FBMS End of Year Letter to Staff

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CPUT – Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

11 December 2023


DEAN’S MESSAGE Dear Colleagues, As we draw the curtains on the eventful and successful year of 2023, it's with immense pride that we reflect on the milestones achieved and challenges overcome by the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). This year has been a testament to our commitment to academic excellence and our enduring values of Fairness, Boldness, Morality, and Sincerity. I acknowledge and salute the resilient staff of FBMS! Our focus on providing quality education has seen remarkable outcomes in learning, teaching, and assessment. The dedication of our academic and administrative staff in supporting students' academic journeys has been fundamental. The completion of the University's first Smart Venue in November 2023 stands as a beacon of innovation, enhancing the learning experience for our students. We're proud to have achieved this milestone, amplifying our commitment to cutting-edge educational environments. The faculty has continued to soar in the realms of research and innovation. Our unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring new frontiers has yielded notable achievements. While celebrating these successes, we also acknowledge the second Performance Review, which provided valuable insights into our overall performance, guiding us in our pursuit of continuous improvement. For the benefit of all staff, I have attached the 2nd Volume of the Faculty Performance Review. The year 2023 witnessed the faculty’s commitment to strategic initiatives and partnerships, particularly in the area of internationalization. Our efforts in this area have yielded substantial progress, marking our presence on the global academic stage. As we look ahead to 2024, we do so with enthusiasm, resilience, and an unwavering sense of boldness. Our vision of #SmartCPUT and the realization of Vision 2030 remain at the forefront of our endeavors. The challenges we faced have only strengthened our resolve to overcome obstacles and strive for excellence. Finally, I wish all staff a blessed Festive Season, stay safe as we spend time with our loved ones. Take time during your welldeserved break to relax and re-focus as I look forward to an exciting AY2024! God Bless! Thank you, Enkosi, Siyabulela, Baie dankie!

Prof Paul Green, Dean Faculty of Business & Management Sciences

2023: Year in Review


CPUT – Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

11 December 2023

SMART LEARNING AND TEACHING (Prof Desiree Scholtz, Assistant Dean)

As reflective practitioners, it is customary to pause and review the year that was, to evaluate practices, celebrate successes and respond to challenges as required. An honest reflection of Academic Year 2023 (AY2023) reveals great strides made to date as well as enhancements identified for future reference. The many positive feats may be attributed to staff who are dedicated, committed and conscientious, greater collaboration in departments and in the faculty, and being student-centred above all else, which is entrenched as faculty culture. The latter is evidenced by the many student engagement and student support activities, both academic and co-curricula. The end of AY2023 is noteworthy for a number of reasons: firstly, the current cycle of the University Capacity development Grant (UCDG) (2021 -2023) has ended; secondly, the end of AY2023 signals the end of the Short Term Faculty Goals and Objectives that align with CPUT’s Vision 2023, and thirdly, AY2023 was the first year where hybrid LTA was formalised as the de facto tuition mode. In addition, AY2023, signalled the hype of CHATGPT and other AI platforms that created an uncomfortable stir in higher education globally. With reference to UCDG projects, it is pleasing to note that the faculty successfully completed UCDG projects as planned, with student development, staff development and curriculum development initiatives being integrated to enhance LTA. For example: (1) the assessment and moderation review of 2021-2022, revealed a noteworthy improvement in the sample of assessments in 2023; (2) the Universal Design for Learning webinar series focused on inclusive teaching, which included voices of disabled students in the faculty sharing their needs for inclusivity in LTA; (3) the District 6 Museum Project, where previous residents of District 6 share their experiences of forced removals, which are profound learning moments for students. While most of the faculty’s short term goals were met, this is ongoing given the culture of continuous improvement. Curriculum renewal is imperative given the need to constantly remain current, as are 21stC Skills and graduate attributes. At issue is to provide students with knowledge, skills and attributes for future employability, as well as to equip students with a consciousness of relational capability by reaching out to improve lives of others. This consciousness of others was brought to bear with the encouraging number of service learning and community engagement projects completed in 2023, that focused on conscientisation of human rights, generating funds for non-governmental organisations, and sustainable development goals. The faculty applauds all lecturers who embark on these high impact, life-changing learning experiences. In 2021, the faculty focused on improving lesson preparation with a series of webinars on developing lesson plans, together with revising programme and subject guides. This has now reached fruition with each department having bespoke guides for various programmes of study. Staff development for LTA remains uppermost on the agenda, with AY2023 being a stellar year for the number of events facilitated. These events included the Universal Design for Learning facilitation series, webinars on CHATGPT, setting assessments for higher education, portfolio development, developing programme and subject guides, WIL webinars on research and assessment of experiential learning, and language intensive events such as the Language Indaba and Heritage Day webinar. Similarly, student development was foregrounded with 157 peer support champions being appointed, which invariably holds learning experiences for peers who provide support, and students who receive support. Co-curricula student activities include financial literacy in the form of Moneywise Fridays in collaboration with Old Mutual, and Entrepreneurship Tuesdays in collaboration with Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA).

2023: Year-in-Review


CPUT – Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

11 December 2023

As with AY2023, the faculty will continue to use LTA as a vehicle for staff and student advancement. While enhancements for change have been identified, these relate to improving the short term goals to ensure that each and every staff member is engaged in curriculum renewal, purposefully incorporates 21stC Skills and graduate attributes in curriculum, and has adequate lesson plans and subject guides as per faculty requirements. At the end of AY2023, the faculty has once again shown tenacity and the will to achieve objectives of student learning and student success. While there will always be improvements to be made, as is the norm with critical reflection, it is equally important to acknowledge successes and achievements in LTA since this aligns directly with student development. Staff Webinars/Seminars AY2023: • • • • •

Women’s Day - 31 August Heritage Day Webinar – 20 September Language Indaba 26 October Best Practice Webinar – 31 October Service Learning Community Engagement Showcase – 02 November

SMART RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (Prof Renitha Rampersad, Assistant Dean)

2023 has certainly been a transformational and productive year for Research and Innovation and in celebrating the achievements of our researchers, I wish to thank you for your commitment and contribution to research. We extended our scope of activities in ensuring that we met the strategic objective of developing the research capacity of a future generation of researchers/scholars, and innovators. Research productivity increased and this is evidenced by the graduation of 136 post graduate students who received their degrees in 2023 and the increase of publication outputs. Your incredible collective and individual contributions have been pivotal in this success.

2023: Year-in-Review


CPUT – Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

11 December 2023

Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in research activity increased and was noted in the funding received for postgraduate students. The HWSETA funded three doctoral and five master’s students of which two master’s students completed their studies in minimum time and will graduate at our summer graduation ceremony in December 2023 and two doctoral students will submit for examination in the new year. We reached out to new territories with entrepreneurship activity and recently saw a showcase of a number of groundbreaking projects nurtured within the BIIC. Innovation is the "conversion" of entrepreneurial business ideas to create new business models driven by advanced technologies, this profoundly connects with RFA 6: The Digital Society which is an important component of the CPUT research strategy and gives voice to the university’s transdisciplinary research approach. The research portfolio expanded and saw the faculty host a number of conferences and workshops. In August 2023 the BRICS Postgraduate Forum took place in Cape Town which brought a community of international scholars together to expand and shape the future of BRICS research and contribute to global sustainable development. In September we hosted the International Conference on Business and Management Dynamics (ICBMD) and in October the Women in Sports Conference. The Post Graduate Conference and the Emerging Researcher conferences were a platform that proudly showcased the work of our PG students. The need to originate more quality projects was reaffirmed by our research centres and units who produced excellent work this year. Finally, I wish to extend my congratulations to those staff members who graduated with their master’s and doctoral degrees and a special ‘shout out’ to staff on the master’s advancement programme who completed their studies in the minimum time. We are proud of your achievements. As we strive towards forging a stronger research vision for 2024, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution to Research and Innovation and ensuring that we were a step closer in meeting our strategic goals in 2023.

2023: Year-in-Review


CPUT – Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

11 December 2023


(Ms. Andiswa Mrasi, Acting Manager Strategic Initiatives and Projects)

The 2023 academic year saw the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences (FBMS) grow even stronger in the areas of smart internationalisation and strategic initiatives. It started off with the inaugural FBMS Hybrid International Week on the 06 – 08 March that attracted over 40+ guests from various international universities, local businesses, and government. The primary purpose of the international week was to strengthen collaboration with the FBMS quintuple helix partners. Some of the international partners were from the following nations: Turkey, Reunion Island, Germany, Romania, Russia, Slovakia to mention a few. The faculty also hosted it first Hybrid Study Abroad Fair, an information sharing session targeting students who wish to spend a semester abroad. The 4-star graded Cape Town Hotel School (CTHS) hosted the Minister of Tourism from Jamaica, Hon Edmund Bartlett in April. The purpose of the visit was to establish areas of common interest for collaboration as well as the overview of CTHS programme offering. On the same breath of international collaborations, the Dean of the FBMS Prof. Paul Green, accompanied by some HoDs and a senior staff member accepted an invitation to the Polytechnic University of Porto in Portugal. The series of engagements included meetings with Deans from the School of Business and School of Hospitality as well as the director for the center of research. The result of this visit is a strengthened partnership that has also expanded to other faculties at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). The faculty also participated in the recent UK-Africa Education Roundtable hosted by the British High Commission’s Midlands Region. From a mobility perspective, the faculty has welcomed a total of 114 international exchange students for short and full semester visits, while a total of 8 of our students visited the following partner universities: Romanian- American University, Romania, Aalan University of Applied Science, Germany, DHBW – Ravensburg, Germany, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands. Furthermore, the faculty welcomed 68 International scholars, including the world-renowned research methodology expert Prof. Mark Saunders, while our academic staff members visited various international partner universities. Discussions and negotiations with prospective international partners, in line with our strategic intent, resulted in 7 MOU’s being signed/ or are at signing stage during the course of 2023 with the following institutions: Namibia University of Science and Technology (signed renewal), Walter Sisulu University and Nelson Mandela University, South Africa (signed), Hoschule Niederrhein University of Applied Science (signed), Orbit TVET College, Rustenburg (signed), University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria (signing stage), University of St. Augustine, Tanzania (signing stage), CBS International Business School, Germany (signed). Other strategic initiatives in the faculty include the launch of the faculty’s presence on social media with pages on LinkedIn and Facebook (handle: @CPUT Faculty of Business and Management Sciences), as well as the conclusion of the faculty performance analysis for 2021 and 2022. Thank you to all our partners, staff, as well as the students for making the SIP unit and faculty at large reach these achievements.

2023: Year-in-Review


CPUT – Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

11 December 2023

FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards: Prof Rodney Duffet Graduation output 2023 = 136 Postgraduate students Future Professors Programme Awards: Dr Sacha West (2023) Prof Michael Twum-Darko received an invitation to become a strategic partner for the Africa Tourism Innovation Hub HWSETA funding received for 3 PhD’s and 5 Master’s students Faculty hosted Conferences: BRICS Post Graduate Forum (16/17/18-08-23) International Conference on Business and Management Dynamics (ICBMD) (27/28-09-23) Women in Sport Conference (24/25-10-23) FBMS Post Graduate Conference 2023 (19-08-2023) Emerging Research conference 2023 (11-11-2023) Launch of FBMS Women Mentorship programme (30-08-2023) Visiting Professor Programme - Prof Mark Saunders (University of Birmingham) February/October 2023 RESEARCH AWARDS 2022: RESEARCH DEPARTMENT/UNIT OF THE YEAR AWARD - Public Administration and Governance RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR AWARD – Prof Brendon Knott EMERGING RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR AWARD- Dr Hillary Bama TOP FACULTY DOCTORAL STUDENT - Dr L Barbier TOP FACULTY MASTERS STUDENT - Miria Claude Eulalie Okouwadela 100% of CAPEX utilized on Staff and Student Expenditure Launch of the 1st Smart Venue at CPUT Completion of 2 Staffrooms in the Commerce Building

2023: Year-in-Review


CPUT – Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

11 December 2023

CAPE PENINSULA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

2023: Year-in-Review


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