2011 CPS Distinguished Annual Congress

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Congress details

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress


Is a proud sponsor of the Cameroon Professional Society 2011 Distinguished Annual Congress In 2010, Cameroon imported nearly 38,000 tons of palm oil, and the Central and West African regions imported over 1.7 million tons. Although Malaysia and Indonesia produce nearly 90% of the world’s palm oil, there is potential for Cameroon to produce its own, as well as to export, resulting in jobs and development. In Malaysia, the number of people employed in the sector grew from 92,352 in 1980 to about 570,000 in 2009, and an estimated 290,000 are employed in downstream operations. Cameroon has that same potential. The World Bank predicts that with a population increase of 11.6 percent and a 5 percent increase in per capita consumption, an additional 28 million tons of vegetable oils will have to be produced annually by 2020. Cameroon has an opportunity to help supply this oil, as it is one of the few geographies globally that can support the growth of oil palm. Together with your help, Herakles Farms strives to make these opportunities a reality, fostering prosperity and sustainable development for the Republic of Cameroon and its people.

Herakles Capital 245 Park Avenue, 38th Floor New York, NY 10167 www.heraklescapital.com info@heraklescapital.com

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

Welcome from the President

OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Dear Colleague, It is indeed a wonderful privilege to welcome you to the 2011 Distinguished Annual Congress of the Cameroon Professional Society (CPS). A lot has happened since last year’s Congress in Baltimore. We are very excited with the breath of experiences and representation that will be on display during this Congress. The CPS, as you well know, is made up of professionals around the world who are interested in building a strong Cameroonian community and who are focused on improving the current socio-economic conditions in Cameroon. Through collective action, the CPS harnesses our expertise and talents to forge a united agenda for the Cameroonian diaspora and for Cameroon. The Cameroonian diaspora is diverse and continues to grow exponentially. Our linguistic, ethnic and geographical diversity, indeed, makes it unquestionable that Cameroon is Africa-in-miniature. Through our many programs and projects, the CPS promotes the very best of what we have to offer and advocates for the formulation of policies that recognize the increasing role being played by the Cameroonian diaspora in particular. To achieve these goals, we need you to become more involved. As an Associate member or Fellow of the CPS, you will play leading roles in strategizing and implementing many initiatives around the country. Our symposia offer the unique opportunity to share ideas on the many issues facing Cameroonians and Africans in general. The Distinguished Annual Congress offers an incredible platform for you all: experts, researchers, economists, policy makers and the rest of the Cameroonian community to directly confront our immediate, short term and long term developmental challenges and formulate strategies to overcome them. As you spend time during this Congress, we hope you make new connections, meet old friends but above all, we hope you decide to join the CPS bandwagon in seeking progressive solutions to our many challenges. We count on your continued support and participation. Please join us as we forge a new alliance geared towards “nurturing tomorrow’s leaders today.” Sincerely, Denis A. Foretia, MD., President, CPS.

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

Table of Contents 2 - About Herakles Farms 3 - Table of Contents 4 - Welcome from the President 5 - About the CPS – Board Members 6 - Executive Bureau Members & Volunteers 7 - Congress Overview 8 - Keynote Speakers 9 - CPS Scholars Program and Recipients 10 - CPS Award Nominees 11 - CPS Award for Service 12 - Speakers and Panelists 13 - Speakers and Panelists 14 - Friday Program 15 - Saturday Program 16 - Awards Banquet Program 17 - The CPS Volunteer Corps 18 - Programs and Past Events 19 - Programs and Past Events 20 - JOCA – Journal of Cameroon Affairs 21 - Recognizing our Donors - Recognizing Symposium Sponsors 22 - Congress Sponsors 23 - Advertisement 24 - Welcome to Cameroon


2011 Distinguished Annual Congres

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

About the CPS – Board members, Executive Bureau members & Volunteers


he Cameroon Professional Society (CPS) seeks to fundamentally transform our communities by leveraging the expertise, leadership and extensive networks of Cameroonian and African professionals both in the United States and abroad. With a focus on nurturing a robust network of patriotic leaders and entrepreneurs, the CPS believes in the strength of our collective union, to critically analyze our problems and propose concrete solutions to foster our development. Without regard to political ideology, linguistic preference or ethnic origins, the CPS projects a united front to empower us to seek novel ways of transforming our communities and our country. Through various symposia, seminars, Leadership initiatives, philanthropic projects and business forums, the CPS directly engages the citizenry to spur development. We hope you will become involved.

Board of Trustees Joyce Ashuntantang, PhD

Gabriel Kuiatse, MBA Chair

Professor, University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Global Account Mgr. Schlumberger Houston, TX

Gwendolyn Shang, MD

Augustin Ayuk, PhD

Clinical Scientist, Johnson & Johnson Dallas, TX

Assistant Professor, Clayton State University Morrow, GA Michael Fondungallah, ESQ Founding Member, Fondungallah & Kigham, LLC St. Paul, MN

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress


C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

About the CPS – Board members, Executive Bureau members & Volunteers Executive Bureau Denis A. Foretia, MD President Resident Surgeon Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, GA

Fofeyin Y. Bonito Chief Operating Officer Inventory Forecast Analyst Rent-A-Center, Inc Plano, TX

Benison Forfeke, Esq

Lenora Ebule Chief Human Resource Officer Financial Operations and Controls Manager Late Rooms Limited

Eyong Nsoesie Technical Advisor Senior Software Engineer HCL Technologies, Inc. Baltimore, MD

Sheilla Ntambo Director of Fundraising Auditor, Odell Hicks & Co. LLC Chicago, Illinois

Dillon Pefok Co-Director, Scholars Program Maryland

Indianapolis, IN

Thomas Ndomb Congress Co-Chair Vice President Career Relations Telco 214.

Anne A Fombu, RN, Chief Marketing Officer Congress Chair Prof. MBA, MHA candidate, Austin Awasung Chief Financial Officer Independent Auditor Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP Boston, MA Kevin Ousman Congress Organizer Cardiac Surgery ICU, RN University of Maryland Baltimore, MD

Sandra Kemayou, Congress Organizer CEO, A.S Party Rental MD, USA

Asong lekeaka Co-Director, Scholars Program Georgia

Quinta NwanosikeWarren Director, JOCA ConocoPhillips, Atlanta, GA

Joelle Tchoua Co-Director, JOCA Big Brothers Big Sisters, Atlanta, GA


2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t



he Distinguished Annual Congress of the CPS is a seminal event that brings together Cameroonian professionals from all walks of life and throughout the world to discuss concrete issues facing Cameroonian communities throughout the world and especially issues facing Cameroon. Through its various working sessions, roundtable discussions, debates and symposia, Congress attendees interact closely with other professionals from across the globe in formulating strategies for socio-economic development and progress. The Congress emphasizes leadership development with the goal of empowering and nurturing the next generation of Cameroonian leaders.

Who Should Attend

Why You Should Attend

This Congress is open to all Cameroonians resident in the United States and abroad. Other Africans, businesses, venture capitalists and internationals with interest in Cameroon are especially welcome. Cameroonian professionals are urged to not only attend but to actively participate. The following are invited to attend:

a. Network and mingle with other Cameroonian Professionals b. Keep up with all the major issues, latest developments and trends in Cameroon c. Hear from the experts on practical ways of spearheading a change, however small it may be. d. Form lasting relationship with individuals of like-mind and work towards community empowerment. e. Learn specifics about Cameroon’s rich history and cultural heritage vis as vis its interaction in the international scene f. Become familiar with Cameroon’s bilateral and multilateral relationship and its impact on the society g. Develop business and professional contacts in various fields. h. Become involved in community development projects and various leadership opportunities.

a. b.

c. d. e.



Cameroonians from all walks of life residing in Cameroon and abroad Leaders of professional associations, expertise centers, non-governmental organizations. Deans, directors and researchers from universities and the higher education sector. Corporate training and development personnel Senior staff from government departments and international development agencies Publishers, journalists, human rights activists, legal and healthcare personnel, engineers, business entrepreneurs, philanthropists, artists, writers, educators, IT developers etc. Young Cameroonians and students in the Diaspora

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress


C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

Keynote Speakers Christopher Che President/CEO, Hooven-Dayton Corporation


hristopher Che is the president/CEO of the Che International Group, LLC (CIG), a multi-national holding company that he founded in 2005 with the objective of creating subsidiary companies in diverse industries through strategic acquisitions, joint ventures, and strategic alliances. Under his visionary leadership, in 2007 the Che International Group successfully acquired HoovenDayton Corporation (HDC) as its first wholly owned subsidiary, which he is also leading as President/CEO. Under his leadership, both CIG and HDC are experiencing exponential increase in revenues through acquisitions and organic growth. As President/CEO, his responsibilities include setting strategy and vision, building cohesive executive teams that will lead the company to the next level, creating a conducive culture of sustainable growth and properly allocating capital resources. primary focus of her work has been in organizational change, design and strategy development. She has extensive experience with leadership teams in new and mature organizational settings and specializes in assisting leaders who must adapt their organizations in rapidly changing environments in order to address new market demands, changing population needs and the integration of new technologies.

Ann-Michele Gundlach , EdD, MS


nn-Michele Gundlach is currently the Associate Director of the MHA Program in the Department of Health Policy and Management and Co-Director of the MPH Health Leadership and Management Concentration in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Gundlach has more than more than 25 years of experience consulting to public and private health care organizations as well as related businesses. The Gerald B. Tanyi, PhD., Chief Counsel – IFC


r. Gerald B. Tanyi is Chief Counsel and Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Head at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group. He holds a doctorate degree from Yale University; a graduate degree from the University of Yaounde as well as a graduate diploma in Banking and Capital Markets from the Centre d’Études Juridiques Européens (University of Geneva, Switzerland). He is also admitted to the New York Bar. Prior to joining the World Bank Group, Dr. Tanyi worked at a number of prestigious institutions including, BEAC (the head quarters of the Central Bank of Central African States in Yaounde, Cameroon); Lombard & Odier, the oldest Swiss private bank in Geneva; and Sullivan & Cromwell (in New York and Paris), the prestigious Wall Street law firm. He is a regular speaker at major international workshops in the area of international finance. 8

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

CPS Scholars Program Mission The mission of the CPS Scholars Program is to nurture a new generation of Cameroonian leaders in business, law, education, healthcare, engineering, public service, among a wide variety of professions. Participating students also learn to be leaders within Cameroonian communities. About the program Each year the CPS offers up to five scholarships to students who are enrolled in their final year of high school. These awards are determined on a competitive basis and require the submission of a personal statement and an essay written by the applicant. All eligible students are encouraged to participate in this process. The CPS Scholars Program is funded through private and public donations and operated by the Cameroon Professional Society, Inc. as a public charity. This program was established to provide academic scholarship, leadership training and service opportunities to promising young Cameroonians. On acceptance into the program, each scholar is awarded $500 to be use for academic expenses at any college or university of their choice. Scholars are also provided with the mentorship and nurturing that is required to excel in college and beyond. The program seeks to produce outstanding young men and women who will pursue careers in the arts, sciences, public service or professional degrees in business, law and medicine, among others. The recipients of the 2011 CPS Scholars Program are:

Karianna Njieha Franklin High School Somerset NJ

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

Mandi Nyambi Woodlands High School Hartdale, NY


Chuchi Oka-zeh Episcopal High School Alexandria VA.

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

CPS Awards


very year, the Cameroon Professional Society (CPS) gives out awards to individuals, groups or organizations — regardless of national background or origin — as recognition for their outstanding contributions made with significant impacts on humanity in general and in the lives of Cameroonians in particular. The various award categories are: CPS Award for Excellence in the Arts Given the rich and vast diversity of the peoples of Cameroon, any work of arts that transcends cultures and whatsoever barriers does not deserve to go unnoticed; this is exactly why this award was established to recognize such talents. The award covers such fields as among others, performing arts, visual arts, literature, film, architecture, painting and music. The nominees for the CPS Award for Excellence in the Arts are:

Achille Mbembe

Karine Plantadit Winner

Richard Bona

CPS Award for Excellence in the Sciences This was established to recognize outstanding Cameroonian scientists who have contributed significantly in their fields of specialty. The award recognizes individuals and organizations that have excelled in the natural and social sciences. That is, in domains such as medicine, engineering, mathematics, economics and much more The nominees for the CPS Award for Excellence in the Sciences are:

gasong John Nken er n in W

Mathias Fobi


Fombe N


2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

CPS Distinguished Award for Service CPS Distinguished Award for Service Going beyond the call of duty in service to one’s community or country is remarkable. This prestigious award is to acknowledge individuals of widely recognized eminence in and who have made tremendous contributions to advancing community growth and development. Recipients receive the distinction of Honorary Members and are exempted from all CPS dues. The nominees for the CPS Distinguished Award for Service are:

Beatrice Wamey

Lapiro de Mbanga

CPS Distinguished Award for Leadership

Melissa Nambangi Winner

This was established to recognize extraordinary leadership within the Cameroonian community, nationally and internationally. This award is based on outstanding contribution in leadership development, community empowerment and progress. Recipients receive the distinction of Honorary Members and are exempted from CPS dues in perpetuity. The nominees for the CPS Distinguished Award for Leadership are:

Christopher Che Winner

Colin Mukete

Yves Bolonga

“Cameroonian of the Year” Award The “Cameroonian of the Year” will be awarded annually, usually during the Distinguished Annual Congress of the Cameroon Professionals Society. This award, the highest and most prestigious, is presented to an individual: male, female, group, or idea who have had a significant impact on the lives of Cameroonians in particular and humanity in general. He/she should represent a positive example for other Cameroonians to emulate. He/she is judged by the CPS to have gone far and beyond in making a difference in Cameroonian affairs and to humanity in general. The nominees for the “Cameroonian of the Year” Award are:

Paul Fokam

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

Constant Nemale Winner


Tsimi Evouna

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

Speakers and Panelists

Nicoline Ambe Ndiforchu

Felix Njeh

Annick Koloko

Yvonne TiandemAdamou

Jacqueline Djomo

Felix M. Tang

Esther Ayuk

Karen Steanson

Evaristus Enongene

Kenneth Solow

Andrea Gough

Amy Jensen

Kathleen Newland

Dominic Ntube

Thomas Ndomb


2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

Speakers and Panelists

Bill Zimmerman

Leslie Tita

Elizabeth Elad

John Nkengason

Eric Chinje

George Bamu

Azocha Nkobena

Daniel Anagho

Benjamin Todd

Delilah Rothenburg

Kevin Njabo

Valentine Nzengung

Eyembe Elango

Marie-Flore Wokwe

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress


C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

PROGRAM Dress Code: Business Formal; All Events will take place at the Hilton Washington D.C North 8:15am - 9:00am Education in Cameroon Specialization in Education Nicoline Ambe Ndiforchu, Author & Professor of Law New Age of telecommunications Felix Njeh, Informations Systems Engineer Moderator: Kevin Ousman - CPS 9:10am - 10:00am Legal Challenges in Cameroon The Business Environment and Legal Challenges Annick Kokolo, Attorney – New York Human Rights & Gender Issues Yvonne Tiandem, Legal Scholar Moderator: Njoya Tikum – 10:10am - 10:45am

Consumer Energy in Cameroon Jacqueline Djomo, Moderator – Benison Forfeke, General Counsel – CPS

10:50am - 11:45 am

Real Estate Secrets Felix M. Tang, Esther Ayuk, Owner – BESS Realty Moderator – Benison Forfeke, General Counsel – CPS

12pm - 1pm Distinguished Lecture on Leadership Mr. Christopher Che, President/CEO - Hooven Dayton Corp Moderator – Denis A. Foretia, President – CPS 1:15pm - 2:30pm Nuts and Bolts: Investing in the United States Karen Steanson, Investment Advisor, IAI Kenneth Solow, Chief Investment Officer- Pinnacle Advisor Group,Inc Evaristus Enongene, General Counselor – Etabang Enterprises Inc Moderator: Fofeyin Bonito, COO – CPS 2:35pm - 3:00pm UN Foundation/Nothing But Nets Campaign Andrea Gough, Manager, Nothing But Nets Campaign – UN Foundation Amy Jensen, Senior Associate – UN Foundation Moderator: Fofeyin Bonito, COO – CPS 3:10pm - 4:30pm

Cameroon Diaspora Engagement Kathleen Newland, Co-Founder & Director – Migration Policy Institute Dominic Ntube, Vice President – International Consulting Group Thomas Ndomb, Vice President – Telco 214 Moderator – Denis A. Foretia, President – CPS

4:45pm - 6:00 pm

«A Leader’s Legacy: What Can We Learn?» 14

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t


Dr. Ann-Michelle Gundlach, Professor – Johns Hopkins University Moderator – Denis A. Foretia, President – CPS

6:00pm – 8:00pm: Networking and Cocktail Saturday July 30, 2011 8am - 8:50am Business Creation,Expansion, Entrepreneurship Bill Zimmermann, Co-Founder - ActivSpaces Leslie Tita, Co-Founder - Pulse Moderator: Thomas Ndomb, Vice President – Telco 214 9am - 9:50am Healthcare Panel The Myths of Mental Health Dr. Elizabeth Elad, Clinical Consultant - Atlanta State of Infectious Diseases in Cameroon Dr. John Nkengasong, Virologist – CDC Moderator: Kevin Ousman – CPS 10am - 10:50am Media and Development in Cameroon George Bamu, Founder – Africa Agenda Eric Chinje, Head of the Global Media Program – World Bank Moderator: Diane Diaga, Writer 11:00am - 12:10pm New Approaches to Personal & Community Growth Azocha Nkobena, Senior Executive - Accenture Dr. Joyce Ashuntantang, Assistant Professor Moderator : Thomas Ndomb, Vice President – Telco 214 12:30pm - 1:30pm Distinguished Lecture Dr. Gerald B. Tanyi, Chief Counsel – International Finance Corporation Moderator – Denis A. Foretia, President – CPS 2:30pm - 3:20pm Financing Business Ventures in Africa Benjamin Todd, Business Development Officer – EXIM Bank Daniel Anagho, President & Founder – African Investment Corporation Moderator: Marie-Flore Wekoue, Structured Finance Associate- JCY Capital 3:30pm - 4:45pm

Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Cameroon Delilah Rothenburg, Project Manager – Herakles Farms Valentine Nzengung, Professor – University of Georgia Kevin Njabo, Associate Director – UCLA Center for Tropical Research Moderator: Njoya Tikum, Special Assistant – Practice Director, UNDP

5:00pm- 6:00pm

Cameroon:Wealth Creat from the Ground up-Roadmap for creating value for dev't Eyembe Elango, Industrial Engineer & Consultant Marie-Flore Wekoue, Structured Finance Associate- JCY Capital Moderator: Gabriel Kuiatse, Chairman –CPS

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress


C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

Awards Banquet Program 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM:

Arrival and Ball room seating

9:00 AM - 9:30 PM:

Call to Order: Invocation National Anthem (USA & Cameroon)

9:30 PM - 10:30 PM: Dinner Served 10: 45 PM - 11:00 PM: Welcome Message from CPS President CPS Board Members/Executives/Organizers/ Volunteers R 11:00 PM - 11:30 PM: Fashion Show 11: 35 PM - 12:00 AM: CPS Scholars Program Presentation 12: 00AM – 12:30 AM: CPS Volunteers Corps 12: 30 AM - 1:00 AM:

Awards Presentation: 2011 Distinguished Award for Service 2011 Distinguished Award for Excellence in the Arts 2011 Distinguished Award for Excellence the Sciences 2011 Distinguished Award for Leadership 2011 “Cameroonian of the Year”

1:00 AM – 2:00 AM:

Dance and Relaxation


2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

The CPS Volunteer Corps


he CPS Volunteer Corps was initiated to provide Cameroonian and non-Cameroonian experts, professionals and philanthropists the opportunity to give back to Cameroon with emphasis on service. With the Volunteer Corps, individuals with variable skill sets will have the opportunity to visit and provide volunteer services at hospitals, medical clinics, the private sector, primary and secondary schools as well as universities in Cameroon. Individuals with expertise in business and management will partner with young ventures in Cameroon. The CPS will also establish volunteers services in communities where the CPS members reside and work. Such services may include but are not limited to Health fare, Blood drive participation, Soup kitchen volunteers and assistance during declared emergencies /disasters. The CPS will coordinate various volunteer trips to Cameroon as well as other areas in need. For example the CPS made its presence in the disaster stricken nation of Haiti in April of 2011 with Kevin Ousman who spent 8 days working in one of the relief Hospitals in Port au Prince. The CPS, through its volunteer corp hopes to encourage young Cameroonians on the value of service and giving back. If interested in donating or participating in this great program, please contact Mr. Kevin Ousman at kousman@cpsociety.org

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress


C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

Programs and Past Events CPS Michigan Symposium at the and Valentine Nzengung. The symposium was moderated by Edwin Atem and Bernadette Kilo University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, March 19, 2011 CPS DC Symposium at Johns Hopkins University, April 10, 2010 A partnership with the African Students Association at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor yielded a symposium with primary focus on self-building. The symposium was appropriately themed “Investing in Yourself and Your Career, and Taking advantage of Career Ventures in Africa”. The eloquent panelists presented relevant information on tools to develop oneself as well as information on exploring careers in Africa. The panelists were Dr. Godwin Chungag, Dr Nkem-Amin Khumbah, Terence Willis, and Yusupha F. Kamara.

CPS Dallas Symposium at the University of Texas at Arlington February 19,2011

The 2010 Washington D.C Symposium was hosted at the Johns Hopkins University. The theme of the event: “Leveraging the Cameroonian Diaspora toward Development – Prospects & Challenges” offered the distinguished panelists an opportunity to appraise the contributions of the Cameroonian diaspora to Cameroon’s economy. It was evident that a concerted and robust partnership between the Cameroon government and its diaspora was critical in leveraging the huge potential that lays in the diaspora. Panelists included Mr. Eugene Nyambal, Dr. Regina Tawah, and Dr. Eric Mabo. The symposium was moderated by veteran journalist Mr. Asonglefac Nkemleke.

CPS New York Symposium at Columbia University, March 13th, 2010.

After a successful symposium in Houston, the CPS visited Texas again, this time at the University of Texas at Arlington. The theme for this symposium was “Investment Opportunities in the United States and in Cameroon.” Here, the enthralling panelists focused on how we can use our personal potentials as well as opportunities available to us within the system to serve as vehicles for investment. The panelists for this symposium were Geoffrey Mbaku, Jennifer Tangyie, Fon Tenya, and Abigail Wynne.

Columbia University was host to the CPS Symposium under the theme “Transforming the Cameroon Economy in the 21st Century.” This unique event featured renowned investment lawyers, World Bank economists and development economists who spent three hours analyzing the economic situation in Cameroon, proposing concrete strategies of jump-starting the economy and moving it towards an emerging market. Filled with suggestions of their own, the Cameroonian and African community in the Greater New York area peppered the panelists with numerous questions. Speakers included Dr. Emmanuel Mbi from the World Bank, Jacqueline Musiitwa, Esq. from Hoja Law firm and Mr. Emmanuel Bong from the Economics Department at Morgan State University. The symposium was moderated by

CPS Atlanta Symposium at Emory University, October 30, 2010 Emory University was the site of the 2010 Atlanta Symposium with theme “Leveraging Opportunities in the United States and in Cameroon”. The panelists of this event were John Forseh, Agatha Achindu, Francis Pouatcha, 18

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

Programs and Past Events CPS President, Denis A. Foretia, M.D. A followup event is being planned

and in Cameroon’. The highly acclaimed panelists engaged the audience in their discussions, and presented practical ways of taking advantage of the opportunities available to Cameroonians, both in the United states and in Cameroon. The panelist for this symposium were: John Forseh, Agatha Achindu, Valentine Nzengung and Francis Pouatcha whose company Plooh sponsored the event.

CPS Houston Symposium at Rice University, February 20, 2010 Organised at Rice University in Houston, Texas, under the theme “The Cameroonian Leadership Deficit – How do we Evolve?” this symposium featured prominent Cameroonian educators, businessmen & women, scientists and entrepreneurs. Participants discussed concrete strategies to inculcate leadership traits in the Cameroonian youths of today. The event brought together a cross section of the Cameroonian and African community in Houston. Panelists included Evaristus Enongene PhD, Michael Fonge PhD, Raissa Simo BA, Pauline Kwang PhD, Elias Bongmba PhD and Gabriel Kuiatse MBA. The symposium was moderated by Hermann Ndofor PhD. “The void of leadership in our community is characterized by the lack of followers and the fact that followers just quit when they feel the organization’s leadership does not represent their interest.” Gabriel Kuiatse, MBA

CPS Atlanta Symposium at Emory University Following the highly successful symposium on ‘Leveraging the Cameroonian Diaspora Towards Development in Washington DC, the CPS Team brought the discussion spirit to Atlanta, Georgia on October 30th, 2010. The theme of this event was ‘Leveraging Opportunities in the United States

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress


C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

The CPS Journal of Cameroonian Affairs (JOCA)


he CPS Journal of Cameroon Affairs (JOCA) will be the official publication of CPS and will be published quarterly. It will be used as an avenue to promote a renaissance of scholarly activities and research on Cameroon by Cameroonians and non-Cameroonians. This objective platform seeks to open the doors for candid discussions and policy initiatives on issues facing Cameroonians in the diaspora and in Cameroon.

Submission Guidelines Please visit www.cps-usa.org for up-to-date information on submission guidelines. General Content • Cover page: picture of artwork or significant structure/symbol of Cameroon. A one page write-up of item pictured on cover page • Editorial opinion (includes opinion on news from Cameroon) • Poems • Book reviews • Letters to the Editor • History of Cameroon (especially pre-1950) • Essay submissions for scholarship program • Upcoming CPS events • Member of the month article • Resources for travelers to Cameroon (hotels, cars, etc) • Articles from members

We invite article submissions from the general public including original articles, book reviews, invited commentaries, opinion articles and reports directly dealing with the Cameroonian diaspora and Cameroon. Articles may be essays on observations during travel to Cameroon, recipes, poetry, etc. However, this forum may not be used for political discussions. Articles may be written in French or English. Submission of an article is not a guarantee it will be published. Please submit articles to joca@ cpsociety.or


2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

C aC m am e re o roo n n: :C o Co l llelce tcitvi ev e E fEffof o r trst s T o To wa wa rd rd s s S uS u s ta s ta i ni n ab a lbel e D D e ve evleol o pm pm en en tt

Recognizing our Donors Congress and Sponsors details Sheilla Ntambo Dillon Pefok Ivo Tasong Martin Akwensioge Ursula Forcha Dr. Anwenwillie Fru Ndenge John Morfaw Valentine Nzengung Emile Fonderson Anu Tazi Morfaw Family Florence Awasung

We want to sincerely thank our donors and sponsors for supporting the mission and vision of the Cameroon Professional Society. Your contributions have played a great role in pushing the CPS agenda forward.

Donors $3000 - $5000 Austin Awasung $1000 - $2999 Gabriel Kuiatse Fofeyin Bonito Benison Forfeke Denis Foretia $500 - $999 Thomas Ndomb Kevin Ousman Njoya Tikum Nkam Mongwa Lenora Ebule Mirble Foretia Alain Monkam $200 - $499 Asong Lekeaka Ousman Njikam Ngenyi Khumbah Anne Fombu Augustine Ayuk Leslie Awasom Gwendoline Shang Fausta Tabe Doyen Realty, LLC Esther Ayuk Kevin Njabo

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress

Sponsors Platinum Sponsor Herakles Farms Bronze Sponsors Investment Advisors International, LLC The Africa Memory Games The Law Offices of Fogam & Associates, LLC MaisonCam Plooh PhotoDAA Fosso Consulting

Symposium & Event Sponsors Adorsys LLC Etabang Enterprises & Financial Services, Inc Gandhi Institute of Health Foundation


2011 Distinguished Annual Co


C a m e r o o n : C o l l e c t i v e E f f o r t s T o wa r d s S u s ta i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t

Congress details

2011 Distinguished Annual Congress


Cameroon Professional Society (CPS), Inc 8341 Church Lane Ste 2 Baltimore, MD 21244 info@cpsociety.org www.cpsociety.org congress.cpsociety.org +1-870-210-1317

Designed by Fosso Consulting Group USA 202 552 9282

CPS Contact Information

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