2024 1st Year Brochure

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GUIDELINES FOR 1ST YEAR APPLICANTS/ PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS 2024 IMPORTANT NOTICE: The University strives towards being a student-centered institution and has invested a lot in ensuring efficient online applications and registration related platforms. Applicants (including prospective first-year students and their guardians) are advised only to travel to campuses for face-to-face assistance from staff should they experience technical difficulties. This is to avoid large crowds. The links to information given below may prove useful: CPUT receives in the region of 470,000 applications for study every year, so it is understandable that this is a high volume period for enquiries. Students and members of the public are asked to please be patient as we process registrations, queries and late applications. Be assured that your request will be dealt with as soon as possible.

ONLINE ASSISTANCE/ GENERAL ENQUIRIES Online assistance capacity has been increased for online applications and registrations processes. Applicants and prospective students who require off-campus assistance can contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 / 021 959 6767 or visit the following link for detailed contact information: https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries The official CPUT Facebook page regularly posts updates. Please like the page for updates. Also consult the online application step-by-step guide downloadable from https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-4-online-application For additional assistance you may also access the detailed Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on the CPUT website link: https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries


First-year students with pre-2023 NSC results: First-year students who have been fully accepted and are not awaiting final acceptance based on the recent 2023 NSC results may proceed with the registrations as early as 29 January 2024.

First-year prospective students who have obtained their NSC in 2023: Final evaluation (screening) of the 2023. NSC results will be conducted by faculties from Monday, 22 January 2024 until Friday, 26 January 2024, (or earlier).

Applicants who have written the NSC, IEB or SACAI examinations do not need to submit results as we receive your results directly from the Department of Basic Education. This also applies to applicants who are upgrading their results.

Acceptance will be confirmed via an automated SMS to the cellphone number you provided during your application.

Also frequently track your acceptance status via the link: http://www.cput.ac.za/ study/track

Decision-making is an ongoing process, and you may check your status online regularly. All decisions will reflect immediately.

Secure your place by registering immediately after final acceptance or within 48 hours from receipt of the SMS, as spaces in the programmes fill up quickly. Should you not do so, the place may be offered to another student. The 48-hour rule can only apply from Monday, 29 January 2024.

Students will be able to register only if the admittance status reflects as follows: “ACCEPTED/ ACCEPTED ON FINAL RESULTS”. You will not be able to register if your status reflects statuses such as “Waiting List”, “Rejected”, “Course Full”, “Provisional Acceptance”, or “Incomplete”. Waiting list applicants will be considered, as space becomes available in programmes, between the period of 29 January 2024 and 11 February 2024 after the 2023 NSC results have been released in January 2024 and/or after the registration period in February 2024

WHAT TO DO IF I WANT TO APPLY FOR PROGRAMMES WITH AVAILABLE SPACES AT CPUT Should any spaces become available for CPUT specific programmes, such lists will be published on the website link: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/late-applications by no later than Sunday, 18 February 2024.

LATE APPLICATION TIMELINES: Monday, 19 February – Friday, 23 February 2024 WHO MAY APPLY? •

National applicants (with an SA ID), including Refugee/ Asylum Seeker and/or Permanent Residency applicants with a National Senior Certificate (NSC)/ SC (Senior Certificate)/ NCV (National Vocational Certificate)/ National Qualification.

National applicants (with an SA ID) with international qualifications who already have SAQA certificates.

Refugee/ Asylum Seeker status applicants with international qualifications who already have SAQA certificates.

Permanent residency applicants (with an SA ID) with international qualifications who already have SAQA certificates.

Regretfully, no RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) applications will be considered.

HOW TO APPLY ONLINE Late application fee: FREE OF CHARGE Do you want to apply for a CPUT programme with available spaces and you meet the entrance requirements? Have you submitted your 2024 CPUT applications before, but did not exhaust all three (3) choices? or Have you not submitted any 2024 CPUT applications previously? •

Only online application submissions will be accepted. Regretfully, no manual applications for this category will be processed.

Please follow the step-by-step online application process. Please visit the link: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/late-applications

Have you submitted your 2024 CPUT applications and exhausted all three (3) choices? •

It is the choice of the Deans of faculties to allow 4th choice applications or not.

Applicants who have applied to CPUT for the 2024 academic year and have exhausted three (3) choices, but now meet the minimum requirements for the identified late application programmes with available spaces may submit a 4th choice online application for programmes that have been identified to entertain 4th choice applications. No 4th choice manual applications will be considered.

Please follow the step-by-step online application process. Please visit the link: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/late-applications


Only completed applications will be considered. Please consult the list of supporting documentation.

Only applications that followed the outlined application process above will be considered as an application.

Manual application submissions will not be considered.

Postal services (including courier services) will not be considered.

Being accepted academically does not guarantee a space into residences due to limited residence spaces.



Meeting the minimum requirements is not a guarantee of acceptance into a programme. The competition for space in higher education institutions is great.

Selections will be conducted within the respective faculties, and the outcome will be communicated to the applicant via SMS.

If your applications have been declined, you can sign up to CACH online at cach.ac.za. Applicants can also find out more on their Facebook page, which is CACH_SA.

Please track your outcome frequently and/or download your acceptance letter by accessing the CPUT website link: http://www.cput.ac.za/study/track

Detailed information will be available on the CPUT website: https://www.cput.ac.za/ study/late-applications once confirmation is received from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). CACH is an initiative of DHET which operates as a referral system for unsuccessful applicants and is not a late application service. The CACH will provide unsuccessful applicants with access to career development services, and where possible, an opportunity to access spaces still available within the PSET systems at universities, TVET colleges or in SETA learnerships, without having to travel to institutions to try and find a space.



Die Universiteit streef daarna om ’n student-gesentreerde instelling te wees en het aansienlike beleggings gemaak om seker te maak dat aanlynaansoekvorms en registrasieplatvorms effektief werk. Om lang wagperiodes op kampus met aansoeke te vermy, word aansoekers (insluitend voornemende studente en hul voogde) aangeraai om slegs na kampus te reis vir aangesig tot aangesig hulp as tegniese moeilikheid ervaar word.


CPUT ontvang ongeveer 470,000 aansoeke elke jaar, en gevolglik moet personeel ‘n groot volume aansoeke prosesseer. Studente en lede van die publiek word gevra om asseblief geduldig te wees terwyl registrasies, navrae en laataansoeke verwerk word. Wees verseker dat jou versoek so gou moontlik aandag sal geniet.

Indien enige spasies vir CPUT se spesifieke programme beskikbaar word, word dit op die CPUT-webwerf gepubliseer teen Sondag, 18 Februarie 2024. Besoek die volgende webwerfskakel daarvoor: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/late-applications

TYDPERK VIR LAAT AANSOEKE: Maandag, 19 Februarie – Vrydag, 23 Februarie 2024

Die onderstaande skakels met inligting mag van hulp wees:


Ons het nou verhoogde kapasiteit om aanlyn-hulp te bied vir aanlyn-aansoeke en registrasieprosesse. Hiervoor kan aansoekers en voornemende studente die Inbelsentrum op 086 123 2788 of 021 959 6767 skakel, of die volgende webwerfskakel besoek vir gedetailleerde inligting: https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries

Nasionale aansoekers (met ’n SA ID), insluitend Asiel-/Vlugtelingstatus aansoekers en/of aansoekers met Permanente Verblyfreg wie oor ’n Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)/ SS (Senior Sertifikaat)/ NBS (Nasionale Beroepsertifikaat)/ Nasional Kwalifikasie beskik.

Nasionale aansoekers (met ’n SA ID) met internasionale kwalifikasies wie alreeds oor SAQA-sertifikate beskik.

Asiel-/Vlugtelingstatus aansoekers met internasionale kwalifikasies wie alreeds oor SAQA-sertifikate beskik.

‘n Wye reeks vrae en antwoorde (Frequently Asked Questions and Answers) is op die CPUT webtuiste beskikbaar as verdere hulp : https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries

Aansoekers met Permanente Verblyfreg (met ’n SA ID) wie oor internasionale kwalifikasies, en SAQA-sertifikate beskik.


Ongelukkig sal geen EVL (Erkenning van Vorige Leer) aansoeke oorweeg word nie.


Die amptelike CPUT Facebook blad plaas gereeld nuus. Volg asseblief die blad vir gereelde opdaterings. Jy kan ook die stap-vir-stap aanlynaansoekgids raadpleeg en aflaai vanaf https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-4-online-application

Eerstejaarstudente met NSS uitslae voor 2023: Eerstejaarstudente wie reeds ten volle aanvaar is en wie nie wag vir finale aanvaarding gebasseer op die onlangse 2023 NSS resultate nie, mag voortgaan met registrasie so vroeg as Maandag, 29 Januarie 2024.

Het jy al voorheen jou 2024 CPUT-aansoeke ingedien, maar het nog nie al drie (3) opsies gebruik nie? Of: Het jy nog geen 2024 CPUT-aansoeke ingedien nie?

Aansoekers wie die NSS, IEB of SACAI eksamens geskryf het hoef nie hulle uitslae in te handig nie, aangesien hierdie uitslae direk vanaf die Departement van Basiese Onderwys ontvang word. Dit geld ook vir aansoekers wie hulle uitslae opgradeer. Aanvaarding sal bevestig word per SMS na die selfoonnommer wat deur jou verskaf is tydens jou aansoek.

Besoek gereeld die volgende webwerfskakel om te sien hoe jou aansoek vorder: http://www.cput.ac.za/study/track

Keuring is ’n voortdurende proses, en jy mag gereeld jou status aanlyn bevestig, want sodra ’n keuse gemaak word, sal dit aanlyn reflekteer.

Verseker jou plek deur onmiddellik na finale aanvaarding of binne 48-uur van SMS ontvangs te registreer, want plekke in die programme word vinnig gevul. Indien jy nie vroegtydig registreer nie, mag die plek aan ’n ander student gebied word. Die 48-uur reël is slegs van toepassing vanaf Maandag, 29 Januarie 2024.

Wil jy aansoek doen vir ‘n CPUT-program met beskikbare plek, en voldoen jy aan die toelatingsvereistes?

Voornemende eerstejaarstudents wie hulle NSS in 2023 ontvang het: Finale evaluering (keuring) van die 2023 NSS resultate sal deur die Fakulteite behartig word vanaf Maandag, 22 Januarie 2024 tot Vrydag, 26 Februarie 2024 (of vroeër).

Laat aansoekfooi: GRATIS

Studente mag slegs registreer as die toegangstatus die volgende reflekteer: “AANVAAR/ AANVAAR OP FINALE UITSLAE”. Jy sal nie toegelaat word om te registreer as jou toegangstatus die volgende reflekteer nie: “Waglys”, “Verwerp”, “Kursus Vol”, “Voorlopig Aanvaar” of “Onvoltooid”. Aansoekers op die waglys word oorweeg in die tydperk tussen 29 Januarie 2024 en 11 Februarie 2024, nadat die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat uitslae in Januarie 2024 vrygestel is en/of na die registrasie-periode in Februarie 2024.

WAT OM TE DOEN AS AL MY AANSOEKE AFGEKEUR IS Om aan die minimum vereistes te voldoen, waarborg nie toegang tot ’n program nie. Kompetisie vir plek in hoëronderwysinstellings is streng. As jou aansoeke afgekeur is, kan jy by CACH aanlyn aanteken via cach.ac.za. Meer inligting is ook beskikbaar op Facebook, sien CACH_SA. Omvattende inligting sal beskikbaar wees op die CPUT webwerfskakel, https://www.cput.ac.za/study/late-applications sodra inligting vanaf die Departement van Hoëronderwys en Opleiding (DHOO) ontvang is. CACH is ‘n inisiatief van die DHOO en dien as ’n verwysingssisteem vir onsuksesvolle aansoekers. Dit dien nie as ’n laat-aansoekdiens nie. CACH voorsien onsuksessvolle aansoekers met toegang tot loopbaandienste en, waar moontlik, ’n geleentheid om toegang te kry tot beskikbare plekke binne die PSET sisteme van universiteite, TVOO kolleges en SETA. Dit beteken aansoekers hoef nie self na verskeie instellings te reis om ’n plek te vind nie.

Slegs aanlyn aansoeke sal aanvaar word. Ongelukkig word aansoeke wat per hand of per pos ingehandig word nie vir hierdie kategorie oorweeg nie.

Volg asseblief die aanlynaansoekproses stap-vir-stap. Besoek die webwerfskakel: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/late-applications

Het jy voorheen jou 2024 CPUT-aansoeke ingedien en alreeds al drie (3) opsies gebruik? •

Dit is die Dekaan van die relevante fakulteit se besluit of vierde keuse aansoeke toegelaat gaan word.

Aansoekers wie vir die 2024 akademiese jaar aansoek gedoen het en reeds die drie (3) opsies gebruik het, mag, mits hulle voldoen aan die minimum vereistes vir laat-aansoek programme met beskikbare plek, ’n aanlyn-aansoek indien vir ‘n program wat aangedui word as ‘n program wat vierde keuse aansoeke toelaat. Geen fisiese of in-persoon aansoeke sal in ag geneem word nie.

Volg asseblief die stap-vir-stap aanlyn aansoekprose. Volg asseblief die webwerfskakel: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/late-applications aa


Slegs voltooide aansoeke sal oorweeg word. Raadpleeg asseblief die lys ondersteunende dokumentasie.

Slegs aansoeke wat die aangeduide proses (sien bo) volg sal as ‘n volwaardige aansoek beskou word.

Aansoeke wat per hand of per pos ingehandig word, word nie in ag geneem nie.

Posdienste (insluitend koerierdienste) sal nie oorweeg word nie.

Akademiese aanvaarding beteken nie dat plek in ‘n koshuis gewaarborg is nie; plek in die koshuise is beperk.

AANSOEK UITSLAG Keuring word deur die verskeie fakulteite hanteer, en die uitslag sal per SMS aan die aansoeker gekommunikeer word. Besoek gereeld die onderstaande webwerfskakel om te sien hoe jou aansoek vorder en, indien positief, laai jou aanvaardingsbrief hier af: http://www.cput.ac.za/study/track


Khangela impendulo yesicelo sakho rhoqo kuba isigqibo sikhutshwa ngoko nangoko xasele kufikelelwe kuso.

Khusela indawo yakho ngokubhalisa ngoko nangoko emva kokuba wamkelwe ngokugqibeleleyo okanye zingekadluli iiyure ezi-48 emva kokufumana i-SMS njengokuba izithuba kwiinqubo zethu zigcwala ngokukhawuleza. Ukuba awenzi oko, isithuba sakho singadluliselwa komnye umfundi. Lo mthetho weeyure ezi-48 uzakuqala ukusebenza ukusukela ngoMvulo, 29 Janyuwari 2024.

Abafundi bazakubanako ukubhalisa kuphela xa bethathiwe kwaye iziphumo kwi-intanethi zibonisa oku: “ACCEPTED/ ACCEPTED ON FINAL RESULTS” Awuzokukwazi ukubhalisa ukuba kusaboniswa oku kulandelayo: “Waiting List”, “Rejected”, “Course Full”, “Provisional Acceptance” okanye “Incomplete”.

Abakuluhlu lokulinda bazakuhoywa nge-29 Janyuwari 2024 ukuya kwi-11 Febhruwari 2024 emva kokukhutshwa kweziphumo zika-2023 zeNSC nasemva kwexesha lokubhalisa (registration) ngoFebhruwari 2024 ukuba kubekho iinkqubo ezivele zanezithuba.

ISAZISO ESIBALULEKILEYO: Dyunivesithi izama ukuba liziko elibeka phambili abafundi, kwaye ityale lukhulu iqinisekisa ukuba amaqonga e-intanethi okwenza izicelo nobhaliso asebenza ngokufanelekileyo. Abafaki-zicelo (nabafundi ekulindeleke ukuba benze unyaka wokuqala nabanakekeli babo) bayacetyiswa ukuba bandwendwele iikhampasi zethu kuphela xa befumana iingxaki kwiinkqubo zobuxhakaxhaka. Oku sikwenza kuba sithintela abantu abaninzi ngaxesha nye. Ezi linki zeenkcukacha zingezantsi zingaluncedo: ICPUT ifumana malunga nama-470 000 ezicelo zokufunda nyaka nanyaka, ngoko ke kulindelekile ukuba eli ibelelona xesha lixakekileyo lokufunwa kwengcombolo. Abafundi namalungu oluntu ayabongozwa ukuba abenomonde ngeli xesha sixakeke lubhaliso, sihoyene nemibuzo kunye nezicelo zasemva kwexesha. Siyakuthembisa ukuba isicelo sakho sizakuhoywa ngokukhawuleza.



Uncedo luzakufumaneka kakhulu kwi-intanethi kuba kulungiselelwa izicelo ezenziwe nge-intanethi neenkqubo zobhaliso. Abafakizicelo nabafundi abalindelekileyo abadinga uncedo bengaphandle kwekhampasi bangatsalela iZiko loNxibelelwano ku-086 123 2788/ 021 959 6767 okanye basebenzise lelinki ukuze bafumane iinkukacha zoqhagamshelwano ezithe vetshe: https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries

Ukuba wanelise zonke iimfuneko akusosiqinisekiso sokuba isicelo sakho kwinqubo ethile sizakuphumelela. Ukhuphiswano lwezithuba kumaziko emfundo aphakamileyo luninzi. Ukuba ngaba izicelo zakho aziphumelelanga ungabhalisa ku-CACH kwi inthanethi usebenzisa cach.ac.za. Abafaki-zicelo bangafumana iinkcukacha ezongezelelekileyo kwiphepha lethu le-Facebook u-CACH_SA.

I-CPUT ihlala ifaka imiyalezo ehlaziyiweyo rhoqo ku-Facebook wayo. Uyacelwa ukuba usilandele ku-Facebook ukuze ufumane le miyalezo.

Iinkcukacha ezithe vetshe ziya kufumaneka kwiziko lewebhu leCPUT: https://www.cput.ac.za/ study/late-applications nje ukuba kufunyenwe ubungqina obuvela kwiSebe leMfundo ePhakamileyo noQeqesho (DHET).

Kanjalo jonga isikhokelo se-intanethi senyathelo ngenyathelo sokwenza isicelo esifumaneka ku-https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-4online-application

I-CACH liphulo leSebe lezeMfundo ePhakamileyo nezoQeqesho esebenza nje ngenkqubo yokudluliselwa kwabafaki-zicelo abangaphumelelanga, hayi inkqubo yokufakwa kwezicelo ezifike emva kwexesha. I-CACH ipha abafaki-zicelo abangaphumelelanga amathuba kwiinkozo zophuhlisongqesho, ngamanye amaxesha ibapha amathuba afumanekayo kwi-PSET kwiiyunivesithi, iikholeji ze-TVET okanye iinkqubo zokufunda ze-SETA, bengakhange bahle benyuka befuna izithuba kula maziko.

Ezinye iinkcukacha ezongezelekileyo zemibuzo ebuzwa rhoqo neempendulo zifumaneka ku-https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries


Abafundi bonyaka wokuqala abaneziphumo ze-NSC zangaphambili ko-2023: Abafundi bonyaka wokuqala abamkelwe ngokugqibeleleyo kwaye bengalindelanga ezinye izigqibo zolwamkelo ezixhomekeke kwiziphumo zabo ze-NSC 2023 bangaqhubekeka babhalise ukususela nge-29 Janyuwari 2024.


Abafundi abalindelekileyo bonyaka wokuqala abafumene i-NSC ngo-2023: Uvavanyo lokugqibela (isiqinisekiso) lweziphumo ze-NSC 2023 luzakwenziwa ziiFakhalthi ukususela ngoMvulo, 22 Janyuwari ukuya kutsho ngoLwesihlanu, 26 Janyuwari 2024 (okanye nangaphambili).

Ukuba izithuba ziye zavuleleka kwiinkqubo zase-CPUT, uluhlu lwazo luzakufumaneka kule linki https://www.cput.ac.za/study/lateapplications kungekadluli iCawa, 18 Febhruwari 2024.

Abafaki-zicelo ababhale iimviwo ze-NSC, i-IEB okanye i-SACAI abadingi ukufaka iziphumo zabo kuba iyunivesithi ifumana ezi ziphumo ngqo kwiSebe leMfundo esisiSeko. Oku kuquka nabafakizicelo abahlaziya iziphumo zabo.


Ukwamkelwa komfundi kuzakuqinisekiswa nge-sms kwinombolo efakwe ngexesha umfundi besenza ngalo isicelo.

Uyacelwa ukuba uhlale ukhangela iziphumo zesicelo sakho kule linki: http://www.cput.ac.za/study/track

UMvulo, 19 Febhruwari – uLwesihlanu, 23 Febhruwari 2024




Abafaki-zicelo abangabemi beli (abanesazisi sase-SA), abanobume bobumbacu/abo bafuna igiba lokhuselo /okanye abo bafake izicelo zobuzwe besigxina abaneSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (i-NSC)/ i-SC (iSatifikethi seMatriki)/ NCV (National Vocal Certificate)/ National Qualification.

Abafaki-zicelo abangabemi beli (abanesazisi sase-SA) abafunde kumanye amazwe abasele bezuze izatifikethi ze-SAQA.

Abanobume bobumbacu/abo bafuna igiba lokhuselo abafunde kumanye amazwe abasele bezuze izatifikethi ze-SAQA.

Abafaki-zicelo abanobumi besigxina nesazisi sase-SA, abafunde kumanye amazwe abasele bezuze izatifikethi ze-SAQA.

Ngelishwa izicelo ze-RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning/ Ukuqatshelwa kokufunda kwangaphambili) azizokuvunyelwa.

Zizicelo ezigqibeleleyo kuphela ezizakujongwa. Uyacelwa ukuba ujonge uluhlu lwamaxwebu okuxhasa afunekayo.

Zizicelo ezilandele la manyathelo afanelekielyo angentla kuphela ezizakujongwa.

Izicelo ezithe zafakwa eofisini ubuqu azizokwamkelwa.

Amaziko eposi (neenkonzo zekhuriya) azizokuhoywa.

Ukuba wamkelwe kwinkqubo yokufunda akuthethi ukuba ufumene nendawo yokuhlala kumagumbi okuhlala wabafundi ngenxa yamagumbi ashokoxekileyo.



Intlawulo yesicelo sasemva kwexesha: AKUKHO NTLAWULO

IiFakhalthi ezifanelekileyo zizo ezenza inkqubo yokhetho, kwaye zizakwazisa iziphumo zesicelo sakho nge-sms.

Ingaba ufuna ukufaka isicelo kwinkqubo yase-CPUT ekusafumaneka kuyo izithuba, nokuba uyazanelisa iimfuneko zokwamkelwa?

Uyacelwa ukuba ukhangele iziphumo zesicelo sakho rhoqo nokuba/ okanye udawnlowde incwadi ekwamkelayo kwiwebhusayithi yaseCPUT kule linki: http://www.cput.ac.za/study/track

Ingaba ufakile isicelo sase-CPUT sika-2024 ngaphambili kodwa akukhange uwasebenzise omathathu (3) amathuba? Okanye Awukhange ufake isicelo sase-CPUT sika-2024 ngaphambili? •

Zizicelo ezenziwe kwi-intanethi kuphela ezizakwamkelwa. Ngelishwa izicelo ezifakwa ngobuqu kweli tyeli azizokwamkelwa.

Uyacelwa ulandele inyathelo ngenyathelo lokwenza isiceleo kwiintanethi. Sebenzisa le linki: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/lateapplications

Ingaba usifakile isicelo sase-CPUT sika-2024 waze awasebenzisa omathathu (3) amathuba owanikiweyo? •

I-Dean yeFakhalthi ingakhetha ukupha okanye ingakuphi ithuba lokufaka isicelo sesine (4).

Abafaki-zicelo abafake izicelo e-CPUT zika-2024 kwaye abawasebenzise onke amathuba amathathu (3) anikisiweyo kodwa banelisa zonke iimfuneko zezicelo zasemva kwethuba bangafaka isicelo esinenkqubo yesi-4 kwi-intanethi.Esi sicelo sokongeza inkqubo yesi-4 sifakwa nge-intanethi kuphela.

Uyacelwa ulandele inyathelo nganye kwinkqubo yezicelo ezenziwa kwi-intanethi. Landela le linki: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/lateapplications


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