Annual Report for 2004-2005 Part 2

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Current Projects Report The following tables show significant regional activities that the Authority initiated, managed or had other significant involvement with during the 2004-05 financial year. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary overview of the range and value of activities underway during the reporting period. Only activities that had external resources formally committed or significant stages underway in 2004-05 are shown. External funds shown are resources committed by parties other than the Cradle Coast Authority, and may include in-kind contributions formally committed under funding contracts. Normal core operations and management obligations of the Cradle Coast Authority and partner organisations are not shown. Unless shown otherwise, the Authority’s involvement in the development and operation of projects is part of its core operations, supported by annual Council contributions. The timeframes shown for each project indicate total periods for which resources are committed, or agreements valid. Projects still in development stages in 2004-05 have not been included. The Authority’s Annual Plan for 2005-06 has been endorsed by the Representatives and is available on the Authority’s website. A “Report Against the Annual Plan” setting out the current status of all projects is also provided on the website and should be consulted for updates on the projects listed in this report.


Annual Report 2004-05

TOURISM TITLE Regional Touring Route Strategy Implementation

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Following the completion of the Cradle Coast Touring Route Strategy in June 2003, an implementation strategy was developed focussing on tourism signage and infrastructure requirements, brand development, and regional marketing



Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding)

Participating Councils


Local Tourism Associations Sustainable Regions

0 100000

Timeframe: June 2003 – July 2006

Cradle Valley Sewerage Scheme Stage 2

Construction of the “Cradle Mountain Integrated Sewerage Scheme” to provide an upgraded centralised sewage waste disposal scheme in the Cradle Valley

Tasmanian Government Sustainable Regions Parks and Wildlife


Kentish Council (inkind)


Improve the coordination of tourism planning and development opportunities at Cradle Valley

State Government


Parks and Wildlife


Tourism Tasmania


Cradle Valley Development Plan completed and Cradle Steering Committee appointed to drive implementation of priority projects March 2003

Kentish Council


Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Cradle Mountain Tourism Association Friends of Cradle


Timeframe: November 2004 – May 2006 Cradle Tourism Development Plan

Timeframe: Ongoing

500000 0

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • Touring Route Signage review completed – recommendations still to be implemented • Research findings completed and presented • Regional Marketing plan completed August 2004 • Infrastructure Audit completed November 2004 • Tourism Infrastructure plans completed and submitted to the Commonwealth Government • Touring route branding and marketing collateral produced • Hub tourism plans updated • Business Case and design recommendations developed and accepted by key stakeholders • Project officer appointed • Funding approved from Commonwealth and State Governments • Land acquisitions processes underway. • Tourism signage within Cradle Valley reviewed • $100 000 for alternative transport system study announced during Federal election

0 0 17

Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Mersey River Precinct Study

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Investigate the tourism potential of the Mersey River precinct to identify new opportunities that build on natural and cultural attractions and help local communities to coordinate future development along the river system. Study area to include Warrawee Forest Reserve and Bells Parade (and surrounds)



Sustainable Regions Latrobe Council


PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • • •

Project completed - October 2004 Report adopted by the Latrobe Council and local tourism groups - November 2004 Bells Parade weir approved

Timeframe: September 2003 – October 2004 Leven River Precinct Study

Study of the Leven River Precinct (mouth to the Bass Highway bridge) to identify natural and cultural tourism opportunities This area is within the heart of the most populated area of the Central Coast and where there are broad ranging and competing issues i.e. conservation of natural environments, tourism, recreation and development opportunities adjacent residential, commercial and industrial development

Sustainable Regions


Central Coast Council


• • • • •

Project completed - September 2004 Report adopted by the Central Coast Council - October 2004 Central Coast Council to work with local communities to address priorities Central Coast exploring concept of Ulverstone becoming ‘The Hub” of tourism on the North West Coast Further strategies developed from original study recommendations

Timeframe: October 2003 – October 2004


Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE West Coast Tourism Development Officer

East Devonport Gateway Project (Stage 1)

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Coordinated implementation of West Coast Tourism and Jobs Growth Plan across the 5 West Coast communities Timeframe: November 2002 – November 2005 Enhance the sense of arrival/departure for sea passengers within the East Devonport precinct and enhance economic and social sectors of East Devonport

PARTNERS West Coast Council


Sustainable Regions


PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • •

Devonport City Council Sustainable Regions

272000 50000

• •

Position was amended to West Coast Community, Economic and Tourism Development Officer West Coast Council to extend this position for an additional two years

Eastern Shore Urban Design Framework strategy completed – July 2004 Eastern Shore Urban Design Framework strategy adopted by the Devonport City Council February 2005

Timeframe: February 2003 – September 2004 Dismal Swamp Maze and Visitor Centre

As part of its commitment to providing quality forestry based tourism experiences throughout Tasmania, Forestry Tasmania will develop the Dismal Swamp Maze and Visitor Centre to explore and interpret the renowned Tasmanian Blackwood through an interactive experience of this unique sinkhole and natural forest environment

Forestry Tasmania


State Government


Dairy Regional Assistance Program (Commonwealth) Sustainable Regions


• • •

Project commenced July 2003 Dismal Swamp opened - September 2004 Ongoing work on the final visitor interpretation of the site


Timeframe: July 2003 – September 2004


Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Wynyard Exhibition Centre

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Waratah-Wynyard Council commissioned a consultant’s report into development of an Exhibition Centre that would: • establish a tourism experience of Regional significance in Wynyard that will provide an incentive for Tasmanians and visitors to Tasmania to include Wynyard in their holiday plans that incorporates the Wynyard Visitor Information Centre; • increase the economic and social return from the tourism industry to the Wynyard economy; • be a suitable home for the Ransley Collection (“The Collection”) of motor vehicles that will allow for the safe preservation and display of these vehicles


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 1000000

Waratah-Wynyard Council Sustainable Regions


Tasmanian Government

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • •

500000 • • •

Cradle Coast Authority completed a review of the original feasibility study and presented findings to the Waratah-Wynyard Council Construction of the Wonders of Wynyard Exhibition Centre approved by the WaratahWynyard Council and Council funds allocated Plans completed for the Centre State and Commonwealth Government funds approved Centre under construction

Timeframe: January 2005 – December 2005


Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Stanley Tourism Development Study

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The Stanley Tourism Development Study will: • Articulate a vision which will enhance the visitor experience and appreciation of the natural and cultural values of the area; • Define the visitor experience and how it can be developed and enhanced over the next 10 years with an implementation strategy specified for the next three years; • Identify the market, product development opportunities, brand position in line with Tasmanian Tourism Brand, investment opportunities, physical infrastructure and statutory requirements required to support the Stanley Tourism Precinct as a sustainable tourism destination; • Produce a marketing report outlining key actions, priorities and funding sources.


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 30000 15000

Tourism Tasmania Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding)

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • •

Circular Head Council


Circular Head Tourism


Sustainable Regions


Inspiring Place engaged to compile the Stanley Tourism Development Plan Anna Houseago engaged to complete a Brand development and interpretation strategy Anne Kerr engaged to develop Circular Head Marketing Strategy Stanley to be incorporated into the Cradle Coast experience strategy addressing the priority issues of Food and Produce and Wildlife The Tarkine to play a significant role in the development of the Stanley tourism experiences

Timeframe: May 2004 – October 2008


Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE King Island Way Special Project Officer

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND This proposal is a direct outcome of the King Island Search Conference and reflects King Island’s commitment to: • Develop a regional/‘place of origin’ brand concept for King Island, ‘Place of origin’ attributes and values of King Island that underpin existing ‘product’ brands • Commence ‘activation’ of the King Island ‘place of origin’ brand • Develop and commence implementation of strategies for the island’s primary industries • Develop and commence implementation of strategies for the island’s tourism sector • Develop and commence implementation of strategies for population growth Provide information products and services to tourism operators, visitors, employers, real estate agents and others who have opportunities to promote the island’s brand and lifestyle attributes to potential residents



King Island Council Tourism Tasmania


(Memorandum of Understanding)

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources


Sustainable Regions


PROGRESS IN 2004-05 Funding approved from all parties including in kind support from Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources – March 2005

Timeframe: September 2004 – June 2007


Annual Report 2004-05



Regional Arts@Work Project Officer

Extend the half time regional Arts@Work position to a full time position, embracing and enhancing all sectors of the arts and cultural industry sectors throughout the Cradle Coast region and linkages to the regions tourism industry



Arts Tasmania Sustainable Regions

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 •


Timeframe: June 2004 – June 2006

• • • • • •


Implemented strategies to address the recommendations from the King Island Search Conference o Advertised a residency as part of Arts Tasmania’s 2006 Natural and Cultural Residencies Program. o Funding proposal has been submitted to Arts Tasmania by King Island Council to employ a community arts worker for 3 days a week in 2006 to coordinate a visual arts project. o King Island artists taking part in Living Artists Week for first time this year. Established “Underneath the Art” ~ Building cultural tourism experiences into Sheffield Town of Murals Established a working relationship to enhance the Central Coast Circus Experience Reviewing Cradle Coast Cultural Audit Increased participation from the Cradle Coast region in Tasmanian Living Artists’ Week Capacity Building Local artists have attended workshop on “Marketing Your Art”

Annual Report 2004-05




EXTERNAL PROGRESS IN 2004-05 FUNDS ($) The Authority develops and implements regional tourism marketing initiatives in partnership with other stakeholders Timeframe: Ongoing Advertising Print


Tourism Tasmania


Purchased advertising space in State and regional tourism publications

Tourism Industry


Tourism Tasmania


Production and distribution of a 60 page Regional Touring Guide (120,000 copies) Distributed widely throughout Tasmanian and Interstate markets

(Memorandum of Understanding)

Regional Touring Guide

(Memorandum of Understanding)

Local Government

Consumer Shows


Tourism Tasmania


• •


(Memorandum of Understanding)

Tourism Industry


Tourism Industry


Tourism Tasmania


(Memorandum of Understanding)

Short break market

Tourism Tasmania


(Memorandum of Understanding)

Tourism Industry



• •

Attended and participated in Agfest ‘05 Participated in Spirit of Tasmania open days in Brisbane and Sydney Provided Regional Guides for Consumer shows in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria Participated in the Southern Queensland roadshow Participated in the State wide Touring Route Famils campaign with participants coming from Visitor Centres from around Tasmania and interstate travel centres Supported Tourism Tasmania’s Visiting Journalist program Developed Intrastate Short Break Market Program now supported by Tourism Tasmania

Annual Report 2004-05





Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding)

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • • • •

Blooming Tasmania (State-wide project)

SPECIFIC PROJECTS Regional Event Coordination

Garden tourism is a significant experience undertaken by a large segment of the Tasmanian touring market, yet much of the product is hobby or volunteer based and very much reliant on government support.

Tourism Tasmania


• •

Tourism Industry


Tourism Tasmania


Partnership with Events Tasmania and the Federal Govt to fund a full-time Regional Events Coordinator as part of the Authority’s Tourism Development Team, providing advice and assistance to regional events organisers and more effective communication and coordination between State, regional and local events organisers

Events Tasmania


Regional Assistance Program


(Memorandum of Understanding)

Other Regions

Produced Hub maps for all Cradle Coast areas Produced Cradle Coast Gardens tear off brochure Purchased Touring route promotional banners Photographic shoots undertaken to fill gaps in image library Production of 150,000 booklets Distribution through Gardening Australia Magazine, Service Tasmania & TVIN Consumer shows at MIFG


• •

Timeframe: September 2003 – August 2006


Events Calendar: under production Regional Events Training: including Events Xchange in May, event management taster sessions and two creative festival workshops with Neil Cameron Local Government Area Event Strategies: Strategy processes completed for West Coast, Kentish, Latrobe and Burnie. Devonport is well advanced and Central Coast is also underway Event Development Toolkit completed: Trouble shooting guide, management resources and framework for determining the significance of events

Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Tourism Steering Committee

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND A regional tourism network with professional input from all Cradle Coast Local Government areas that contributes to the coordination of tourism development throughout the Cradle Coast region



Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding)

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • •

Bi-monthly meetings held Co-operative approach has resulted in the development of a marketing sub committee for the area incorporating Latrobe, Kentish & Devonport and their adoption of the Cradle Country Touring Route branding

Participating Councils Local Tourism Industry

Timeframe: August 2002 – ongoing Regional Visitor Information Centre Network

A communication network of all Cradle Coast Visitor Centres established to enhance the professional delivery of information throughout the region and provide for greater communication between centres

Tourism Tasmania


• •


(Memorandum of Understanding)

Cradle Coast Visitor Centres

Bi-monthly meetings held Tasmanian Visitor Information Centre (TVIC) staff familiarisations conducted Touring route display signage provided for all centres

Timeframe: August 2003 – ongoing Experience Strategy (Incorporating Regional Branding Strategy)

Enhance the diversity and quality of tourism experiences throughout the region, creating renewed reasons for people to visit the region and providing exciting opportunities for visitors to spend whilst in the region, ultimately contributing to the economic return and employment opportunities created by a dynamic and sustainable tourism industry

Tasmanian Government


Participating Councils


Industry Stakeholders


Regional Tourism Development Program Tourism Tasmania

200000 • 80000

(Memorandum of Understanding)


Consultants appointed to complete: o the West Coast Mining Heritage Strategy. o the Cradle Coast Wildlife Strategic implementation strategy o the Regional Food and Produce strategic plan. o Regional Branding process Working with Central Coast Council on the Coast to Canyon trail strategy The Tarkine experience strategy remains under review

Annual Report 2004-05




Communication Strategy

One of the primary roles of the organisation is to facilitate efficient and effective communication between the industry, the Cradle Coast Board, staff and both levels of government

Tourism Tasmania

Tourism Training

Enhance the professionalism and quality of the Cradle Coast tourism experience through a comprehensive industry based training program targeting employers and employees alike

Tourism Tasmania


(Memorandum of Understanding)


PROGRESS IN 2004-05 The communication plan includes regular: • Board briefings • Industry newsletters • Tourism Tasmania Regional Tourism meetings • Updated web site • Presentations at local tourism associations •

(Memorandum of Understanding)

• •

Provided training sessions for: o events organisers o marketing arts o Thematic Interpretation Provided input into the Environmental Tourism Training Program Assisted training organisation with the distribution of the generic training programs

For further information, contact the Regional Tourism Development Manager, Ian Waller, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2004-05


TITLE Parramatta Creek Food Processing Facility

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The establishment and operation by Tasmanian Pure Foods Pty Ltd of a food processing and packaging plant at Parramatta Creek


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 1416000

Sustainable Regions Bellamy’s Organic Farms Tasmanian Pure Foods


Sustainable Regions



PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • •

Business case analysis finalised and Federal funding sought to assist establishment of commercial operation October 2004 Sustainable Regions funding announced in June 2005

Timeframe: October 2004 - May 2006

Engineering Industry Development Program

Grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions program to assist regional engineering firms respond to current challenges and opportunities associated with major projects, skills shortages and changing market requirements

• • •

Development of Engineering Industry Development Program under the Sustainable Regions Investment Plan Program announced in May 2005 Expressions of interest invited for grants up to $200 000 as part of the Sustainable Regions Program

Timeframe: May 2005 – June 2006


Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Centre for Food Innovation Systems

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Establishment of a Cradle Coast Centre for Food Innovations Systems at the Cradle Coast Campus, providing research and development, teaching and industry networks to support innovation in Food Value Chain Management and Natural Resource Management for primary production


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 1200000

Sustainable Regions University of Tasmania/Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research


Sustainable Regions


PROGRESS IN 2004-05 Sustainable Regions funding announced March 2005

Timeframe: October 2004 – Ongoing Food Value Adding Grants Program

$1 million grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions program to assist regional food businesses to invest in further value-adding of regional produce

• • •

Development of Food Value Adding Grants Program under Sustainable Regions Investment Plan December 2004 Program announced December 2004 Expressions of interest invited for grants of up to $100 000

Timeframe: December 2004 – June 2006 “Pulp Mill Ready” Campaign

Media and public information campaign targeting local communities, pulp mill proponents and the State Government to show that the region is Pulp Mill Ready and would work with all parties to facilitate a pulp mill development

Participating Councils


• • •

Appointment of public relations group to disseminate information regarding pulp mill January 2005 Telephone poll conducted in Cradle Coast region February 2005 Announcement of Pulp Mill site February 2005

Timeframe: December 2004 ongoing


Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE “Fair Dinkum Food” Campaign





Campaign to support the region’s processing vegetable industry through initiatives to • increase awareness of the food products produced and sold in this region • encourage producers, processors and retailers to adopt and promote place of origin labeling • help consumers make informed choices about buying local products

Participating Councils


Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association


• • •

Discussions with campaign organisers, industry groups and politicians June 2005 research issues and development of briefings, policies, letters and submissions June 2005 participated in direct lobbying of State and Federal politicians, including senior Cabinet Ministers June 2005 - ongoing

Timeframe: May 2005 – ongoing

For further information, contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2004-05


DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND In April 2003, the Authority convened a working group comprising State, Authority, Council and community representatives to address priority structural and safety issues in the Sisters Hills section of the Bass Highway, between Boat Harbour and Rocky Cape Timeframe: July 2003 – June 2009

Former Burnie Hospital Site Redevelopment

Returning former hospital site to productive use for the benefit of the region


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 15000000

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources

Development of a regional framework to manage and develop the region’s transport system over a 20 year period

• •

Federal Government


Circular Head Council


Waratah/Wynyard Council


Burnie City Council


Private developer


• • •

Timeframe: June 2003 – February 2006

Regional Transport and Infrastructure Plan


Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Participating Councils


• •


Timeframe: June 2003 - ongoing


Federal funding proposal submitted - July 2004 $15 M Federal Government commitment Sept 2004 State-Federal cost sharing arrangements and timeframes for on-ground works confirmed Works expected to commence early 2006

Development approval granted - September 2004 Contract for sale finalised January 2005 Construction of Harvey Norman complex commenced February 2005

Draft plan approved by DIER for public comment - September 2004 Draft plan received Planning Institute of Australia award for Rural and Regional Planning Achievement - November 2004 Regional Transport Advisory Committee established to review and update draft plan for public comment and Auslink process November 2004 Plan released for public comment May 2005

Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Regional Waste Management



Development of an integrated regional approach to waste management in the Cradle Coast region

Participating Councils


PROGRESS IN 2004-05 0

• • •

Final Regional Waste Management Audit Report released July 2004 Regional Waste Management Advisory Group established - August 2004 Advisory Group meet bi-monthly

Timeframe: June 2003 – ongoing

For further information, contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2004-05

EDUCATION AND TRAINING TITLE Stronger Learning Pathways Project

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Partnership project to manage and coordinate education and training participation initiatives at regional scale including operation of Stronger Learning Pathways grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions Program (individual projects listed separately)



Sustainable Regions University of Tasmania


TAFE Tasmania


Department of Education


Timeframe: October 2003 – June 2006

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • •

Training needs analysis for the Central Coast municipal area, incorporating Penguin and Ulverstone completed June 2004 21 transition support officers directly employed through Stronger Learning Pathways Projects June 2005

Creating Attitudinal Change to Education and Training in the Cradle Coast Region • Consultant (Stride Consulting) appointed August 2004 • Report delivered November 2004 • Public release of Report July 2005 • Consultancy Brief for implementation of Report recommendations – July 2005 Stronger Learning Pathways Evaluation Strategy • Consultant appointed November 2004 – Gordon Stone and Associates • Baseline data gathered Jan-Feb 2005 Community Door Project • Contract with “Lead On Australia” to deliver project - April 2005 • Circular Head, Kentish and WaratahWynyard Councils commit to project May 2005 • Community information sessions held May 2005 • Young people linked with appropriate Boards and Committees June 2005


Annual Report 2004-05



Student Pathways Project

Build an Arthur Education District model to assist young people plan and implement realistic education and employment futures


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 544000 189000 819000

Sustainable Regions Arthur District office Department of Education

Develop a regional model for provision of support to young people to improve their participation and retention in education and training, and links to local businesses Timeframe: March 2004 – December 2006

Learning Leading - Circular Head Education and Training Consultative Committee

Build a community culture of life long learning and commitment to learning pathways in the Circular Head district Timeframe: May 2004 – December 2006

• • •

Timeframe: February 2004 – December 2006

Personal Futures Project incorporating the Central Coast School – Business Alliance Project


Central Coast Council Leven Training Inc. Ulverstone High School Penguin High School Leighlands Christian School Department of Education University of Tasmania Sustainable Regions

10000 90000 3000 3000 3000

• • •


King Island District High School and King Island Council form a partnership to employ a Pathways Officer 9 Student Pathways Officers employed in all high schools, and Hellyer College June 2004 Professional development provided to teachers and Student Pathways Officers All Student Pathway Officers re-employed by schools at end of first year funding period Central Coast School Business Strategic Alliance Project Coordinator appointed -July 2004 Personal Futures Project Manager appointedOctober 2004 Student Pathway Officers and Parent Liaison Officers appointed January 2005

18000 620000

Department of Education Circular Head Council University of Tasmania TAFE Tasmania Circular Head Business Enterprise Centre Sustainable Regions

148900 123400 57480 130000 85000

• •

Full-time Change Leader appointed to assist project partners to implement a variety of programs - July 2004 All partners fully engaged in program delivery



Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Skilling the Cradle Coast Community for the Twenty First Century

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Use the vehicle of science and technology to increase student participation in education, training and subsequent employment in the Cradle Coast Region Timeframe: March 2004 – March 2007


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 330000 36000 82500

University of Tasmania TAFE Tasmania Department of Education Science Teachers Association of Tasmania Industry Partners Sustainable Regions

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • • •


Project launched February 2004 Science Education Teacher appointed – July 2004 Work underway with 15 schools across the Cradle Coast Region June 2005

120000 525000

Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce

Establishment of “Guaranteeing Futures - Area Taskforce” to bring together stakeholders to work collaboratively to improve opportunities and pathways for young people moving from Year 10 to further education and training and employment as detailed in the State Government’s discussion paper

Participating Councils


Australian Technical College

Proposal to establish an Australian Technical College for the benefit of students in the Cradle Coast region

Northern Tasmania ATC Consortium


Regional response to Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce Discussion Paper submitted June 2005

Cradle Coast Authority a member on the Northern Tasmanian Consortium which lodged a Proposal to establish an Australian Technical College in Tasmania

For further information, contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2004-05

NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (NRM) TITLE Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) Plan

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Support for the development of regional NRM plans and investment strategies in NW Tasmania •

Appointment of Local NRM Facilitators

Cradle Coast NRM Committee established as a subcommittee of Cradle Coast Authority in January 2003 Minister declared the Committee as a Regional Committee under the NRM Act in April 2003

Local level facilitator funding for the North Western Regional NRM Committee Employment of 5 facilitators Timeframe: January 2005 – January 2006



Natural Heritage Trust Tasmanian Government matching in-kind support through Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment activity

Natural Heritage Trust Tasmanian Government matching in-kind support through Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment activity


PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • Strategy completed and accredited April 2005

• •


New facilitator team operative from January, 2005 Facilitators assisted with the development of the regional strategy by engaging the community and providing support with onground actions Supported development of community funding submissions for Natural Heritage Trust Envirofund and National Landcare program funding

Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Regional NRM Facilitator Initiative

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Employment of one full time Regional NRM Facilitator to assist the development of a regional strategy that outlines an integrated approach across all natural resource management issues for the region



Natural Heritage Trust Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment


PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • •

Full-time Regional NRM Facilitator engaged August 2003 On-going input into program development and liaison with Australian Government

Timeframe: August 2003 – August 2006 Support for Completion of Regional Strategies

Natural Heritage Trust Supplementary foundation support to assist the committee to complete their regional strategy by engaging specialist technical support from consultants experienced in natural resource management

Natural Heritage Trust


• •

Timeframe: May 2004 – December 2005 State Government Core Funding

Provision of core funding for NRM Committee, coordinator and administration support

Tasmanian State Government


Reserve funding for use in completion phases of strategy and IP through first quarter 2005 Employment of Projects Manager February 2005 - Role in completion of Investment Proposal and development of partner contracts Successful submission of first Investment Proposal Engaged in development of Second Investment Proposal

Operating budget for NRM Committee

Timeframe: July 2005 – June 2008


Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Community Landcare CoOrdinator Grant

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Employment of a local level coordinator to help ensure community and landcare group participation in natural resource management in the Cradle Coast region - Position to address rural business sector engagement in regional NRM.



National Landcare Program

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 • •

Employed from February 2005 Engaged in primary industry liaison and development of projects for submission under NLP, Envirofund and Natural Heritage Trust



Electromagnetic mapping and development of bore sites completed Technical assessment of project and proposed next stage currently underway Report in development

Timeframe: April 2004 – April 2007 King Island Salt Hazard Assessment Project

Identify salinity hazard on the Reekara and Eldorado land systems on King Island

King Island NRM Group Natural Heritage Trust

Timeframe: April 2004 – April 2005

Soil Condition Evaluation and Monitoring (statewide)

Identify priority soil/land use combinations at risk from degradation, identify and locate appropriate key reference sites and collect base line information. One hundred sites to be assessed across Tasmania’s three NRM regions

Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment Natural Heritage Trust


• •

First stage of project completed and report underway Second phase of project being developed

• •

Project completed and report finalised Plans produced for 30 farms

93000 (Statewide)

Timeframe: April 2004 – April 2005 Operational Whole Farm Planning

Deliver operational farm plans on 60 farm properties in the Cradle Coast NRM region by supporting farmers on a one-to-one basis

Landholder in-kind contributions Natural Heritage Trust

48000 204600

Timeframe: April 2004 – April 2005


Annual Report 2004-05

TITLE Setting Vegetation Condition Benchmarks for NRM

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Initiate assessment of methodologies for large scale monitoring of vegetation extent, distribution and condition across the Cradle Coast NRM region



Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment Natural Heritage Trust

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 •

99000 (Statewide)

562180 269560

• • • •

Framework for developing vegetation benchmarks near completion and field methodology developed and tested Development of final year of project underway

Timeframe: January 2004 – April 2005 Bushside and Streamside Restoration Project

Provide management planning/advice and direct funding for on-ground works to retain and improve native vegetation and waterways/ wetlands within the region

Greening Australia Natural Heritage Trust

• •

Project completed and report finalised 172 sites assessed and 64 selected for works 970 hectares protected 47 management agreements signed with landholders 67 kilometres of fencing erected 33 off stream water troughs installed

Timeframe: April 2004 – April 2005 North Western Regional Weed Management Strategy

Develop a key strategic framework for weed management and integration of municipal weed management activity to address key threats of significant invasive species in a strategic and co-ordinated manner

Greening Australia Natural Heritage Trust

29120 48120

• • •

Regional Weed Strategy developed through stakeholder consultation Project completed Development of priorities for future funding

Five Rivers Waterwatch Natural Heritage Trust


• •

Sixty four sites identified for monitoring Final report expected October 2005

Timeframe: May 2004 – December 2004 Water Quality Monitoring Program and Reporting Framework for the Cradle Coast region

Establish a region-wide water quality monitoring program to complement monitoring undertaken by DPIWE and address monitoring gaps


Timeframe: May 2004 – July 2005


Annual Report 2004-05



Best practice dairy effluent management in Tasmania

Minimise pollution of land, waterways and groundwater in the region by upgrading effluent management systems on 28 dairy farms


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 236500 201700

Dairy Tas Board Natural Heritage Trust

Timeframe: May 2004 – July 2005 Biodiversity and degradation in north-western Tasmanian estuaries

Collect detailed baseline environmental data from four estuaries in the region – the Black, Detention, Duck Bay and Montague estuaries

PROGRESS IN 2004-05 •

Installing best practice effluent treatment systems In conjunction with Northern region, works completed on 33 farms with 8 near completion Project extended to November 2005

• •

Field work completed Final report under development

Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute Natural Heritage Trust


University of Tasmania Natural Heritage Trust

13655 24635

• •

Field work completed Final report under development

CSIRO Land and Water Natural Heritage Trust


• •

Project completed Final report near completion

Project completed and report under development Ongoing commitment from stakeholders to continue project Cradle Coast NRM to provide facilitator support


Timeframe: May 2004 – July 2005 Groundwater quality in intensively grazed areas of the Montagu catchment

Collect baseline data on the quality of groundwater underlying intensively grazed pastures in the Montagu catchment

Small Catchment Water Yields under Current Land uses (Statewide project)

Enable better land use planning and decision making at the subcatchment level

Implementation of the West Coast Weed and Fire Management Strategy

Project Officer to be employed to co-ordinate implementation of the West Coast Weed and Fire Management Strategy 2001

Timeframe: May 2004 – July 2005


Timeframe: May 2004 – July 2005 West Coast Weeds and Fire Management Group Natural Heritage Trust


• 84550

Timeframe: May 2004 – July 2005


Annual Report 2004-05




Priority protection measures for Nationally threatened species in the NW region (Statewide)

Protect threatened species within the Cradle Coast region which require the most urgent attention

Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment Natural Heritage Trust

Cradle Coast NRM Investment Proposal

Development of an Investment Proposal for delivery in the Cradle Coast region of 26 best practice NRM projects

Timeframe: May 2004 –July 2005


PROGRESS IN 2004-05 •

Project near completion and final report being developed

Development of Investment Proposal setting out 26 projects for the Cradle Coast region Investment Proposal approved June 2005 Partners for delivery of projects to be identified in 2005/06 Projects to be delivered in 2005/06


Natural Heritage Trust


• •

Timeframe: June 2005 – June 2006

For further information, contact the NRM Coordinator, David McCormack, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2004-05


DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Documentation and development of the region’s unique cultural assets, attractions and opportunities



Arts Tasmania

To determine options for the future use of the Penguin Athletics Track Timeframe: June 2004 – June 2005

Regional Health Services

Coordination of regional responses to Richardson Issues Paper and final report, withdrawal of services at Mersey Community Hospital and advocacy for development of a long-term health services plan for the Cradle Coast region

• • •

Timeframe: July 2004 – December 2005

Penguin Athletics Track


Sport and Recreation Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding) Central Coast Council



• • •

Participating Councils


North West Division of General Practice University of Tasmania Rural Clinical School

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Regional Arts @ Work project developed to address opportunities identified through development of cultural audit Arts @ Work officer employed in July 2004 Work Plan finalised, steering committee established November 2004 Update of Cultural Audit commenced June 2004 Cradle Coast Recreation Advisory Group prepared Consultant’s brief Project brief approved August 2004 Consultant appointed November 2004 Feasibility Study finalised May 2005 Council briefing session and regional position statement in response to Richardson Issues Paper July 2004 Mersey Community Hospital returned to public ownership and full service delivery December 2004 Negotiations with State Government for long term regional health services plan commenced August 2004 and continuing

Timeframe: March 2004 – ongoing

For further information, contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2004-05

Summary of Contributions to Current Projects and Core Operations $


25 813 526 32 101 597 23 630 300 520 650 1 846 520 5 800 135 89 712 728

29 35 26 1 2 6

678 367 678 367


90 391 095


External contributions to current projects, 2004-2005 State Government Federal Government Industry Community Organisations Local Government Other Core Operations, 2004-2005 Participating Councils


Figure 1: Contributions to current projects and core operations 2004-2005

Federal Government State Government Industry Other Local Government Core Operations Community Organisations


Annual Report 2004-05

Financial Report The Authority’s Audited Financial Reports for 2004-2005 are presented on pages 46 to 65. They represent the overall financial position of the Authority and are inclusive of Core Operations, Education & Training, Natural Resource Management, Tourism and Core projects. In summary, the Authority’s total income and expenses for 2004-2005 were: Income Council Contributions Government Grants Other Income Interest (re-invested into projects) Total Income Expenses Expenses from Ordinary Activities Employee Benefits Depreciation Total Expenses

$ 776,875 1,348,388 243,877 30,674 2,399,814

% 33 56 10 1 100

1,372,782 935,496 50,863 2,359,141

58 40 2 100

Details of the income and expenses pertaining to Core Operations are provided separately under the heading Core Operations. As at 30 June 2005, the Authority’s bank account held funds totalling $1,407,793. These funds are accounted for by outstanding creditors, leave accrual and committed project funds that have been carried over to 2005-2006. For details of the projects these funds are committed to, see note 16 of the Audited Financial Reports. Core Operations Core Operations is the cost centre for the operational costs of the Authority itself. It is predominantly funded by Council Contributions and has Projects contributing to it for administration and financial support. In 2004-2005, Core Operations received income of $723,927, which comprised:

Council Contributions Government Grants* Income for Core Operations

$ 678,367 45,560 723,927

% 94 6 100

*Funds from NRM, Tourism and Stronger Learning Pathways projects for administration and financial Support


Annual Report 2004-05

This income contributed to Core Operations’ expenses of $707,057 comprising:

Expenses from Ordinary Activities Employee Benefits Expenses for Core Operations

$ 293,994 413,063 707,057

% 42 58 100



Annual Report 2004-05


Annual Report 2004-05


Annual Report 2004-05

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