Creating Attitudinal Change to Education and

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Creating Attitudinal Change to Education and Training in the Cradle Coast Region Strategies and Actions – Summary Recommendations from the Attitudinal Change Report Strategy Action Recommendations One - Strengthening the desirable positive attitudes

Two – Cradle Coast regional community and its institutions to take responsibility for the design and implementation of the campaign Three – brand and profile education in CC region

Strategy to be adopted – Action Programs

This strategy will build on and bring together all the activities currently being undertaken by education and training institutions across the Cradle Coast region; it will support industry, local government, and the broad community in promotion of positive attitudes to education and training. Use of working parties This strategy is being driven through the Stronger Learning Pathways initiative, which is a partnership between the Cradle Coast Authority, the Tasmanian Education Department, the University of Tasmania, and TAFE Tasmania. This group is collectively responsible for the design and implementation of the strategy. The strategy will use a message, or series of messages, rather than 1. Logo competition logos or slogans. The message will be developed by professionals designed to symbolize a region which is committed to education and through a consultancy funded by the SLP partners. The message will be based on findings of research from the Attitudinal Change Report training as vital to its future and others, and on wide community consultation. 2. Slogan or motto – slogan or motto that encapsulates the idea that ‘education is the key to a better life’ 3. Regular education section in local Negotiations will be held with all local media outlets to provide media regular and targeted coverage of educational matters. There is already good access by institutions to the media in this region. 4. Institutional adoption of logo and See Strategy 5 below motto 5. Action program to promote use of See Strategy 5 below logo, motto and campaign

Four – provision of educational information and analysis relevant to participation and attitudinal change

Five – engagement of education institutions and community in campaign

6. Brochure about available postsecondary education and training in CC region

A simple brochure containing a flow-chart of educational pathways in the region will be considered in the first stage of the strategy

7. Interactive website – include information from Action Recommendations 6-11 8. Brochure showing concise educational pathways. Include industry training and RPL. 9. Brochure outlining costs of postcompulsory education . Include comparisons of studying locally and elsewhere. 10. Brochure outlining cost/benefit analysis of various types of postsecondary education 11. Parent information bulletins on role and value of education. Primary and secondary school audience. 12. Form working party to address issue of school being ‘too theoretical’ (25% secondary survey respondents) 13. Form working party to address issue of school being ‘too theoretical’ 14. Form working party to address ‘Better education means you can deal with life’s problems more easily’.

A dedicated website is not planned for the first stage of the strategy. Production of this brochure will not be part of the strategy in the initial stages. Production of this brochure will not be part of the strategy in the initial stages Production of this brochure will not be part of the strategy in the initial stages Parent information bulletins and regular school newsletters are seen as crucial communication tools to engage parents and the wider community. Schools will be encouraged to promote the strategy message(s) regularly through this medium. The strategy message will need to be owned and used by the region’s education and training institutions and providers; local government; local business; community groups. The creation and use of working parties to address specific issues has not been supported. Instead, there will be a package of resources and strategies developed to ‘skill up’ the region’s institutions in the adoption of the central message, and a targeted campaign to deliver it.

15. Form working party to address effective management – by students and institutions - of the imperatives of study and part-time jobs 16. Form working party to develop and trial online learning 17. Form working party to develop and trial a program about running your own business and being entrepreneurs. 18. Form working party to foster the establishment and improvement of pathways and credit arrangements across the post-secondary education sector 19. Form working party to explore and recommend on product development across the postsecondary education sector 20. Re-run surveys, including any necessary additions, in two-three years time.

This will involve individual and group forums and meetings; media; presentations to industry groups, local government, community groups, educational and training organizations. Support will be provided to organizations for the adoption of the message.

This will be done at the end of the first year of the strategy

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