Bfj integrity folder visual

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Engineering Solutions

Joint Integrity Management Program • Specifications & Procedures • Software • Training • Consulting • Audits

Make the change today. Implement a Joint Life-Cycle approach to Joint Integrity with optimization of resource usage via quantitative assessments, including Risk Based Joint Integrity (RBJI)

Joint Leakage

Tools for obtaining leak free operation Site Joint Integrity Audits (Knowledge is key – Identify Gaps) Procedures, Guidelines and Specifications Consulting Support Training Software Leak Investigation (Defined JPIs* and program improvement)

Leak Free Operation

* Joint Performance Indicators


Integrity through Knowledge In most cases, bolted joint leakage can be traced back to a lack of knowledge at some stage of the joint life-cycle. In order to eliminate leakage, it is necessary to improve knowledge implementation at all stages of the joint life-cycle. Current industry specifications and standards are inadequate, particularly by comparison with welded joints. As a consequence, it is necessary to implement company specifications and procedures designed to improve not only design and assembly, but also quality control of the joint components. The IES bolted joint specifications and procedures have been implemented in both small operating companies and globally by multi-national companies.

Of course, the specifications and procedures come with IES support, both for initial implementation and long-term. For some organizations, IES provides the Subject Matter Expert (SME) role (dealing with queries and deviation requests). IES specifications and procedures represent value for money.

The specifications and procedures are customized to the need of the particular organization and, as such, represent one of the best value-formoney investments that will be made within the implementation of a Joint Integrity Program. While adoption of the entire suite of specifications and procedures results in a seamless solution across all aspects of the joint integrity program it

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is possible for sites or organizations to select only those specifications and procedures from the suite that they desire. The specifications and procedures can be purchased under a irrevocable license to use agreement or leased on a per-annum basis. The advantage of the lease approach is that IES maintain the documents at industry best-practice level.

The cost of the IES documents is typically is less than the cost of having in-house senior engineers engaged in the creation of new or improved specifications and procedures. By drawing on unparalleled IES knowledge on the subject, the specifications can be implemented more rapidly and with greater understanding of the need throughout the organization.

Flange/Joint Design Assembly Technique Select Gasket & Bolt/Nut Selection Gasket Specification Anti-Seize Selection Component QA

Design Specify Purchase

Assembler Qualification Assembly Procedure/Pattern Pneumatic/Hydro Leak Test Alignment Tolerances Bolt Load Selection Inspection & QA Tool Calibration

• • • • • • •

Inspection Hot-Torque/T-O-N Performance Tracking Failure RCA Operator Training

• • • • •

Fabricate Assemble

Joint Life Cycle Operate Maintain Client Feedback: Piping SME, Major Oil & Gas Organisation - As part of our regular review process of our Technical Standards, we solicited the assistance of Dr. Warren Brown from Integrity Engineering Solutions to assist in developing a comprehensive standard for Bolted Flange Joint Assembly. We feel that the resulting standard is a significant step for us to ensure that we are eliminating any potential for loss of containment at flanged connections. In comparison to our existing standards, the services provided by IES have given us a much more thorough understanding of the influencing characteristics and application of calculations required to achieve a leak free joint as well as providing a methodology for analyzing and resolving issues with troublesome joints. We are looking forward to working further with Dr. Brown in developing a comprehensive training program that will cover the full spectrum from Engineering to Assembling of Bolted Flange Joints. 3/16 Griffin Drive, Dunsborough, Western Australia, 6281 Tel: +61 (0)8 6369 1030 Fax: +61 (0)8 6230 5268 ABN: 18 146 671 801 Email:

Engineering Solutions


IES Bolted Joint Procedures cover the following Joint Design: • Materials Selection • Non-Standard Flange Design • Standard Flange (Piping) Design • Joint Criticality Assessment Procurement: • Bolt Specification, including coatings • Gasket Specifications • Flange Specifications Assembly: • Joint Assembly Guidance (Assembly Procedures) • Joint Assembly Sheets and Tags • Anti-Seize Selection and Guidance • Standard Flange Bolt Load Selection versus material types and gasket type Maintenance: • Assembly Bolt Load Selection Procedure • Joint Leakage and Repair Guidance • Joint Corrosion and Repair Guidance • Joint Leakage Investigation Procedure • Integrity Program Performance Tracking Training & Implementation: • Guidance on training requirements at all levels • Short for-information course material on the need for the new specifications and procedures • Field information booklet containing key data • Provide specification owner support (preparation of draft spec deviation and query responses)

3/16 Griffin Drive, Dunsborough, Western Australia, 6281 Tel: +61 (0)8 6369 1030 Fax: +61 (0)8 6230 5268 ABN: 18 146 671 801 Email:

Engineering Solutions


Joint Analysis, Design & Engineering

IES JADE – Joint Assembly, Design and Engineering What JADE is: JADE is the foremost software package available for the assembly, design and engineering assessment of Pressure Boundary Bolted Joints. The core of the software is a world-leading, advanced engineering analysis module that allows an assessment of joint integrity that exceeds industry best-practice. Jade includes: • Joint Component Strength Calculations (exceeds WRC Bulletin 538)* • Flange Design Calculations (ASME VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2) • Assessment of the effects of transient thermal loading (exceeds WRC Bulletin 510)* • Determination of the optimal joint assembly bolt load (exceeds ASME PCC-1 Appendix O)* • Joint Assembly Procedure (ASME PCC-1 Appendix F)* • Joint Inspection Procedure (ASME PCC-1 Appendix D)*

• I dentification of the Joint Risk Ranking based on a fully quantitative approach* • Assessment of all joint loads (including external loads & creep/relaxation)* • Built-in standard flange and materials database • Assess any custom flange or standard flange for the actual service conditions. * All of these industry leading procedures and calculation methods were developed by Dr. Warren Brown, Principal Engineer at IES.

What JADE does: Assembly • Determines optimal bolt load • Creates a custom joint assembly sheet • Identifies the joint assembly technique required based on risk of leakage • Stores assembly variables used Design • Eliminates leakage of new equipment • Performs flange design code calculations • Identifies the component strengths • E nables design optimization, including gasket selection • Enables simplification of site practices (uniformity of assembly techniques and bolt load levels) on new equipment • Latest techniques for assessing external loads and component creep/relaxation incorporated Engineering • Identification of Root Cause of Leakage via joint integrity calculations • Essential for continuous improvement of any Joint Integrity Program • Facilitates standardization of approach for addressing existing equipment leakage • Proactive identification of risk for all joints, enabling resources to be assigned where they are needed

3/16 Griffin Drive, Dunsborough, Western Australia, 6281 Tel: +61 (0)8 6369 1030 Fax: +61 (0)8 6230 5268 ABN: 18 146 671 801 Email:

Joint Analysis, Design & Engineering

• Exceeds industry standards • T he only software backed by industry leading knowledge and experience • G asket limits determined by both in-house testing & field experience • C alculates the actual joint conditions, rather than relying on pre-calculated standard flange tables or simplified gasket stress limits

• I ntegrates with existing maintenance practices or as part of the IES Joint Integrity Program IES guarantees that JADE represents the best available technology and knowledge in the industry. JADE contains unparalleled knowledge and the techniques employed are backed up with over 20 years of field experience and a solid engineering foundation.


Why choose JADE:

Assembly Bolt Load Selection Graph: these graphs allow visualization of the joint component strengths, operating loads and assembly bolt load selection. They also allow comparison of different gasket styles and dimensions. Real-time assessment means that it is possible to determine the optimal joint configuration or the reason for existing joint leakage in only a few clicks.

Thermal Load Assessment Graph: allows visualization of the joint component temperatures during a thermal transient (heating or cooling) and the resulting effect on bolt load. This enables the determination of whether the bolt load reduces below the required operational gasket stress limit during operation or increases beyond the acceptable joint component limits during start-up or once the joint is in operation. Leakage due to thermal transients is one of the leading causes of joint leakage. Visualization of this cause and determination of the most appropriate solution is made easy by JADE.

3/16 Griffin Drive, Dunsborough, Western Australia, 6281 Tel: +61 (0)8 6369 1030 Fax: +61 (0)8 6230 5268 ABN: 18 146 671 801 Email:

Joint Analysis, Design & Engineering


Integrity through Knowledge Joint integrity programs do not succeed without the right level of knowledge in the field. Even the best tools will fail if applied in the wrong way. While IES is happy to provide consulting and supervisory services, in some cases the preference is to improve in-house knowledge. To facilitate that, IES provide several levels of training, designed to suit the requirements of any organization. At the highest level, IES Senior Engineer (SE) Training is designed to take an individual with good working knowledge of bolted joint design and operation and bring their knowledge to a level such that they can act as a site or company-wide technical resources. The IES courses focus on practical considerations, rather than re-iteration of the codes and standards requirements. In addition, IES provide summary in-person or online courses for training all levels of the organization. Alternatively, IES provides training modules to the organization on a lease basis, such that the organization SE’s can training other levels within the organization. This method of providing “Train the Trainer” knowledge transfer allows knowledge within the organization to grow organically at a pace that is dictated by need and workload. By leasing the training modules, this ensures that they are kept up to date by IES with current industry best practice.

The information presented in the training modules is packed with practical, industry leading information. You’ll find no better out there, that’s our guarantee!

The goal of Integrity Engineering Solutions training is to provide industry leading, practical training that can be applied in the field immediately.

Course Feedback:

Our training programs are the only ones that follow the full life-cycle of equipment. This is done so that you get an understanding of how one decision will impact other parts of the equipment life-cycle. By not focusing on only design, or only assembly, everything is tied together and the relevant importance of each learning point becomes apparent.

Lead Integrity Engineer - “The information put together for this course on BFJ integrity is the best I have seen on the topic. It goes well beyond assembly methods and traditional treatise on BFJ like ASME S8D1 design and actually discusses optimizing (i.e.: maximizing) bolt assembly loads, considering gasket, flange and bolt limits, joint relaxation and assembly short comings. Not only will engineering personnel gain a lot on the discussion of the background of assembly practices, but there is an enlightening discussion on best and worst practices as well. And this is just the reading material! The dialogue and experiences of attendees and the insight of Dr Brown makes this truly a great learning experience.”

We don’t simply follow a code or guideline, even though we wrote some of them. We only provide you with information that is relevant and practical. In other words, we distill the information down into what you really need to know. But the biggest difference is of course – why learn from others, when you can learn straight from the horses-mouth! We’ve spent the last 20 years advancing technology and perfecting the techniques currently considered leading edge in bolted joints.

100% of the attendees have reported that the training can be applied to their jobs right now and will improve joint integrity.

Turnaround Co-ordintator - “IES’s Bolted Joint Training has the unique combination of understanding what happens in the field, and the theory of bolted flanges. This helps to prioritize where we should focus efforts to easily solve most leaking flange problems.”

3/16 Griffin Drive, Dunsborough, Western Australia, 6281 Tel: +61 (0)8 6369 1030 Fax: +61 (0)8 6230 5268 ABN: 18 146 671 801 Email:

Engineering Solutions

Plant Maintenance Manager


Quality Assurance

Maintenance Trades/Supervision

Intermediate Level Engineer

Equipment Design Engineer

Plant Maintenance Engineer

BFJ1 - Leak-Free Operation BFJ2 - ASME PCC-1-2010 BFJ3 - Flange Design Codes BFJ4 - Specs & Procedures Intermediate Courses BFJ5 - Prioritization BFJ6 - Joint Terminology BFJ7 - Gasket Selection BFJ8 - Material Selection BFJ9 - Joint Assembly BFJ10 - Best & Worst Practices BFJ11 - Flange Design BFJ12 - Effects of Pressure BFJ13 - Effects of Temperature BFJ14 - Specs & Procedures BFJ15 - Nut Factors BFJ16 - RTJ Joints BFJ17 - Clamped Connectors BFJ18 - Leakage Advanced Courses BFJ19 - Design Optimization BFJ20 - Pressure & Thermal Effects II BFJ21 - Joint Limits BFJ22 - Bolt Load Selection BFJ23 - Piping Moments BFJ24 - Creep/Relaxation BFJ25 - Troubleshooting BFJ26 - FEA on Joints BFJ27 - Flange Maintenance

IES SE Training

Introductory Courses























Further information on the individual module content can be found at

3/16 Griffin Drive, Dunsborough, Western Australia, 6281 Tel: +61 (0)8 6369 1030 Fax: +61 (0)8 6230 5268 ABN: 18 146 671 801 Email:

Engineering Solutions


List of training modules


Consulting While IES provides the tools to enable clients to eliminate leakage in most pressure boundary bolted joints themselves, there are certain cases when the better option is to use IES in a consulting role: • F or the < 5% of joints that the standard analysis methods and procedures are not capable of identifying the root cause, the use of advanced analysis methods, such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) may be required. • I n many cases, the client engineers are already over-loaded with work and find it difficult to find time to master the extensive field of pressure boundary bolted joints, let alone implement pro-active joint assessments. The experience of IES in performing both standard joint assessments and advanced analysis means that not only is a seamless solution offered, but cost is minimized due to the efficiencies that come with experience and selecting the right solution first time. IES deliver the right answer within the least amount of time • W hile most engineers can get up to speed on standard joints and standard solutions to leakage problems relatively quickly, there are always the odd joints where standard solutions don’t work or the joint configuration prevents implementation of the standard solution. With the breadth of experience at IES, we have usually seen the problem before and can get straight to the solution.

Client Feedback Warren Brown did a thermal transient FEA simulation for me in a heat exchanger flange, under a research work of the Pressure Vessels Research Council in the late 90’s. The work was impeccable and a classic. Later, he did some other work for me in the interaction of flange tightness and gasket behavior prediction. His in depth knowledge in the FEA simulation on equipment, gasket behavior and leakage prediction is SOLID, SOLID and SOLID. I value his expertise greatly. imon Yuen, Team Lead, Project & Technology, S Shell Chemicals Canada Why choose IES Consulting for Joint Integrity Assessments: • Unparalleled experience in advanced analysis of pressure boundary bolted joints, including extensive verification against experimental and field results • A bility to identify the most appropriate level of analysis required • P ractical interpretation and application of analysis results • V erification of results using other analysis methodologies performed as standard • I n-house testing capabilities for verification of analysis results, if required • U nparalleled database of material properties for gasket behaviour. • A bility to “think beyond the analysis” and include practical considerations that will influence actual joint performance • A bility to take the analysis beyond linear and include Fitness-For-Service and Elastic-Plastic analysis, as required

Thermal Loading Assessment Temperature

Gasifier Joint Assessment

Experience, Speed and Effectiveness means the right answer in the shortest possible time

Thermal Loading Assessment - Stress

3/16 Griffin Drive, Dunsborough, Western Australia, 6281 Tel: +61 (0)8 6369 1030 Fax: +61 (0)8 6230 5268 ABN: 18 146 671 801 Email:

Engineering Solutions

Ever wondered how your plant stacks up against industry standard? Ever wondered what you need to do to bring it up to industry best-practice? With an onsite audit of the full life-cycle practices at the plant, IES can identify and rank deficiencies in current pressure boundary bolted joint practices. In addition, IES will rank the importance of the different actions that are required to eliminate joint leakage and provide guidance on how to achieve success. Rather than focussing on one aspect of the joint life-cycle, IES knowledge covers the entire life-cycle, which enables the identification and ranking of the most significant issues at the plant level. This avoids placing too many resources into the wrong activities.

• I mplementation of improved assembly techniques (such as 100% tensioning or extensometer measurement) without practical considerations of the ability to implement the solution (i.e.: time and equipment availability) or whether the solution is the best use of resources (applying the most effort where the risk is highest). A solution for joint integrity must include consideration of not only the need for each integrity activity, but also the likelihood that activity will be successful. Avoid becoming another example of narrow focus and contact IES to assist in planning a comprehensive bespoke joint integrity program for your organization.

“Leakage won’t improve if you accurately set the bolt load to the wrong level! Nor will it improve if you inaccurately set the bolt load to the right level!” There have been many cases of focussing on only a single aspect of the joint integrity life-cycle, only to have leakage due to other aspects. For example: • I mplementation of high level joint QA/QC for joint assembly (tracking software), only to have joints fail due to poor QA/QC on the joint components installed (flange and bolt materials). • I mplementation of “standard solutions” on all joints (such as converting to kamprofile gaskets), without full considerations of the limits of that solution, leading to leakage.

Impact of Bolt Failure - Xmas Tree

Transient Axisymmetric LNG Cooldown

Integral Channel Stresses

3/16 Griffin Drive, Dunsborough, Western Australia, 6281 Tel: +61 (0)8 6369 1030 Fax: +61 (0)8 6230 5268 ABN: 18 146 671 801 Email:

Engineering Solutions



Joint Integrity Industry Segment: Projects - Engineering, Procurement and Design • D esign and Procurement Specifications and Procedures

– Q uantitative Risk-Based Assessment of Joint Integrity (RBJI)

– I dentify High-Risk Joints and eliminate/ improve them at the design stage

– R ank joints and identify appropriate joint assembly procedure

– A pply field resources where and as needed, based on risk

– R educe time and expenditure with simpler procedures and less re-work

– J oint integrity assessment becomes a deliverable

• R BJI performed at the appropriate level for the project (P&ID, Line List, Line or Individual Joint) • A ssembler training and site assembly QA/QC procedures • L eak-Free start up!

Operational Plants - Maintenance and Operations • Joint life-cycle procedures and specifications

– Design

– Maintenance

– Leak Investigation

– Overall Integrity Program

• E nsure new equipment designed to eliminate leakage • P roactively optimize existing joints via analysis • I dentify risk and focus resources using Quantitative Risk-Based Assessment of Joint Integrity (RBJI) • T raining of management, operations, inspection, engineering and assemblers • R eactively prevent leak escalation and identify the cause of leakage with unparallel procedural and analysis tools

Engineering Solutions

3/16 Griffin Drive, Dunsborough, Western Australia, 6281 Tel: +61 (0)8 6369 1030 Fax: +61 (0)8 6230 5268 ABN: 18 146 671 801 Email:

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