1 minute read
It is obvious that the UK music scene has recently been shaken unfathomably and continues to be in a constant state of flux every day that the COVID-19 pandemic exists. Beyond its substantial economic worth, reported at almost £5 billion in live and recorded sales, advertising and distribution, the UK music industry is a thriving cultural mixing pot of vital innovation and growth. Live performance is still taking the brunt of the damage, but recorded music has also been affected and the ramifications on individuals at all levels of the industry are still very much being felt. At this time of writing the UK government have acknowledged live performances relevance in part response to the #letthemusicplay campaign with a combined £1.5 billion arts funding package. This could prove to be a lifeline for areas of the industry struggling but ultimately will only keep their heads just above the water. Throughout the past few months of the pandemic there have been many smaller victories that show the adaptability and resilience of our industry. It is these innovations have the power to act transformatively on new normal for our musical lives....