Annual Report for 2005-2006

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November, 2006


Annual Report 2005-06

CONTENTS Cradle Coast Authority ..................................................................................................3 Chief Representative’s Report ......................................................................................4 Executive Chairman’s Report........................................................................................5 Regional Tourism Development Manager’s Report ……............................................7 Natural Resource Management Coordinator’s Report...............................................9 The Board…….. ...............................................................................................................10 Council Representatives................................................................................................11 Staff – Organisational Chart ..........................................................................................12 Committees and Advisory Groups Operating during 2005-06 ..................................13 Board/Committee membership ...................................................................................14 Partnerships/Joint Ventures/Memoranda of Understanding .....................................14 Current Projects Report..................................................................................................16 Total Value of Projects in 2005-06.................................................................................40 Contributions to Current Projects and Core Operations ...........................................41 Financial Report .............................................................................................................42

NOTE: This document is available on the Authority’s website at


Annual Report 2005-06

The Cradle Coast Authority was created in February 2000 by the local government authorities of Burnie City, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport City, Kentish, King Island, Latrobe, Waratah-Wynyard and West Coast (‘the Participating Councils’) to coordinate and drive the sustainable development of the Cradle Coast region, its community and economy. The Authority is a joint authority under the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993, and can exercise the powers of a local government authority for the benefit of the Cradle Coast Region, its participating councils or any other council, government entity or business. The Authority’s primary role is to identify regional needs and priorities and to broker partnerships between the different levels of government, industry and community groups to address them at regional scale. The Authority is currently engaged in a wide range of regional initiatives across fields including: • • • • • •

Tourism Natural Resource Management Industry Development Infrastructure Development Education and Training Community and Cultural Development

The Authority’s participating Councils contribute to its annual budget for core operations. All regional development activities are funded through partnerships and funding agreements with other bodies. The Authority also delivers professional, management and development services under formal agreements with State and Federal Government agencies.



Annual Report 2005-06

Chief Representative’s Report This year’s Annual Report demonstrates once again the value to the Region of the Cradle Coast Authority. While the many projects within the report demonstrate the ability of the Authority to act in our region’s interest, there is also the presence of the Authority within the area of lobbying to promote and position the region in future ventures. Leadership from the Authority constantly reinforces our “can do” attitude and opens doors for the region’s advantage. There is however a continuing need to maintain uniformity and consistency in our voice that our Board recognises and is now addressing. Advocacy of our organisation requires that our bureaucratic and political voices are consistent to ensure maximum benefit and regional exposure. We as an organisation must also develop other income streams to enable progression and diversification. The year ahead holds both challenges and promise and with the support of its member Councils I see the future as being bright. I wish to thank all Councils and Cradle Coast Authority Staff for their valuable support during the year.



Annual Report 2005-06

Executive Chairman’s Report In 2005-2006, the proportion of the working age population either employed or in the labour market in this region was higher and grew more strongly in than in the rest of Tasmania, and was more than double the State average in both cases. The Cradle Coast has traditionally performed poorly in these areas, ranking among the bottom 5 of 64 Australian regions over recent years. Whilst continuing unemployment remains a concern, the region’s positive response to local jobs growth and its expanding labour market in a time of national skills and labour shortages are significant achievements, and cause for optimism. These statistics, and recent improvements in tourism and other industry sectors, tell only part of the region’s story in 2005-2006, but they are the types of indicators that the Authority uses to guide its priorities and activities, and strives to improve. Whilst these positive trends cannot be attributed directly to the Authority’s work, member Councils and other partners can take confidence from the fact that their ongoing investment in regional development has not been rewarded by continuing decline, new crises or no response in these critical areas. What the Authority can demonstrate is its continuing ability to use the resources provided by its member Councils to plan, broker and manage other investment in major initiatives that contribute to the region’s overall performance. In 2005-2006, the Authority’s core operating budget, contributed by its member Councils, was $697 366. The total value of other funding commitments for projects and activities created, managed or assisted by the Authority during 2005-2006 was over $99 million (refer Figures 1 and 2, page 40). This figure includes total funding for many projects that extend beyond 2005-2006, not just funds committed or spent in the last financial year. On this basis, it provides a ‘snapshot’ of the total value of all formal funding commitments for all activities that the Authority was involved in during the year, as summarised in the body of this report. The total figure includes • $2.63 million for externally funded staff and services; • $4.84 million for externally funded projects managed by the Authority; and • $91.68 million for projects facilitated by the Authority but managed by other partners. The $2.63 million for staff and services includes the salaries and operating costs of all employees of the Authority not funded by member Council contributions, as well as service agreements for activities conducted on behalf of other organisations, including Tourism Tasmania, Arts Tasmania and Events Tasmania. These staff and services are supported by the Authority’s human resources, financial management and governance systems, maintained using core Council contributions, with additional support services provided on a fee-for-service basis. 5

Annual Report 2005-06

The figure of $4.84 million for externally funded projects includes all project-based grants for which the Authority has management responsibility as the funding recipient or host. These projects are generally managed by existing staff working with other government and industry partners, again supported by the Authority’s core management systems. Examples of such projects in 2005-2006 include the Tourism Experience Strategy and the Stronger Learning Pathways project. Importantly, the Authority could not provide these regional positions, projects and services without external funds, and would not be able to secure these funds without the management and governance systems required to administer and account for them. On this basis, Council contributions of $697 366 for the Authority’s core operations in 2005-2006 enabled it to secure and manage activities worth nearly $7.5 million to the region in costs alone - more than $10 for every $1 of its core budget. As in previous years, the Authority’s work in 2005-2006 also included key roles in the identification, development and funding of projects managed by other organisations. The total value of such projects in 2005-2006 was $91.68 million, including the majority of projects funded under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions Program. Importantly, though, projects including Sustainable Regions funds account for less than half the total value of projects in this category, and actual Sustainable Regions were only around 11% of the value of all projects underway in 2005-2006. When the Sustainable Regions Program ended in June 2006, the total investment created was over $45.3 million, representing over $3 for every $1 of Commonwealth funding and nearly $10 million over the initial target of $36 million. This result has strengthened the Authority’s reputation as a manager and broker of public investment and its ability to attract further funding to the region. Details of the Authority’s on-ground activities and achievements in 2005-2006 are summarised elsewhere in this report and updates are available on our website. On behalf of the Board, I thank and congratulate the Authority’s staff, Councils and other partners for their continuing hard work, collaboration and support, and trust that all who have contributed to the Authority’s activities in 2005-2006 share our pride in the Authority’s, and the region’s, achievements for the year.



Annual Report 2005-06

Regional Tourism Development Manager’s Report The 2005/2006 financial year has been a year of change for the region’s tourism industry with growth levels over the past three years slowing and many parts of the region confirming declines in visitor numbers, overnight stays and yield. Visitor numbers to the State have stabilised during this period and the average length of stay has fallen from 9.1 nights to below 8.2 nights over the past two years. Discounted air fares into Launceston and Hobart, cheaper international air fares, greater personal spend on home improvements and home entertainment systems, and a reluctance to take holidays are all issues that have contributed to a decline in holiday spend generally and the Cradle Coast region has not been immune to the impacts of these factors. Whilst much of this anecdotal evidence generates a negative picture for the region’s tourism industry, tourism data collected and collated by Tourism Tasmania for the 12 months to 30th June 2006 does not support this position. The Tourism Tasmania research confirms that overall visitor numbers to the region fell by only 1% and visitor nights increased by 5%, with the average daily visitor spend rising from $158 to $177. Based on this data, the value of tourism to the region in 2005-2006 exceeded $208 million - $32 million more than in 2004-2005 *. Whilst projections for growth in regional tourism across Australia are not strong for the next four years, confidence within the region’s tourism industry remains strong, and there is a belief that the region has the experiences, products and new opportunities to weather this downturn. The Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions program has enabled tourism projects valued at in excess of $23 million to be initiated and in many cases completed during the 2005-2006, including the Touring Route Infrastructure Program, the Wonders of Wynyard, the Devonport Gateway Project and the King Island Special Project Officer. Funding from the Australian Government’s Regional Tourism Development Program has allowed the Authority to identify and develop opportunities for improved tourism experiences throughout the region, including development of the Source to Sensation Strategy, identification of regional wildlife experiences and exploration the tourism potential of the region’s rich mining heritage. Additional to the projects identified above, the Cradle Coast Authority has worked closely with the tourism industry, under the guidance of international brand consultant Rachel Piggott, to develop a regional tourism brand proposition. The branding work has involved extensive creative interpretation and provides a foundation for the further promotion of the region using Tasmania’s North West – A Story Around Every Corner as the creative foundation for future campaigns.


Annual Report 2005-06

The implementation of a regional marketing strategy, linked with state-wide campaigns, is the next critical step for future growth of the region’s tourism sector. The Authority’s immediate challenge is to secure resources needed to appoint a full time marketing position and then work with industry in the region to maximise our share of the Tasmanian visitor market. Whilst 2005-2006 has in many ways been a tough year for the region’s tourism industry, retaining the positive approach is critical. Launching of the region brand, development of the Tarkine experience, implementation of experience-based strategies and stronger regional marketing will contribute to this confidence. (*) At the time of completing this report, the Authority is questioning this data, collected from the Tasmanian Visitor Survey for the 12 months to June 2006 with clarification sought on a number of areas of concern.



Annual Report 2005-06

Natural Resource Management (NRM) Coordinator’s Report After successfully completing the regional NRM Strategy last year, the NRM Committee has focused on delivering the implementation of the strategy. Funds were sought through the first Investment Proposal and 26 projects are in progress. This region ran a successful process to identify service deliverers to work as partners for implementation of these projects. Relationships with these partners are strong and important for the ongoing management of our resources. The projects cover a wide range of activities aimed at protecting and improving the condition of our natural assets in this region. A number of projects are aimed at obtaining baseline information so we can increase the effectiveness of future investments in NRM. On ground works are in place which involve the community, landholders and local government. After many years of effort by many parties, the region has a Regional Weed Strategy now being implemented. The NRM Committee has also developed and submitted the second investment proposal on behalf of the region. This will provide funding from the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust for the period July 2006 to June 2008. The commitment and dedication of many members of our community to conserving our natural environment was strongly displayed at the Tasmanian Landcare Awards in August 2005. The Cradle Coast region was strongly represented and won six of the nine categories for which awards were submitted. The Cradle Coast NRM Committee was awarded the Australian Government Landcare Regional Award for the development of its regional NRM strategy. As part of the nationwide project in regional natural resource management, the Cradle Coast NRM Committee has made a great deal of progress from a standing start in 2003. It is our intention to continue to improve and endeavour to increase our regional capacity for natural resource asset management.



Annual Report 2005-06

The Board The Authority has an eight member Board of Directors comprised of business and community leaders appointed by representatives of the participating Councils. In November, 2005, the Authority’s Rules were amended to provide for a Board structure comprising: • • •

2 directors nominated by the participating Councils 1 director nominated by the participating Council’s General Managers 5 directors who between them have experience in or expertise with respect to: 1) agriculture, industry or commence; and ii) education and training; and iii) tourism relevant to the Cradle Coast region.

The Board is responsible for the Authority's strategic direction, financial management, appointment of advisory committees and other duties as set out in the Authority’s Rules. Membership of the Board is skills-based, not representative, and all members participate equally in all decision-making processes at monthly meetings. The Authority's Executive Chairman performs the roles of Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and spokesman for the Board. The Executive Chairman is not a director and does not vote at Board meetings.

Board members serving during the 2005-06 reporting period were: Skills/Experience:

Appointed August 2003 for a three year term

Local Government

Mayor David Brewster

Local Government

Mayor Ross Hine

Educating and Training

Mrs Megan Cavanagh-Russell


Mr John Howard


Mr Royce Fairbrother (appointed July 2005)


Mr Bob Wilson


Mr Allan Leeson

General Managers

Mr Alf Mott


Annual Report 2005-06

Council Representatives Each of the Authority’s participating Councils appoints two representatives to a Representatives Group, which acts as the Authority's shareholder body, voting on major budgetary, policy and governance issues. The Representatives appoint and review the Authority's Board, approve its annual budget and monitor its overall performance. Meetings are held quarterly, providing a forum for presentations on the Authority's activities, feedback to the Board and discussion of regional issues between Councils. Representatives receive minutes of all Board meetings and report to their respective Councils on Authority matters and issues raised at Representative meetings. At each Annual General meeting, the Representatives appoint a Chief Representative to chair the meetings for the following year.

The Representatives during 2005-06 were: Burnie City Council Alderman John Munro (to Oct 2005) Alderman Sam Samec (to Oct 2005) Mayor Alvwyn Boyd (from Oct 2005) Alderman Sandra French (from Oct 2005) Central Coast Council Councillor Rodney Cooper (to Oct 2005) Mayor Mike Downie Cr Brian Robertson (from Oct 2005) Circular Head Council General Manager Greg Winton (to Oct 2005) Councillor Bernard Charles Cr Daryl Quilliam (from Oct 2005) Devonport City Council Alderman Graeme Milburn (to Oct 2005) Alderman Peter Hollister (Chief Representative until December, 2005) Mayor Lynn Laycock (from Oct 2005)


King Island Council Councillor Royce Conley (to Oct 2005) Mayor Charles Arnold (from Oct 2005) Councillor Greg Barratt Latrobe Council Mayor Mike Gaffney General Manager Grant Atkins Kentish Council Mayor Ian Braid General Manager Mark Crouch Waratah-Wynyard Council Mayor Roger Chalk (to Oct 2005) Mayor Kevin Hyland (from Oct 2005) General Manager Paul West West Coast Council Chief Representative Mayor Darryl Gerrity (appointed December, 2005) Councillor Anne Drake

Annual Report 2005-06

Organisational Chart 2005-06 Cradle Coast Authority Board of Directors

Executive Chairman Roger Jaensch

Funding source: Member Councils

= Core positions funded by Council contributions

Executive Officer Karen Hampton

Funding source: Member Councils

Finance & Administration Manager Heidi Hillbeck Funding source: Member Councils

Executive Assistant Karen Arnold Funding source: Member Councils

Regional Education and Training Position vacant

Regional Tourism Development Manager Ian Waller

Natural Resource Management Executive Officer David McCormack

Funding source: Member Councils

Tourism Industry Development Consultant Wayne Bolton

Funding Source: State Government

Support Officer Lynne Robertson Funding Source: NHT

Funding Source: NHT

Funding source: Tourism Tas

Receptionist/Administration Trainee Krystal Shipley Funding source: Member Councils

Administration Assistant Rosemary Britton Funding source: Projects

Regional Events Coordinator Ben Bovill Funding source: Events Tas/Authority

Regional NRM Facilitator Sally Fenner Funding Source: NHT

Coastal Marine Facilitator Anna Wind Funding source: NHT

Arts@work Officer Nicki Fletcher Funding source: Arts Tas/Sustainable Regions

Community Landcare Coordinator Guy Robertson

Regional Weeds Officer Greg Taylor

Projects Officer Richard Ingram Funding Source: NHT

Facilitator – King Island Eve Woolmore Funding Source: NHT

Funding source: NHT


Annual Report 2005-06

Committees and Advisory Groups operating during 2005-06 Rules Review Working Group Mayor Peter Hollister (Chair), Grant Atkins, Alf Mott, Brian Stace, Roger Jaensch (disbanded after adoption of new Rules November, 2005) Recreation Advisory Group Joan Wylie (Chair), Nic Deka, Greg Irwin, Robert Bourke, Richard Muir-Wilson, Evonne Jones, Christine Burns, Deb Mainwaring, Clayton Hawkins, Darrin Cunningham, Roger Jaensch, Karen Hampton Tourism Professionals Steering Group Ian Waller, Kate Grady, Ben Bovill, Adam Saddler (Tourism Tas), Jenny Cox, Judy Moore, Sue Parravicini, Deborah Cole, Nicki Fletcher, Tina Ingram, Wayne Bolton, Susanne Clear, Lisa Nelson, Jason Claire, Jo-Anne O’Brien Regional NRM Committee Rick Rockliff (Chair), David Henderson (Deputy Chair), Geoff Coles, Patricia Ellison, Wes Ford, Steven Gall, Geoff King, Tess McNeill, Sharni Radford, Paul Smith, Wayne Tennant, Casey van Eysden Regional Waste Management Working Group David Sales (Chair), Roger Jaensch, Paul Arnold, Rick Mitchell Collins, Jeff McNamara, Daryl Polzin, Rowan Sharman Regional Transport Advisory Committee John Howard (Chair), Andrew Wardlaw, Paul West, Noel Hammond, Steven Jarman, Roger Jaensch Sustainable Regions Advisory Committee David Brewster, Ross Hine, Megan Cavanagh-Russell, John Howard, Russell Paterson, Bob Wilson, Allan Leeson, Alf Mott, Judith Liauw Stronger Learning Pathways Reference Group Megan Cavanagh-Russell (Chair), Kevin Hyland (TAFE), Jenny Breen, Roger Jaensch and Karen Hampton Stanley Tourism Precinct Study Steering Committee Roger Jaensch (Chair), Ian Waller, Bridget Walch, Greg Winton, John Dabner, Paul Smith, Stuart Lennox, Lisa Nelson Bass Highway/Sisters Hill Working Group Andrew van Emmerik (Chair), Roger Jaensch, Peter Todd, Ricky Smith, Greg Winton, Paul West, John Munro, Michael Dixon, Trevor Duniam, Kevin Walker


Annual Report 2005-06

Board/Committee membership In 2005-06, the Cradle Coast Authority was represented on: • • • • • • •

Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania Board Cradle Valley Steering Committee East Devonport Foreshore Committee State Natural Resource Management Council Central Coast Education Committee Sports Carnival Association of Tasmania Regional Health Services Plan Steering Committee

Partnerships/Joint Ventures/Memoranda of Understanding Cradle Coast Authority Joint Authority Joint Authority created by the Authority’s Participating Councils under the Local Government Act to perform the roles and functions outlined in the Authority’s Rules. Joint Authority has operated for 5 years. At June 2003, participating Councils were released from their initial 3-year funding commitment and agreed to proceed on a year-to-year basis. Cradle Coast Sustainable Regions Program Cradle Coast Authority Board and one Area Consultative Committee Tasmania (ACCT) member appointed by the Federal Minister for Transport and Regional Services to provide advice on project funding under the $12 million Cradle Coast Sustainable Regions Investment Plan launched October 2002. Program ended June 2006. Tourism Tasmania MOU Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to coordinate State and regional tourism development and provide resources (including one staff position) for industry development and marketing roles performed by the Authority. Previous Memorandum of Understanding renewed for a further 3-year period starting 200304, subject to annual review enabling the MOU to be aligned to Tourism 21 Strategy.


Annual Report 2005-06

Partnerships/Joint Ventures/Memoranda of Understanding (Cont.) Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) Committee The Cradle Coast Regional NRM Committee is a Committee of the Authority, recognised under the Tasmanian NRM Act 2002 and State-Commonwealth Bilateral Agreement for NHT 2. Committee appointed January 2003, declared by the State Minister under the State NRM Act in April 2003. Committee members’ terms are finite, but formal Committee structure and Rules are ongoing. Former Burnie Hospital Joint Venture Joint Venture between Cradle Coast Authority, Burnie City Council and State Government for the purchase, demolition and redevelopment of former Burnie Hospital site. The Joint Venture was formed in November 2001 to facilitate purchase of the site, and continued to operate until the site redevelopment was completed (February, 2006). Regional Events MOU Memorandum of Understanding to develop coordinated regional and state-wide events strategies, activities and promotions and employ a full-time Regional Events Coordinator. Commenced July 2003, concludes June 2007. Regional Events Coordinator appointed August 2003. Negotiations are continuing regarding the extension of this position. Arts Tasmania MOU Memorandum of Understanding negotiated to extend the half time regional Arts @ Work position to a full time position, embracing and enhancing all sectors of the arts and cultural industry sectors throughout the Cradle Coast region and linkages to the region’s tourism industry. Commenced June 2004 and concludes November 2006. Negotiations are continuing regarding the extension of this position.


Annual Report 2005-06

Current Projects Report The following tables show significant regional activities that the Authority initiated, managed or had other substantial involvement with during the 2005-2006 financial year. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary overview of the range and value of activities underway during the reporting period. Only activities that had external resources formally committed or significant stages underway in 2005-06 are shown. External funds shown are resources committed by parties other than the Cradle Coast Authority, and may include in-kind contributions formally committed under funding contracts. Normal core operations and management obligations of the Cradle Coast Authority and partner organisations are not shown. Unless shown otherwise, the Authority’s involvement in the development and operation of projects is part of its core operations, supported by annual Council contributions. The timeframes shown for each project indicate total periods for which resources are committed, or for which agreements are valid. Projects still in development stages in 2005-06 have not been included. The Current Projects Report is based on the 2005-2006 Annual Plan structure and format. The Authority’s Annual Plan for 2006-07 has been endorsed by the Representatives and is available on the Authority’s website. A Quarterly Report Against the Annual Plan, setting out the current status of all projects, is also available on the website and should be consulted for updates on the projects listed in this report.


Annual Report 2005-06

TOURISM TITLE Regional Touring Route Strategy Implementation

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Following the completion of the Cradle Coast Touring Route Strategy in June 2003, an implementation strategy was developed focusing on tourism signage and infrastructure requirements, brand development, and regional marketing



Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding)

Participating Councils


Local Tourism Associations Sustainable Regions

0 100000

Timeframe: June 2003 – July 2006 Regional Touring Route Strategy Infrastructure

Identify roadside infrastructure requirements and upgrades to enhance Cradle Coast Touring Routes and oversee implementation of capital works program

Participating Councils Local Tourism Associations Other State Govt Departments Sustainable Regions


Tasmanian Government Sustainable Regions Parks and Wildlife


Kentish Council (inkind)



Timeframe: June 2005 – June 2006

Cradle Valley Sewerage Scheme Stage 2

Establishment of a centralised sewerage treatment system servicing existing and future tourism developments at Cradle Valley Timeframe: November 2004 –June 2006

500000 0


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • The Touring Route Strategy remains a priority for the development of the Cradle Coast Tourism Industry • Touring Route signage (stage two) is currently under review with new signage to be installed along the Touring Routes • Brand work for each touring route will be completed after the Cradle Coast regional branding is completed • Review of touring route marketing to be undertaken with Tourism Tasmania • Funding application submitted under the Sustainable Regions Program in partnership with the 9 Cradle Coast Councils and Parks and Wildlife • Funding approved December, 2005 • Implementation will occur between January and June 2007 • Currently disbursing funds and monitoring reports to Dept Transport & Regional Services • Contract for funded projects extended to 30th Nov 2006 - Unfunded projects to be completed by June 2007 • The Cradle Valley Steering Committee continues to manage this project • The primary project partners now include the Kentish Council, the State Government and Cradle Valley operators • The Authority is represented as a member of the Steering Committee

Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE Cradle Tourism Development Plan




Improve the coordination of tourism planning and development opportunities at Cradle Valley

State Government


Parks and Wildlife


Tourism Tasmania


Cradle Valley Development Plan completed and Cradle Steering Committee appointed to drive implementation of priority projects March 2003

Kentish Council


Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Cradle Mountain Tourism Association Friends of Cradle


Sustainable Regions


Timeframe: Ongoing Complete Paper experience at Creative Paper, Burnie


Develop the Creative Paper experience and to create a multitude of all weather experiences based around Burnie’s paper industry heritage

• The Authority is represented as a member of the Steering Committee

0 0

Other Parties


• The ongoing management of this project is the responsibility of the Burnie City Council and the Board of Creative Paper • The Authority is represented as a member of the Steering Committee

Timeframe: October 2005 – March, 2007 West Coast Strategic Development Plan

Preparation of a Strategic Development Plan for the West Coast Municipality (and in particular Strahan) with input from key stakeholders such as Council, DPIWE, Ports, DIER, Cradle Coast Authority and Tourism industry

Sustainable Regions


Other Parties


• The first draft of this strategic development plan has been completed and presented to the Steering Committee • The Authority is represented as a member of the Steering Committee

Timeframe: October 2005 – March, 2006


Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE West Coast Development Officer

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Appointment of a West Coast Development Manager that will encompass the areas of tourism, economic and community development for the West Coast local government area.

PARTNERS West Coast Council


Sustainable Regions


Timeframe: November 2002 – November 2005

Devonport Eastern Shore Project

Implementation of recommendations as identified in the Devonport Eastern Shore Urban Design Framework Report Timeframe: May 2005 – June, 2009

Dismal Swamp Maze and Visitor Centre

Devonport City Council/ State Government


Sustainable Regions


As part of its commitment to providing quality forestry based tourism experiences throughout Tasmania, Forestry Tasmania will develop the Dismal Swamp Maze and Visitor Centre to explore and interpret the renowned Tasmanian Blackwood through an interactive experience of this unique sinkhole and natural forest environment


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • The funding agreement between Department of Transport and Regional Services and the West Coast Council for this position has now expired • The West Coast Council has agreed to extend the period of this position through internal funding • The Authority is represented as a member of the Steering Committee and the provision of a mentoring role for the Project Officer • The ongoing management of this project is the responsibility of the Devonport City Council • The Authority is represented as a member of the Steering Committee

• The ongoing management of this project is the responsibility of Forestry Tasmania • The involvement of the Cradle Coast Authority is based on provision of support and expertise when required

Timeframe: ongoing


Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE “Wonders of Wynyard” Exhibition Centre

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Construction of the “Wonders of Wynyard” Exhibition Centre to create a significant tourism experience in Wynyard Timeframe: January 2005 – December 2005

Stanley (Circular Head) Tourism Precinct Study


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 1000000

Waratah-Wynyard Council Sustainable Regions


Tasmanian Government

To establish Stanley as a “Must See” destination for all people holidaying in Tasmania increasing visitor stay and spend in all centres along touring routes connecting to Stanley

Tourism Tasmania Tourism Tasmania

(For the purpose of this study “Stanley” refers to the entire Circular Head Municipality)


30000 15000

(Memorandum of Understanding)

Circular Head Council


Circular Head Tourism


Sustainable Regions


Timeframe: May 2004 – October 2008


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • The ongoing management of this project is the responsibility of the Waratah-Wynyard Council • The Authority is represented as a member of the Steering Committee

• The final report for this project was presented to the Circular Head Council on April 6th • The Stanley rebranding process has been completed and Circular Head Tourism are working with a Hobart based graphic designer to interpret the brand and produce new marketing collateral • New marketing collateral has been developed and launched at Tourism Tasmania road shows throughout New South Wales and Victoria • A comprehensive funding submission for this project has been lodged with the Tasmanian Governments Tourism Promotion Plan and the outcomes of this will be known in October 2006 • The further implementation of this strategy will be the responsibility of Circular Head Tourism and key partners • Cradle Coast Authority remains committed to this project and continues to be an active member of the project Steering Committee

Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE King Island Way Special Project Officer

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Employment of a projects officer to drive the implementation of the tourism and King Island brand components of the King Island Way Strategic Plan Timeframe: September 2004 – June 2007

Regional Event Co-ordination

Partnership with Events Tasmania and the Federal Govt to fund a full-time Regional Events Coordinator as part of the Authority’s Tourism Development Team, providing advice and assistance to regional events organisers and more effective communication and coordination between State, regional and local events organisers



King Island Council Tourism Tasmania


(Memorandum of Understanding)

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources


Sustainable Regions


Events Tasmania


Regional Assistance Program


Timeframe: September 2003 – August 2006


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • The Cradle Coast Authority remains committed to this project • Kate Grady was appointed to this position and continues to work with key stakeholders to address the recommendations of the King Island Search Conference • Cradle Coast Authority continues to be represented on the project Steering Committee and to provide a mentoring role to the Project Officer • Produced 2006 Regional Events Calendar • Produced touring brochure for Ulysses AGM • Developed Marketing Plan for Bloomin’ Tulips that assisted in sourcing more than $15,000 in sponsorship for event • Regional Event Assistance Program 06 $3,000 Latrobe Chocolate Winterfest for marketing and product development strategy (Completed) $2,000 West Coast Surf Classic to develop marketing collateral (Completed) $1,000 Zeehan Gem and Mineral Fair to develop new promotional material and assist in distribution strategy (Completed) • Worked with following events to assist with grant applications: Taste the Harvest Bloomin Tulips Mountain Dew International Speedway • Launched 2nd stage of Tasmanian Events Database • Final elements of Event Development Toolkit completed

Annual Report 2005-06



Regional Arts@Work Project Officer

Extend the half time regional Arts@Work position to a full time position, embracing and enhancing all sectors of the arts and cultural industry sectors throughout the Cradle Coast region and linkages to the regions tourism industry



Arts Tasmania Sustainable Regions


Timeframe: June 2004 – June 2006


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • Review of Cultural Audit completed • Artist run galleries established at Sheffield, King Island, Wynyard; Tullah and Devonport in progress • Cultural centre and artist residency established on King Island • Community Centred Model for Tourism workshops funded by Australia Council for the Arts (100 participants) • Tasmanian Living Artists’ Week held in August with 70 local events and 200+ artists • Regional artists on board Spirit of Tasmania Health and Wellbeing position • Support for development of thematic interpretation/performance initiatives for region including Mining Heritage Trail and Wonders of Wynyard Exhibition Space • Assistance to Burnie Regional Art Gallery exhibition by North West Aboriginal visual artists • 2006 Workshop Program for artists in Cradle Coast finalised and advertised Ongoing support to individual artists in the region • Working with Central Coast Council to promote the development of cultural tourism experiences as part of Coast to Canyon experience with consultant Nat Trimarchi

Annual Report 2005-06




Tourism Training

Enhance the professionalism and quality of the Cradle Coast tourism experience through a comprehensive industry based training program targeting employers and employees alike

Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding)


Strategic approach to Marketing

Tourism Tasmania Tourism Industry Tourism Tasmania


Advertising Print


Regional Touring Guide

Timeframe: Ongoing

Consumer Shows

• Provided training sessions for: events organisers marketing arts Thematic Interpretation • Provided input into the Environmental Tourism Training Program • Assisted training organisation with the distribution of the generic training programs

• Developed Cradle Coast Marketing Strategy 20000

(Memorandum of Understanding)

The Authority develops and implements regional tourism marketing initiatives in partnership with other stakeholders


Tourism Industry


Tourism Tasmania


(Memorandum of Understanding)

Local Government


Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding) Tourism Industry




2006 - 2008 • Purchased advertising space in State and regional tourism publications including: Tasmanian Life Leatherwood This Week in Tasmania

• Production and distribution of a 60 page Regional Touring Guide (100,000 copies) • Distributed widely throughout Tasmanian and Interstate markets • Demand has exceeded supplies with 2007 numbers to be increased by 20% • Greater numbers have been distributed through the Launceston Airport • Participated in roadshows and consumer shows in: Victoria New South Wales Queensland

Annual Report 2005-06



Short break market

Promotional Material

Regional Visitor Information Centre Network

Blooming Tasmania



Tourism Industry

Timeframe: August 2003 – ongoing To work with garden tourism industry to develop garden experiences for the touring visitor market

• Participated in the State wide Touring Route Famils campaign with participants coming from Visitor Centres from around Tasmania and interstate travel centres • Supported Tourism Tasmania’s Visiting Journalist program

Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding)


Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding) Tourism Industry


Tourism Tasmania


• Produced Hub maps for all Cradle Coast areas • Produced Cradle Coast Gardens tear off brochure • Purchased Touring route promotional banners • Photographic shoots undertaken to fill gaps in image library


• Bi-monthly meetings held • Tasmanian Visitor Information Centre (TVIC) staff familiarisations conducted • Touring route display signage provided for all centres • Hosted 2006 Annual Tasmanian Visitor Information Network (TVIN) Conference in Devonport

• Developed Intrastate Short Break Market • Program now supported by Tourism Tasmania


(Memorandum of Understanding)

A communication network of all Cradle Coast Visitor Centres established to enhance the professional delivery of information throughout the region and provide for greater communication between centres


Tourism Tasmania (Memorandum of Understanding) Cradle Coast Visitor Centres


Blooming Tas Inc.


Tourism Tasmania



• Facilitated preparation and implementation of a marketing plan that included – Brochure production, consumer shows and regional tear off map

Annual Report 2005-06



Experience Strategy (Incorporating Regional Branding Strategy)

Enhance the diversity and quality of tourism experiences throughout the region, creating renewed reasons for people to visit the region and providing exciting opportunities for visitors to spend whilst in the region, ultimately contributing to the economic return and employment opportunities created by a dynamic and sustainable tourism industry



Tasmanian Government Participating Councils


Industry Stakeholders


Regional Tourism Development Program



PROGRESS IN 2005-06 Food and Wine Strategy – “Source to Sensation” “Source to Sensation” strategy has been completed with the support of the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Funding now being sourced from the State and Commonwealth Governments to support the implementation of this strategy Regional Brand Strategy Rachel Piggott met with the Authority’s tourism staff to progress the regional brand strategy Further meetings held early 2006 Brand framework completed Design interpretation brief being prepared Tarkine Development Following the presentation of the Tarkine discussion paper, the Board approved creation of a regional stakeholder forum on Tarkine issues Stakeholders have met and discussed issues relating to developing the tourism potential of the “Tarkine” including information, branding, marketing and promotion, infrastructure planning and development; product development and visitor services and longerterm strategic planning and management arrangements Coast to Canyon Development A branding process has been initiated for the Coast to Canyon and this branding is now going through the interpretation process Wildlife Strategy Final report received April 2006 Need to review recommendations in light of further work conducted by TT & Parks & Wildlife Implementation pending funding

Annual Report 2005-06






Experience Strategy Cont…

Communication Strategy

One of the primary roles of the organisation is to facilitate efficient and effective communication between the industry, the Cradle Coast Board, staff and both levels of government

Tourism Tasmania

Recreational Track Strategy

To ensure the co-ordinated development of recreational tracks that meet the need of the community and visitors

Sport & Recreation


Tourism Tasmania


Land Manager


A regional tourism network with professional input from all Cradle Coast Local Government areas that contributes to the coordination of tourism development throughout the Cradle Coast region

Tourism Tasmania

Tourism Steering Committee


(Memorandum of Understanding)


(Memorandum of Understanding)

Participating Councils


Local Tourism Industry


Mining Interpretation Final plan completed June 2006 Initial brand concept developed Launch of project deferred pending funding for implementation The communication plan includes regular: • Board briefings • Industry newsletters • Tourism Tasmania Regional Tourism meetings • Conducted the first Cradle Coast Tourism Forum • Presentations at local tourism associations • Conduct regular interest specific meetings with Steering Committee and Visitor Centre Managers • Maintain regular meetings with Tourism Tasmania, Events Tasmania and Arts Tasmania • Following the development of a track strategy in 2004-05, implementation is held over pending the development of a state-wide strategy • Participated in a review of the 60 Great Short Walks • Report due for completion October 2006 • Bi-monthly meetings held • Co-operative approach has resulted in the development of a marketing sub-committee for the area incorporating Latrobe, Kentish & Devonport and their adoption of the Cradle Country Touring Route branding

Timeframe: August 2002 – ongoing

For further information, contact the Regional Tourism Development Manager, Ian Waller, on 6431 6285. 26

Annual Report 2005-06


TITLE Parramatta Creek Food Processing Facility

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The establishment and operation by Tasmanian Pure Foods Pty Ltd of a food processing and packaging plant at Parramatta Creek


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 1416000

Sustainable Regions Bellamy’s Organic Farms Tasmanian Pure Foods


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • Plant upgraded and specialised equipment installed • Factory operational


Timeframe: October 2004 - May 2006

Engineering Industry Development Program

Grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions program to assist regional engineering firms respond to current challenges and opportunities associated with major projects, skills shortages and changing market requirements

Sustainable Regions


Industry contributions

• Sustainable Regions Engineering Industry Development Program closed October, 2005 • 5 projects approved: Stratton Engineering, The Engineering Company, Aus-Tech Composites, MES Tas Pty Ltd, Mader International Pty Ltd.


Timeframe: May 2005 – June 2006


Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE Centre for Food Innovation Systems

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Establishment of a Cradle Coast Centre for Food Innovations Systems at the Cradle Coast Campus, providing research and development, teaching and industry networks to support innovation in Food Value Chain Management and Natural Resource Management for primary production


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 1200000

Sustainable Regions University of Tasmania/Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • Senior NRM research/teaching position appointed • International Value Chain research network and team created

Timeframe: October 2004 – Ongoing Food Value Adding Grants Program

Grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions program to assist regional food businesses to invest in further value-adding of regional produce

Sustainable Regions


Industry contributions


• Food Value Adding Grants Program closed October 2005 • 7 projects approved: Nichols Poultry Pty Ltd, Petuna Seafoods, Brandsema, Harvest Moon, King Island Free Range Meats, Premium Fresh and Whisky Tasmania

Timeframe: December 2004 – June 2006 “Pulp Mill Ready” Campaign

Media and public information campaign targeting local communities, pulp mill proponents and the State Government to show that the region is Pulp Mill Ready and would work with all parties to facilitate a pulp mill development

Participating Councils


• Monitoring progress of pulp mill development • Formation of Industry Capability Working Group upon release of Integrated Impact Statement

Timeframe: December 2004 ongoing


Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE Protection of Agricultural Land (PAL) issues

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Monitoring of issues faced by Councils interpreting and applying current PAL Policy and participation in policy review process at regional scale



Participating Councils

PROGRESS IN 2005-06 0

• Meeting initiated with representatives of Councils and Minister Kons June 2006 • Continuing to monitor issues and review process

Timeframe: June 2006 – ongoing Institute for Enterprise and Regional Development

Establishment of an Institute for Enterprise and Regional Development in the Cradle Coast region through formal collaboration between the Cradle Coast Authority and the University of Tasmania, providing the Authority, its member Councils and regional businesses better access to the research capabilities, graduate programs and professional development opportunities required for sustainable development of the region, its community and economy

Department of Education Science and Training


University of Tasmania (Cradle Coast campus)


Other Grants


• • • •

Business Manager appointed Business Model established Needs Assessment completed Bachelor of Regional Resource Management course commenced

Timeframe: July 2005 – ongoing


Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE “Fair Dinkum Food” Campaign





Campaign to support the region’s processing vegetable industry through initiatives to • increase awareness of the food products produced and sold in this region • encourage producers, processors and retailers to adopt and promote place of origin labeling • help consumers make informed choices about buying local products

Participating Councils


Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association


Authority played a direct role in the Fair Dinkum Food Campaign including research, secretariat and policy support for development of submissions and contributions to state and national covering vegetable industry strategic planning and a national working group developing proposals for establishment of an ‘Australian Grown’ definition, logo and guidelines with formal recognition under the Trade Practices Act

Timeframe: May 2005 – ongoing

For further information, contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2005-06


DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND In April 2003, the Authority convened a working group comprising State, Authority, Council and community representatives to address priority structural and safety issues in the Sisters Hills section of the Bass Highway, between Boat Harbour and Rocky Cape Timeframe: July 2003 – June 2009

Former Burnie Hospital Site Redevelopment

Returning former hospital site to productive use for the benefit of the region


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 15000000

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Federal Government


Circular Head Council


Waratah/Wynyard Council


Burnie City Council


Private developer


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • $15 M Federal Government commitment Sept 2004 • Sisters Hills Working Group met on irregular basis to receive updates from Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources regarding the project • Design and approval stage undertaken and Stage 1 of construction works commenced on Dallas Hill and Pollards Road • Works completed on Myalla Road to Rulla Road • Preliminary design work completed for Stage 2 • Construction of Harvey Norman complex commenced February 2005 • Complex opened in April 2006

Timeframe: June 2003 – April 2006

Regional Transport Strategy

Development of a regional framework to manage and develop the region’s transport system over a 20 year period

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Participating Councils



• Submissions to draft Plan considered by the Cradle Coast Authority Regional Transport Advisory Group • Integrated Transport Strategy finalised and approved by Minister

Timeframe: June 2003 - ongoing


Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE Regional Waste Management



Development of an integrated regional approach to waste management in the Cradle Coast region

Participating Councils


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 0

• Regional Waste Management Advisory Group continuing to meet bi-monthly, or as required, to monitor and respond to regional waste management issues

Timeframe: June 2003 – ongoing

For further information, contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2005-06

EDUCATION AND TRAINING TITLE Stronger Learning Pathways Project

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Partnership project to manage and coordinate education and training participation initiatives at regional scale including operation of Stronger Learning Pathways grants program under the Australian Government’s Sustainable Regions Program (individual projects listed separately)



Sustainable Regions University of Tasmania


TAFE Tasmania


Department of Education


Timeframe: October 2003 – June 2006

PROGRESS IN 2005-06 All projects achieving good results and forming valuable partnerships • Reference Group continuing to meet monthly to monitor outcomes and develop further initiatives • 21 transition support officers directly employed through Stronger Learning Pathways Projects Creating Attitudinal Change to Education and Training in the Cradle Coast Region • Consultancy Brief for implementation of Report recommendations – July 2005 • Contract entered into with”Red Jelly”, Marketing and PR Consultants, to develop a message for use by regional education, business, local government and community groups and organisations to promote the value and importance of education to the region Stronger Learning Pathways Evaluation Strategy • Gordon Stone and Associates undertaking evaluation • Data gathered during 2005/06 from project coordinators • Reports to Stronger Learning Pathways Reference Group Community Door Project • “Lead On Australia” delivering project to Circular Head, Kentish and Waratah-Wynyard Councils • Young people linked with appropriate Boards and Committees


Annual Report 2005-06



Student Pathways Project

Build an Arthur Education District model to assist young people plan and implement realistic education and employment futures

Personal Futures Project incorporating the Central Coast School – Business Alliance Project

Timeframe: February 2004 – December 2006 Develop a regional model for provision of support to young people to improve their participation and retention in education and training, and links to local businesses Timeframe: March 2004 – December 2006

Learning Leading - Circular Head Education and Training Consultative Committee

Build a community culture of life long learning and commitment to learning pathways in the Circular Head district Timeframe: May 2004 – December 2006


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 544000 189000 819000

Sustainable Regions Arthur District office Department of Education

Central Coast Council Leven Training Inc. Ulverstone High School Penguin High School Leighlands Christian School Department of Education University of Tasmania Sustainable Regions Department of Education Circular Head Council University of Tasmania TAFE Tasmania Circular Head Business Enterprise Centre Sustainable Regions


10000 90000 3000 3000 3000 683152 18000 620000 148900 123400 57480 130000 85000

PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • 9 Student Pathways Officers employed in all high schools, and Hellyer College • Professional development provided to teachers and Student Pathways Officers • All Student Pathway Officers re-employed by schools at end of first year funding period

Personal Futures: • Improved transition outcomes a major focus • Professional development provided for Primary Transition Officers Central Coast project: • Funding approved by Tasmania Community Fund to fund project officer for a further 2 years

• Change Leader assisting project partners to implement a variety of programs - July 2004 • All partners fully engaged in program delivery


Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE Skilling the Cradle Coast Community for the Twenty First Century

DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Use the vehicle of science and technology to increase student participation in education, training and subsequent employment in the Cradle Coast Region Timeframe: March 2004 – March 2007


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 330000 36000 82500

University of Tasmania TAFE Tasmania Department of Education Science Teachers Association of Tasmania Industry Partners Sustainable Regions

PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • Science Education Officer working with 16 schools across the Region • Professional development courses undertaken for teachers at participating schools


120000 525000

Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce

Establishment of “Guaranteeing Futures - Area Taskforce” to bring together stakeholders to work collaboratively to improve opportunities and pathways for young people moving from Year 10 to further education and training and employment as detailed in the State Government’s discussion paper

Participating Councils


Negotiations finalised with OPCET to host the Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce

Australian Technical College

Proposal to establish an Australian Technical College for the benefit of students in the Cradle Coast region

Northern Tasmania ATC Consortium


• Tasmanian Consortium invited to lead the establishment of an Australian Technical College in Northern Tasmania, in conjunction with the Northern Tasmania Consortium • Cradle Coast Authority Executive Chairman a member of the ATC Reference Group • Burnie campus established at Harris Building, Burnie

For further information, contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2005-06




State Government Core Funding

Provision of core funding for NRM Committee, Executive Officer and administration support



Tasmanian State Government

Timeframe: July 2004 – June 2008

Support for Completion of Regional Strategies

Natural Heritage Trust Supplementary foundation support to assist the NRM committee to complete regional strategy and development of Investment proposals

Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust


PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • Operating budget for NRM Committee • Oversight implementation of regional strategy through first Investment Proposal • Oversight development of second regional Investment Proposal (2006 -2008) for Australian Government Natural Heritage Funding • Winners of Tasmanian section Australian Government Landcare Regional Award for the development of the regional NRM Strategy completed April 2005 • Implementation of regional strategy through successful submission of Investment Proposal for 2005-2006 • Development of second Investment Proposal for implementation 2006-2008

Timeframe: May 2004 – December 2005


Annual Report 2005-06

TITLE Local NRM Facilitators



Funding for Local level facilitators for the North Western Regional NRM Committee - Employment of 5 facilitators

Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust Tasmanian Government matching in-kind support through Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment activity

Timeframe: October 2003 – June 2006

Regional NRM Facilitator Initiative

Employment of one Regional NRM Facilitator to assist the implementation of regional strategy and co-ordination with developing Australian Government policies and programs


Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust Tasmanian Government, Department of Primary Industries and Water


Australian Government National Landcare Program



PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • Facilitators supporting implementation of the Regional Strategy and Investment Proposal by engaging the community and providing support with on-ground actions and to service providers • Supported development of community funding submissions for Natural Heritage Trust Envirofund and National Landcare program funding

• On-going input into program development and liaison with Australian Government • On-going co-ordinating role with the Local Facilitator team

Timeframe: August 2003 – August 2006 Community Landcare CoOrdinator Grant

Employment of a local level Landcare co-ordinator to help ensure community and landcare group participation in natural resource management in the Cradle Coast region - Position to address rural business sector engagement in regional NRM

• Ongoing engagement and support to primary industry sector • Support and development of submissions to National Landcare Program funding • Support to service providers delivering primary industry based investment proposal project

Timeframe: April 2004 – June 2008


Annual Report 2005-06



Cradle Coast NRM Investment Proposal 2005-2006

Development of an Investment Proposal for delivery in the Cradle Coast region of 26 best practice NRM projects Timeframe: July 2005 – March 2007


EXTERNAL FUNDS ($) 3855000

Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust Tasmanian Government matching in-kind support through Department of Primary Industries and Water activity

PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • Implementation of 26 projects within the Cradle Coast Region with a range of Service Provider partners including: Greening Australia, Tasmanian Land Conservancy, Dairy Tas, ARM Ltd, Agronico, King Island NRM, DP, Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute • Service Deliverers on track with project progress • Successful progress reporting to Australian and Tasmanian Government Joint Steering Committee

For further information, contact the NRM Executive Officer, David McCormack, on 6431 6285.


Annual Report 2005-06


DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Documentation and development of the region’s unique cultural assets, attractions and opportunities



Arts Tasmania

PROGRESS IN 2005-06 • Review of Cultural Plan completed • Updated document available on Cradle Coast Authority’s website

Timeframe: July 2004 – December 2005 Recreation Advisory Group

Strategic planning and advice for the management of sport and recreation facilities, services and participation in the region

Sport and Recreation Tasmania


• Partnership between Cradle Coast Authority, Office of Sport and Recreation Tasmania with representation from member Councils • Advisory Group reconvened in March 2006 • Consultants appointed to undertake review of Recreation Planning Framework and role of Advisory Group

Regional Health Services

Coordination of regional responses to Richardson Issues Paper and final report, withdrawal of services at Mersey Community Hospital and advocacy for development of a long-term health services plan for the Cradle Coast region

Participating Councils


North West Division of General Practice University of Tasmania Rural Clinical School


• Steering Committee established including Cradle Coast Authority, NW Division of General Practice, UTas Rural Clinical School and Dept Health and Human Services • Terms of Reference and workplan for regional plan finalised and agreed to by all parties • Project Manager appointed


Timeframe: March 2004 – ongoing

For further information, contact the Executive Officer, Karen Hampton, on 6431 6285. 39

Annual Report 2005-06





















Annual Report 2005-06


State Government Federal Government Industry Community organisations Local Government Other Core Operations



27 220 719 31 946 377 26 792 900 187 000 6 266 910 6 748 052 99 161 958

27 32 27 <1 6 7

697 366 697 366


99 859 324


External contributions to current projects, 2005-06 State Government Federal Government Industry Community Organisations Local Government Other Core Operations, 2005-2006 Participating Councils



Annual Report 2005-06

Financial Report The Authority’s Audited Financial Report for 2005-2006 is presented on the following 20 pages. The report represents the overall financial position of the Authority and is inclusive of Core Operations, Education/Training, Natural Resource Management, Tourism and Core Projects. In summary, the Authority’s total income and expenses for 2005-2006 were: Income Council Contributions Government Grants Other Income Interest (re-invested into projects) Total Income Expenses Expenses from Ordinary Activities Employee Benefits Depreciation Total Expenses

$ 723,355 1,780,028 136,052 63,559 2,702,994

% 27 66 5 2 100

1,545.168 932,787 38,968 2,516,923

61 37 2 100

Details of the income and expenses pertaining to Core Operations are provided separately under the heading Core Operations. As at 30 June 2006, the Authority’s bank accounts held funds totalling $1,566,278. These funds are accounted for by outstanding creditors, leave accrual and committed project funds that have been carried over to 2006-2007. For details of the projects these funds are committed to, see note 16 of the Audited Financial Report. Core Operations Core Operations is the cost centre for the operational costs of the Authority itself. It is predominantly funded by Council Contributions and has Projects contributing to it for administration and financial support. In 2005-2006, Core Operations received income of $762,859, which comprised:

Council Contributions Government Grants* Interest Income for Core Operations

$ 697,364 55,560 9,935 762,859

% 91 7 2 100

*Funds contributed by NRM, Tourism and Stronger Learning Pathways projects


Annual Report 2005-06

This income contributed to Core Operations’ expenses of $745,889 comprising:

Expenses from Ordinary Activities Employee Benefits Expenses for Core Operations

$ 430,998 314,891 745,889

% 58 42 100



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Annual Report 2005-06

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