Each year since 2018, CPUT Green Campus Initiative have hosted an annual Green Fashion show in order to raise environmental awareness amongst the CPUT community. For the past two years, we have had to take the Fashion Show online due to covid 19, and we were excited to bring the contact fashion show back to students this year!
The theme for the 2022 GCI Fashion Show was #CPUTGreenLifstyle, aiming to showcase the opportunities for students within the Green Economy as well as to show our students how recycled materials can be used to make exquisite garments
1. To provide university students with a unique and memorable experience which creates environmental awareness, by combining fashion and environmental awareness
2. Provide a platform for students across faculties interested in design to showcase their skill and passion by entering and designing garments made out of recyclable and upcycled materials.
3 Promote the Green Campus Initiative and to get more students involved with the activities and to become more environmentally conscious.
4 To reach between 300-500+ students through the Event and various online platforms
A total of 14 student designers entered across the various faculties with 28 models who participated in the GCI Fashion Show on the 5 August 2022. Each designer was requested to create two garments each made out of recyclable materials.
Somatology students assisted with make-up, hair and nails for all the models. Making everyone run way ready. We also had a group of events students and interns assisting us with the coordination of the event!
The Judges panel had their work cut out for them, picking the winning designs. They did a great job at applying the criteria and looking for the best designs as well as crowning Mr & Miss GCI.
Students were entertained by an array of student performers throughout the Fashion Show and kept us all dancing and singing to their talent.
The GCI Fashion show 2022 was a great success with such creative and inspiring designs made by students.
Prizes included:
1st place designer - R5000
2nd place designer - R3500
3rd place designer - R2500
Mr & Miss GCI - R2000 each
Of students who attended would like to be invloved in more activites like this in the future
Student Development
Student Life & Residential Services
Advancement Department
A total of 278 students attended
70% female students
82% Residence students
Okuhle Lingani, 21 years of age and a 3rd year Events Management student at CPUT.
When I was creating my garments I was thinking Royalty, Queens, Princesses because I believe that in every woman there's a queen. The colors in the dresses are an inspiration from butterflies called pipevine swallowtail, the blue and black butterfly is well known for representing wisdom, imagination, freedom, intuition, harmony, inspiration as well as depth, trust, confidence, peace, and calmness. Models: Anesipho Dyosi & Okuhle Lingani
Grace Makwela, 21 years of age and a 3rd year Chemical Engineering student at CPUT
Being far from home, the idea of maize meal bags connects me to my identity and origins. The bags were essential to the Bapedi culture in earlier times for creating traditional clothing known as Mashapetla for the traditional dance, Kiba and Dinaka Mashapetla were worn around the knees and waist by both male and females. My garments inspire to modernized Bapedi culture
Models: Liyema Siphoso & Samkelo
ness Mabho, 21 years of age and a 1st year ency Medical Service students
m inspired by just two things The GCI fashion s the 1st inspiration behind the designs; having part in reducing landfills and making use of into reusable materials, and I think that's what n is about to me as a designer. Making a nce in the world and have a voice through my while maintaining a secure environment for all. er inspiration is Balenciaga's spring/summer22 o-wear collection Their presentation considers fting senses of reality through the lens of logy The world is seen through a filter ed, polished, conformed, photoshopped We no decipher between unedited and altered, e and counterfeit, tangible and conceptual, fact tion, fake and deepfake. Technology creates te realities and identities, a world of digital
21 years of age, 2nd year
Entrepreneurship student at CPUT
18 years of age, 1st year Nursing student at CPUT.
Imbewu Marimba Band
Snake Nation
Pincode Concepts
Somatology students Events
Cathy Cloete (CPUT Marketing Department)
Tumiso Mfisa (CPUT Transformation Office)
Zandile Jacobs (CPUT Residence Department)
Njabulo Maphumulo (ACUHO-I SAC & US)
Nonele Ganyile (CPUT CSRC)
Tshifhiwa Maluadzi (GCI Chairperson)
Lungisile Nsibanda (GCI Staff Coordinator)
Melani-Ann Hara (GCI Staff Coordinator)
Javern Zondagh (Residence Department)
Calvin Maseko (Advancement Department)
Xolelwa Magcoba (Advancement Department)
Lynn Hendricks (Advancement Department)
Khumo Maphumulo (Advancement Department)
Kirstyn Terry (SGLD Intern)
Asaphiwe Khonjwayo (SGLD Intern)
Sisanda Xhathi (SGLD Intern)
Luciano Hendricks (Assistant Event Coordinator)