Our Strategic Response: Project Pegasus
Top Pegasus Priorities for Academic Year 2024
Alignment with Other Institutional Initiatives
Implementation Approach for Project Pegasus
Envisaged Outcomes
Unsustainable Cost Structure with Salary Bill accounting for ~77% of our Total Income;
Steep cuts in subsidies for public universities by the Government in recent years against rising fixed and operational costs:
CPUT Subsidy increased by ONLY 1% against an expected 4% in 2023;
Marked decline in Philanthropic giving and other donations for Universities and public institutions;
CPUT has recorded above-inflation cost increases in utilities and other essential services against declining revenues over the past several years;
Massification of South African Higher Education Access not supported with concomitant financial resources e.g. NSFAS Funding; NRF etc.
Legislative constraints to enhance University Revenue streams e.g. Fee increase regulation
Within the next three years, CPUT’s financial sustainability will deteriorate significantly if no action is taken.
i.e. Our cost creep is not sustainable, placing our ability to optimally deliver on our Academic Agenda at risk
Project Pegasus (Phambili) was approved by Mancom to implement identified and necessary actions to ensure CPUT’s Financial Sustainability in the Medium to Long Term
Training and Stakeholder Engagements one two
Fiscal Prudence (doing more with less)
Cost management and containment (spec. overheads such as utilities)
Increase 3rd Stream income generating activities
Entrenching an ethics and compliance culture with less
Promotion of CPUT Ethics Framework
Socialization of Ethics and ESG Initiatives
Improving Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness
Business Process Optimization
Relevant and up to date Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines
Effective Facilities Management and Monetization
four Improving Operational Human Capital Process Improvements
Efficient and Effective Staff Recruitment and Retention
Headcount Management Optimization
Talent Management (e.g. Training)
Review of all student support processes from recruitment to graduation as well as proactive alumni engagement
six Leveraging Technology Enablers
Student Engagement Implement Automation and Digitalization Initiatives where possible
Project Pegasus is not about reducing CPUT Staff headcount but ensuring we achieve more Outputs relative to our Staff Complement;
It is about eliminating services and accompanying expenditures that are not core to CPUT’s purpose as an institution namely teaching, research, and community engagement;
It is about streamlining or consolidation of services/functions: eliminating duplications and adhering to the approved Delegation of Authority Matrix; Enhancing service provision by leveraging internal resources, expertise, and competencies rather than outsourcing to third parties; Prioritizing Cost Containment to ensure Financial Sustainability for CPUT’s for long-term viability
Executive Sponsor for Project Pegasus: Prof Chris Nhlapo, CPUT Vice Chancellor and Principal;
Executive Managers will have strategic oversight on Delivery of Project Pegasus Work Streams (Not aligned to their Normal Responsibilities)
Work Streams Leads will work with various CPUT Personnel to oversee, align, and coordinate the Project Pegasus activities; Priorities for Mancom is to tracks results, drives change management and communication in the interest of all CPUT Stakeholders;
Effective Change Management Approach to ensure Stakeholder buy-in;
Effective Institutional Leadership (governance and management);
Appropriate Institutional Culture;
Clear Communication Strategy to create constancy of purpose for stakeholders; Designation of Roles and Responsibilities to ensure empowered accountability across the institution.
Smart human capital and talent management to ensure that we remain focused on people as our most important resource;
Staff Establishment Project in July 2021 to ensure that CPUT’s staff establishment and organizational structure is fit for purpose and is aligned to Vision 2030.
In line with Focus Area 4 of V2030 highlighting:
Promote a culture of human-centricity and smart people of integrity, mutual respect, and excellence, who nurture collaboration, and are innovative in support of One Smart CPUT.
The Framework is meant to serve as a guide to all Institutional Stakeholders to conduct all activities through ethical decisions and behaviors: Integrity;
Acting Ethically with Impartiality;
Good Conscience; and Sound Judgment at all times
ENABLERS: Zero Tolerance to Bribery, Unethical Behaviour, Nepotism, Self - Enrichment, etc
ENVISAGED OUTCOMES: Honest, Transparent, Responsible, Competent, Unselfish, Ethical, and Fair Behaviors being the norm across CPUT
Acting Ethically Pivoting towards Renewable Energy and implementing Energy Efficiency Initiatives across our Campuses’
Waste Management – the adoption of separation at source focusing on waste reducing, reusing, recycling, recovery, and landfill as a last resort approach;
Water Conservation – Rainwater harvesting, leakage repairs, plant zoning etc.
Safety: Engender a culture as well as the creation of a Suitable Working and Learning Environment where students and staff feel valued and safe from harm;
Abuse-Free Environment: Combating Sexual Harassment, GBV, Bullying as well as any form of Discrimination with an unqualified focus on women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) as well as people with disability rights;
Duty of Care: Availability and provision of adequate Health and Social services for all students, staff, and other stakeholders.
Governance: Diversity of Staff, Management, and Council;
Accountability: Financial and accounting transparency (e.g. clean audit, declaration of conflict of interest
Leadership Effectiveness: Council, Executive Management, Mancom, Senate, and other institutional structures
Risk Management: Leadership and ethics with a significant emphasis on risk management;
Cost Containment to ensure CPUT’s long-term Financial Sustainability
Entrenched an ethics and compliance culture as well as consequence management;
Optimised Delegation of Authorityempowered and effective accountability and decision-making i.e. Simplified points of accountability;
High-Performance Culturemore productive workforce (improved outputs per FTEs);
Simplified, efficient, and effective Business Processes