia Congress Team 10 Reasons Sponsorship Categories Congress Venue Media Accreditation CPS Board and Executive Bureau About The CPS

Designed by Fosso Consulting USA 202 552 9282

2012 Distinguished Annual Congress

CONGRESS 2012 will initiate a new kind of conversation within the Cameroonian community; one that challenges us to think creatively and positively about our shared values and common future, and to embrace the true spirit of Cameroon. It is about moving beyond an emotive public discourse that has dominated our social interactions, focusing rather excessively on the politics of the last few decades and a checkered political history that is defined as much by the pre1966 democratic dispensation as by the outcomes of the 1961 Foumban Agreement. At the CPS, we believe that there is a future for Cameroon beyond the tense political situation that has fragmented the polity and stopped us from thinking about a new tomorrow. And we strongly believe that we will only get to that future if we stepped out consciously and purposefully to pursue our Cameroonian dream. We come from a continent that has seen its share of shattered dreams. While it is possible to celebrate the fact that more Africans wake up today to the growing prospect of a better future, it is true that those prospects are as much a result of the silent guns as they are about growing economies and an expansion of political space. It is important to put this in perspective! Many Africans will be dealing with the trauma of conflict well into the foreseeable future; for the emerging economies, the challenge will be to translate new wealth into better public services and opportunity for all. At the CPS, our goal is to contribute to significantly strengthening the democratic culture in Cameroon. It is a culture of tolerance, of state accountability, and of citizen responsibility. We see this as a sine qua non condition for long-term stability and growth, two important elements that will ultimately determine the kind


“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon”

Congress 2012 - A Remarkable Opportunity of nation that we inherit from the older generation and subsequently bequeath to our children. And it is on this foundation that we will build an inclusive society, where justice reigns and there is an equitable distribution of the wealth of the land. A roadmap to a better future for Cameroon already exists. The government recently adopted a strategy

to have Cameroon become an emerging economy by 2035. That goal is attainable and, for all Cameroonians, should be desirable. We have just over two decades to attain that goal. China did it in about that time; Cape Verde took even less. We must all be asking ourselves what steps we must take to reach that destination. It is indeed fitting that the 2012 Congress will focus on the theme:

“Towards An Emerging Economy- The Road Map for Cameroon”


he Congress will allow leading Cameroonians and non-Cameroonians with unique experiences and expertise to examine our current trajectory. Speakers and panelists will discuss the feasibility of such a goal given the current growth projections, the state of Cameroon’s hard and soft infrastructure, our health and social services and educational system, and the credibility of the legal system. Speakers will also examine two important areas in our growing economy: the banking sectors and the informal sector. Why is it so hard to generate capital for most small businesses and how should the government and private sector address this problem? What is needed to create a revolution in entrepreneurship and how can the agricultural sector be transformed from a focus on subsistence to one that responds to the needs of the market? How can the economy create jobs and address the debilitating problem of unemployment, especially youth unemployment? Just as importantly, how can Cameroonians abroad position themselves to become real players in this historic exercise? These are but a few of the many pressing issues to be tackled. The two-day Congress as you know is not a forum for us to diagnose the problems. I am pretty sure every Cameroonian has a spot-on diagnosis of the problems: - unemployment; poor road infrastructure; rampant corruption; a failing educational system and many more. This is not what the Congress focuses on. The Congress is about SOLUTIONS. What do we need to do to solve the problems that impede progress towards the 2035 objective of transforming Cameroon into a middle-income country? How can we, individually and collectively, make a palpable 3

difference for our country, our brothers and sisters? The Congress also focuses heavily on the “HOW”. How can and should we go about making a difference. This is our challenge. This is the challenge of the Distinguished Annual Congress and this is the focus of 2012. The Congress as you well know is also an opportunity to recognize Cameroonians making an impact around the world. The CPS Distinguished Awards recognizes Cameroonians for excellence in the sciences, the arts, for service to the world, for leadership and finally the Cameroonian of the Year. Past recipients have included Manu Dibango, Celestin Tawamba, Constant Nemale, Dr. Namanga Ngongi and Dr. Ernest Simo. 2012 will continue this great tradition of recognizing the change-makers in our communities. Now is the time to make your reservations. Now is the time to purchase your tickets. Now is the time to put your ideas together and be ready to engage a cross-section of Cameroonians who are passionate about the holistic development of our country and are doing whatever it takes to move forward. The CPS believes strongly that through are collective efforts, sustainable development can be greatly accelerated and we can be proud of the changes that would have resulted from our direct actions. See you in Washington D.C. Kind Regards, Denis A. Foretia, MD.MPH.MBA. President, CPS. 2012 Distinguished Annual Congress

“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon” About The Congress


he Distinguished Annual Congress of the Cameroon Professional Society (CPS) is the seminal event that brings together Cameroonian professionals from all walks of life and throughout the world to discuss concrete issues facing Cameroonian communities throughout the world and especially issues facing Cameroon. Through its various working sessions, round table discussions, debates and symposia, Congress attendees interact closely with other professionals from across the globe in formulating strategies for socio-economic development and progress. The Congress emphasizes leadership development with the goal of empowering and nurturing the next generation of Cameroonian leaders.

Who Should Attend

Why You Should Attend

This Congress is open to all Cameroonians resident in the United States and abroad. Other Africans, businesses, venture capitalists and internationals with interest in Cameroon are especially welcome. Cameroonian professionals are urged to not only attend but to actively participate. The following are invited to attend:

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Cameroonians from all walks of life residing Cameroon and abroad Leaders of professional associations, expertise centers, non-governmental organizations. Deans, directors and researchers from universities and the higher education sector. Corporate training and development personnel Senior staff from government departments and international development agencies Publishers, journalists, human rights activists, legal and healthcare personnel, engineers, business entrepreneurs, philanthropists, artists, writers, educators, IT developers etc. Young Cameroonians and students in the diaspora.

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Network and mingle with other Cameroonian Professionals Keep up with all the major issues, latest developments and trends in Cameroon Hear from the experts on practical ways of spearheading a change, however small it may be. Form lasting relationship with individuals of likemind and work towards community empowerment. Learn specifics about Cameroon’s rich history and cultural heritage vis as vis its interaction in the international scene Become familiar with Cameroon’s bilateral and multilateral relationship and its impact on the society Develop business and professional contacts in various fields. Become involved in community development projects and various leadership opportunities.

Do You Want to Speak at the 2012 Distinguished Annual Congress?

Speaker applications are currently being accepted. The Congress is one of the extensive gatherings of Cameroonian professionals outside the homeland. This event is the most diverse and plays a critical role in bringing together progressive Cameroonians around the world to discuss issues facing Cameroon and propose concrete solutions to ensure job creation and inclusive development. If you are interested in speaking or presenting at 2012 CPS Distinguished Annual Congress, please complete a Speaker Application Form and contact Mr. Fofeyin Bonito at fbonito@cpsociety.org. Once a completed form is received, your request will be reviewed. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

2012 Distinguished Annual Congress


Panels for the 2012 Congress

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Educating the Next GenerationSession 1 (Orientation, Specialization, Infrastructure) Women in Leadership Empowering the Female Economy Cameroon: Culture and Diversity as Drivers of Touristic and Artistic Development The new age of Telecommunications in Cameroon Law and Governance Together in Development Partnership with Cameroonians Abroad Innovations in Healthcare Delivery - Sustaining the Paradigm Shift The Pharmaceutical IndustryChallenges Business Creation, Expansion, and Entrepreneurship Towards a Sustainable Banking Sector Building Sustainable Institutions Informed Journalism and the Role of Civil Society towards Inclusive Development Consensus Governance in Leadership - Role of Parliament, the Supreme Court & the Executive Branch Information & Communication Technology - Expanding Economic Growth Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development China in Cameroon Hard & Soft Infrastructure Trends and New Strategies The Future of the CFA Franc CEMAC - The Prospects of Regional Development

“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon”

Congress Registration Early Bird Registration - Ends April 15th, 2012 All Adults Non-CPS Members: $99 CPS Fellows, Associates: $75 Undergraduate Students: $50 Regular Registration Starts April 16th, 2012 2-Day Congress Pass $149

• Admittance to both days of the general sessions and the Exhibit Hall

Friday-Only Pass $99

Saturday-Only Pass $99

Student Pass $75

• Admittance to the general session and the Exhibit Hall for Saturday, July 27 • This pass can only b e picked up on-site on Friday • Admittance to the general session and the Exhibit Hall for Saturday, July 28 • This pass can only be picked up on-site on Saturday • Admittance to both days of the general sessions and the Exhibit Hall • For K-12 and full time enrolled college students only ; Valid student ID is requiredSaturday Award Banquet Ticket $50.00

• Ticket to Awards Banquet only

CPS Diamond Package $950.00

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Admittance to both days of the general sessions and the Exhibit Hall Express bypass lines to enter the main ballroom and book signings Priority seating in the main ballroom Continental breakfast and lunch will be served in the Lounge Friday and Saturday 4 Tickets to your guests to attend the entire Congress Tickets to the Awards Banquet Listing of your name on congress.cpsociety.org (if registered by July 1, 2012)

CPS Platinum Package $1,950.00

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Admittance to both days of the general sessions and the Exhibit Hall Express bypass lines to enter the main ballroom and book signings Priority seating in the main ballroom Continental breakfast and lunch will be served in the Lounge Friday and Saturday 10 Additional Tickets to your guests to attend the entire Congress Tickets to the Awards Banquet Listing of your name on congress.cpsociety.org (if registered by July 1, 2012)

Additional Benefits to all Registered Participants

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Free Materials for the Congress Free Attendance to all Power Breakfasts and Lunches Free Participation in all discussion sessions and forums of the Congress Free Snacks and Refreshments Attendance of the Award Ceremony and Reception The above fees do not include pre-congress events, accommodation, travel costs or other books/publications available for sale at the congress. Once registered, there will be no fee return for any cancellations. Please be advised. A processing fee shall be assessed with online registrations. To avoid this fee, download the registration form and mail it in together with your check.


2012 Distinguished Annual Congress

“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon”

Past CPS Events/Symposia Past CPS Events/Symposia CPS Houston Symposium at Rice University February 20, 2010 CPS New York Symposium at Columbia University March 13th, 2010 CPS DC Symposium at Johns Hopkins University April 10, 2010 CPS Atlanta Symposium at Emory University October 2011 CPS Dallas Symposium at the University of Texas at Arlington February 19, 2011 CPS Michigan Symposium at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor March 19, 2011 2011 CPS Distinguished Annual Congress Cameroon: Collective Efforts towards Sustainable Development July 29 – 31, 2011 Hilton Washington DC North/ Gaithersburg, MD CPS Distinguished Annual Congress 2010 CPS Distinguished Annual Congress Towards a Progressive Cameroon-Becoming Involved July 30 – August 1, 2010 Hilton BWI, Baltimore, MD

CONGRESS TEAM Congress Chair Anne Fombu Keynotes & Panels Committee Chair Fofeyin Bonito

Fundraising Committee Chair Denis Foretia Committee Members Fofeyin Bonito Thomas Ndomb

Design Eyong Nsoesie Armel Femnou

Panel Managers Azocha Nkobena Thomas Ndomb

CPS Scholars Program Pefok Kangala Asong Lekeaka

Budget Austin Awasung

Entertainment Azocha Nkobena Anne Fombu 2012 Distinguished Annual Congress

Communication Anne Fombu

Logistics Volunteer Coordination


“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon”


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Create interest in your products and services Name recognition to a highly desirable, upscale and educated audience. Associate your business with quality programming Invest in the community through educational, cultural and entertaining programming. Promote your business regionally, statewide or nationally Accessing a wide range of audiences such as decision makers in business, government entities, and of course customer Provides opportunities to gauge customer response to new products/services immediately. Allows business owners or executives to relate directly with their customers, while giving customers the opportunity to try out the products of your company firsthand. Heightened of your product or services visibility due to positive publicity through the media. Low cost sponsorship package especially for small business owners

SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIES Platinum Sponsorship Fee: $15,000 Sponsor Benefits Include Pre-Event Benefits • Attendance at all CPS planning meetings and participation in steering committees that help set the direction and agenda of the Congress • Listing of your organization as a Sponsor in correspondence, advertising and Congress programs. Your organization’s link will also appear on the official CPS website (www.cpsociety.org). • 2-page color ad in the CPS Resource Guide (must be received by June 15, 2012) • Featured “Sponsor of the Week” on www.cpsociety.org • 1 e-mail sent to CPS attendee/alumni list before or after the Congress E-mail content must be sent at least 2 weeks before send date. • Insertion of 1 item into each of the attendee’s Congress bags You must provide a volunteer and send completed Bag Stuffing Form to CPS staff by June 15, 2012. Event Benefits • 20 Congress-only tickets (include access to CPS’s General Session and Exhibit Hall) Must be claimed prior the Congress; an individual name must be provided for each pass • Express bypass line and priority seating for general session in the Marriott Balroom • 3-minute video or logo displayed on screens between general session panels and speakers; viewed around the world • 20 tickets to Saturday’s Award Banquet • One exhibition table in the Convention Lobby (limited availability) • On-stage acknowledgement of, and 2-minute promotional pitch by the sponsor’s representative • 20 tickets to Friday’s Presidential Reception • A dedicated announcement to the 4500 members of the CPS listserv • A 10-minute interview during the Congress between sessions. (The Congress will be streamed live and folks all over the world can watch through the CPS website). • The interview allows organizations and businesses to market themselves and their products to the greater audience around the world but especially in Cameroon • Dedicated booth space in the lobby area • Receive a copy of the interview and panel session, which will also be hosted on the CPS website.

Presenting Sponsorship Fee: $10,000 Sponsor Benefits Include: Pre-Event Benefits • Attendance at all CPS planning meetings and participation in steering committees that help set the direction and agenda of the Congress • Listing of your organization as a Cosponsor in correspondence, advertising and Congress programs. Your organization’s link will also appear on the official CPS website (www.cpsociety.org). • One full-page color ad in the CPS Resource Guide (must be received by June 15, 2012) Event Benefits • 14 Congress passes for your booth representatives and staff (include access to the Congress’s General Session and Exhibit Hall). Must be claimed prior to the Congress; An individual name must be provided for each pass • Express bypass line and priority seating for general session in the Marriott Balroom • 14 tickets to Saturday’s Award Banquet • One exhibition table in the Convention Lobby (limited availability) • 14 tickets to Friday’s Presidential Reception


2012 Distinguished Annual Congress

“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon” • • • • •

A dedicated announcement to the 4500 members of the CPS listserv A 10-minute interview during the Congress between sessions. (The Congress will be streamed live and folks all over the world can watch through the CPS website). The interview allows organizations and businesses to market themselves and their products to the greater audience around the world but especially in Cameroon Dedicated booth space in the lobby area Receive a copy of the interview and panel session, which will also be hosted on the CPS website

Gold Sponsorship Fee – $5,000 Gold Sponsor Benefits Include Pre-Event Benefits • Attendance at all CPS planning meetings and participation in steering committees that help set the direction and agenda of the Congress • Listing of your organization as a Cosponsor in correspondence, advertising and Congress programs. Your organization’s link will also appear on the official CPS website (www.cpsociety.org). • One full-page color ad in the CPS Resource Guide (must be received by June 15, 2012) Event Benefits • 10 Congress passes for your booth representatives and staff (include access to the Congress’s General Session and Exhibit Hall) Must be claimed prior to the Congress; An individual name must be provided for each pass • Express bypass line and priority seating for general session in the Marriott Ballroom • 10 tickets to Saturday’s Award Banquet • One exhibition table in the Convention Lobby (limited availability) • 10 tickets to Friday’s Presidential Reception

Silver Sponsorship Fee $2,500 Silver Sponsor Benefits Include Pre-Event Benefits • Listing of your organization as a Cosponsor in correspondence, advertising and Congress programs. Your organization’s link will also appear on the official CPS website (www.cpsociety.org). • One full-page color ad in the CPS Resource Guide (must be received by June 15, 2012) Event Benefits • 5 Congress passes for your booth representatives and staff (include access to the Congress’s General Session and Exhibit Hall) Must be claimed prior to the Congress; An individual name must be provided for each pass • Express bypass line and priority seating for general session in the Marriott Ballroom • 5 tickets to Saturday’s Award Banquet • One exhibition table in the Convention Lobby (limited availability) • 5 tickets to Friday’s Presidential Reception

Exhibitor Fee: $500 Exhibitor Benefits Include • One booth in the Exhibit Hall (includes 6′ long table, two chairs and wastebasket) • 2 Congress passes for your booth representatives and staff (include access to CPS’s General Session and Exhibit Hall) Must be claimed prior to the Congress; an individual name must be provided for each pass • 2 tickets to Saturday’s Distinguished Awards Banquet • Continental breakfast and lunch provided to your staff and representatives • A link to your organization’s website on the official Congress website (congress.cpsociety.org) • Listing of your organization as an Exhibitor in CPS Resource Guide (if registration is received by June 1, 2012)

Bronze Sponsorship Fee – $1,000 Bronze Sponsor Benefits Include: Pre-Event Benefits • Listing of your organization as a Cosponsor in correspondence, advertising and Congress programs. Your organization’s link will also appear on the official CPS website (www.cpsociety.org). • Quarter-page color ad in the CPS Resource Guide (must be received by June 15, 2012) • Inclusion of sponsor’s logo on all press releases Event Benefits • 2 Congress passes for your booth representatives and staff (include access to the Congress’s General Session and Exhibit Hall) Must be claimed prior to the Congress; An individual name must be provided for each pass • Express bypass line and priority seating for general session in the Marriott Ballroom • 2 tickets to Saturday’s Award Banquet • One exhibition table in the Convention Lobby (limited availability) • 2 tickets to Friday’s Presidential Reception • Announcement of sponsor onstage 2012 Distinguished Annual Congress


“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon” Exhibitor Fee: $500 Exhibitor Benefits Include: • One booth in the Exhibit Hall (includes 6′ long table, two chairs and wastebasket) • 2 Congress passes for your booth representatives and staff (include access to CPS’s General Session and Exhibit Hall) Must be claimed prior to the Congress; an individual name must be provided for each pass • 2 tickets to Saturday’s Distinguished Awards Banquet • Continental breakfast and lunch provided to your staff and representatives • A link to your organization’s website on the official Congress website (congress.cpsociety.org) • Listing of your organization as an Exhibitor in CPS Resource Guide (if registration is received by June 1, 2012)

Optional Exhibitor Upgrade Fee: $500 Upgrade Benefits Include: • Priority tabling area in Exhibit Hall near the front • Discounted ticket rate for Awards Banquet • 1 additional Congress pass Respective Ad prices are as follows: • Full Page Ad – $1,000 • Half (1/2) Page Ad – $500 • Quarter (1/4) Page Ad – $250 • 1/8 Page Ad – $200 To learn about additional sponsorship opportunities for the 2012 CPS Distinguished Annual Congress, including Reception, Lounge and Table sponsorship opportunities and availability, contact Anne Fombu at afombu@cpsociety.org.

Early Bird Registration - Ends April 15th, 2012 All Adults Non-CPS Members: $125 CPS Fellows, Associates: $125 Undergraduate Students: $99 Regular Registration Starts April 16th, 2012 • 2-Day Congress Pass (CPS Members) $149 Admittance to both days of the general sessions and the Exhibit Hall • 2-Day Congress Pass (Non-CPS Members) $199 Admittance to both days of the general sessions and the Exhibit Hall Friday-Only Pass $99 • Admittance to the general session and the Exhibit Hall for Saturday, July 27 • This pass can only be picked up on-site on Friday Saturday-Only Pass $99 • Admittance to the general session and the Exhibit Hall for Saturday, July 28 • This pass can onlyS be picked up on-site on Saturday Student Pass $125 • Admittance to both days of the general sessions and the Exhibit Hall • For K-12 and full time enrolled college students only ; Valid student ID is required Saturday Award Banquet • Ticket $50.00 Ticket to Awards Banquet only

Congress Venue BWI Airport Marriott 1743 West Nursery Road, Linthicum, Maryland 21090 The Marriott has partnered with the CPS to offer special room discounts towards the 2012 Congress. A block of rooms have been reserved at the special rate of $95/night but you must call early to make your reservation. Do mention CPS Congress when you call the reservation line at +1 (410) 859 8300 begin_of_ the_skype_highlighting +1 (410) 859 8300 end_of_the_skype_ highlighting. The BWI Airport Marriott Hotel is conveniently located adjacent


to the Baltimore Washington Airport. This hotel in Linthicum, MD is also located in the BWI business district near downtown Baltimore, Maryland, as well as Washington, DC. The Marriott BWI Airport hotel near Linthicum, MD offers 24 hour complimentary shuttles to BWI Airport and the Baltimore Light Rail. Parking The Marriott offers free overnight parking to all guests with more than 450 parking spots in total. Attendees of the Distinguished Annual Congress are responsible for making their own hotel and travel reservations. 2012 Distinguished Annual Congress

“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon”

M e d i a A c c r e d i tat i o n A. CREDENTIALS The 2012 CPS Distinguished Annual Congress is open to the press and the CPS welcomes members of the media to cover the Congress’s various speeches and panels. The deadline for online media registration is close of business on Thursday, July 19, 2012. Onsite media registration may be available, based on availability, but advance registration is encouraged. Confirmations will be made via e-mail. Previous accreditation to CPS events does not guarantee the issuance of media credentials for the 2012 Congress. If you have questions regarding media registration and the credentialing process, please contact Anne Fombu at afombu@cpsociety.org The CPS alone reserves the right to credential members of the media. Valid photo identification should be produced upon request, including a current year news media credential issued by law enforcement or governmental agency or a state driver’s license or Passport. Bloggers should be prepared to supply their site’s URL and a bylined article from within the last six months. Freelance writers should submit a letter of assignment

or letter of intent from the media outlet being represented. Letters can be e-mailed from the assignment editor to afombu@cpsociety.org. The right to live stream the 2012 Congress online is reserved solely for the CPS. This applies only to real time online streaming and does not preclude news organizations from uploading video content to websites or archiving footage. The CPS, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to withhold press credentials from members of the news media; limit the number of credentials assigned to any news organization; and also reserves the right to revoke credentials from members of the news media before or during the event for any reason. Acceptance of press credentials constitutes agreement by the bearer and his/her organization to abide by any terms set forth by the CPS.

C. VISA INFORMATION International participants and guests should be aware that the process of obtaining a visa to attend meetings in the United States usually takes much longer than it did in the past. You are strongly advised to apply for a visa as early as possible, preferably at least two (2) months before the start of the congress. You may request a letter from the CPS welcoming you to the congress if you think this will be helpful, by contacting the Mr. Fofeyin Bonito via email at fbonito@cpsociety.org. Such a letter will only be issued to individuals with papers to present, to participate in panel discussions or to press organs. D. NAME BADGES Please pick-up your credentials onsite during the Congress.

B. VENDORS The CPS will make available booths for various vendors and companies market different products to Congress participants. Please send inquiries to fbonito@cpsociety.org

Regardez-nous autrement

2012 Distinguished Annual Congress


“Towards An Emerging Economy - The Road Map For Cameroon�

Cameroon Professional Society General Inquiries 8341 Church Lane, Ste 2, Baltimore, MD 21244

info@cpsociety.org www.cpsociety.org www.congress.cpsociety.org USA +1-870-210-1317

Media Inquiries

Ms. Anne Fombu Chief Marketing Officer afombu@cpsociety.org

Sponsorship Inquiries

Mr. Fofeyin Bonito Chief Operating Officer fbonito@cpsociety.org

Fosso Consulting

Communications Marketing Graphic Design Lobbying Business Connections and Publics Relations

US-Africa: Connecting Business Principal Jean Paul Fosso Location Washington, DC E-mail: jeanpaul@fossoconsulting.com / jpfosso@gmail.com Phone 202-552-9282 Cameroun11 : Hercule Business 237 70 72 87 201280 Distinguished Annual Congress

About the Cameroon Professional Society-CPS


he Cameroon Professional Society (CPS) seeks to fundamentally transform our communities by leveraging the expertise, leadership and extensive networks of Cameroonian and African professionals both in the United States and abroad. With a focus on nurturing a robust network of patriotic leaders and entrepreneurs, the CPS believes in the strength of our collective union, to critically analyze our problems and propose concrete solutions to foster our. Without regard to political ideology, linguistic preference or ethnic origins, the CPS projects a united front to empower us to seek novel ways of transforming our communities and our country. Through various symposia, seminars, Leadership initiatives, philanthropic projects and business forums, the CPS directly engages the citizenry to spur development. The CPS is a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Maryland with headquarters in Baltimore. We are supported by individuals and organizations/corporations that seek to impact meaningful change in our Cameroonian communities, Cameroon in particular and Africa in general.

Our Core Principles

CPS Vision Our goal is to nurture a robust network of Cameroonian professionals from all segments of the society to share ideas, elevate and empower each other as well as nurture a new generation of effective leaders.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Power of every Cameroonian Cameroonian Unity Human Rights for All Respect of the Law Universal Freedoms Progressive Policies Transparency Equality - Non-discrimination

We will leverage Cameroonian professionals and highlight the social changes in our communities, the deteriorating state of Cameroons’ economic, social and infrastructural status and aggressively seek the implementation of progressive policies to effect positive change.


Cameroon Professional Society Inc. (CPS), a not-for-profit professional association based in Maryland, founded in 2009 by young Cameroonian professionals with a mission and vision to fundamentally transform our communities by leveraging the expertise, leadership and extensive networks of Cameroonian professionals both in the United States and abroad. Our mission is to nurture a robust network of Cameroonian professionals from diverse industries to share ideas, elevate and empower each other as well as nurture a new generation of effective leaders.

Please send all inquires about making donations at your local Bank of America to the CFO at aawasung@cpsociety.org

Welcome to Cameroon : Toute l ‘Afrique en seul pays

2012 Distinguished Annual Congress

CPS Mission


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