Annual Report for 2003-2004 App B

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Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management Committee

Annual Report 2003 – 2004

September 2004






1.1 Introduction


1.2 The Cradle Coast NRM Committee


1.3 The Region


1.4 Membership of the NRM Committee




2.1 Office and Staff


2.2 NRM Committee Meetings


2.3 Community Forum


2.4 Strategy Development


2.4.1 Stage 1 Establishing the status of NRM in the Region and developing the NRM Strategy Discussion Papers


2.4.2 Stage 2 Establishing a Vision and identifying Goals for Regional assets and their associated causes of degradation


2.4.3 Stage 3 Setting Targets and developing Management Actions in response to Asset Degradation


2.4.4 Stage 4 Consultation for the NRM Strategy and Investment Proposal


2.5 Communication Plan


CRADLE COAST NRM COMMITTEE – ANNUAL REPORT 2003-04 3 FUNDING 3.1 Interim Funding Proposals


3.2 Additional Funding for Regional NRM Committees

5 5 5

3.3 Priority Projects


3.4 Gap Round of Priority Projects




Appendix A - Profile of Committee Members


Appendix B - Priority and Gap Projects funded in 2003-2004



Foreword On behalf of the Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management Committee I present the Annual Report for the Financial Year 2003 – 2004. This report is presented to the Tasmanian Natural Resource Management Council and the Minister for Environment and Plannning, who will table it in Parliament. It will also be made available to interested stakeholders. The Committee has had a challenging year undertaking its task of developing a Natural Resource Management Strategy for the Cradle Coast region of Tasmania. The workload on Committee members and staff has been greater than anticipated and the task has been complex. Consequently, the anticipated timeline for producing the Regional NRM Strategy has had to be extended. As at the end of the 2003-2004 financial year, the Strategy has not been completed but the Committee anticipates that the Draft Strategy will be released for public comment in September 2004. The Committee and staff have undertaken considerable public consultation in preparing the draft strategy with all stakeholders who have an interest in, or responsibility for, the management of the region’s natural resources, including the three levels of government. The Committee has been able to attract over 4 million dollars of investment from the Australian and State Governments and local investors to undertake priority actions in the Region. These priority action projects will provide a sound basis for future partnerships between community and interest groups that will influence the state of natural resources in our region. This work will build upon the previous dedication and efforts of committed care groups and individuals. I thank the members and staff of the Cradle Coast NRM Committee for their hard work and dedication over the past year. The Committee looks forward to finalising the Strategy and working in partnership with regional stakeholders to ensure the sustainable management of the natural resources of our region.

Rick Rockliff Chair



1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction This report is produced to fulfill the statutory reporting obligations of the Cradle Coast NRM Committee under the Tasmanian Natural Resource Management Act 2002 (“the NRM Act”). The committee is required to report on its activity to the Minister. This report covers the period from 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004. 1.2 The Cradle Coast NRM Committee The Cradle Coast NRM Committee was established as a sub-committee of the Cradle Coast Authority, which is a Joint Authority under the Local Government Act 1993. The NRM Committee has retained considerable autonomy and independence under the conditions that govern this relationship. The NRM Committee and Cradle Coast Authority gain mutual benefits from their close working relationship. The committee began operating under the auspices of the Cradle Coast Authority in January 2003. The Minister declared the committee as a Regional Committee under the NRM Act on 17 April 2003. The Committee first met as a committee under the Act on 1 May 2003. The responsibilities and tasks for the Committee are defined under the NRM Act and the Tasmanian Natural Resource Management Framework. 1.3 The Region The Cradle Coast NRM Committee’s responsibilities cover the Cradle Coast region of the State, constituted by the nine municipal areas of Latrobe, Devonport, Kentish, Central Coast, Burnie, Waratah-Wynyard, Circular Head, King Island and West Coast. The region corresponds to the boundary of the Cradle Coast Authority. 1.4 Membership of the NRM Committee As at 30 June 2004, the committee members are: Rick Rockliff, Geoff King, Geoff Coles, Wendy Horniblow, Alex Schaap, Steven Fleming, David Robertson, David Henderson, Sharni Radford, Stephen Gall, Tess McNeil, Paul Smith, Casey van Eysden and Andrew Nichols. The full membership list with background profile details is at Appendix A. During the year some changes in membership occurred. Jenny Whiting resigned her position in September 2003 to be replaced by Patricia Ellison. David Henderson was elected as Deputy Chair of the Committee. Brian Mansell, Aboriginal representative on the Committee, resigned in January 2004. Stephen Gall was appointed as his replacement. The DPIWE representative, John Pauley stepped down in early April and was replaced by Alex Schaap. The Committee’s representative and proxy representative on the State NRM Council are Steven Fleming and David Henderson respectively. As a result of a Cabinet reshuffle, the work of the NRM Committee and activities relating to the NRM Act now come under the portfolio of the Hon. Judy Jackson, Minister for Environment and Planning. Seven members of the Committee were due to have their 18 month terms of appointment expire at the end of August 2004. In accordance with Committee rules, a public meeting attended by approx 1

CRADLE COAST NRM COMMITTEE – ANNUAL REPORT 2003-04 40 people was held on 10 June. The meeting established a selection panel of seven people to elect the new members of the NRM Committee. The panel consisted of: Greg Winton GM Circular Head

Geoff Smart Waterwatch

Peter Sims Conservation

Colleen Dibley Primary Industry Councillor WWynyard

Mark Smith Michelle Foale John Coombes TAPG/DairyTas Nature based Tourism Retired Land Surveyor Applications to join the Committee closed on Friday 25 June. 1.5 Rule Change At the public meeting held on 10 June a change to the Rules relating to the process for selecting new members was endorsed. As at 30 June 2004, the Board of the Cradle Coast Authority has yet to endorse the change to the Rules. The change related to Clause Original Clause: “establish the number of places on the NRM Committee being not less than 6 and not more than 15”. Change to: “select members so that the Committee is composed of 15 members”. Clause 2.3.6 will now read in full: 2.3.6 The selection panel is to: select members so that the Committee is composed of 15 members; appoint the members of the NRM Committee; and give notice of that to the Board.

2. OPERATIONS AND ACTIVITIES 2.1 Office and Staff The NRM Coordinator, Mr Dirk Holwerda, resigned in July 2003. The NRM Committee meeting of 17 July confirmed that David McCormack would replace Dirk Holwerda as NRM Co-ordinator on 4 August. Employment of the Commonwealth Regional NRM Facilitator commenced on Monday 25 August 2003. Employment of four of the regional facilitators, funded by the Commonwealth, State and NHT II, commenced on 6 October. Another commenced on 20 October. The Australian Government appointed a statewide Local Government NRM Facilitator, Mr Tim Phillips, who is hosted by LGAT in Hobart. 2.2 NRM Committee Meetings The committee meets on a monthly basis in Burnie. Minutes of monthly meetings are made available to stakeholders on request and are published on the statewide NRM website,


CRADLE COAST NRM COMMITTEE – ANNUAL REPORT 2003-04 Due to the large number of meetings being attended by Committee members in relation to finalising the draft regional strategy and the associated heavy workload, the monthly meeting timetabled for 17 June was cancelled. 2.3 Community Forum A Community Forum was held at the Chancellor Inn, Burnie, on 17 July 2003 with the then Minister, Bryan Green, and a guest speaker in attendance. There was extensive notification of the forum through the media and letters of invitation. The forum was designed to inform stakeholders of progress to date, to inform stakeholders of tasks that the committee is engaged in, to indicate what future plans the committee has and to gather feedback and comment from stakeholders. 2.4 Strategy Development The Committee has undertaken a number of initiatives which support the development of the Regional NRM Strategy. These activities have been undertaken on behalf of the whole Committee either by the Committee itself, its sub-committees or its staff. The Committee developed a plan of activity with the aim of fulfilling the statutory requirement to produce an accreditable NRM Strategy by March 2004. However, the Committee gained approval from the NRM Council to extend the timeline (as did both the State’s other regions). The Draft Strategy is scheduled for release on 22 September 2004, for 6 weeks of public consultation. There were 4 key stages involved in developing the Strategy. 2.4.1 Stage 1 Establishing the status of NRM in the Region and developing the NRM Strategy Discussion Papers The Cradle Coast Authority engaged consultants to prepare a Situation Paper to establish the status of NRM planning in the Region. To assist in developing the Strategy, 17 technical Issues Papers on key natural resource areas were prepared by State Government staff, mainly in the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment. Four sub-committees ran a number of workshops with invited stakeholders who they identified as able to contribute significantly at this stage of the strategy development process. Following stakeholder workshops, the Cradle Coast NRM Committee prepared eight Discussion Papers covering key topics such as Sustainable Production, Biodiversity, Water, Air Quality, Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect, Use of Natural Assets on Public Land, Capacity Building and Community Engagement and Culture, Heritage and Landscape Character. The Discussion Papers were released to stimulate and obtain public input on the values, issues and actions required to manage the Region’s natural resources in a sustainable way. The papers are available on the website The closing date for submissions on Discussion Papers was extended to 13 February 2004. Community consultation was undertaken and all feedback was collated into a reference database by Cradle Coast NRM staff. 2.4.2 Stage 2 Establishing a Vision and identifying Goals for Regional assets and their associated causes of degradation Committee working groups identified and defined assets, asset services, issues and threats. The most threatening causes of degradation to our asset services were identified and prioritised by the Committee at a two-day workshop. Consultants Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) then assisted in identifying the dominant threatening processes affecting each asset. 3

CRADLE COAST NRM COMMITTEE – ANNUAL REPORT 2003-04 A Vision for the Region was developed once the Committee had established those natural resources that are most valued and those that are under the most threat of degradation. 2.4.3 Stage 3 Setting Targets and developing Management Actions in response to Asset Degradation Long-, medium- and short-term targets for asset condition were set by the NRM Committee and expert working groups. Draft ‘Management Action Packages’ to address causes of issues were prepared by the NRM Committee and experts with assistance from SKM. Packages of management actions were then developed to address issues and meet agreed targets. Management Action Packages were prioritised by assessing the benefits and risks on environmental, economic and social grounds. The Draft Strategy was prepared by a professional writer and the NRM writing sub-committee, with input from the whole Committee. 2.4.4 Stage 4 Consultation for the NRM Strategy and Investment Proposal The Cradle Coast NRM Committee has consulted widely with the community and key stakeholders during the preparation of the Strategy over the past two years. Facilitators have attended field days and organised and delivered briefings and workshops to a range of organisations. As far as practicable, contact with the community was face-to-face. Fifteen information sessions were organised and delivered to the general public in all municipalities to explain the Discussion Papers, with 123 people in total attending. Several forums were also delivered with key stakeholders to introduce the Discussion Papers and to gather feedback. A total of 16 forums were held to ensure that the 132 Local Government elected representatives, Council managers and officers with the nine Local Governments in the Region could contribute to the Strategy. A total of 45 forums were held with 106 people representing 51 business and industry organisations. Another 7 forums were held with 35 people representing 6 community/conservation organisations. There were 15 forums with 85 people representing 11 ‘care’ groups. Another 13 individuals provided input through one-to-one meetings. A total of 81 written submissions were received on the Discussion Papers and further information was received from the community at the meetings. Overall, a total of 52 meetings were held with 366 individuals from 39 organisations. After the release of this draft Strategy in September 2004, there will be a six-week period for public comment and consultation. 2.5 Communication Plan A communications strategy was developed and implemented to ensure wide community access to the information and to encourage input into the Strategy. This included placing the Discussion Papers and Issues Papers on the website (follow the links from Cradle Coast Region). Regular updates about the Strategy development are also posted on the website and in the NRM News. Four editions of the NRM News were circulated to over 500 people and posted on the website. This newsletter was the main communications tool for promoting the activities of the Committee. The mass media has also been used to publicise the Strategy progress and avenues for community involvement. Articles and advertisements were printed in local and Regional newspapers and newsletters. Interviews and stories were also covered on radio and television. Displays about Cradle Coast NRM activities were mounted at Agfest, the LGAT Conference and the World Environment Day Breakfast. 4


3. Funding 3.1 Interim Funding Proposals The Committee received funding for two proposals as part of statewide bids for funding under the Interim funding arrangements of the NHT Extension. The NRM Committee received a total of $909 800 for the two successful applications. One proposal was for Foundation Funding for the development of the strategy, continuing employment of the Regional NRM Co-ordinator position and an operating budget for the Committee. The second proposal was for Foundation Funding to provide the committee with a team of facilitators (an equivalent of 5 full-time positions across the region) to engage with stakeholders during the further development of the strategy. Furthermore, an additional facilitator position was provided through a separate process as part of a national Commonwealth initiative to provide support to the development of regional strategies. 3.2 Additional Funding for Regional NRM Committees The Australian Government has provided the three Tasmanian regions with $100 000 each in recognition that all regions are having difficulty meeting timeframes and that staff workloads are heavy. This is an outcome from the Natural Heritage Trust Advisory Committee meeting held in Hobart in February. Funds are to be spent specifically on enabling the strategies to be finalised and should also enable facilitators to focus on stakeholder engagement. 3.3 Priority Projects In January State and Commonwealth Ministers approved a first round of submissions for funding for Priority Projects. The Cradle Coast NRM Committee received $1 002 680 in funding for Priority Projects as Commonwealth investment. This equates to a total investment by all stakeholders of $2 095 464. Two approved projects will operate on a statewide basis with funding shared equally with the two other NRM regions. Two other projects were designated for resubmission after reworking. The successful projects were: Setting Vegetation Condition Benchmarks for NRM – Northwest Operational Whole Farm Planning Northwestern Regional Weed Management Strategy Bushside & Streamside Restoration Project King Island Salt Hazard Assessment Project Soil Condition Evaluation & Monitoring Management of Rice Grass in the North West NRM Region Developing Blackwood Plantations to address Tasmanian NRM Objectives The full list of successful projects and associated details is given in Appendix B.


CRADLE COAST NRM COMMITTEE – ANNUAL REPORT 2003-04 3.4 Gap Round of Priority Projects It was acknowledged by the Australian and State Governments that the projects approved in January left some significant gaps in NRM activity and a “Gap round” was conducted in early 2004. Eight projects were submitted in the Gap Round and approved by the Australian and State Ministers. Cradle Coast NRM Committee received a total of $1 013 008. A Water Quality Monitoring Program and Reporting Framework for the Cradle Coast Region Best practice dairy effluent management in Tasmania Biodiversity and degradation in north-western Tasmanian estuaries Groundwater quality in intensively grazed areas of the Montagu catchment Small Catchment Water Yields Under Current Land uses (Statewide project) Implementation of the West Coast Weed and Fire Management Strategy Priority protection measures for Nationally threatened species in the Northwest NRM Region (Statewide project) Community Momentum and NRM Regional Delivery The full list of successful projects and associated details is given in Appendix B.

4. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Following is the financial statement required under the statutory obligations of the NRM Committee. The financial statement is not audited and is therefore subject to change. The reason for the delay in audit is that the auditing requirement of the Annual Report of the NRM Committee is different from the timeline used by Cradle Coast Authority for the auditing of their accounts. However, as with the 2002–03 annual report , the Committee will separately submit its audit certificate to the minister, for tabling with the report in Parliament.



Cradle Coast Authority PO Box 338 BURNIE TAS 7320

Natural Resource Management Projects Job Profit & Loss Statement June 2004 Account Name


Year to Date Reporting Budget

$0.00 $0.00

$433,734.00 $ $433,734.00







% Budget

Regional NRM Strategy Income NRM Support Unit Total Income Expense Staff Employment Wages & Salaries Superannuation Training Recruitment Costs FBT Administration Support Staff Operating Costs Financial Support Office Costs Accounting Fees IT Support Office Equipment Office Supplies Photocopier/Printer - Lease Office Phone Mobile Phone CCA Reimbursement Postage Meeting Expenses Sundries Rent Travel & Accommodation Airfares Accomodation Meals Travel Reimbursement/Parking Vehicle Expenses Lease Fuel Maintenance Registration & Insurance Printing & Advertising Working Group & Planning Workshop Costs Legal fees Committee Meeting Costs Committee travel expenses Meeting catering/room hire etc Expenses re Forums Consultation & Community Engagement

$5,230.76 $575.38 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,700.00

$66,715.55 $7,312.28 $900.91 $2,275.57 $1,198.01 $20,000.00



$0.00 $119.70 $1,444.65 $0.00 $29.35 $99.01 $66.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $167.92

$130.00 $1,435.70 $11,788.09 $3,367.51 $513.46 $2,295.19 $1,240.33 $15,860.85 $1,422.71 $682.33 $45.00 $4,543.59

$0.00 $0.00 $271.25 $0.00

$696.51 $1,708.89 $1,261.71 $881.78

$984.66 $408.48 $0.00 $0.00 $702.24

$11,425.00 $3,539.30 $0.00 $0.00 $3,700.51 $

$0.00 $2,475.00 $1,372.40 $1,554.54 $96.48 $0.00

$ $940.00 $17,926.89 $9,598.96 $5,533.31 $6,947.08 $0.00 $






Consultancies & Communication NHT2 Priority Action Projects Management Costs

$15,046.00 $0.00

$43,925.76 $ $4,772.60

Total Expense


$262,176.29 $

Net Profit (Loss)



$100,000.00 $100,000.00

$100,000.00 $ $100,000.00

Expenses Consultancy Total Expenses

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $

Net Profit(Loss)


74,334.00 $ 8,500.00 433,734.00




Strategy Assistance Income NRM Support Unit Total Income



Regional NRM Support Officer Income DPIWE Contribution NHT Funds

$0.00 $0.00

Total Income


Expense Regional NRM Support Officer Wages & Salaries Superannuation FBT Office Costs Accounting Fees Office Equipment Office Supplies Photocopier/Printer Lease Office Phone Mobile Phone Postage Training IT Support Sundries Rent Travel & Accommodation Accommodation Meals Travel Reimbursement/Parking Vehicle Expenses Lease Fuel Maintenance

$10,000.00 $ $75,000.00 $ $85,000.00 $






$4,230.76 $380.77 $0.00

$45,480.67 $4,093.19 $1,203.92

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $29.32 $162.75 $41.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $167.91

$130.00 $42.64 $131.49 $293.20 $1,440.16 $532.02 $0.00 $522.73 $90.00 $145.00 $1,475.32

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$169.09 $0.00 $0.00

$926.85 $221.66 $0.00

$11,129.20 $1,634.87 $0.00


75,000.00 85,000.00

100% 100% 100%

CRADLE COAST NRM COMMITTEE – ANNUAL REPORT 2003-04 $0.00 $6,161.04 ($6,161.04)

$0.00 $68,513.50 $ $16,486.50

Income NHT Funds Fuel Reimbursement

$0.00 $305.77

$290,800.00 $ $3,855.11

Total Income


Registration & Insurance Total Expense Net Profit (Loss)




$294,655.11 $

476,000.00 $ 476,000.00






$30,463.51 $7,258.31 $243.50 $1,247.43 $234,514.23 $



Regional NRM Facilitators

Expense Regional Facilitators Wages & Salaries Superannuation FBT Office Costs Accounting Administration Support Meeting Expenses Training Recruitment costs Office Equipment Office Supplies Photocopier/Printer Lease Office Phone Mobile Phone Postage Printing & Advertising IT Support Sundries Forum Expenses Rent Travel & Accommodation Accommodation Meals Travel Reimbursement/Parking Parking/Car Hire Airfares Vehicle Expenses Lease Fuel Maintenance Registration & Insurance Total Expense Net Profit (Loss)

$17,288.92 $1,556.01 $0.00

$153,777.25 $13,858.13 $5,148.07

$0.00 $0.00 $44.55 $490.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $117.38 $178.83 $247.83 $77.86 $0.00 $150.30 $14.94 $0.00 $503.76

$520.00 $244.44 $220.98 $718.32 $200.00 $0.00 $3,379.47 $1,056.42 $1,485.97 $3,020.93 $1,095.21 $98.00 $1,185.30 $28.94 $17.44 $3,886.52

$330.86 $59.63 $232.65 $28.18 $585.00

$2,314.26 $526.70 $369.95 $28.18 $2,121.00

$4,314.45 $0.00 $0.00 $20.18 $26,242.24 ($25,936.47)





Soil Condition & Evaluation Income NRM Support Unit Total Income

$0.00 $0.00

$33,000.00 $ $33,000.00

Expenses Consultancy Total Expenses

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $

Net Profit(Loss)



Income NRM Support Unit Total Income

$0.00 $0.00

$100,000.00 $ $100,000.00

Expenses Consultancy Total Expenses

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $

Net Profit(Loss)





Whole Farm Planning







Appendix A PROFILE OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Name, Category, Term Name: Rick Rockliff Sassafras Category: Local Government Community Industry (agriculture) Term:

3 years


Tess McNeill Rosebery

Category: Industry (mining) Community Conservation Term:

18 months


Geoff King Marrawah

Category: Conservation Industry (agriculture, tourism) Term:

18 months


Sharni Radford Moriarty

Category: Community Conservation Industry (agriculture) Term:

18 months

Background • Field operations manager Tasmanian Alkaloids (26 years) • Farmer (40 years), experienced whole farm planning • Deputy Mayor Latrobe Council • Original Member Merseylea Landcare • Board member Tasmanian Business Enterprise Centres, Tas Agricultural Productivity Group • Many other community activities & positions • Environmental assistant, Pasminco Rosebery Mine & lab technician Rosebery High School (coordinating outdoor environmental activities • BSc (biological/environmental science & statistics) • Prior experience in state govt with Animal Production (6 yrs); Marine Resources (7 yrs) • Strong community involvement in vegetation/weed management activities & organisations • Farmer (30 years), wildlife tour operator, tour guide • Member Tasmanian Conservation Trust, N-W District Consultative Committee, Arthur Pieman Management Committee, Arthur Pieman Grazing Consultative Group, Circular Head Tourism Assoc • Nominee of Tasmanian Conservation Trust (State Councillor, Vice-President) • Peer leaders in farming community – nominated for 2002 Tas Awards for Environmental Excellence • Member Greening Australia-Field Fresh Steering Committee • Member Pyrethrum Growers Committee • Land for Wildlife property with Nature Conservation Management Plan & Quality Assurance project • Involved with Women in Horticulture • TAFE Agricultural Advisory Committee


CRADLE COAST NRM COMMITTEE – ANNUAL REPORT 2003-04 Name, Category, Term Name: Wendy Horniblow Turners Beach Category: Community Conservation Term:

18 months


Mr Casey van Eysden Ulverstone

Category: Local Government Public Land Manager

Background • Member Turners Beach Coastcare (7 yrs) including Secretary/Treasurer role, writing applications, coordination & supervision of onground works, representation on committees • Teacher •


18 months

• •


David Henderson Preston

Category: Community Conservation Term:

• •

18 months • •


David Robertson King Island

Category: Community Conservation Industry (agriculture) Term:

18 months

• • • • • • •


Paul Smith Burnie

Category: Public Land Manager (Forestry Tasmania) Term:

3 years

• • •

CEO, Cradle Coast Water (since 1999), former General Manager North West Regional Water Authority (9 years) & Engineering Manager (4 years) Qualifications in electrical engineering, environmental auditing, MBA Former electrical engineer (17 years) Experienced in strategic planning, corporate governance Lecturer/tutor & Sub-Dean Arts Faculty University of Tasmania Organic farmer (raspberries) Member of Burnie Environment Centre, Tarkine National Coalition, TIAR Social Research Group (chair), landcare groups and fire brigade Studying for Masters degree (Social Planning & Development) Experience in Queensland in COAG Water reform policy (Water Allocation & Management Planning process) & RFA social assessment Farmer (beef cattle) Chairman King Island NRM Group Current Public Officer Reekara Landcare Group (involved landcare 10 yrs) Experience balancing productivity and biodiversity outcomes Participant in King Island Beef Group Benchmarking program King Island Devolved Grant Assessment Committee Input to Fire management plan for Lavinia Nature Reserve Assistant General Manager (Operations), North West & West (12 years) 26 years experience in forest operations & land management Experienced negotiating with government & industry, dealing with public issues and consultation processes


CRADLE COAST NRM COMMITTEE – ANNUAL REPORT 2003-04 Name, Category, Term Name: Andrew Nichols Sisters Creek Category: Conservation Industry Term: Name:

3 years Steven Fleming Sheffield

Background • Poultry & broad acre cropping farmer & farm forester, involved in wife’s fine food business (20 years) • 1st class Hons in Agriculture & Botany • TFGA NRM Committee • Chairman McCain Peas Community Group •

Category: Community (Five Rivers Waterwatch)

Manager Generation Area West Coast/North West • Experience in land management practices, revegetation, vegetation management, managing water quality & aquatic environs • Participated in development of business plans and strategic management plans • Background in mechanical engineering • Project Officer and volunteer with 5 Rivers Waterwatch • A member of the Turners Beach Coastcare Group • Interpreter at the Lillico penguin viewing platform

Term: Name:

Category: Public Land Manager (Hydro) Term:

3 years


Patricia Ellison Turners Beach

3 years Geoff Coles Ulverstone

Category: Public Land Manager Term:

3 years


Steven Gall Ulverstone


Aboriginal Community

Term: Name:

3 years Alex Schaap Hobart

• •

District Manager North West, Parks & Wildlife Service (5 years) Former District Ranger at Freycinet (7 years), 2 ½ years at Cradle Mountain & 3 ½ yrs as park ranger in NT BSc Hons (Ecology), qualifications Parks, Recreation & Heritage & Public sector management • Parks & Wildlife Ranger, Ulverstone District (5 years) • Anaesthetic Technician (10 years) • Co-ordinator for Aboriginals with Adult Education General Manager, Resource Management and Conservation Division, DPIWE

Category: State govt Term:

3 years



Appendix B - Priority and Gap Projects funded in 2003-2004 Priority Projects funded in 2003-2004 Project Title


King Island Salt Hazard Assessment Project Soil Condition Evaluation & Monitoring Operational Whole Farm Planning Setting Vegetation Condition Benchmarks for NRM Developing Blackwood Plantations to Address Tasmanian NRM Objectives Bushside & Streamside Restoration Project Management of Rice Grass in the Northwest NRM Region Northwestern Regional Weed Management Strategy Total

King Island NRM Group

Funds Sought $ 207 100

Cradle Coast NRM 93 000 on behalf of all NRM regions. Cradle Coast NRM 204 600

Other Contributions $ 57 500

Total Investment $ 264 600

131 499

224 499

48 000

252 600

NRM South on behalf of all NRM regions.

99 000

179 425

278 425

Australian Forest Growers

37 800

35 100

72 900

562 180

831 740

43 500

49 960

93 460

Greening Australia 48 120

29 120

77 240

1 092 784

2 095 464

Greening Australia 269 560 Robbins Passage Wetlands Coast & Landcare Group

1 002 680



Gap Round of Priority Projects funded in 2003-2004 ] Project Title A Water Quality Monitoring Program and Reporting Framework for the Cradle Coast Region Best practice dairy effluent management in Tasmania Biodiversity and degradation in north-western Tasmanian estuaries Groundwater quality in intensively grazed areas of the Montagu catchment Small Catchment Water Yields Under Current Land uses (Statewide project) Implementation of the West Coast Weed and Fire Management Strategy Priority protection measures for Nationally threatened species in the Northwest NRM Region (Statewide project) Community Momentum and NRM Regional Delivery Total

Funds Sought $ $242 274

Other Contributions $ 307 150

Total Investment $

Dairy Tas Board TAFI

$201 700

236 500

438 200

$149 364

174 300

323 664


$24 635

13 655

38 290

CSIRO Land & Water West Coast Council

$140 000

35 000

175 000

$84 550

108 000

192 550


$154 410

356 300

510 710

Tasmanian Landcare Association

$16 075 (NLP)

42 000

58 075

$ 1, 013, 008



Proponent Five Rivers Waterwatch


549 424

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