2024 CACH DHET Circular

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Private Bag X174, PRETORIA, 0001. 123 Francis Baard Street PRETORIA, 0002, South Africa Tel: (012) 312 5911, Fax: (012) 321 6770 Private Bag X9192, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 103 Plein Street, CAPE TOWN, 8001, South AfricaTel: (021) 469 5175, Fax: (021) 461 4761

Registrar Cape Peninsula University of Technology BELLVILLE 7535

De-identification for publication purposes Dear

THE CENTRAL APPLICATIONS CLEARING HOUSE - 2024 The Central Application Clearing House (CACH) Service of the Department of Higher Education and Training will commence on 26 January 2024. It will be a service directed to all prospective students with grade 12 certification and still looking for a study opportunity within the Republic. Your institution will be able to access all the prospective students (unsuccessful applicants from CAS Pilot and those who signed up on the CACH system) from 02 February 2024 by logging onto the CACH system (cach.cas.ac.za) for any under-enrolled first-year academic programme (or qualification) for 2024 academic year. In using the CACH system, your institution may make offers to twenty (20) prospective students who will become available to other institutions only if they reject or ignore the offer within three (3) days. You are hereby requested to assist in ensuring that the CACH service is effectively implemented, by informing all unsuccessful applicants and walk-ins to the CACH service so that they may increase their chances of finding a space at an alternate PSET institution or receiving a referral to career advice. I look forward to your cooperation in this regard. Yours sincerely,

Mr Joel Ramatlhape Project Manager: Central Application Services Higher Education and Training • Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding • Imfundvo Lephakeme Nekucecesha • Ifundo Ephakemeko Nebandulo Imfundo Ephakeme Nokuqeqesha • Imfundo ePhakamileyo noQeqesho • Dyondzo ya le Henhla na Vuleteri • Pfunzo ya Ntha na Vhugudisi Thuto ya Godimo le Tlhahlo • Thuto e Phahameng le Thupelo • Thuto e Kgolwane le Katiso

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