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Conference papers

Muanda C & Ndoh-Owen BG

Social implications for using reclaimed water for domestic applications in South Africa, WISA Biennial Conference, Mbombela, 19-22 May 2014

Ncube B

Approaches for emerging farmer participation in water resource management: The case of the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency, Annual Water Seminar (Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency, CPUT and UWC with support from Wageningen University), Caledon, 3-7 March 2014

Ncube B

Insights into indigenous coping strategies to drought-for-drought adaptation in agriculture: The Southern Cape scenario, Validation Workshop for the Department of Agriculture, Beaufort West, 17 September 2014

Ncube B, Mpandeli S & Lagardien A

Coping with drought impacts on agriculture: A case study of the Southern Cape, South Africa, 22nd International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Gwangju, Korea, 14-20 September 2014

Technical reports

Delcarme B

Environmental hazard assessment of anthropogenic activities surrounding the Palmiet River and tributaries: Deliverable 2, Water Research Commission Project No K5/2329: Combined effect of urbanization, industrialization and population growth on water quality of the Palmiet River and its tributaries in the Overberg West sub-catchment of the Breede water management area: An integrated catchment risk assessment, September 2014

Delcarme B

Literature review: Deliverable 1, Water Research Commission Project No K5/2329: Combined effect of urbanization, industrialization and population growth on water quality of the Palmiet River and its tributaries in the Overberg West sub-catchment of the Breede water management area: An integrated catchment risk assessment, June 2014

Lagardien A, Cousins D & Muanda C CLTS in South Africa: Guide, tools and training aids: Deliverable 10, Water Research Commission Project No K5/2088: Adapting and piloting the new concepts of community led total sanitation (CLTS) into the South African municipal environment, January 2014

Lagardien A, Cousins D & Noludwe U

CLTS in South Africa: Lessons and recommendations: Deliverable 11, Water Research Commission Project No K5/2088: Adapting and piloting the new concepts of community led total sanitation (CLTS) into the South African municipal environment, March 2014

Muanda C, Ndoh-Owen BG, Bongani N, Goldin J, Mnyaka S & Tshibangu R

Enabling factors and conditions contributing to the use of reclaimed waste water: Deliverable 2, Water Research Commission Project No

K5/2208: An investigation into the social, institutional and economic implications of reusing reclaimed wastewater for domestic application in South Africa, February 2014

Muanda C, Ndoh-Owen BG, Cousins D & Goldin J

Factors influencing the public perception and governing people’s decision regarding the re-use of reclaimed wastewater: Deliverable 3, Water Research Commission Project No

K5/2208: An investigation into the social, institutional and economic implications of reusing reclaimed wastewater for domestic application in South Africa, November 2014

Ncube B

Validation workshop report: Water Research Commission Project No K5/2084: Insights into indigenous coping strategies to drought for drought adaptation in agriculture: The Southern Cape scenario, September 2014

Ncube B & Lagardien A

Final integrated research report: Deliverable 7, Water Research Commission Project No

K5/2084: Insights into indigenous coping strategies to drought for drought adaptation in agriculture: The Southern Cape scenario, October 2014

Ncube B & Lagardien A

Report on measures for drought resilience in agriculture based on indigenous insights: Indigenous knowledge typologies, strategies and actions: Deliverable 6, Water Research Commission Project No K5/2084: Insights into indigenous coping strategies to drought for drought adaptation in agriculture: The Southern Cape scenario, February 2014

Ncube B & Lagardien A

Report on the review of water allocation in the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency: Deliverable 1, Water Research Commission Project No K5/2310: Approaches for emerging farmer participation in water resource management: The case of the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency (BGCMA), September

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