1 minute read

WHO ARE YOU? We're ĠENN (Maltese for mad/ crazy). We're four misfits living a crazy life, and we're also trying to make sense of the world through music.
WHAT DO YOU DO? We're musicians. Besides making music, we also take care of the band's visual output, admin work, organise DIY events, etc. etc... you get the idea ;) We're as DIY as it gets.
WHY DO YOU DO IT? As cliché as it sounds, we can't live any other way. We're musical
nomads, and we're not destined to live a 'normal' life.
WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? We're gigging, gigging, gigging. We're also writing brand new tunes and working hard to get
our name out there. ĠENN World, anyone?
WHAT’S THE HOT TOPIC? Brexit. Three of us have moved over from Malta, and we also plan to tour mainland Europe regularly...so Brexit and its effect on our daily lives and as musicians is something that concerns us.
To keep up-to-date with all things ĠENN check out their social media: @genntheband on Instagram /genntheband on facebook ĠENN on Spotify.