3 minute read
We're Ben and Llinos from the band SEAZOO! As we write, the UK is about to enter the 4th week of restrictions due to the corona virus pandemic. We're currently staying in as much as possible, here in North Wales.
Ben sings and plays guitar in the band, and Llinos sings and plays keys.
We've got to give a shout out to the other band members too. Mike the bassist, Dan the guitarist and Steffan the drummer - they're safe and well. We all live in and around Wrexham. We're pretty lucky here as I don't think any of us are too far away from open space and country side for our daily exercise fix.

We're currently doing as much writing as possible while we have the time. I (Ben), write the songs and I'm making the most out of all of this spare time. I've got into a routine of writing every day. I get up around 6am, go into the front room with a brew and a guitar and quietly record ideas onto my phone. Once I've got the song written I'll demo it on garage band in the evening. I'm getting so much done!
It's exciting to see it come together in such a short space of time. I literally had nothing a few weeks ago. It's nice to have a routine and something to work towards.
I don't know. It's just something I (Ben) have to do. Ever since school, and joining my first band, it's been so important to me. I've always loved writing and recording ideas. I feel so lucky that I have a creative way to express myself.
I guess it's fun and a way of socialising with like minded people. I've met some of my closest friend through music. It's also a brilliant way to see the world. We physically get to go to some smart places, but also, when I'm writing, I tend to observe things differently and that's nice too.
Well, well, well! What was meant to be happening: We released our second album "JOY" a few weeks ago (so exciting), and we should be on tour, right now! In Newcastle specifically. We're a DIY band, and had put so much effort into not only recording and making the record but also booking the tour. It's been really disappointing as we've lost out financially, but we're looking to re-book and focusing on the future and more releases. But what's happening right now in reality? We just had some stir-fry. The noodles were going off - but we didn't really have any veg left. But we HAD to use the noodles. It was a tough call. It was really just a bowl of plain noodles and sauce. I feel better that they've been used up. Phew.
Well, it's the global catastrophe that's unfolding around us right now! The whole world has literally pretty much ground to a halt. It's mad. So it'll be really interesting to see how it shapes the industry. The future of live music? Will venues that were already struggling still be there? Will anyone have any money to do anything? To record? To make stuff? I hope so. I guess we're pretty fortunate as we are DIY, and do quite a bit of recording ourselves. We could retreat back into recording at home where it all started if that's what's needed.
I guess lots of people might feel the same? It's interesting to see the way people are taking to the internet and streaming live performances at home. Perhaps that'll grow and will form part of how we consume live music in the future? It is good to see musicians thinking creatively around this. Our friends Mr Ben and the Bens have started to make a weekly TV show that's streamed live on Saturday mornings. It's a take on an 80's kid's TV show. It's really good! They're always creating stuff, it's mental the work they put in! It's inspiring! If anything, the virus has made me work much harder.