2 minute read
1.1 introductory message from the chairperson of the institutional Transformation forum (iTf
1.1. introductory message from the chairperson of the institutional Transformation forum (iTf)
Prof Paul Green
chairperson: institutional Transformation forum
South africa has witnessed a plethora of student protest action over the last three years calling for transformation at tertiary institutions. many universities in the country have embraced transformation as an imperative that seeks to eradicate colonial, apartheid and imperial legacies, and the cape Peninsula university of Technology (cPuT) is no exception. analysing literature on transformation in South african one is more likely to encounter, but not limited to dialogue on race, Gender, language, local vs Global, curriculum, Pedagogy, names, culture, Symbols, to name but a few. a recent scan of the Mail and Guardian articles on Transformation illustrated the following titles: • There still aren’t enough black professors, despite university transformation attempts. • UFS Language Policy led to racial tension. • UCT to rename more buildings • Urgent strategy needed to decolonise curricula • Not Open Says Open
Stellenbosch • A riot is the language of the unheard
clearly, there is a need for institutions of higher learning who are responsible for knowledge generation, who are seen as open systems, to create platforms and spaces such as these to encourage academic debate without fear, favour or prejudice and learn from best practices. our university is committed to mainstreaming transformation and social cohesion in accordance with legislation and policies governing higher education. Transformation is a strategic initiative at cPuT and as such resides in the office of the Vice-chancellor and facilitated by the director: Transformation, Social cohesion and diversity.
Historically, transformation was coupled within the Human resource Transformation committee, and due to the credence and extent of transformation which permeates the entire university organ, it became imperative to have a separate structure which focuses solely on transformation and social cohesion. The university’s institutional Transformation forum (iTf) is therefore constituted to fulfil the transformation and social cohesion mandate and includes areas of social inclusion, equity of access, fair chances of success while eradicating all forms of abuse and unfair discrimination and human rights violations. The iTf is comprised of representation of faculties, units, departments, governance structures and trade unions.
Having a roundtable discussion such as this, saturated with expert knowledge and wisdom, it is envisaged that we: • Learn and share information on transformation imperatives in higher education; • Collaborate and network with partners on national imperatives on social justice and inclusion; • Support initiatives on safe and inclusive spaces to drive transformation in the Western cape; and • Establish the Transformation learning & development network (Tldnet) to learn, share lessons, best practices and research agendas on transformation related themes.
moreover, it is envisaged that the outcome of the day will result in: • Institutional Transformation forum of the university to have a common understanding of transformation in Higher
Education; • DHET and Transformation oversight committee to articulate their requirements/ expectations; • Outline critical areas of transformation imperatives that need further attention; • Learn, share with other universities, especially the
Western cape based universities and TVET colleges – involved in transformation imperatives in HE; • Network with government, private sector and other sectors on transformation related matters; and • Produce action plans for implementation.