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Hi my name is Josh and I’m one of the guitarists and songwriters in the band FUR, from Brighton. We make music that marries a mutual love for 60’s/70’s songwriting and production with the more modern influences that we grew up with.
The JC-120 has been my dream amp since an early teen infatuation with Robert Smith. Not exclusive to The Cure, the amp is used by so many of my favourite artists like David Byrne and Slowdive to name a few. About 6 years ago I managed to buy an old JC-120 online and had to drive up to London to collect it. On arrival, I knocked on the door to the address I had been given and was greeted by a friendly old man and his equally old dog who was no less friendly. After playing it for a while he proceeded to tell me about the history of the amp by showing me a photo album of pictures of his time as a roadie for The Pogues who used the amp on tour. He was so friendly he even ended up giving me a discount as he could tell I would take care of it. It’s roughly 40 years old and weighs a tonne but it’s still going strong.
I got this guitar on a risky “pay nothing for the first 6 months” deal in 2019 just before our UK and Asia tour because I didn’t have a guitar reliable enough for touring. It was really thrown in the deep end in that sense and it wasn’t set up properly so I hated it up until we recorded our album and the studio guitar tech transformed it for me for which I am eternally grateful. What I
If there’s one thing that is certain when it comes to touring, it’s that you can guarantee at some point you will be feeling worse for wear in some unfamiliar service station. Stationed off a monotonous motorway by a town that you’ve never heard of and are likely never to hear of again. In this situation, it’s very easy to succumb to the overpriced meal deals or even the promise of redemption via the grease of fast food, as I have done so many times in the past. The real answer to your woes is Huel. A bag of magic sawdust-like goodness that when combined with water gives you a shake that gives you everything your body needs, keeping not only you healthy but also your bank balance. Allowing you to shake off the worst of late nights and play each show like it was the first day of the tour.
I’ve always enjoyed reading ever since I could remember, very much anything I can get my hands on from fiction and poetry to non-fiction and autobiographies. It’s a perfect hobby to have considering in reality, being on tour is 90% traveling to a show or sitting around waiting to play one. Thinking about it I’m surprised then that every time I take a book with me I barely make a dent because I always end up having such a good time with everyone. Maybe I’ll have more luck in 5 years’ time when we all hate each other’s guts and don’t speak. The book pictured is “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous” by Ocean Vuong which has to be the best book I’ve read so far this year and highly recommend.
Words by Josh Buchanan / FUR
Our debut album "When you walk away" is out now and you can catch us on tour in November.