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The Story of Sadie and Syd, the 2 characters of our Opera.
TTRRUUCES is a band started by Jules Apollinaire and Natalie Findlay. The first album just came out, on June 28th. It is an Opera of 11 songs immersing the listener into a fictional universe and the story of 2 lost souls ( Sadie the Sad Girl & Syd the Lost Boy) who meet on the quest for a new drug that throws them in a life-changing, mind-altering journey. Every track will have a Video, and they’ll all connect into one final movie of the Album.
The TTRRUUCES Drug, supposed to expand your mind, show you the world without physical limitations, and help you achieve true happiness. Sadie and Syd meet looking for that drug, lead by the Bad Kids, they find it, drop it, and it throws them in a massive Bad Trip. They come out of it changed and inseparable.