Feb spring employee owner newsletter spring vol 1 pages

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Yo u r C o m p a n y. Yo u r C u l t u r e . S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | Vo l . 1

We are G r o w i n g !

A C P & Y, I n c . E m p l o y e e - O w n e r P u b l i c a t i o n

Vision Inside this issue...



Meet The Wallace Group


Holidays Around the Offices Cultivating our Culture About Externships



What it means to be an Employee-Owner Office Administration Tips Wellness Challenge Survey Results


Discover Engineers Week Upcoming Conferences & Events



Yo u r C o m p a n y. Yo u r C u l t u r e .


To b e a s u p e r i o r c o n s u l t a n t f o r o u r c l i e n t s , p l a c e t o w o r k f o r o u r s t a f f , a n d i n v e s t m e n t f o r o u r E m p l o y e e - O w n e r s .

A Note from J.J.

In addition to wishing all of our Employee-Owners a Happy New Year, I wanted to provide a quick update on what has been happening since we jointly announced the combination of our companies in November of 2014. The excitement continues to grow and while some say we are in the “honeymoon period”, I am convinced that we have a great start with endless possibilities. It has been incredible getting to know some of the folks around the different offices. Also in December, several of our new partners from the Wallace Group were in attendance at Christmas Parties around the state. In addition to marketing and business development coordination we are also getting different staff together to utilize each other’s expertise on project work. The building on each other’s talents and utilization of everyone is what is making this growth period so awesome. To continue the spirit of our growth and to continue working towards our Vision 2020, we have hired a new recruiter, Lisa Melanie who has a goal to hire 50 new Employee-Owners in the next few months. This is an exciting time for our CP&Y family and I am certain we are headed in the right direction. Sincerely,

J.J. Roohms, COO

“I am convinced that we have a great start with endless possibilities.”

Dallas Holiday Party Left to right: Bob Wallace (TWG, President), Walter Chiang (CPY, Founder), Pete Patel (CPY, CEO)

Partners for a Better Quality of Life.



Meet the Wallace Group A progressive company with deep roots in Texas





On November 30th, 2014, we added over 45 new EmployeeOwners to our CP&Y family. Meet your newest teammates, The Wallace Group.

along the I-35 corridor. Under the CP&Y umbrella, The Wallace Group is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of CP&Y and will operate as The Wallace Group, Inc, a CP&Y company.

Starting out in 1976, The Wallace Group was founded The acquisition of The Wallace by water/wastewater pioneer Group will allow expansion into and President, Bob Wallace. survey, SUE, Land Development, and Architecture. Over the course of 37 years, the civil engineering firm has grown to four offices in “The acquisition follows the North and Central Texas a long-standing, Regions. The acquisition follows a successful relationship with the firm and over a decade of collaboration on public sector infrastructure projects


successful relationship with a decade of collaboration on public sector infrastructure projects along the I-35 corridor.”

Yo u r C o m p a n y. Yo u r C u l t u r e .



Guiding Principles: Sound buisness PRINCIPAL practices INVOLVEMENT Commitment to top performance







Sample Projects



WATER/WASTEWATER Downtown Water/Wastewater Rehabilitation Project Killeen, TX

WACO 200 We Waco, T P: F:

GENERAL CIVIL Temple Longhorn Channel Drainage Imrpovements Temple, TX

KILLEE 3010 Illi Killeen, P: F: DALLA 1825 M Dallas, P: F: ROUND Old Tow 1 Chish Round R P: F:

ARCHITECTURE Waco Police Department HQ Waco, TX SURVEY/SUE Chisholm Trail SUD Ronald Regan 24-inch Water Main Williamson County, TX

To i m p r o v e i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , s u s t a i n t h e e n v i r o n m e n t , a n d h e l p c o m m u n i t i e s t h r i v e .







entral & North Texas

ff of Over

0+ Professionals

WATER/WASTEWATER Water Resources Wastewater Collection & Treatment

When asked about the welding of the two firms, Bob Wallace said that “the acquisition benefits both firms. It benefits our employees, our owners, and our clients. This was a guiding principle in negotiations and was important to all parties.”

rket Sectors

ivate & Public Clients

Office Locations

est Highway 6, Suite 620 TX 76712 : 254.772.9272 : 254.776.2924

EN inois Avenue, Suite 100 TX 76543 : 254.554.5959 : 254.554.5979 AS Market Center Blvd., Suite 440 TX 75207 : 214.747.3733 : 214.747.7331 D ROCK wn Square holm Trail, Suite 130 Rock, TX 78681 : 254.772.9272 : 254.776.2924

GENERAL CIVIL Transportation Land Development Recreation Environmental Engineering

ARCHITECTURE Master Planning Feasability Studies Full Design Services

CP&Y & The Wallace Group at the TexITE Outing in December Photo by Anthony Serda. Left to Right: JJ Roohms (CPY, COO), Scott Wetzel (TWG), Kim Speir (TWG), Dan Flaherty (TWG), Todd Brown (TWG), Anthony Serda (CPY, Transportation Practice)

SURVE & SUE Land Surveying Subsurface Utility Engineering

Partners for a Better Quality of Life.



Holidays Around the Offices


Austin Holiday Party Left to Right: Bobby Balli (CPY, Client Services), Fernanda Balli (Spouse)

Austin Holiday Party Left to Right: Lindsay Webb (CPY, Water Practice), Zach Webb (Spouse)

Dallas Holiday Party Left to Right: J.J. Roohms (CPY, COO), Bob Wallace (TWG, President), Walter Chiang (CPY, Founder), Pete Patel (CPY, CEO)

Dallas Holiday Party Left to Right: Ellen Carpenter (CPY, Marketing), Tanya Miro (CPY, IT)

Oklahoma City Holiday Party Left to Right: Scott Stegmann (CPY, EPP), Kendal Stegmann (Spouse)

Oklahoma City Holiday Party Left to Right: Shauna Cilberg (Spouse), Steve Cilberg (CPY, OKC Business Development)

Yo u r C o m p a n y. Yo u r C u l t u r e .

We do what is right, push ourselves to excel, work hard to earn trust, value our pe ople, and love what we do.

Cultivating our Culture

This quarter, we recognize our Environmental Planning & Permitting Group led by Vice President Andy Atlas in our Austin Office. By the end of the next quarter, the group will have grown by 30%. Andy Atlas, AICP EPP Group Leader Austin

Scott Stegmann

Stacey Benningfield

Darren Dodson

Sr. Environmental Planner Oklahoma City

Sr. Environmental Planner Austin

Sr. Environmental Planner Austin

Tori Raines

Sarah Itz

Beth Reed

Angela Smith

Architectural Historian Oklahoma City

Architectural Historian Austin

Amy Stubbs

Kathryn St. Clair

Lauren Avioli

Architectural Historian Austin

Environmental Planner Austin

Scott Stegmann

Stacey Benningfield

Darren Dodson

Sr. Environmental Planner Oklahoma City

Sr. Environmental Planner Austin

Sr. Environmental Planner Austin

Andy Atlas, AICP EPP Group Leader Austin

Biologist Colorado Springs


Sarah Itz Biologist Colorado Springs

Beth Reed

Angela Smith

Architectural Historian Austin

GIS Analyst Austin

Kathryn St. Clair

Lauren Avioli

Amy Stubbs

$ Referral Bonus Opportunity! $

Architectural Historian Austin

Environmental Planner Austin

Tori Raines

Architectural Historian Oklahoma City

Biologist San Antonio

GIS Analyst & Biologist Austin

Cultivating our culture means finding new, like-minded, dedicated Employee-Owners to foster our vision for growth. We have added a Talent Acquisitions Manager to our Human Resources Team in our Dallas Office.

Lisa Melane total years of experience


experience in A/E Industry


previous firms



Biologist San Antonio


GIS Analyst & Biologist Austin

Externships Average Length is 5 Hours

Students are Taken to Jobsites for hands-on Experience


Meet Lisa Melane


Analyst Austin Externship GIS Day Austin Wesley Young (Water Resources Mgr.), 8 engineering hopefuls headed to a jobsite $ Referral Bonus Opportunity! $

Reporting to Jennifer Machin-Sandberg, our Human Resources Manager, Lisa has jumped right in and with her help, we have already sent out over 20 full-time offers, five intern offers, attended six career fairs with more than a dozen on the horizon in just 31 days! We are excited to have Lisa on board and look forward to all the talented people she will bring to our already amazing pool of staff.

Each discipline Spends time with the students Each Student is given CP&Y collateral & swag

upcoming Career Fairs jan











11 feb

11 feb

12 feb


Partners for a Better Quality of Life.



Employee-Ownership What it means to work for an Employee-Owned company and being an Employee-Owner


The concept of allowing employees to own shares of their companies dates back to the mid-19th century — before the days of Social Security — when many people would no longer have any income after deciding not to work. Some business owners decided that it would be a good idea to set aside stock for their employees as an incentive to work hard and dedicate themselves to their jobs over the long term. Today, there are approximately 11,300 companies in the U.S. that are structured under the employee stock-ownership plan (ESOP), according to the National Center for Employee Ownership. What does it all mean to you, the Employee-Owners? The ESOP is a defined contribution retirement plan similar to the 401(k) Plan, except no contribution is required by the employees. The ESOP contributions by the company are primarily in CP&Y stock and can also be in cash. The purpose of the plan is to enable the employee to participate in the growth and prosperity of the company by making us stockholders. Our company makes discretionary contributions to the plan on a Fiscal year basis. Your share of the contribution will depend upon how much compensation you received during the year and the compensation received by the eligible participants.


ESOP (em•ploy•ee stock own•er•ship plan) n.

The ESOP is a defined contribution retirement plan similar to the 401(k) Plan, except no contribution is required by the employees. The ESOP contributions by the company are primarily in CP&Y stock and can also be in cash. The purpose of the plan is to enable the employee to participate in the growth and prosperity of the company by making us stockholders.

EMPLOYEE-OWNER (em•ploy•ee ow•ner) n.

Part owner of the company. When you retire, you will be entitled to receive the value of the contributed amounts plus the growth in the stock price and cash earnings.


Vesting Procedure for 401(k) CP&Y Match & ESOP Allocations PERIODS OF SERVICE > 2 years 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years


Yo u r C o m p a n y. Yo u r C u l t u r e .

PERCENTAGE 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Employee-Owned. Employee Focused.

Office Administration Tips

The importance of following a workflow for your appointments, office templates, and more


Calendars to Copy: Office Calendar Office Coordinators Meeting Space Calendar

We operate at warp speed. We often forget that

Appt. Subject Line Format: JJR-Meeting with City of Dallas

our Employee-Owners are spread out across 15 offices with staff traveling every day, meeting with clients, taking a vacation, etc. It is important to alert your team as well as

Visiting other offices: corresponding office coordinators where you are Copy the office calendars you are on any given business day. Follow these tips from visiting as well as your own

your office coordinators for better communication.

Summer Wellness Challenge Results We promote fitness year-round from our fitness competitions to stocking healthy snacks are in every office. In order to

Wellness Challenge Results

consistently improve our wellness challenges, our wellness

Winner’s Circle

committee wanted to hear your thoughts about our last challenge. We had a great turn out this last round compared to

Sergio Yanes Paul Roach Amanda Wilson


Nagesh Tummala

previous years and it’s only getting better. Get ready. The next



Challenge Motivation?

Competition & $$$ (tied for first) Yes. Most of you realized you need to keep moving! 12 weeks is preferred for the next challenge.

How was the length of the challenge (in weeks)? Award incentives along the way or big reward at the end? Do you have some award incentive suggestions? Ideas for the next wellness physical challenge?


Clay Rahn




Additional Wellness Champions

fitness challenge is just around the corner.

Were healthy habits created?

Sally Solano

Total Number of CP&Y Steps


You want rewards along the way.

Fort Worth is the Office Winner! 120

$$$ seems to be universal. Houston 505,415 Avg. Steps

You want a competition that is more than just steps.

2x 8Around

San Antonio 626,335 Avg. Steps

Dallas 763,540 Avg. Steps

Austin 838,998 Avg. Steps

Oklahoma City 870,102 Avg. Steps

DFW Airport 1,282,573 Avg. Steps

Richmond 1,462,888 Avg. Steps

Fort Worth 1,544,577 Avg. Steps


2014 Initiative vs. 2012 Initiative

2014 61% Participation



2012 37% Participation


2014 41% Finished



2012 17% Finished

Total Employee-Owner Participation

Total Number of Finishers

Partners for a Better Quality of Life.



What is Career Week? Career Week is a celebration of our Employee-Owners and the talent and skills that they bring to our company. We aren’t just an engineering company, we are so much more. With all of the new additions to the CP&Y family, we wanted to set aside a week to appreciate the tremendous effort that each and every one of you puts forth everyday. Enjoy breakfast and a luncheon with your fellow co-workers next week as a thank you for helping us build our future, one EmployeeOwner at a time.

other upcoming

Events of Interest...

feb 28

ASEC Bowl for Kids Event (Austin/Round Rock)

mar 30

Water for People Volleyball Tournament (Austin)

mar 8

International Women’s Day (All Offices)

apr 18

Learn to Fish Charity Event (Austin/Round Rock)

mar 9-11

Design-Build in Transpo Conference (San Antonio)

apr 22

Administrative Professionals Day (All Offices) Earth Day (All Offices)

apr 14-17

Texas Water Conference (Corpus Christi)

mar 11-13 Design-Build in W/WW Conference (San Antonio)


Yo u r C o m p a n y. Yo u r C u l t u r e .



Transportation Practice Amy Stubbs (San Antonio, EPP) Anelga Smith (Austin, EPP) Brittany McAnelly (Oklahoma City, Roadway) Jonathan Fleming (Austin, Roadway) Stacey Benningfield (Austin, EPP)

5 years Tracy Posey (Dallas, TWG)

Water Practice Aaloka Gogate (Dallas, Electrical/SCADA) Adam Kirchner (San Antonio) Alisa Gruber (San Antonio) Basheer Mohamed (Austin, Electrical/SCADA) Brett DeVries (Dallas, Solid Waste) Clayton Tidwell (Dallas, Electrical/SCADA) Elle Holbrook (Dallas) Javier Cantu (Houston) Javier Esquivel (San Antonio) Kevin Williams (Dallas, Electrical/SCADA) Kshitija Kadam (Dallas, Electrical/SCADA) Stephen Baxter (Dallas, Electrical/SCADA) Tianshu Zhang (Houston)

15 years Janie Jackson (Waco, TWG, Administrative) Brian Jones (Houston, Roadway) Paul Roach (Ft. Worth, Water Practice) 20 years Mel Green (Ft. Worth, Water Practice) George Jezek (Waco, Architecture)

Aviation • Transit • Construction Management Practice Hani Ghali (Dallas, Aviation) Manuel Brain (Richmond, Aviation) Survey/SUE Jason Carmona (Round Rock, TWG) Johnny Mejarado (Dallas, TWG) Information Technology Michael Agee (Dallas) Human Resources Lisa Melane (Dallas)

www.cpyi.com www.wallace-group.com

Marketing Rachel Talley (Dallas, Proposal Coordinator) Accounting Sherri McGriff (Dallas) Interns Cameron Wade (Dallas) Mahagony Cullins (Houston) Shammi Rahman (Ft. Worth)

Have a company story to submit? awest@cpyi.com Feedback on the newsletter? jmachin@cpyi.com

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