Report Against Annual Plan - Sept 05

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Presented at Representatives Meeting held 15th September, 2005


CONTENTS: Category

Page No.



Industry development


Transport and Infrastructure


Natural Resource Management


Education and Training


Community/Cultural Development



Report Against Annual Plan to September, 2005 TOURISM TITLE



Regional Touring Route Strategy Implementation

Following the completion of the Cradle Coast Touring Route Strategy in June 2003, an implementation strategy was developed focussing on tourism signage and infrastructure requirements, brand development, and regional marketing

Development of significant touring route brand and design Touring route research contributed to the identification of tourism specific infrastructure needs which will be addressed through the “Tourism Infrastructure Program” Hub plans currently being implemented, including the Coast To Canyon Branding And Marketing Campaign and Port Sorell Coastal Interpretation Program

Regional Touring Route Strategy – Infrastructure

Identify roadside infrastructure requirements and upgrades to enhance Cradle Coast Touring Routes and oversee implementation of capital works program

Funding application submitted under the Sustainable Regions Program in partnership with the 9 Cradle Coast Councils – Awaiting advice from Department of Transport and Regional Services

Cradle Coast Experience Strategy

Creating unforgettable visitor experiences by linking the visitor experiences of the region to the Cradle Coast Touring Route Strategy and enhance the regions reputation as a quality visitor destination

Funding of $200 000 under the Australian Tourism Development Program announced in September 2005 Food and Wine Strategy - Anne Kerr, from Red Inca in Hobart, has been working with a portion of the Region’s primary producers and tourism industry to develop the food and wine (primary produce) experiences within the region. Wildlife Strategy - John Hepper, from Inspiring Place in Hobart, has been engaged to develop the nature and wildlife experiences in the region.

Cradle Valley Sewerage Scheme Stage 2

Establishment of a centralised sewerage treatment system servicing existing and future tourism developments at Cradle Valley

Ralf Zenke appointed Project Manager Treatment plant site purchased Designs currently being finalised





Devonport Eastern Shore Project

Implementation of recommendations as identified in the Devonport Eastern Shore Urban Design Framework Report

Funding application submitted under the Sustainable Regions Program – Awaiting advice from Department of Transport and Regional Services

Regional Tourism Marketing

The Authority develops and implements regional tourism marketing initiatives in partnership with other stakeholders

Facilitated and managed a site at Agfest with participation from Councils and tourism industry in Cradle Coast region Spirit of Tasmania III Open Days were held in August at Brisbane and Sydney for the Trade and consumer markets. Cradle Coast Authority participated in both Open Days and were supported by individual businesses and local tourism associations. Production of the 2006 Cradle Coast Regional Touring Guide to begin in September. Hosted “Finding the Edge” tourism forum in conjunction with the Cradle Mountain Tourism Association on the 1st and 2nd September at Cradle Mountain, 120 participants Theme of the forum was branding the region.

Regional Events Strategy

Partnership with Events Tasmania and the Federal Govt to fund a full-time Regional Events Coordinator as part of the Authority’s Tourism Development Team, providing advice and assistance to regional events organisers and more effective communication and coordination between State, regional and local events organisers

Special Interest Funding Grants have been confirmed for 2005/2006 by Events Tasmania with the Cradle Coast region receiving funding for 13 separate events, a significant increase for this region. The funding program for Regional Events has been launched as a partnership between Events Tasmania and the three Regional organisations. Events can request funding support of up to $5,000 although maximum levels of $3,000 are expected. The total amount available through this scheme is $30,000 and includes $5,000 from the Cradle Coast Authority. Planning is underway for the Cradle Coast 2005/2006 Calendar of Events. A reference group has been established to select those events to be included in this Calendar. Regional campaign underway to source images of events and festivals to create regional events based images library.



Stanley (Circular Head) Tourism Precinct Study


To establish Stanley as a “Must See” destination for all people holidaying in Tasmania increasing visitor stay and spend in all centres along touring routes connecting to Stanley (For the purpose of this study “Stanley” refers to the entire Circular Head Municipality)

Dismal Swamp Maze and Visitor Centre

Tasmanian Visitor Information Network

Tourism Professionals Committee

As part of its commitment to providing quality forestry based tourism experiences throughout Tasmania, Forestry Tasmania will develop the Dismal Swamp Maze and Visitor Centre to explore and interpret the renowned Tasmanian Blackwood through an interactive experience of this unique sinkhole and natural forest environment


A number of specific projects identified for the Stanley Precinct, including • A complete re branding of the precinct. This re branding has been done and is being interpreted by graphic designers to develop a clear and distinctive marketing message for the Stanley Precinct. • Develop the base of experiences to provide the availability and quality sought by the target markets. • Convert day visits to overnight stays • Explore capacity to attract new market segments High visitor numbers recorded since Dismal Swamp Maze and Visitor Centre opened. Slide currently closed pending a report on its safety (report expected to be released shortly)

A communication network of all Cradle Coast Visitor Centres established to enhance the professional delivery of information throughout the region and provide for greater communication between centres.

Tina Ingram from Waratah-Wynyard Council appointed to the State Visitor Information Centre Reference Group to represent the Cradle Coast region

A regional tourism network with professional input from all Cradle Coast Local Government areas that contributes to the co-ordination of tourism development throughout the Cradle Coast region

Continuing to meet on a regular basis to provide input into tourism matters for the Region

Ongoing involvement in resolution of West Coast Visitor Information Centre changes with Council and other stakeholders





“King Island Way” project

Employment of a projects officer to drive the implementation of the tourism and King Island brand components of the King Island Way Strategic Plan

Kate Grady appointed August 2005 - Member of the Cradle Coast Authority Tourism Professionals Group

“Wonders of Wynyard” Exhibition Centre

Construction of the “Wonders of Wynyard” Exhibition Centre to create a significant tourism experience in Wynyard

Construction of Centre on schedule and expected to be opened in November 2005

Complete Paper experience at Creative Paper, Burnie

Develop the Creative Paper experience and to create a multitude of all weather experiences based around Burnie’s paper industry heritage

State Government funding announced - $1 000 000 Funding application submitted under the Sustainable Regions Program – Awaiting advice from Department of Transport and Regional Services

Cradle Coast Tourism Strategic Plan

Development of a long term strategic plan for tourism in the Cradle Coast region

Draft Strategic Plan prepared – expected to be finalised in October 2005

West Coast Strategic Development Plan

Preparation of a Strategic Development Plan for the West Coast Municipality and in particular Strahan with input from key stakeholders such as Council, DPIWE, Ports, DIER, Cradle Coast Authority and Tourism industry Improve the coordination of tourism planning and development opportunities at Cradle Valley

Funding application submitted under the Sustainable Regions Program – Awaiting advice from Department of Transport and Regional Services

Cradle Tourism Development Plan

Continuing to represent the Region’s interests, and support Kentish Council, as a member of the Cradle Valley Steering Committee

Cradle Valley Development Plan completed and Cradle Steering Committee appointed to drive implementation, priority projects March 2003



West Coast Development Officer


Appointment of a West Coast Development Manager that will encompass the areas of tourism, economic and community development for the West Coast local government area.


Jo-Anne O’Brien appointed August 2005 - Member of the Cradle Coast Tourism Professionals Group

For further information, please contact the Regional Tourism Development Manager, Ian Waller on 6431 6285





Food Value Adding Grants Program

$1 million grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions program to assist regional food businesses to invest in further valueadding of regional produce

Food Value Adding Grants Program announced in December 2004 Expressions of interest invited for grants of up to $100 000 under the Sustainable Regions Program 9 applications received seeking a total of $643 848 Program has several applications currently under consideration by Department of Transport and Regional Services – Program fully subscribed Sustainable Regions funding announced in August 2005 to Nichols Poultry of $100 000 for their project “Cooked and Value Added Turkey Products”

Parramatta Creek Food Processing Facility

Investigation of commercial feasibility of redeveloping the former Clements and Marshall factory at Parramatta Creek (now owned by Tasmanian Pure Foods) to provide contract food processing and packing services for existing food businesses in the Cradle Coast region

Sustainable Regions funding announced in June 2005 to Tasmanian Pure Foods Pty Ltd of $1 416 000 for the establishment of a food processing and packing facility at Parramatta Creek

Engineering Industry Development Program

Grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions program to assist regional engineering firms respond to current challenges and opportunities associated with major projects, skills shortages and changing market requirements

Engineering Industry Development Program announced in May 2005 Expressions of interest invited for grants up to $200 000 as part of the Sustainable Regions Program 9 applications received seeking a total of $1 358 120 Program has several applications currently under consideration by Department of Transport and Regional Services

Centre for Food Innovation Systems

Establishment of a Cradle Coast Centre for Food Innovations Systems at the Cradle Coast Campus, providing research and development, teaching and industry networks to support innovation in Food Value Chain Management and Natural Resource Management for primary production

Sustainable Regions funding of $1 320 000 announced March 2005 Business Manager to be appointed Leading UK and mainland Australia food experts attending week long workshop September 2005 to pursue research partnerships and opportunities Initial research work will link to outcomes from State and Federal processes responding for Fair Dinkum Food Campaign




Institute for Enterprise and Regional Development

Investigation of establishment of an Institute for Enterprise and Regional Development in the Cradle Coast region through formal collaboration between the Cradle Coast Authority and the University of Tasmania, providing the Authority, its member Councils and regional businesses better access to the research capabilities, graduate programs and professional development opportunities required for sustainable development of the region, its community and economy Campaign to support the region’s agriculture sector through communitybased initiatives to • increase awareness of the food products produced and sold in this region • encourage producers, processors and retailers to adopt and promote place of origin labeling • help consumers make informed choices about buying local products

Agricultural Industry Support Campaign


Federal Funding of $1 000 000 announced in August 2005 See separate briefing note with agenda, September Representatives Meeting

Authority has played a direct role in the Fair Dinkum Food Campaign including: • represented the region in discussions with campaign organisers, industry groups and politicians • researched issues and developed briefings, policies, letters and submissions for the campaign • participated in direct lobbying of state and federal politicians, including senior Cabinet Ministers • developed the campaign’s position statement and formal submission to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) on country of origin labelling (attached), which have now been endorsed by the State Government, State Liberals, TFGA and Food Industry Council. (See separate briefing note with agenda, September Representatives Meeting – “Fair Dinkum Food” Campaign)

For further information, please contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton on 6431 6285



Bass Highway (Sisters Hills) Upgrade



In April 2003, the Authority convened a working group comprising State, Authority, Council and community representatives to address priority structural and safety issues in the Sisters Hills section of the Bass Highway, between Boat Harbour and Rocky Cape. State and Federal funding of $30 million has now been committed to implement road improvements

Sisters Hills Working Group met in July 2005 to receive update from Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources in respect to the project

Regional Transport & Infrastructure Plan

Development of a regional framework to manage and develop the region’s transport system over a 20 year period

DRAFT Cradle Coast Regional Transport and Infrastructure Plan released for public comment May 2005. Submissions considered by the Cradle Coast Authority Regional Transport Advisory Group in August 2005 Further meeting to be held in September 2005 to finalise plan

Regional Waste Management

Development of an integrated regional approach to waste management in the Cradle Coast region

Regional Waste Management Advisory Group meet bi-monthly Audit and position statement re regional strategic approach completed

Design and approval stage has commenced with works expected to commence early in 2006

See separate briefing note with agenda, September Representatives Meeting

For further information, please contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton on 6431 6285



Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) Plan


Support for the development of regional NRM plans and investment strategies in NW Tasmania • •

Implementation of Investment Proposal

Cradle Coast NRM Committee established as a sub-committee of Cradle Coast Authority in January 2003 Minister declared the Committee as a Regional Committee under the NRM Act in April 2003

Implementation of Investment Proposal and projects contained within the Proposal as approved by the Commonwealth Government


Commonwealth NHT funding of $3 860 000 approved for the Cradle Coast region Strategy and Investment Proposal approval announced by Federal and State Ministers in July 2005 A further submission for additional funds of approximately $1 300 000 expected to be received in December 2005 With assistance from Cradle Coast NRM Staff, groups from the Cradle Coast region submitted entries for nine categories in the Tasmanian Landcare Awards in August 2005 Groups from the Region were winners in six categories including the Australian Government Landcare Regional Award won by the Cradle Coast NRM Committee Other awards for this region were: • Australian Government Bushcare Nature Conservation Award Friends of French’s Road Nature Reserve • Westpac Landcare Education Award – Natone Primary School Wetland Project. (Joint Winners) • Alcoa Landcare Community Group Award – Wynyard Landcare Group • Landcare Australia Local Government Landcare Community Partnerships Award – Devonport City Council • National Landcare Program Individual Landcarer Award – Dr Graeme Stevenson. Winners will be submitted to represent Tasmania at the National Landcare Awards in October in Melbourne. Advertisements placed in August 2005 inviting applications for 16 Investment Proposal activities A further 4 projects will be continued with partners engaged in continuing Priority Project activities: • • • •

Dairy Tas – Dairy Effluent Treatment. Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute- Estuarine Condition Benchmark Indicators. Waterwatch Inc. – Regional Water Quality Monitoring. DPIWE – Soil Condition Benchmarks. (Statewide project) 11


National Landcare Program Sustainable Industries Initiative


Develop a funding application under the National Landcare Program Sustainable Industries Initiative to develop identified significant gaps and a lack of agricultural industry’s engagement, contribution and ownership relating to the sustainable management of the region’s natural resources through sustainable production systems, in addition to environmental protection and repair


Funding application submitted under the Sustainable Industries Initiative Program - currently being assessed by Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry

For further information, please contact the Natural Resource Management Coordinator, David McCormack on 6431 6285





Stronger Learning Pathways Project

Management of Stronger Learning Pathways component of Sustainable Regions Investment Plan through Reference Group comprising Authority, UTas, TAFE and Dept of Education and employment of Stronger Learning Pathways Project Officer

21 officers directly employed through Stronger Learning Pathways projects All projects achieving good results and forming valuable partnerships Reference Group meet monthly to monitor outcomes

Student Pathways Project

Build a model to assist young people plan and implement realistic education and employment futures

All student Pathway Officers re-employed by schools at end of first year funding period

Personal Futures Project (incorporating the Central Coast School – Business Alliance Project)

Develop a regional model for provision of support to young people to improve their participation and retention in education and training – Project has two components

Central Coast School-Business Alliance Project awarded a 2005 Learning Together Award for Educational Excellence Many activities underway including: • Apprenticeship information nights – Penguin and Ulverstone • Industry visits • No Dole Business Partnership Group formed • Beauty Industry training sessions • Penguin High School No Dole Charter • Tourism students involved in attractions familiarisation tour





Learning Leading - Circular Head Education and Training Consultative Committee

Build a community culture of life long learning and commitment to learning pathways in the Circular Head district

Change Leader appointed to assist project partners to implement a variety of projects

Skilling the Cradle Coast Community for the Twenty First Century

Use the vehicle of science and technology to increase student participation in education, training and subsequent employment in the Cradle Coast Region

Science Education Officer working with 15 schools across the Region to: • provide industry science based classroom support materials • provide opportunities for students to interact with industry • awareness program for parents • student camps • industry placement scholarships for year 11/12 students

Australian Technical College

Proposal to establish an Australian Technical College for the benefit of students in the Cradle Coast region

Cradle Coast Authority a member on the Northern Tasmanian Consortium which lodged a Proposal to establish an Australian Technical College in Tasmania Two Tasmanian proposals received Minister considering both bids and working with proponents to merge proposals, using the key elements of both Authority will work with eventual model to provide regional input on industry/training needs to ensure links with existing institutions and facilities

Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce

Establishment of “Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce” to bring together stakeholders to work collaboratively to improve opportunities and pathways for young people moving from Year 10 to further education and training and employment as detailed in the State Government’s discussion paper

Regional response to Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce Discussion Paper submitted June 2005

All partners fully engaged in program delivery with many activities underway including: • Participating in Community Door project • Information evenings – University, TAFE • Adult Literacy Program • Information dinner for CORES (Community Response to Eliminating Suicide) • “The Shed” and community garden project • UTAS scholarship information for students and mentors

Authority has offered to discuss hosting the Taskforce under similar arrangements to Regional NRM Committee





Community Door project

Project aimed at engaging young people in their local community through involvement on committees and boards of local businesses, clubs and associations

“Lead On Australia” engaged to deliver project Three local government areas committed to project, Kentish, Waratah Wynyard, and Circular Head Community information sessions held July 2005 Young people being linked with Committees and training to commence shortly

Creating Attitudinal Change to Education and Training in the Cradle Coast region

Undertake research into attitudes to education and training in the Cradle Coast region and to develop a campaign or strategy to address issues raised in the research

Denis White of Stride Consulting commissioned in August 2004 to undertake research into community attitudes to education and training in the Cradle Coast region Report publicly released July 2005 (available on Cradle Coast Authority website) Consultancy brief for implementation of report recommendations prepared and progressing

Stronger Learning Pathways Evaluation Project

Consultants to undertake an external evaluation of the Stronger Learning Pathways initiative and all associated projects

Consultants Gordon Stone and Associates appointed to undertake evaluation of projects Baseline data gathered and recorded – will be monitored and repeated at end of project

For further information, please contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton on 6431 6285





Regional Cultural Plan

Documentation and development of the region’s unique cultural assets, attractions and opportunities

Cultural Plan currently being updated Expected to be finalised and available October 2005

Penguin Athletics Track

To determine options for the future use of the Penguin Athletics Track

Study undertaken by HM Leisure Planning Pty Ltd reviewing the future development and management of Penguin Athletics Track - referred to Council

Regional Recreational Trails Strategy

Development and promotion of a network of recreation and tourism-related trails throughout the region

All of Government Reference Group established with representation from Forestry Tasmania, Parks and Wildlife, Sport and Recreation Tasmania, Local Government and DPIWE Crown Lands Section to oversee the implementation of recommendations and strategies identified within the Cradle Coast Tracks Strategy.

Regional Health Services Plan

Coordination of regional responses to Richardson Issues Paper and final report, withdrawal of services at Mersey Community Hospital and advocacy for development of a long-term health services plan for the Cradle Coast region

Agreement has been reached on the terms of a health services plan and an announcement expected in September 2005

Arts@Work Officer

Extend the half time regional Arts@Work position to a full time position, embracing and enhancing all sectors of the arts and cultural industry sectors throughout the Cradle Coast region and linkages to the region’s tourism industry

Artist residency established on King Island as part of Arts Tasmania’s 2006 Natural and Cultural Residencies Program as a joint initiative of King Island Council, King Island District High School, Arts Tasmania and the Cradle Coast Authority. Tasmanian Living Artists’ Week held August/September 70 events held across the Cradle Coast region. Undertaking review of Regional Cultural Plan

For further information, please contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton on 6431 6285 16

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