ANNUAL PLAN 2005/06 Adopted at Representatives Meeting held 19th May, 2005
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
CONTENTS: Category
Page No.
Industry development
8 - 10
Transport and Infrastructure
11 - 12
Natural Resource Management
13 - 14
Education and Training
15 - 17
Community/Cultural Development
18 – 19
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Current, Committed and Ongoing Projects Projected/Planned Projects TOURISM TITLE
Regional Touring Route Strategy Implementation
Following the completion of the Cradle Coast Touring Route Strategy in June 2003, an implementation strategy was developed focussing on tourism signage and infrastructure requirements, brand development, and regional marketing Identify roadside infrastructure requirements and upgrades to enhance Cradle Coast Touring Routes and oversee implementation of capital works program
Regional Touring Route Strategy – Infrastructure
Cradle Coast Experience Strategy
Cradle Tourism Development Plan
Creating unforgettable visitor experiences by linking the visitor experiences of the region to the Cradle Coast Touring Route Strategy and enhance the regions reputation as a quality visitor destination Improve the coordination of tourism planning and development opportunities at Cradle Valley Cradle Valley Development Plan completed and Cradle Steering Committee appointed to drive implementation, priority projects March 2003
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Tourism Tasmania Local Tourism Associations Member Councils Sustainable Regions
Continue to implement strategy to ensure long term benefits and sustainability
June 2003 – July 2006
Member Councils Tourism Tasmania Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Parks and Wildlife AusIndustry
Secure federal funding for the project
June 2005 – June 2006
Tourism Tasmania
Monitor implementation of the capital works program
Oversee development of the strategy through the Cradle Coast Tourism Steering Committee
June 2005 – June 2006
Represent the Region’s interests as a member of the Cradle Valley Steering Committee
Member Councils Tourism Industry Tourism Tasmania Member Councils Tourism Industry Kentish Council Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Cradle Mountain Tourism Association Friends of Cradle
Cradle Valley Sewerage Scheme Stage 2
Establishment of a centralised sewerage treatment system servicing existing and future tourism developments at Cradle Valley
State Government Sustainable Regions Kentish Council Parks and Wildlife
Devonport Eastern Shore Project
Implementation of recommendations as identified in the Devonport Eastern Shore Urban Design Framework Report
Devonport City Council Devonport Eastern Shore Project Steering Committee State Government
Assist to maximise regional tourism potential of development, including signage and links to regional touring routes
Regional Tourism Marketing
The Authority develops and implements regional tourism marketing initiatives in partnership with other stakeholders
Tourism Tasmania
Continue to enhance or develop regional marketing campaigns and initiatives
Regional Events Strategy
Partnership with Events Tasmania and the Federal Govt to fund a full-time Regional Events Coordinator as part of the Authority’s Tourism Development Team, providing advice and assistance to regional events organisers and more effective communication and coordination between State, regional and local events organisers
Events Tasmania Department of Transport and Regional Services – Regional Assistance Program Cradle Coast Authority
Enhance and develop regional events
September 2003 – August 2006
Appointment of a West Coast Development Manager that will encompass the areas of tourism, economic and community development for the West Coast local government area.
West Coast Council
Support and assist position to ensure outcomes as provided in strategy document are met, including participation in regional Tourism Professionals network
(cross-referenced under Community/Cultural Development)
West Coast Development Manager
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Local Tourism Associations Member Councils
Sustainable Regions West Coast Tourism Industry
Monitor milestone reports in accordance with Sustainable Regions funding
Continue to be represent regional tourism interests on Cradle Valley Steering Committee Assist in securing federal funding for project
November 2004 – May 2006
April 2005 – June 2009
Confirm status of this position beyond September 2006
November 2002 – November 2006
Stanley (Circular Head) Tourism Precinct Study
To establish Stanley as a “Must See” destination for all people holidaying in Tasmania increasing visitor stay and spend in all centres along touring routes connecting to Stanley (For the purpose of this study “Stanley” refers to the entire Circular Head Municipality)
Tourism Tasmania Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding) Circular Head Council Circular Head Tourism Sustainable Regions Forestry Tasmania Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Forestry Tasmania State Government Dairy Regional Assistance Program (Commonwealth) Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Sustainable Regions Circular Head Council
Continue to work with partners to develop strategy and implement recommendations
May 2004 – October 2008
Continue to liaise with Forestry Tasmania in respect to the long term sustainability and quality of the Dismal Swamp experience, and its role in the emerging Stanley tourism cluster
Dismal Swamp Maze and Visitor Centre
As part of its commitment to providing quality forestry based tourism experiences throughout Tasmania, Forestry Tasmania will develop the Dismal Swamp Maze and Visitor Centre to explore and interpret the renowned Tasmanian Blackwood through an interactive experience of this unique sinkhole and natural forest environment
Tasmanian Visitor Information Network
A communication network of all Cradle Coast Visitor Centres established to enhance the professional delivery of information throughout the region and provide for greater communication between centres.
Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding) Cradle Coast Visitor Centres
Maintain and develop this network
August 2003 – ongoing
Tourism Professionals Committee
A regional tourism network with professional input from all Cradle Coast Local Government areas that contributes to the co-ordination of tourism development throughout the Cradle Coast region
Tourism Tasmania Local Government Local Tourism Industry
Maintain and develop this network
August 2002 ongoing
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Tourism Industry Training
Enhance the professionalism and quality of the Cradle Coast tourism experience through a comprehensive industry based training program targeting employers and employees alike
Regional Visitor Information Centre Network
Continue to investigate training needs and link to appropriate programs
Monitor milestone reports in accordance with Sustainable Regions funding
March 2005 – March 2008
Tourism Tasmania Tourism Professionals Committee
“King Island Way” project
Employment of a projects officer to drive the implementation of the tourism and King Island brand components of the King Island Way Strategic Plan
Cradle Coast Authority Department of Economic Development King Island Council Sustainable Regions
“Wonders of Wynyard” Exhibition Centre
Construction of the “Wonders of Wynyard” Exhibition Centre to create a significant tourism experience in Wynyard
Complete Paper experience at Creative Paper, Burnie
Waratah-Wynyard Council State Government
Assist to maximise regional tourism potential of project and link King Island to regional tourism development initiatives Monitor milestone reports in accordance with Sustainable Regions funding
April 2005 December 2005
Sustainable Regions
Assist to maximise regional tourism potential of project
Develop the Creative Paper experience and to create a multitude of all weather experiences based around Burnie’s paper industry heritage
Burnie City Council
Assist in securing federal funding for project
State Government
Assist to maximise regional tourism potential of development
Cradle Coast Tourism Strategic Plan
Development of a long term strategic plan for tourism in the Cradle Coast region
Cradle Coast Authority
To ensure future growth and sustainability for tourism in the Cradle Coast region
June 2005 – ongoing
Arts@Work Officer
Extend the half time regional Arts@Work position to a full time position, embracing and enhancing all sectors of the arts and cultural industry sectors throughout the Cradle Coast region and linkages to the region’s tourism industry
Sustainable Regions
Ongoing review of position to be completed by April 2006
June 2004 – June 2006
(cross-referenced under Community/Cultural Development)
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Australian Paper
Arts Tasmania
June 2005 – April 2006
Projected/Planned Projects TITLE
West Coast Strategic Development Plan
Preparation of a Strategic Development Plan for the West Coast Municipality and in particular Strahan with input from key stakeholders such as Council, DPIWE, Ports, DIER, Cradle Coast Authority and Tourism industry
West Coast Council
Assist to source funding for project Provide input to strategic development plan to ensure consistency within region
For further information, please contact the Regional Tourism Development Manager, Ian Waller on 6431 6285
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Food Value Adding Grants Program
$1 million grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions program to assist regional food businesses to invest in further valueadding of regional produce
Regional food businesses
Parramatta Creek Food Processing Facility
Investigation of commercial feasibility of redeveloping the former Clements and Marshall factory at Parramatta Creek (now owned by Tasmanian Pure Foods) to provide contract food processing and packing services for existing food businesses in the Cradle Coast region
Sustainable Regions
Engineering Industry Development Program
Grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions program to assist regional engineering firms respond to current challenges and opportunities associated with major projects, skills shortages and changing market requirements
Sustainable Regions
Centre for Food Innovation Systems
Establishment of a Cradle Coast Centre for Food Innovations Systems at the Cradle Coast Campus, providing research and development, teaching and industry networks to support innovation in Food Value Chain Management and Natural Resource Management for primary production
University of Tasmania/ Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Sustainable Regions
Department of Economic Development
Development and management of grants program, including recommendation of funding under Sustainable Regions program
January 2005 June 2006
Work with Tasmanian Pure Foods to finalise business case analysis and secure private investment and federal funding to assist establishment of commercial operation
August 2003 ongoing
Development and management of grants program, including recommendation of funding under Sustainable Regions program
May 2005 – June 2006
Continue to work with project partners to establish Centre, attract qualified staff, develop industry networks and industry-based research programs and revenue streams
April 2005 ongoing
Tasmanian Pure Foods
Regional engineering firms
Sustainable Regions
“Pulp Mill Ready” Campaign
Media and public information campaign targeting local communities, pulp mill proponents and the State Government to show that the region is Pulp Mill Ready and would work with all parties to facilitate a pulp mill development
Member Councils
Continue to monitor the approvals processes and take any further action in the region’s interests as required
January 2005 ongoing
Projected/Planned Projects TITLE
Projects of Regional Significance
Institute for Enterprise and Regional Development
Regional Economic Development and Investment (REDI) Plans
Establishment of formal processes for identification and management of: • Projects of regional significance requiring cooperation across agencies and levels of government • Impacts of Projects of State Significance (including Pulp Mill) on regions and existing projects
Department of Economic Development
Investigation of establishment of an Institute for Enterprise and Regional Development in the Cradle Coast region through formal collaboration between the Cradle Coast Authority and the University of Tasmania, providing the Authority, its member Councils and regional businesses better access to the research capabilities, graduate programs and professional development opportunities required for sustainable development of the region, its community and economy Collaboration in development of a Regional Economic Development and Investment Plan and related initiatives in the Cradle Coast Region, incorporating region specific data and applications
University of Tasmania
In partnership with University of Tasmania, secure federal funding to develop initial business models, operating structures and priority issues for the proposed Institute
Department of Economic Development
Ensure DED REDI Plan processes are relevant to regional needs and address priorities for infrastructure and industry development and investment attraction
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Member Councils
Work with member Councils and DED to identify potential impacts of Pulp Mill development on existing and scheduled major works projects at local and regional scale, develop coordinated response to minimise negative outcomes and formal processes to deal with future project of this type
Agricultural Industry Support Campaign
Campaign to support the region’s agriculture sector through community-based initiatives to • increase awareness of the food products produced and sold in this region • encourage producers, processors and retailers to adopt and promote place of origin labeling • help consumers make informed choices about buying local products
Member Councils
Develop and secure funding for agreed initiatives and manage them at regional scale
Other levels of Government
For further information, please contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton on 6431 6285
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Bass Highway (Sisters Hills) Upgrade
In April 2003, the Authority convened a working group comprising State, Authority, Council and community representatives to address priority structural and safety issues in the Sisters Hills section of the Bass Highway, between Boat Harbour and Rocky Cape. State and Federal funding of $30 million has now been committed to implement road improvements
Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Circular Head Council Waratah/Wynyard Council Burnie City Council Federal Government
Continue to convene working group to oversee scheduling and completion of works, represent regional interests and facilitate support as required
July 2003 ongoing
Regional Transport & Infrastructure Plan
Development of a regional framework to manage and develop the region’s transport system over a 20 year period
Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Member Councils
Continue to work with DIER and Councils to oversee scheduling and completion of priority projects, maintain and update Plan and facilitate support as required
June 2003 ongoing
Regional Waste Management
Development of an integrated regional approach to waste management in the Cradle Coast region
Member Councils
June 2003 ongoing
Former Burnie Hospital Site Redevelopment
Returning former hospital site to productive use for the benefit of the region
Tasmanian Development and Resources (on behalf of State Government) Burnie City Council
Facilitate Regional Waste Management Advisory Group meetings and coordinate regional waste management initiatives developed by the Advisory Group and approved by the Board Monitor progress of development on site as member of Joint Venture Committee
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
June 2003 ongoing
Projected/Planned Projects TITLE
Ports and Airports
Investigation of regional implications and opportunities arising from recent Meyrick report into restructuring of ports corporations, with particular reference to future scenarios for airport ownership and operations in the Cradle Coast regions
Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources
Provide independent regional leadership and coordination of strategic review and planning processes, and their findings/outcomes
Ports and airports Corporations Member Councils
For further information, please contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton on 6431 6285
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) Plan
Support for the development of regional NRM plans and investment strategies in NW Tasmania • •
Natural Heritage Trust Tasmanian Government
Facilitate development of regional NRM Plans and investment strategies by supporting Cradle Coast NRM Committee
August 2003 – August 2006
Cradle Coast NRM Committee established as a sub-committee of Cradle Coast Authority in January 2003 Minister declared the Committee as a Regional Committee under the NRM Act in April 2003
Regional NRM Facilitator Initiative
Employment of one full time Regional NRM Facilitator to assist the development of a regional strategy that outlines an integrated approach across all natural resource management issues for the region
Natural Heritage Trust Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment
Provide support to Cradle Coast NRM Committee
Community Landcare Coordinator Grant
Employment of a local level coordinator to help ensure community and landcare group participation in natural resource management in the Cradle Coast region Position to address rural business sector engagement in regional NRM
National Landcare Program
Provide support to Cradle Coast NRM Committee
Implementation of Investment Proposal
Implementation of Investment Proposal and projects contained within the Proposal as approved by the Commonwealth Government
Natural Heritage Trust Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment
Facilitate implementation of projects contained with the Investment Proposal
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Projected/Planned Projects TITLE
National Landcare Program Sustainable Industries Initiative
Develop a funding application under the National Landcare Program Sustainable Industries Initiative to develop identified significant gaps and a lack of agricultural industry’s engagement, contribution and ownership relating to the sustainable management of the region’s natural resources through sustainable production systems, in addition to environmental protection and repair
Cradle Coast NRM Committee Tasmanian Agricultural Productivity Group
Coordinate project partners to develop proposal, secure federal funding and participate in management of project at regional scale
University of Tasmania/Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research Department of Primary Industries Water and Environment Dairy Tas
For further information, please contact the Natural Resource Management Coordinator, David McCormack on 6431 6285
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Stronger Learning Pathways Project
Management of Stronger Learning Pathways component of Sustainable Regions Investment Plan through Reference Group comprising Authority, UTas, TAFE and Dept of Education and employment of Stronger Learning Pathways Project Officer
Sustainable Regions University of Tasmania TAFE Tasmania Department of Education
Establish and develop linkages between projects
October 2003 – June 2006
Strengthen partnerships and expanding networks throughout the region Provide support and assistance to individuals, institutions and processes where appropriate
Student Pathways Project
Personal Futures Project (incorporating the Central Coast School – Business Alliance Project)
Build a model to assist young people plan and implement realistic education and employment futures
Develop a regional model for provision of support to young people to improve their participation and retention in education and training – Project has two components
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Sustainable Regions
Strengthen partnerships and expanding networks throughout the region
Department of Education
Provide support and assistance to individuals, institutions and processes where appropriate
Central Coast Council Leven Training Inc. Ulverstone High School Penguin High School Leighlands Christian School Department of Education University of Tasmania Sustainable Regions
Strengthen partnerships and expanding networks throughout the region
February 2004 – December 2006
March 2004 – December 2006
Provide support and assistance to individuals, institutions and processes where appropriate
Learning Leading - Circular Head Education and Training Consultative Committee
Build a community culture of life long learning and commitment to learning pathways in the Circular Head district
Skilling the Cradle Coast Community for the Twenty First Century
Use the vehicle of science and technology to increase student participation in education, training and subsequent employment in the Cradle Coast Region
Australian Technical College
Proposal to establish an Australian Technical College for the benefit of students in the Cradle Coast region
Department of Education Circular Head Council University of Tasmania TAFE Tasmania Circular Head Business Enterprise Centre Sustainable Regions University of Tasmania TAFE Tasmania Department of Education Science Teachers Assoc. Tasmania Industry Partners Sustainable Regions Tasmanian Chamber and Commerce Industry
Strengthen partnerships and expanding networks throughout the region
May 2004 – December 2006
Provide support and assistance to individuals, institutions and processes where appropriate Strengthen partnerships and expanding networks throughout the region
March 2004 – March 2007
Provide support and assistance to individuals, institutions and processes where appropriate Actively represent regional interests as a member of the Northern Tasmanian Consortium
April 2005 ongoing
Provide support and assistance where appropriate Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce
Establishment of “Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce” to bring together stakeholders to work collaboratively to improve opportunities and pathways for young people moving from Year 10 to further education and training and employment as detailed in the State Government’s discussion paper
Department of Education
Consider the implications and opportunities of the proposed regional area taskforce
May 2005 – ongoing
Assist regional stakeholders to respond to Area Taskforce discussion paper Consider model for Authority hosting of an area taskforce structure along similar lines as Regional NRM Committee
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Community Door project
Project aimed at engaging young people in their local community through involvement on committees and boards of local businesses, clubs and associations
Waratah-Wynyard Council
Creating Attitudinal Change to Education and Training in the Cradle Coast region
Undertake research into attitudes to education and training in the Cradle Coast region and to develop a campaign or strategy to address issues raised in the research
Stronger Learning Pathways Evaluation Project
Consultants to undertake an external evaluation of the Stronger Learning Pathways initiative and all associated projects
Sustainable Regions
Provide support and assistance where appropriate
April 2005 – April 2006
University of Tasmania
Consider recommendations
March 2005 – ongoing
Develop strategies and implement
Kentish Council Circular Head Council
Department of Education
Analyse evaluation outcomes and determine strategies
March 2005 – December 2006
For further information, please contact the Stronger Learning Pathways Project Officer, Nick Flittner on 6431 6285
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Population Taskforce
Skills-based Population Taskforce established in May 2003 to conduct initial research into current population trends, consult with the regional community and propose strategies for targeted interstate family and business migration and support for employers to attract skilled applicants
Sustainable Regions
Regional Cultural Plan
Documentation and development of the region’s unique cultural assets, attractions and opportunities
Arts Tasmania
Update Regional Cultural Plan and ensure wide distribution
Penguin Athletics Track
To determine options for the future use of the Penguin Athletics Track
Assess consultant’s brief and determine strategy
June 2004 – ongoing
Regional Recreational Trails Strategy
Development and promotion of a network of recreation and tourism-related trails throughout the region
Sport and Recreation Tasmania Central Coast Council Cradle Coast Recreation Advisory Group Sport and Recreation Tasmania Tourism Tasmania
Set up and oversee all of Government Reference Group to implement recommendations and strategies identified within the Cradle Coast Tracks Strategy
Cradle Coast Recreation Advisory Group
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06
Ongoing response to issues and strategies identified by Population Taskforce
May 2003 – March 2004
Regional Health Services Plan
Coordination of regional responses to Richardson Issues Paper and final report, withdrawal of services at Mersey Community Hospital and advocacy for development of a long-term health services plan for the Cradle Coast region
Member Councils
Regional Branding Project
Develop and manage a strong and recognisable regional brand to integrate and promote the region and achieve distinction
Arts@Work Officer (cross-referenced under Tourism)
Regional Events Strategy (cross-referenced under Tourism)
Continue to work with regional partners to negotiate State Government commitment to development and implementation of a long term health services plan for the region
March 2004 ongoing
Member Councils
Develop proposal, secure funding and manage project to develop and use a regional brand to maximise tourism, investment attraction and population growth
June 2005 ongoing
Extend the half time regional Arts@Work position to a full time position, embracing and enhancing all sectors of the arts and cultural industry sectors throughout the Cradle Coast region and linkages to the region’s tourism industry
Sustainable Regions
Ongoing review of position to be completed by April 2006
June 2004 – June 2006
Partnership with Events Tasmania and the Federal Govt to fund a full-time Regional Events Coordinator as part of the Authority’s Tourism Development Team, providing advice and assistance to regional events organisers and more effective communication and coordination between State, regional and local events organisers
Events Tasmania Department of Transport and Regional Services – Regional Assistance Program Cradle Coast Authority
Enhance and develop regional events
September 2003 – August 2006
North West Division of General Practice University of Tasmania Rural Clinical School
Arts Tasmania
Confirm status of this position beyond September 2006
For further information, please contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton on 6431 6285
Cradle Coast Authority Annual Plan 2005/06