Report Against Annual Plan 2007-2008

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QUARTERLY REPORT AGAINST ANNUAL PLAN 2006/07 FOR THE PERIOD APRIL – JUNE, 2007 (In accordance with Section 36B of the Local Government Act, 1993) Presented at Representatives Meeting held 30th August, 2007

Part 1 – Dynamic Communities Status On schedule or Ongoing


Under review Completed Not yet commenced


) & z






More young, skilled and creative people and families choosing to live in the region for its quality lifestyle opportunities

STRATEGY 1. Attract skilled employees and families to the region

ACTIVITY Regional information

) Population strategies

z Information for future residents

z 2. Improve lifestyle opportunities for existing and future residents

DESCRIPTION Improved demographic, workforce and socio-economic data and analysis for policy and planning at regional and community scales

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Business plan to progress ‘Regional Atlas’ project being prepared by Institute of Regional Development

Development of local and regional responses to unsustainable demographic trends Development of motivational brand and information products to attract skilled people and families from outside the region

Not yet commenced

Learning and Workforce Participation


Health and Wellbeing


Regional Recreation Advisory Group

) Regional Recreation Planning Framework


Not yet commenced

Skills-based group providing advice to the Authority and participating Councils on sport and recreation provision

Review of Recreation Planning Framework finalised

Review/update original Framework document and strategies/priorities for action at local and regional scales

Recommendations from review of Recreation Planning Framework submitted to Cradle Coast Authority Board at its meeting in April

Terms of Reference for new “Active Communities Advisory Group” approved by Authority’s Board May 2007

Terms of Reference for new “Active Communities Advisory Group” approved by Authority’s Board May 2007

Regional Recreational Trails Strategy


Development and promotion of recreation and tourism-related trails based on recommendations and strategies identified within the Cradle Coast Tracks Strategy

The Cradle Coast Recreational Tracks and Trails Strategy continues to influence the development of recreational tracks throughout the region The increased discussion and attention to the coastal Pathway is one consequence of the strategy The proposed development of mountain bike tracks at Dismal Swamp and Rosebery are additional outcomes of this strategy The King Island Tracks and Trails Strategy was developed in accordance with the CCA Strategy

Recreational Fishing Development Plan

) Regional Arts@work and Events officers positions


Regional input and sponsorship for statewide strategy to improve recreational fishing access and facilities for residents and visitors Employment of Regional arts@work Officer to develop arts and culturebased projects, businesses and events in the region and its communities Employment of a Regional Events Coordinator to provide advice and assistance to regional events organisers and effective communication and coordination between State, regional and local events organisers

Sport and Recreation continue to explore additional options for significant Tracks and Trails development across the region including the recommendations Tasmanian Sport Fishing Tourism Development and Marketing Plan completed February 2007 - may be viewed on Pilot projects now underway, including Leven River Nicki Fletcher resigned from her position as Regional Arts@work Officer on 29th May 2007 Negotiations are continuing with Events Tasmania and Arts Tasmania A short term Arts @ Work project officer is to be employed by the Authority for three months to manage the region’s participation in “Living Artists Week” Preliminary discussions have been held with Secretary for the Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment regarding a single MOU between the Department and the Authority The Department has delayed further discussion on this concept for 6 months Regional Events Officer’s position to conclude on the 7th September 2007

Regional Cultural Plan


Review/update audit of regional cultural assets, attractions and development opportunities

A review of region’s Cultural Plan completed

Institute for Regional Development

) 3. Build the services and skills local communities need to maintain their identity and viability

Community development capacity

) King Island Way


Collaboration with University of Tasmania to establish a centre for research, teaching, policy and training focussed on regional and community development issues facing this region and its Councils

Professor Janelle Allison commenced as Director of Institute June 2007

Investigate opportunities for targeted research, professional development and collaborative projects to support community development staff and strategies of participating Councils

Community development undergraduate course being developed at Cradle Coast campus in conjunction with Utas Arts Faculty

Establishment of a Special Projects Officer position and projects to drive implementation of tourism and branding components of the King Island Way Strategic Plan

King Island Destination Brand strategy is progressing

Regional Atlas statistical project underway as well as short management courses Student research projects (in partnership with Authority’s tourism division): • Regional tourism benchmarking project • Waratah tourism experience opportunity assessment • Impact of Living Artists Week on local communities

King Island Food and Produce Strategy has been completed and presented to the Tasmanian Government for funding consideration The King Island Tracks and Trails Strategy is nearing completion and will identify a number of opportunities for the Island A Mystery Shopper Campaign has been conducted across King Island with feedback provided to the industry

Regional Recreation Advisory Group

) Visitor Information Network


Skills-based group providing advice to the Authority and participating Councils on sport and recreation provision at regional and local scales A communication network of all Cradle Coast Visitor Centres established to enhance the professional delivery of information throughout the region and improve

Programs will now be considered to support the enhancement of service and products across the island in line with the findings of the Mystery Shopper Campaign Review of Recreation Planning Framework finalised Terms of Reference for new “Active Communities Advisory Group” approved by Authority’s Board May 2007 This review is continuing with draft report to be presented by the 30th June 2007 - General Managers of member Councils have been given a collective update of this review process and its initial findings It is expected that one recommendation of this review will be a broadening of

Tourism Professionals Committee

) Core passenger services review


communication between centres. A regional tourism network with professional input from all Council areas that contributes to the coordination of tourism development throughout the Cradle Coast region

the memberships structures of the network incorporating levels of participation The Cradle Coast Authority continues to meet with members of the Steering Committee

Regional representation in the State Government’s Core Passenger Services Review process - raising regional issues and seeking practical responses to regional needs

No updates received this quarter

No amendment to this structure will occur until the tourism specific staff structures have been finalised






Increased participation in post-compulsory education, training and employment

STRATEGY 4. Address barriers to participation in learning and employment

ACTIVITY Student Pathways Project

) Personal Futures / Central Coast School– Business Alliance Project

) Learning Leading / Circular Head Education and Training Consultative Committee


DESCRIPTION Assist young people plan and implement realistic education and employment futures (in former Arthur education district)

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Final milestone report prepared and submitted to Department of Transport and Regional Services

Support to young people to improve their participation and retention in education, training and transition to work (in former Barrington education district)

Implementation of a range of activities for secondary schools to improve student transition

Build a community culture of life long learning and commitment to learning pathways in the Circular Head district

Final milestone report prepared and submitted to Department of Transport and Regional Services

Pathways Planning Officers engaged in schools across Cradle Coast region to continue implementation of the Student Pathways Project

Student Pathways Officers assisted Grade 10’s with pathways options for 2007

Circular Head Council committed to ongoing funding for project with support from UTAS and TAFE

Creating Attitudinal Change to Education and Training in the Cradle Coast region


Undertake research into attitudes to education and training in the Cradle Coast region and develop and implement campaigns or strategies to address issues raised in the research

Web-based ‘portal’ for information on education/training pathways available in the region now being developed by Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce Project Manager Preparation of specifications for web portal (in consultation with Department of Education, TAFE Tasmania and UTas) Activity will complement other projects including statewide portal for Area Taskforce initiative Portal will be linked to key regional data access centres (such as local government, Tasmania online, access centres) Currently reviewing operations of youth-based and maintained portals in Victoria A capacity building and professional development manual for education and training practitioners was scoped as a result of the evaluation report on the Stronger Learning Pathways project Discussions are continuing with stakeholders about ways to progress this project

Skilling the Cradle Coast Community for the Twenty First Century


Use the vehicle of science and technology to increase student participation in education, training and subsequent employment in the Cradle Coast Region

Sustainable Regions funding ends June 2007 Support from Industry, University of Tasmania and Department of Education will extend project to the end of 2007

Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce


Regional “umbrella” initiative addressing youth participation in post compulsory education, training and employment in the region and informing state-wide policy development

Key activities undertaken April to June 2007: • •

• • • • • • •

5. Improve access to regionally relevant education, training and professional development

Institute for Regional Development


Collaboration with University of Tasmania to establish a centre for research, teaching, policy and training focussed on regional and community development issues facing this region and its Councils

Development of Action Plan for post-SLP activity Assistance with preparation of funding application under Australian Government Targetting Skill Needs in Regions programme “Developing Skills for Sustainable Agrifood Value Chains” Research of pilot transition support project in partnership with Guaranteeing Futures team in Department of Education Learning Services (North West) for implementation in term 3 2007 Preparation of advice regarding regional impact of Tasmania Tomorrow initiative (state budget 2007-08) Participation in online forums relating to Tasmania Tomorrow continuing consultation with stakeholders for ongoing development of regional strategic plan initial analysis of Census 2006 first release data (population, educational attainment) establishment of an Education, Training and Workforce Development Reference Group as a sub-committee of the CCA Board consultation with UTAS, Department of Education, TAFE Tasmania, ABS, DEWR and DEST regarding data requirements/analysis development of resource sharing protocol and initial joint activity plan with other Area Taskforces (Northern Tasmania Development and Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority) and OPCET, at joint meeting held 12 June 2007 preparation of papers on Area Taskforce initiative for Skills Tasmania and TAFE in Rural and isolated Communities conferences (to be held August 2007) compilation of dossier of information relating to transport and accommodation needs of students in North West Tasmania (initial group will be Central Coast cluster)

Professor Janelle Allison commenced as Director of Institute June 2007 Regional Atlas statistical project underway as well as short management courses Student research projects (in partnership with Authority’s tourism division): • Regional tourism benchmarking project • Waratah tourism experience opportunity assessment • Impact of Living Artists Week on local communities

Australian Technical College

) Food Innovation Systems Centre

) 6. Maintain and improve networks and pathways between major education and training providers

Stronger Learning Pathways Reference Group


Establishment of a year 11-12 technical college campus for schoolbased apprentices in engineeringrelated trades in the Cradle Coast region Establishment of a centre for research and development, teaching and innovation in Food Value Chain Management and Natural Resource Management for primary production Regular meetings of senior regional education and training providers to coordinate policies and initiatives dealing with participation, retention and articulation between institutions

Authority represented on the Technical College Reference Group Meetings held on a monthly basis

Multi-state catchment modelling project continuing (with Cradle Coast NRM) Processing vegetable Value Chain Analysis project underway with commercial partners, industry groups and funding bodies This group re-formed and known as Education Training and Workforce Development Reference Group, a sub-committee of the Cradle Coast Authority Board Entry submitted to the 2007 National Awards for Local Government in the Innovation in Regional Development category for the SLP Project Entry shortlisted for second stage of judging with results expected July 07

Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce


Regional “umbrella” initiative addressing youth participation in post compulsory education, training and employment in the region and informing state-wide policy development

Key activities undertaken April to June 2007: • •

• • • • • • •

Development of Action Plan for post-SLP activity Assistance with preparation of funding application under Australian Government Targetting Skill Needs in Regions programme “Developing Skills for Sustainable Agrifood Value Chains” Research of pilot transition support project in partnership with Guaranteeing Futures team in Department of Education Learning Services (North West) for implementation in term 3 2007 Preparation of advice regarding regional impact of Tasmania Tomorrow initiative (state budget 2007-08) Participation in online forums relating to Tasmania Tomorrow continuing consultation with stakeholders for ongoing development of regional strategic plan initial analysis of Census 2006 first release data (population, educational attainment) establishment of an Education, Training and Workforce Development Reference Group as a sub-committee of the CCA Board consultation with UTAS, Department of Education, TAFE Tasmania, ABS, DEWR and DEST regarding data requirements/analysis development of resource sharing protocol and initial joint activity plan with other Area Taskforces (Northern Tasmania Development and Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority) and OPCET, at joint meeting held 12 June 2007 preparation of papers on Area Taskforce initiative for Skills Tasmania and TAFE in Rural and isolated Communities conferences (to be held August 2007) compilation of dossier of information relating to transport and accommodation needs of students in North West Tasmania (initial group will be Central Coast cluster)






Healthy communities with reliable access to the health services they need, when they need them

STRATEGY 7. Drive planning and investment in sustainable regional health, hospital and related services 8. Ensure health and community services respond to demographic trends

ACTIVITY Regional Health Services Plan

Regional Aged Care Health Information project


DESCRIPTION Development and implementation of a long-term regional health services plan, covering pre-hospital, primary and acute clinical services in the public, private and community sectors Development of secure patient medical information sharing between GPs, pharmacists and aged care facilities as a regional pilot for wider health sector use

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Monitoring of release and implementation of Statewide Health Services Plan Continuing lobbying for appointment of overall regional manager for acute and primary health services and appointment of a regional health advisory board providing links between health system management and the regional community Project completed Demand analysis and business case development found that technology allowing patient information transfer already exists, but can only work if different service providers adopt same system Several projects are currently underway at state and national levels to secure a common approach, but this study identified any system is unlikely to succeed unless there is a strong commercial demand, especially from end consumers On this basis, a priority for further investigation at regional scale is development of ways for consumers to access information and services from health professionals using web-enabled technology, creating demand that service providers can respond to by adopting existing technology The Authority will continue to investigate this as a potential project, possibly linked to similar ‘community portal’ approach being considered for access to education and employment services at regional scale

9. Ensure all residents can access active recreation

Regional Recreation Advisory Group


Skills-based group providing advice to the Authority and participating Councils on sport and recreation provision at regional and local scales

Review of Recreation Planning Framework finalised Terms of Reference for new “Active Communities Advisory Group” approved by Authority’s Board May 2007

Regional Recreation Planning Framework

) Regional Recreational Trails Strategy


Review/update original Framework document and strategies/priorities for action at local and regional scales

Recommendations from review of Recreation Planning Framework submitted to Cradle Coast Authority Board at its meeting in April Terms of Reference for new “Active Communities Advisory Group” approved by Authority’s Board May 2007

Development and promotion of recreation and tourism-related trails based on recommendations and strategies identified within the Cradle Coast Tracks Strategy

The Cradle Coast Recreational Tracks and Trails Strategy continues to influence the development of recreational tracks throughout the region The increased discussion and attention to the coastal Pathway is one consequence of the strategy The proposed development of mountain bike tracks at Dismal Swamp and Rosebery are additional outcomes of this strategy The King Island Tracks and Trails Strategy was developed in accordance with the CCA Strategy Sport and Recreation continue to explore additional options for significant Tracks and Trails development across the region including the recommendations

Recreational Fishing Development Plan


Regional input and sponsorship for statewide strategy to improve recreational fishing access and facilities for residents and visitors

Tasmanian Sport Fishing Tourism Development and Marketing Plan completed February 2007 - may be viewed on Pilot projects now underway, including Leven River

Part 2 – Resilient Industries






Competitive agrifood value chains based on innovative production and value-adding

STRATEGY 10. Implement regionally relevant components of state and national vegetable industry strategies

ACTIVITY Vegetable industry Initiatives

) Skilling the Cradle Coast Community for the Twenty First Century

) Food Innovation Systems Centre

) 11. Develop new value chains for local produce

Value Chain Analysis

) Food Value Adding Initiatives


DESCRIPTION Develop project proposals and partnerships addressing specific aspects of state and national vegetable industry reform strategies that apply to this region and secure funding to implement them

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Development of preliminary project proposal for commercial-scale demonstration projects addressing production scale issues in intensive agriculture

Use the vehicle of science and technology to increase student participation in education, training and subsequent employment in the Cradle Coast Region

Sustainable Regions funding ends June 2007

Establishment of a centre for research and development, teaching and innovation in Food Value Chain Management and Natural Resource Management for primary production Work with Food Innovation Systems Centre researchers and industry participants to analyse selected value chains and identify options for improved cost structures and competitiveness Continue to support regional food businesses assisted under the Sustainable Regions Food Value Adding Grants Program and seek further strategic investment in food value adding projects

Multi-state catchment modelling project continuing (with Cradle Coast NRM)

Proposal now being prepared as formal funding submission under DAFF Action Grants program

Support from Industry, University of Tasmania and Department of Education will extend project to the end of 2007

Processing vegetable Value Chain Analysis project underway with commercial partners, industry groups and funding bodies Processing vegetable Value Chain Analysis project underway with commercial partners, industry groups and funding bodies

Ongoing The Authority is also working with food producers participating in the ‘Produce of Heaven’ promotional campaign to help develop longer-term marketing strategies and links between regional foods and the region as a destination.

Fair Dinkum Food Campaign

) 12. Support stronger food origin labelling initiatives

Continue to make submissions and representations to state and federal government processes ensuring that broader regional economic and social aspects of vegetable industry reform are considered in policy development

Continue to provide policy development, regional advocacy and secretariat support for the Fair Dinkum Food Campaign and current initiatives to establish formal ‘Australian Grown’ claims “Australian Grown” food label and protocols now established and waiting approval by Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Contributed to development of “Australian Grown” food label proposals and protocols by working group established by Federal Agriculture Minister. Regional launch of Australian Grown program to be held in Cradle Coast region in August Contributed to development of “Australian Grown” food label proposals and protocols by working group established by Federal Agriculture Minister. Regional launch of Australian Grown program to be held in Cradle Coast region in August






Increasing visitor numbers and yield based on quality visitor experiences that are unique to this region

STRATEGY 13. Develop and promote regional tourism branding and cooperative marketing opportunities

ACTIVITY Regional tourism brand


DESCRIPTION Development of a distinctive regional tourism brand and supporting collateral to ensure consistent representation of the region’s unique attributes in marketing and promotions

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Support remains strong for the regional tourism brand work Only limited implementation of the brand has been possible due to the absence of the Marketing Manager’s position It is expected that following the appointment of the Marketing Manager, the implementation of the regional brand will gather momentum over the next twelve months

Regional Tourism Marketing


The Authority develops and implements regional tourism marketing initiatives in partnership with other stakeholders

The appointment of a Marketing Manager was identified as a priority requirement for the region in June 2006 Following the decision by the Local Governments of the region not to support this position, funding was sought from the Tasmanian Government through the Tourism Promotion Plan Funds were approved through this program to employ an Marketing Manager for 18 months and an extensive process has been put in place to achieve the following: •

Angela Taylor has accepted the position of Marketing Manager for the Cradle Coast Authority for a period of 18 months

Prior to this position Angela was employed with the City of Melbourne as Destination Marketing Coordinator, Sponsorship Manager with the Melbourne International Arts Festival and Marketing and Development Manager at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival

Angela will begin with the Authority on the 9th July 2007

Following the securing of the Marketing Manager it is expected that many of the brand and marketing specific activities will be progressed

(See following page for current promotional/sales activities)

Events Tasmania presented options to interested stakeholders on the marketing opportunities aligned to the Hawthorn Football Club. Mobile Visitor Information Centre • Plans have been completed for Tasmania’s North West Mobile Visitor Information Centre and Promotional Trailer. • Initial estimates suggest the production of this trailer will cost between $45,000 and $55,000. • David Inches has presented a draft report on the Mobile Visitor Information Centre that confirms that the proposal as presented is not financially viable. • Further options are now been reviewed. Australia's Seven Hidden Wonders Magazine • Tasmania’s North West is to be included in this publication produced by Tourism Australia. • 400,000 copies of this magazine are to be produced • Copies will be distributed with Gourmet Traveller • Copies will be included in the Qantas seat pockets for the month of November for flights between Melbourne and Sydney • Coverage of the seven stories will be included on Getaway in August • The Cradle Coast Authority have coordinated visits for Journalists and photographers associated with this campaign Tourism Tasmania have negotiated for a 30 minute Television show to be aired on Saturday nights at 6.30 pm on Southern Cross promoting Tasmanian holidays. The Authority has presented a number of story lines for this show. The Cradle Coast Authority is working with Tourism Tasmania as hosts for the 2007 Mega Travel Agent Famil that will be based around the Cradle Country and in particular Cradle Mountain

Tourism Tasmania Roadshows - The Cradle Coast Authority has confirmed its participation in the following roadshows, and will send official representatives to all. Additional support will be provided by the Authority to send two observers to one set of shows to gain first hand knowledge of how these shows function in preparation for full on participation in 2007/08. NSW/ACT Newcastle 9-Jul Epping 10-Jul Wollongong 11Jul Canberra 12-Jul

Queensland Ballina 23-Jul Gold Coast 24-Jul Toowoomba 25-Jul Hervey Bay 26-Jul

Vic/NSW Wagga 16-Jul Albury 17-Jul Shepparton 18Jul Ballarat 19-Jul

NSW Central Coast 6Aug Port Macquarie 7Aug Coffs Harbour 8Aug Tamworth 9-Aug

NSW Eastern Subs Syd 20 Aug Cronulla 21-Aug Penrith 22-Aug Orange/Bathurst 23Aug Queensland Brisbane Taste 23Oct Mooloolaba 24-Oct Noosa B'fast 25-Oct

Victoria Bairnsdale 13-Aug Morwell 14-Aug Geelong 15-Aug Warrnambool 16-Aug A half page advertisement placed in “TravelWeek” (produced for Travel Agents Australia wide) by the Authority promoting the Burnie and Devonport Airports has received endorsement from Advance Tourism in Melbourne. The focus of this campaign will be acknowledged in the monthly newsletter produced by Advance Tourism and distributed to State, Regional and Local Tourism Associations Australia wide.

14. Improve the range and quality of brandaligned experiences, services and facilities in the region

Regional Touring Route Infrastructure


Facilitation of a region-wide capital works program to upgrade roadside visitor infrastructure along regional touring routes, maximising leverage and coordination of Council and State agency investment to improve the regional touring experience

It is expected that this project will be completed by September 2007 By the end of the financial year $839,944 of the $965,500 grant funds will have been paid out, the balance being withheld pending completion of unfunded projects As at the end of March $2.6m in funds had been invested in the projects with a further $1.2m to follow While there has been significant changes to projects within the program, most councils have completed the funded projects and are well advanced with the unfunded projects Some projects have been rolled into the 2007/08 budget year to allow increased funds to be bought to the projects. eg Central Coast Council used the $100k investment to source a further $200k from the TPP program, Parks & Wildlife required $86k to complete the Frenchman's Cap Carpark project (a shortfall of $36k that will be sourced from their 2007/08 budget) All outstanding projects will, subject to weather, be completed by September 2007

Cradle Coast Experience Strategy Create visitor experiences linked to the region’s touring routes and brand to enhance the region’s reputation as a quality visitor destination, including:


Food and Produce Strategy - food and produce related tourism experiences

The Source to Sensation Strategy continues to receive accolades from all sources including those charged with the production of the Queensland Food and Wine Strategy Whilst the quality of this strategy is unquestioned, there is some concern that others in the region are pursing their own interests in this area with little or no consideration to the regional approach of this strategy Positive support for the project has not been reflected in the ability to secure funds for the implementation of this strategy Components of the project will be identified to submit to the Tourism Promotion Plan King Island Food and Produce Strategy will be aligned to this strategy but funding for its implementation will be sourced separately

Mining Experience Strategy experiences interpreting the region’s mining industry and history

The West Coast Mining Heritage strategy has been unable to secure funding for implementation A meeting is planned with the mining industry to assess their support for the implementation for components of this strategy Components of the project will be identified to submit to the Tourism Promotion Plan

Tarkine Experiences - must see/do nature based tourism experiences within the Tarkine region

The Commonwealth Government has agreed to a complete deed of variation for the Tarkine Sustainable Tourism Development Plan As a component of the re-negotiation of this contract with the Commonwealth Government, we have identified a number of consultants to quote on a variety of strategies including: • Tarkine Masterplan (Land usage) • Tarkine Market Research • Tarkine Investment Strategy • Tarkine Brand Interpretation Strategy • Tarkine Recreation Strategy • Tarkine Aboriginal Cultural Interpretation Strategy Consultants will now be selected to address all of the strategies identified above as part of the Tarkine Masterplan All consultants will be brought together to review all strategy briefs, all available research and data and ensure that all projects are aligned and there is no duplication of effort Negotiations are continuing with a variety of interest groups re the proposed Tarkine Drive Project. A draft options paper is under development identifying development opportunities within the Tarkine at this time This options paper will be continuously reviewed to reflect the enhanced planning by the Tarkine Project Officer and the members of the Tarkine Discussion Group

Cradle Coast Wildlife Sites

A copy of this plan has been forwarded to the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Services A meeting has been requested with Parks and Wildlife Services to discuss recommendations included in this strategy

Coast to Canyon Experience develop and bundle tourism product in the Central Coast/Leven River area

Cradle Tourism Development Plan


Regional representation on steering committee coordinating tourism planning and development at Cradle Valley, including establishment of strategic infrastructure to support sustainable tourism development

Central Coast Council are keen to align their tourism sector to the Cradle Country Touring Route, which may impact on the structure of the Coast to Canyon group To this point the Authority have not been engaged directly in these discussions The Tasmanian Government has approved funding for the Cradle Mountain Centralised Sewerage Treatment Plant - Potential new investors within the Cradle Mountain precinct have questioned the need for this treatment plant The Cradle Mountain Alternative Transport System strategy has been completed and presented to the Kentish Council - This report will now be made a public document and feedback to the transport recommendations will be sought Operators providing horse riding, quad bike trails, and helicopter flights in and around Cradle Mountain are struggling to secure long term agreements to continue to operate in the Cradle Mountain precinct

Devonport Eastern Shore Project

) West Coast Strategic Development Plan


Implement recommendations of the Devonport Eastern Shore Urban Design Framework Report and maximise regional tourism potential, including signage and links to regional touring routes

Major work has commenced in East Devonport with road works, undergrounding of powerlines, improved parking options, and street beautification the first projects to be addressed

Preparation of a Strategic Development Plan for Strahan and the West Coast municipality, with particular reference to management for sustainable tourism development

The final draft of this strategic development plan has been completed and presented to the Steering Committee

Signage continues to be an issue that creates the greatest level of concern for Visitors

To this point the Steering Committee have not adopted the Reports’ findings The current involvement of the Cradle Coast Authority is limited to membership of the Steering Committee

Stanley (Circular Head) Tourism Precinct Study Implementation


Implementation of priority strategies to establish Stanley as a ‘must-do’ destination, increasing visitor stay and spend in centres along touring routes connecting to Stanley

Circular Head Tourism is managing the implementation of this strategy The region has embraced “The Edge of the World” brand and this is now reflected in Stanley marketing campaigns The CCA Tarkine project is addressing many of the Precinct Study recommendations New Signage Strategy is currently been implemented Circular Head Tourism is working with Events Tas and the Authority to redevelop the Long Table Event

Visitor Information Network


A communication network of all Cradle Coast Visitor Centres established to enhance the professional delivery of information throughout the region and improve communication between centres.

This review is continuing with draft report to be presented by the 30th June 2007 General Managers of member Councils have been given a collective update of this review process and its initial findings It is expected that one recommendation of this review will be a broadening of the memberships structures of the network incorporating levels of participation

Tourism Professionals Committee

) King Island Way


A regional tourism network with professional input from all Council areas that contributes to the coordination of tourism development throughout the Cradle Coast region

The Cradle Coast Authority continues to meet with members of the Steering Committee

Establishment of a Special Projects Officer position and projects to drive implementation of tourism and branding components of the King Island Way Strategic Plan

King Island Destination Brand strategy is progressing

No amendment to this structure will occur until the tourism specific staff structures have been finalized

King Island Food and Produce Strategy has been completed and presented to the Tasmanian Government for funding consideration The King Island Tracks and Trails Strategy is nearing completion and will identify a number of opportunities for the island A Mystery Shopper Campaign has been conducted across King Island with feedback provided to the industry Programs will now be considered to support the enhancement of service and products across the island in line with the findings of the Mystery Shopper Campaign

Complete Paper experience at Creative Paper, Burnie

) Cradle Coast Tourism Strategic Plan

) 15. Develop arts, culture and events-based tourism

Regional Arts@work and Events officers positions


Regional Cultural Plan


Develop the Creative Paper tourism experience based on Burnie’s paper industry heritage and assist to maximise regional tourism potential of the development

The ongoing management of this project is now the responsibility of the Burnie City Council and the Board of Creative Paper

Development of a long term strategic plan to ensure future growth and sustainability for tourism in the Cradle Coast region

The Tourism Strategic Plan is completed and will now be reviewed following the arrival of the Regional Marketing Manager.

Employment of Regional arts@work Officer to develop arts and culturebased projects, businesses and events in the region and its communities

Nicki Fletcher resigned from her position as Regional Arts@work Officer on 29th May 2007

Employment of a Regional Events Coordinator to provide advice and assistance to regional events organisers and effective communication and coordination between State, regional and local events organisers

Review/update audit of regional cultural assets, attractions and development opportunities

The involvement of the Cradle Coast Authority is now minimal and limited to membership of the Steering Committee

All future tourism specific reporting to be directly aligned to the Strategic Plan

Negotiations are continuing with Events Tasmania and Arts Tasmania A short term Arts @ Work project officer is to be employed by the Authority for three months to manage the regions participation in “Living Artists Week” Preliminary discussions have been held with Secretary for the Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment regarding a single MOU between the Department and the Authority The Department has delayed further discussion on this concept for 6 months. Regional Events Officer’s position to conclude on the 7th September 2007 A review of the region’s Cultural Plan has been completed






Workforce stability and growth in the region’s manufacturing and engineering sectors

STRATEGY 16. Better utilise existing skilled workforce

ACTIVITY Coordination of maintenance shutdowns

) Common site induction requirements

) 17. Recruit new trainees and skilled workers

Australian Technical College

) Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce

) Skilling the Cradle Coast Community for the Twenty First Century


DESCRIPTION Work with major industrial firms and contractors to coordinate the timing of maintenance shutdowns for major sites, improving availability of contract services and minimising production losses

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 No progress this quarter

Work with major industrial firms and contractors to investigate adoption of common site induction processes, reducing down-time and improving availability of contractors working across multiple sites

Partnership with Department of Economic Development and Australian Manufacturing Centre continuing

Establishment of a year 11-12 technical college campus for schoolbased apprentices in engineeringrelated trades in the Cradle Coast region Regional “umbrella” initiative addressing youth participation in post compulsory education, training and employment in the region and informing state-wide policy development Use the vehicle of science and technology to increase student participation in education, training and subsequent employment in the Cradle Coast Region

Preliminary report presented to industry stakeholders February 2007 Development of proposal for statewide adoption of common induction content for major industrial sites now underway Authority represented on the Technical College Reference Group Meetings held on a monthly basis

3 year $600,000 OPCET funding agreement commenced September 2006 Draft strategic regional plan and progress report submitted to Office of Post Compulsory Education and Training (OPCET) 25 May 2007 Next report due end September 2007 Sustainable Regions funding ends June 2007 Support from Industry, University of Tasmania and Department of Education will extend project to the end of 2007

Information for future residents

z 18. Increase collaboration and innovation to compete for skills and markets

Engineering Industry Development Program

) Collaborative projects


Development of motivational brand and information products to attract skilled people and families from outside the region

Not yet commenced

Continue to support businesses assisted by the Sustainable Regions Engineering Industry Development Program and seek further strategic investment in projects that improve business competitiveness Develop projects addressing opportunities for information sharing and collaboration identified at industry workshops in 2005, including • Product design and process technology • Spare parts inventory/trading • Cooperative financing • Apprentice sharing • Specialised training provision • Visiting specialists/experts • Benchmarking and professional networking • Safety information • Export networks


Partnership with Department of Economic Development and Australian Manufacturing Centre continuing Industry Capability Working Group established as a committee of the Authority Industry capability database project commenced, funded by the Authority’s Strategic Projects Account

Part 3 – Sustainable Landscapes






Coordinated investment and regional capacity to address natural resource management (NRM) priorities

STRATEGY 19. Develop and implement regional plans and priorities for NRM investment

ACTIVITY Cradle Coast Regional NRM Committee


DESCRIPTION Skills-based planning and coordination group established as a committee of the Authority with delegated authority to perform the functions of a Regional NRM Committee under relevant State legislation and federal government programs

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Ongoing operation of committee The initial transition to the new operational structure has been successful and should considerably enhance the quality and flexibility of NRM’s operational capabilities Illness, movement of staff and transition issues have proved a temporary set back to realising these improvements this quarter Consequently some additional staff resources will be required in the short term

Cradle Coast NRM Strategy

) Cradle Coast NRM Investment Proposal

) Project Specific NRM Facilitators


Development and maintenance of a regional strategy that outlines an integrated approach and identifies priorities across all NRM issues for the region

Project implementation is generally on track and a review of existing projects by CCNRM staff is underway.

Development of Investment Proposals based on Regional Strategy priorities and delivery of project funds approved by Australian Government

Where appropriate, Investment Proposal 2 contracts have been completed or are being finalised for signing

Project Specific NRM Facilitators to ensure strategic regional delivery of specific projects funded through the Investment Proposal

As a result of project reviews it has become apparent that some of the bigger projects will require additional resources to ensure that they are delivered to the high standards needed

Major reporting to Australian Government for 2006/07 project delivery is currently underway

Planning for development of Investment Proposal 3 has progressed with project reviews near completion and information and data collection underway

An assessment of the practicalities and relevant budgets is now underway to determine the appropriate actions

20. Build community and regional capacity to deliver priority projects

Cradle Coast NRM Facilitator Network

) Cradle Coast NRM Engagement Strategy

) Food Innovation Systems Centre

) 21. Engage rural industries in NRM planning and project delivery

Community Landcare Coordinator


Regional NRM Facilitators to assist development of Regional NRM capacity in the community, support funding applications and link community activities to industry, local government and the Regional NRM Strategy Development and implementation of an “NRM Engagement Strategy� tailored to meet regional needs within industry, local government and the general community.

There have been resignations from two positions in the front line facilitator team (personal & career reasons cited) and these positions will be advertised

Establishment of a centre for research and development, teaching and innovation in Food Value Chain Management and Natural Resource Management for primary production

Multi-state catchment modelling project continuing (with Cradle Coast NRM)

Employment of a local level coordinator to help ensure community, landcare group and primary industries sector engagement in regional NRM processes

Ongoing employment of Community Landcare Co-ordinator

Under the new operational structure there is a much broader and more professional skills base to support the Facilitator team and this will only improve with time The engagement strategy for 2007/08 has been provisionally approved by the committee, with the exception of bigger budget items which will be presented in more detail Additional funding was secured by our Facilitator team to provide extra support to the remote areas of our region (King Island & West Coast) for the development of Envirofund Grants

Processing vegetable Value Chain Analysis project underway with commercial partners, industry groups and funding bodies

Guy Robertson has resigned to progress his career and is heading for the Northern Territory and his position will be advertised July 07 Sally Fenner will be covering any commitments in the short term Guy has provided a detailed report on current and future activities to assist Sally and his replacement Guy also provided constructive feedback through the exit interview process for the development of the third investment proposal and operational improvements

Sustainable Agriculture


Assist relevant sectors of regional agriculture (eg Dairy, Viticulture, Horticulture) to adopt and promote NRM principles for best practice management, delivering environmental benefits while maintaining or improving economic outcomes

Ongoing liaison through Landcare Co-ordinator and current project implementation The most recent round of National Landcare Program (NLP) funding has approved a number of projects and boosted CCNRM’s regional profile and engagement with industry Projects approved are: Sustainable Water Management on Tasmanian Vegetable Farms, Incorporating Controlled Traffic and Direct Drilling into Intensive Cropping Systems in North West Tasmania, Productive Farming Landscapes through Best Practice Shelterbelt Design and "Applying the Plan" - Helping Proactive Farmers to be Sustainable and Productive






Land use policies that address the environmental, social and economic needs of communities and industries in this region

STRATEGY 22. Investigate challenges faced by member councils applying statewide land use policies 23. Propose ways to ensure consistent interpretation and application of land use policies in the region

ACTIVITY State-wide land use planning policies

Regional approaches to land use planning


DESCRIPTION Consultation with relevant Council staff and professional advisers to identify aspects of current statewide planning policies and procedures that limit consistent interpretation and effective application in this region

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Awaiting outcomes from State review of Protection of Agricultural Land Policy

Development of possible regional responses to identified problems with current land use policies as a basis for further action as directed by Councils

Following Representatives’ direction to proceed with development of a project seeking greater alignment of local planning schemes, a working group was established to develop a draft MoU, draft project plan and process for agreement and communication between the Minister, Councils and the Authority.parties Several working group meetings and a workshop/briefing for General Managers have been held Draft MoU, project plan and communications plan to be presented to Councils August 2007






Regionally-appropriate waste management systems operating within state policies

STRATEGY 24. Coordinate waste management information and policies at regional scale

ACTIVITY Regional Waste Management Advisory Group

) Regional Waste Management Audit

) Regional representation

) New regional structures and roles

) 25. Develop and deliver regional waste initiatives

Regional waste management initiatives


DESCRIPTION Skills-based group established as a committee of the Authority to coordinate waste management and policies at regional scale and provide professional advice to the Authority and Councils Review, update and implement findings and recommendations of initial Regional Waste Management Audit (2005)

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Continue to meet on a regular basis to develop proposal for regional waste management strategy

Coordination of regional representation and responses to state and national wastemanagement planning and policy development processes Respond proactively to state policies requiring changes to regional waste management arrangements to ensure maximum regional benefit

Regional responses prepared on discussion papers released by State Government regarding waste management issues

Develop and deliver regional initiatives addressing recommendations of Regional Waste Management Audit, including initiatives dealing with public education, recycling and waste minimisation

No regional projects commenced as yet

Ongoing – Monitored by Regional Waste Management Advisory Group

Shane Eberhardt (DRWMA) and Rowan Sharman (BCC) preparing proposal for regional waste management strategy To be presented to Councils July 07

Part 4 – Innovative Governance






Recognition and support for regional issues, objectives and strategies in local communities and at all levels of government

STRATEGY 26. Ensure regional representation in government policy and planning processes

ACTIVITY Point of contact

) Government inquiries

) Tourism


DESCRIPTION Act as initial contact for coordination and hosting of government consultation processes requiring input from regional stakeholders and interest groups on specific issues Undertake consultation and coordinate regional submissions to State and Commonwealth Government inquiries on issues affecting regional interests Representation of regional tourism interests through Tourism Tasmania consultative processes and membership of Tourism Council of Tasmania Board

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Facilitated and coordinated regional responses regarding waste management and regional planning matters Ongoing Ongoing (regional planning, water and sewerage taskforce discussion paper, waste management, health services)

Cradle Coast Executive Chairman a member of the Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania RTDM a member of the Tourism Tasmanian Visitor Information Centre Network RTDM participates in bi monthly meetings with Tourism Tasmania and other Regional Tourism Organisations

Waste Management

) Australian Technical College


Regional representation on LGAT/State Government High Level Oversight Group and responses to discussion papers on state-wide waste management frameworks

State Government’s High Level Oversight Group disbanded

Membership of Australian Technical College Community Reference Group for Cradle Coast Campus

Ongoing – Executive Chairman a member of Australian Technical College Community Reference Group

Paul West represents Cradle Coast Regional Waste Management Advisory Group on LGAT’s Local Government Waste Management Reference Group

Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce


Provide region-specific information and direction to state-wide policy processes addressing youth participation in post compulsory education, training and employment

3 year $600,000 OPCET funding agreement commenced September 2006 Project Manager commenced 21 November 2006. Relocation from mainland meant effective fulltime commencement from 29 January 2007 Draft strategic regional plan and progress report submitted to Office of Post Compulsory Education and Training (OPCET) 25 May 2007 Next report due end September 2007

Core passenger services review

) 27. Advocate regional issues and provide regional support for local councils and their communities

Bass Highway west of Burnie

) Fair Dinkum Food Campaign

) Power Pricing Parity for Bass Strait Islands

) Access to funding

) 28. Undertake planning, research and policy development on

Regional Transport Plan


Regional representation in the State Government’s Core Passenger Services Review process - raising regional issues and seeking practical responses to regional needs Develop strategic, social and economic cases for upgrading of the Bass Highway west of Burnie to National Highway status under AusLink and promote to all parties and levels of Government Continue to provide policy development, regional advocacy and secretariat support for the Fair Dinkum Food Campaign and current initiatives to establish formal ‘Australian Grown’ claims Continuing regional support for King Island in dealings with State Government and power suppliers to achieve power pricing parity with mainland Tasmania Advice and support for Councils, businesses, industry and community groups seeking government assistance for initiatives addressing issues and themes in the Charter Development and implementation of a regional framework for managing and developing the region’s transport system, and links to statewide networks, over a 20-year period

Continuing contact with DIER Project Manager No update this quarter

Submission made in response to Auslink draft Tasmanian corridor strategy, highlighting the case for inclusion of road and rail west of Burnie in the Auslink network, promoted to all Braddon members and senators.

Contributed to development of “Australian Grown” food label proposals and protocols by working group established by Federal Agriculture Minister. Regional launch of Australian Grown program to be held in Cradle Coast region in August Awaiting State Government response to second subnmission sent Dec 2006


Monitoring of Regional Transport Strategy launched August 2006 by the Authority’s Regional Transport Advisory Group

current and emerging issues

Cradle Coast NRM Strategy

) Regional Recreation Planning Framework

) Regional Health Services Plan

) Cradle Coast Tourism Strategic Plan

) Regional Cultural Plan

& Institute for Regional Development


Development and maintenance of a regional strategy that outlines an integrated approach and identifies priorities across all NRM issues for the region

Project implementation is generally on track and a review of existing projects by CCNRM staff is underway

Review/update original Framework document and strategies/priorities for action at local and regional scales

Recommendations from review of Recreation Planning Framework submitted to Cradle Coast Authority Board at its meeting in April

Major reporting to Australian Government for 2006/07 project delivery is currently underway

Terms of Reference for new “Active Communities Advisory Group” approved by Authority’s Board May 2007 Development and implementation of a long-term regional health services plan, covering pre-hospital, primary and acute clinical services in the public, private and community sectors

Monitoring of release and implementation of Statewide Health Services Plan

Development of a long term strategic plan to ensure future growth and sustainability for tourism in the Cradle Coast region

The Tourism Strategic Plan is completed and will now be reviewed following the arrival of the Regional Marketing Manager

Review/update audit of regional cultural assets, attractions and development opportunities

Review of Cultural Plan completed

Collaboration with University of Tasmania to establish a centre for research, teaching, policy and training focussed on regional and community development issues facing this region and its Councils

Professor Janelle Allison commenced as Director of Institute June 2007

Continuing lobbying for appointment of overall regional manager for acute and primary health services and appointment of a regional health advisory board providing links between health system management and the regional community

All future tourism specific reporting to be directly aligned to the Strategic Plan

Regional Atlas statistical project underway Student research projects (in partnership with Authority’s tourism division): • Regional tourism benchmarking project • Waratah tourism experience opportunity assessment • Impact of Living Artists Week on local communities

Food Innovation Systems Centre

) Fair Dinkum Food Campaign

) Regional approaches to land use planning


Establishment of a centre for research and development, teaching and innovation in Food Value Chain Management and Natural Resource Management for primary production

Multi-state catchment modelling project continuing (with Cradle Coast NRM)

Continue to provide policy development, regional advocacy and secretariat support for the Fair Dinkum Food Campaign and current initiatives to establish formal ‘Australian Grown’ claims Development of possible regional responses to identified problems with current land use policies as a basis for further action as directed by Councils

Contributed to development of “Australian Grown” food label proposals and protocols by working group established by Federal Agriculture Minister.

Processing vegetable Value Chain Analysis project underway with commercial partners, industry groups and funding bodies

Regional launch of Australian Grown program to be held in Cradle Coast region in August Following Representatives’ direction to proceed with development of a project seeking greater alignment of local planning schemes, a working group was established to develop a draft MoU, draft project plan and process for agreement and communication between the Minister, Councils and the Authority.parties Several working group meetings and a workshop/briefing for General Managers have been held

Regional information

) 29. Monitor and respond to events and opportunities that affect the region’s interests, as they arise

Strategic transport services and facilities

) Pulp Mill


Improved demographic, workforce and socio-economic data and analysis for policy and planning at regional and community scales Monitor developments with port facilities, Bass Strait subsidies, shipping, rail and air services to the region, providing regional representation and advocacy for regional interests, as appropriate Monitor developments with planning and approvals for the proposed Bell Bay pulp mill to maximise regional preparedness and business opportunities

Draft MoU, project plan and communications plan to be presented to Councils August 2007 Business plan to progress ‘Regional Atlas’ project being prepared by Institute of Regional Development

Regional Transport Strategy launched August 2006 Latrobe – Wynyard regular commuter bus service emerging as a regional priority for 2007

Regional industry capability survey developed and implemented, follow-up contacts and database development underway

Government inquiries

) Strategic Projects Account


Undertake consultation and coordinate regional submissions to State and Commonwealth Government inquiries on issues affecting regional interests Establish and maintain a Strategic Projects Account to allow the Authority to respond to issues and opportunities relevant to its Charter, and that affect the region’s interests, as they arise


Funds committed to date from Strategic Projects Account: Up to $10,000 Industry Capability Working Group (Strategy 18) Up to $ 5,000 Review of Recreation Planning Framework (Strategy 2) Up to $10,000 Regional Waste Management Strategy (Strategy 24)






Effective, efficient and accountable delivery of public investment and partnerships to address identified regional needs

STRATEGY 30. Develop and manage projects, partnerships and funding packages across levels of government

ACTIVITY Project development

) Management systems

) Regional Partnership Agreement

) Projects of Regional Significance


DESCRIPTION Prepare background information, design projects and develop partnerships, business cases and funding proposals for initiatives that address strategies identified in the Authority’s charter Maintain governance, financial management and administrative arrangements to meet relevant legal and audit standards and all reporting and accountability requirements of project partners, funding bodies and the Authority’s member councils

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Consulting with Councils on regional projects including waste management and regional planning

Development of a second regional partnership agreement with the State Government, focussing on issues not able to be addressed through existing government programs and structures Establishment of formal processes for identification and management of projects of regional significance requiring coordination across government agencies and resources outside normal agency budgets

No update this quarter

Regular reporting to Board, Councils, and other stakeholders as required including audit requirements Reporting requirements to Department of Transport and Regional Services regarding final milestone reports for Sustainable Regions Program and other project partners

Investigating as part of Regional planning issues

31. Deliver programs and resources under contract to State and Commonwealth governments

Cradle Coast Regional NRM Committee


Skills-based planning and coordination group established as a committee of the Authority with delegated authority to perform the functions of a Regional NRM Committee under relevant State legislation and federal government programs

Ongoing operation of committee The initial transition to the new operational structure has been successful and should considerably enhance the quality and flexibility of NRM’s operational capabilities Illness, movement of staff and transition issues have proved a temporary set back to realising these improvements this quarter Consequently some additional staff resources will be required in the short term

Regional Arts@work and Events Officers positions


Employment of Regional arts@work Officer to develop arts and culturebased projects, businesses and events in the region and its communities Employment of a Regional Events Coordinator to provide advice and assistance to regional events organisers and effective communication and coordination between State, regional and local events organisers

Nicki Fletcher resigned from her position as Regional Arts@work Officer on 29th May 2007 Negotiations are continuing with Events Tasmania and Arts Tasmania A short term Arts @ Work project officer is to be employed by the Authority for three months to manage the region’s participation in “Living Artists Week Preliminary discussions have been held with Secretary for the Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment regarding a single MOU between the Department and the Authority The Department has delayed further discussion on this concept for 6 months Regional Events Officer’s position to conclude on the 7th September 2007

Tourism Tasmania MoU


Delivery of a range of regional tourism industry development services and roles under MOU with Tourism Tasmania

No negotiations have been conducted at this stage In light of no discussions held to date it is reasonable to assume that the 2006/07 MOU conditions will apply for the 2007/08 financial year The first meeting between Tourism Tas and the Authority is planned for July 07

Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce

) Regional program delivery

) 32. Create skillsbased committees for advice and direction on specific issues and projects

Regional Waste Management Advisory Group

) Cradle Coast Regional NRM Committee


Regional “umbrella” initiative addressing youth participation in post compulsory education, training and employment in the region and informing state-wide policy development

3 year $600,000 OPCET funding agreement commenced September 2006

Seek further opportunities to develop, advise and manage government investment programs addressing priority regional issues, on a similar basis to Sustainable Regions and regional NRM programs Skills-based group established as a committee of the Authority to coordinate waste management and policies at regional scale and provide professional advice to the Authority and Councils


Skills-based planning and coordination group established as a committee of the Authority with delegated authority to perform the functions of a Regional NRM Committee under relevant State legislation and federal government programs

Ongoing operation of committee

Draft strategic regional plan and progress report submitted to Office of Post Compulsory Education and Training (OPCET) 25 May 2007 Next report due September 2007

Continue to meet on a regular basis

The initial transition to the new operational structure has been successful and should considerably enhance the quality and flexibility of NRM’s operational capabilities Illness, movement of staff and transition issues have proved a temporary set back to realising these improvements this quarter Consequently some additional staff resources will be required in the short term

Regional Recreation Advisory Group


Skills-based group providing advice to the Authority and participating Councils on sport and recreation provision at regional and local scales

Review of Recreation Planning Framework finalised Terms of Reference for new “Active Communities Advisory Group” approved by Authority’s Board May 2007

Tourism Professionals Committee

) Regional Transport Advisory Group

) Regional information working group

) Bass Highway (Sisters Hills) working group


A regional tourism network with professional input from all Council areas that contributes to the coordination of tourism development throughout the Cradle Coast region Skills-based committee advising the Board on management, implementation and ongoing review of Regional Transport Plan in partnership with state agencies Project-based working group convened to develop regional data and information management systems for public use, planning and policy development Council and community-based group hosted by the Authority to provide local information, coordination and liaison with managers of Sisters Hills highway upgrade project

The Cradle Coast Authority continues to meet with members of the Steering Committee No amendment to this structure will occur until the tourism specific staff structures have been finalised Continues to monitor outcomes from Regional Transport Strategy launched in August 2006

No update this quarter

Meeting of Bass Highway (Sisters Hills) Working Group held June 07






Sustainable delivery of local government roles and services that meet the needs of local communities and businesses

STRATEGY 33. Investigate options for improved service delivery through regional collaboration

ACTIVITY Regional service needs review

) Regional research and training needs review

) 34. Facilitate regional collaboration and service delivery as requested by participating councils

Regional service delivery

) Institute for Regional Development


DESCRIPTION Structured review of current Council needs and opportunities for improved service delivery through regional collaboration that could be undertaken or facilitated by the Authority Review of regional, industry and Council demand for research, training and professional development services that could be provided by the Institute for Regional Development Development or facilitation of new regional roles and services identified through the regional service needs review Collaboration with University of Tasmania to establish a centre for research, teaching, policy and training focussed on regional and community development issues facing this region and its Councils

PROGRESS APRIL – JUNE, 2007 Initial discussions held with General Managers Collaboration priorities identified - records management, regional waste management, planning and joint purchasing Regional waste management and planning initiatives being developed through facilitation of State-Local Government processes Short courses and community development under-graduate course currently being developed through Institute for Regional Development

Meeting held with other regional local government bodies and LGAT to discuss responses to State proposals for regional waste management

Professor Janelle Allison commenced as Director of Institute June 07 Regional Atlas statistical project underway Student research projects (in partnership with Authority’s tourism division): • Regional tourism benchmarking project • Waratah tourism experience opportunity assessment • Impact of Living Artists Week on local communities

Regional approaches to land use planning


Development of possible regional responses to identified problems with current land use policies as a basis for further action as directed by Councils

Following Representatives’ direction to proceed with development of a project seeking greater alignment of local planning schemes, a working group was established to develop a draft MoU, draft project plan and process for agreement and communication between the Minister, Councils and the Authority.parties Several working group meetings and a workshop/briefing for General Managers have been held Draft MoU, project plan and communications plan to be presented to Councils August 2007

Regional Waste Management Advisory Group

) Regional Recreation Advisory Group


Skills-based group established as a committee of the Authority to coordinate waste management and policies at regional scale and provide professional advice to the Authority and Councils Skills-based group providing advice to the Authority and participating Councils on sport and recreation provision at regional and local scales

Continue to meet on a regular basis

Made up of representatives from Sport and Recreation Tasmania, Cradle Coast Councils and Cradle Coast Authority Review of Advisory Group undertaken and results presented to Board at April Board meeting Terms of Reference for new “Active Communities Advisory Group” approved by Authority’s Board May 2007

Tourism Professionals Committee


A regional tourism network with professional input from all Council areas that contributes to the coordination of tourism development throughout the Cradle Coast region

The Cradle Coast Authority continues to meet with members of the Steering Committee No amendment to this structure will occur until the tourism specific staff structures have been finalized

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