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Promotion Criteria and Academic Exclusion Rules and Appeal Procedures
First year
First year (ECP)
Second year
Appeals Promotion Re-admission / Exclusion
A learner must pass more than 50% of all first-year offerings, including at least ONE major offering. A learner must have passed at least 40% of the offerings (excluding exemption and recognition credits) at the year level on which the learner is registered. ECP students are encouraged to pass all subjects in year 0 to progress to year 1; The faculty of Business has adopted the stance of making the exclusion and progression rules for the ECP the same as the Mainstream, The students will be warned, first exclusion( can appeal) and the final exclusion if the student fails more than 50% of the subjects.
A learner must have passed more than 50% of the TOTAL CREDITS of the programme, including at least ONE major offering at second-year level A learner will not be allowed more than double the minimum time required to complete a qualification.
Only verified medical conditions of the learner, supported by the necessary documentation, will be considered. All cases are considered by the faculty appeals committee.
• A student who has been excluded must apply to the office of the Head of Department / Unit applying for re-admission, along with
ALL relevant information (and any supporting documents). • All appeals will serve at the Faculty appeals committee for consideration. • Departments / Units will provide feedback to students, and if the appeal is approved, the student continues with the registration process. • The Faculty appeals committee decision is final, and no additional appeals will be considered.