2023 Women in Sport (WIS) Conference Call
Dates: 24-25 October 2023

Venue: Newlands Cricket Ground, Cape Town, South Africa

The year 2023 is unofficially branded as the ‘year for women’s sport’ in South Africa with the hosting of a series of women’s sport events, including the 2023 International Women’s T20 Cricket World Cup, hosted during February and the Netball World Cup, during July/August. South Africa has also planned a potential bid for the 2027 women’s FIFA World Cup. Indeed, the rise in women’s sport has increased the role of women in not only participatory positions, but also in leadership, administration, and sport business. Moreover, there is an increased support and following for women’s sport which is evident in the increased viewership and sponsorships for women’s sport events (Women in Sport Report, 2021).
However, even though women take up leadership roles, in many instances, they remain a minority and unequal, as the sporting industry, on a global level, remains male-dominated (Carpentiere et al., n.d.). There are limited studies and information on women's experiences in sport and how that impacts women in general. Therefore, the aim of the Women in Sport (WIS) conference is to get industry partners and academics to share their knowledge and experiences on critical global issues related to women in sport. These issues will include leadership, participation and development, performance, events, marketing, sponsorship, tourism, legacy, technology, equity, diversity and inclusion, leisure, and wellness, and many more.
The Sport Management Department and the Centre for Sport Business & Technology Research at Cape Peninsula University of Technology in partnership with the Western Cape Government are proud to host this event at the Newlands Cricket Ground, CPUT’s educational site.
The WIS Conference seeks to align with the above sport events, women’s month in August, as well as the mental health month in October. Thus, the two-day conference will be held on Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th of October 2023.

Conference themes:
You are invited to submit abstracts on the following themes:
▪ Women, leadership, and sport
▪ Women’s sport events (fan engagement, marketing, sponsorship, tourism, legacy)
▪ Women’s sport participation and development
▪ Technology enabling women’s sport performance

▪ Leisure and wellness in women’s sport
▪ Equity, diversity, and inclusivity for women in sport
Abstract, poster, and session information:
We welcome abstracts from academics and industry professionals on the stated themes, albeit themes are not limited to the suggested topics. The abstracts may have a theoretical or practical focus. All abstracts should be limited to 300 words and should include a brief background on the topic area, the researched problem statement, the methodological processes, and a brief report of the results. Presentations on papers/ reports will be held in parallel sessions. Each presentation will be 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions and answers. In addition, posters are welcomed from Postgraduate students & industry to showcase work done on themes of women in sport. Posters need to be in an A1 format and should present clear study results. There is no formal structuring for posters. Posters will be exhibited during lunch and tea sessions.
Please send all abstracts for either a presentation or poster on or before 31 July 2023. Submit your abstracts via EasyChair at https://protectza.mimecast.com/s/wdKFCJZX02h7xnM4Sz65DA?domain=easychair.org
Key Dates:
Registration fees:
Abstract Submissions Deadline: Delegate: R3800
31 July 2023
Student fee: R 3000
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: *Feesincludeallconferenceactivities.
15 August 2023
Registration: August – 15 October 2023
Scientific Committee:

Accommodation and transportation options:
The conference venue will be Newlands Cricket Ground, at the following address:
146 Campground Rd, Newlands, Cape Town, 7780 Link https://goo.gl/maps/VuLh1cvMorwmDVk36
The closest accommodation to the conference venue Southern Sun Hotel at 7 Main Rd, Newlands, Cape Town. City: Cape Town State: Western Cape Code: 7700. Cost per night is estimated between R1, 700 and R2, 100 per night (breakfast included).
The Southern Sun Hotel is walking distance (0.42km) to Newlands Cricket Ground. You can book your room via: https://www.trip.com/hotels/cape-town-hotel-detail-3459570/southernsun-newlands/?checkin=2023-02-


Alternativeaccommodationcanbebookedviathemanysurroundingguesthouses,B&B’s andself-cateringaccommodationsviaonlinebookingsystems,i.e.,Booking.com