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The inspiration behind the name comes from a feeling firefighters experience in the middle of a structure fire when a sudden calm comes over you and when you hear a fire crackling all around a smoke-filled room, but can’t see it. The sound of a fire crackling is imprinted on every firefighter’s mind, and it roots us in this exhilarating and unpredictable profession. We want CRACKYL to become a sounding board for firefighters throughout their careers.
Firefighters are notorious for sitting around the firehall, discussing their problems and offering advice. But the truth is, many of us don’t have the answers. We don’t know why we all fight about the same problems with our spouses, never seem to have enough money left at the end of each month, and just can’t get along with the co-workers who are the most like us.
At CRACKYL, we want to be the firefighter in the hall who has a lot of those answers and provides accurate, practical, and life-changing solutions to the problems we all face.
Although the name CRACKYL was chosen to reflect what a firefighter hears, the spelling also has a unique and specific meaning. The purpose of this magazine is to help firefighters create an immune system for the firehall and the home.
The human immune system is made up of “Y” shaped proteins called antibodies, which are responsible for fighting off illnesses and keeping us healthy. Much as the immune system is a separate function in our body, the letter “Y” functions separately in CRACKYL. It’s built into the masthead to symbolize the proactive health and wellness goals of the publication.
The yellow underline beneath the “C” in CRACKYL represents the need for caution and the importance of keeping firefighters in the caution zone of their lives. By staying safely in the yellow, we avoid any preventable tragedies represented by the thin red line. Much like a traffic light, yellow is our last chance to stop before running into a red.
We want CRACKYL to be available and accessible to every firefighter across North America and beyond. Regardless of whether you’re a volunteer firefighter or are paid to do the job, we have ensured that everything inside our magazine is tailored to you. As firefighters, we spend the majority of our time working together and at CRACKYL we want to extend our team to include you and yours. We are thankful for your support and look forward to continuing to serve you and your team.
Stay safe.