4 minute read
1.9. Transformative teaching and learning that mainstreams diversity, inclusivity, social cohesion
SECTION 2. ACCOUNTABILITY AND COORDINATION MECHANISM FOR THE INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATION 9 2.1. Overall transformation accountability and coordination 9 2.2. Coordination in faculties, departments, divisions, units and structures 9 SECTION 3: KEY HIGHLIGHTS ON THE VICE CHANCELLOR’S TRANSFORMATION SERIES 10 3.1. Transformation seminar series to unpack transformation 10 3.2. Key remarks by the Vice Chancellor: Prof Chris Nhlapo 11 3.3. Key remarks by the DVC: Learning and Teaching: Prof Rishi Balkaran 12 3.4. Key remarks from the Guest Speaker: Prof Rozena Maart (UKZN academic) 12 3.5. Key remarks from the President of Central SRC: Nanga Codana 13 4. Transformation seminar series to enhance ‘oneness’ and ‘smartness’ through ‘generation equality’ 14 4.1. Summary of the Opening Remarks by the Vice Chancellor: Prof Chris Nhlapo 14 4.2. Summary of the remarks by Prof Driekie Hay-Swemmer: Executive Director: Office of the Vice Chancellor 15 4.3. Summary of the address by Dr Hazel Gooding: Deputy Country Representative: Un Women 16 4.4. Summary of the remarks on the role of men in GBV by Mr Sakumzi Ntayiya: Director: Gender-Based Violence: Centre for Communication Impact (CCI) 16 4.5. Summary of the remarks on mainstreaming gender-responsive budgeting in universities: Ms Imelda Douf: Centre for Family Studies 17 4.6. Response remarks by Dr David Phaho: DVC: Research, Technology, Innovation and Partnership (RTIP) 18 5. Transformation seminar series to understand the transformation dynamics facing students in higher education 19 5.1. Summary of the main address by Prof Paul Green: Chairperson: Institutional Transformation Forum (ITF) 19 5.2. Remarks by the Guest Speaker: Prof Rozena Maart: UKZN academic 20 5. 3. Response by Mr Siya Sabata: Curriculum Transformation: Fundani CHED 22 SECTION 4: TRANSFORMATION REPORTS FROM FACULTIES, DEPARTMENTS, UNITS, DIVISIONS, CENTRES AND STRUCTURES 24 FOCUS AREA 1: SMART CTS ENVIRONMENT AND CTS WORKFORCE 24 1. 1. Faculty of Business and Management Sciences (FBMS) 24 1.1.1. Introduction and implications for digital transformation 24 1.1.2. Digital transformation and implications for students 24 1.1.3. Digital transformation and implications for staff 25 1.2. Faculty of Informatics and Design (FID) 25 1.2.1. Digital transformation and implications for students 25 1.2.2. Digital transformation and implications for staff 25 1.3. Faculty of Education 26 1.3.1. Digital transformation and implications for students and staff 26 1.4. Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (FEBE) 26 1.4.1. Digital transformation and implications for students and staff 26 1.5. Faculty of Applied Sciences 26 1.5.1. Digital transformation and implications for students and staff 26 1.6. Division of Student Affairs (DSA) 26 1.6.1. Digital transformation and implications for students with disabilities 26 1.6.2. Digital transformation and implications for students and staff 26 1.7. Fundani Centre for Higher Education 27 1.7.1. Digital transformation and implications for students and staff 27 1.8. Community Engagement and Work Integrated Learning (CE & WIL) 27 1.8.1. Digital transformation initiatives 27 1.9. Marketing and Communications Department (MCD) 27 1.9.1. Digital transformation through CPUT Smart Graduation 27 1.9.2. SMART Graduation social media statistics CPUT Facebook Page 27 1.9.3. Op performing post 27 1.9.4. Twitter 27
FOCUS AREA 2: SMART TEACHING AND LEARNING AND TEACHING AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 2.1. Faculty of Business and Management Sciences (FBMS) 2.1.1. Teaching and learning strategies 2.1.2. Curriculum renewal, 21st century skills and graduate attributes 2.1.3. Curriculum transformation and renewal 2.1.4. Diverse teaching pedagogy through digital transformation 2.1.5. Revision of individual subject guides to enhance transformation 2.1.6. Integration of disability in the pedagogy of Accounting Sciences 2.1.7. Integration of citizenship and social responsiveness in the curriculum to enhance smart learning 2.1.8. Orientation and student support 2.1.9. Transformative teaching and learning that mainstreams diversity, inclusivity, social cohesion, HIV/Aids and gender-based violence 2.1.10. Adaptive learning platform 2.1.11. Service Learning and Work Integrated Learning 2.2. Faculty of Informatics and Design (FID) 2.2.1. Integration of multilingualism in teaching and learning 2.2.2. Integration of social justice in the scholarship of teaching 2.2.3. Ubuntugogy as a curriculum praxis for epistemic justice 2.2.4. Service-learning 2.3. Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment (FEBE) 2.3.1. Transformative pedagogies and contextualising the teaching environment 2.3.2. Integration of the language policy and multilingualism 2.3.3. Curriculum transformation 2.3.4. Multimodal learning advocated and encouraged 2.4. Faculty of Applied Sciences 2.4.1. Integration of social justice across teaching and learning 2.4.2. Digital transformation in the scholarship of teaching 2.4.3. Integration of multilingualism in teaching and learning 2.5. Faculty of Education 2.5.1. Transformative pedagogies 2.5.2. Survey to identify challenges encountered by students during distance teaching & learning 2.6. Faculty of Health and Wellness Sciences (FHWS) 2.6.1. Multilingualism in teaching and learning 2.6.2. Service-learning 2.6.3. Integration of GBV, diversity and inclusivity in teaching, learning and curriculum 2.6.4. Digital transformation in teaching and learning
34 2.7. Division of Student Affairs (DSA) 34 2.7.1. Integration of student counselling, HIV/AIDS, disability and leadership in the scholarship of teaching and learning. 34 2.7.2. Support for students with disabilities and other students in general 34 2.8. Fundani Centre for Higher Education 35 2.8.1. Initiatives to support student learning 35 2.8.2. Critical academic interventions and initiatives 35 2.8.3. Writing workshop to enhance transformative pedagogy 35 2.8.4. Development of Izimvo APP 35 2.9. Library Services 36 2.9.1. Translation of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system and Information literacy 36 2.10. Advancement Department 36 2.10.1. Financial inclusion to support learning 36 2.10.2. Debt relief to assist students in need 36 2.10.3. Financial support inclusion to assist Missing Middle students 36 2.11. Community Engagement and Work Integrated Learning (CE & WIL) 36 2.11.1. Work readiness programme 36