MEDIA RELEASE Friday 28 March 2008

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MEDIA RELEASE Friday 28 March 2008

TARKINE REPORTS RELEASED FOR COMMENT Independent consultants’ reports commissioned by the Cradle Coast Authority indicate the Tarkine region has the potential to be Tasmania’s next nature-based tourism icon, supporting 1100 jobs and bringing over $58 million a year into the State’s tourism economy within the next decade. The three reports, covering infrastructure and product development, branding and market demand, were released today for public comment as part of the Tarkine Tourism Development Plan project, funded by the Australian Government in 2007. The market research confirms the Tarkine has potential to attract Australia’s fastest-growing market segment – people whose primary holiday motivation is to experience nature. This is an important market for Tasmania, but one in which it has been losing market share over recent years. The Tarkine’s unique mix of rainforest, river and coastal wilderness, outstanding cultural heritage and proximity to established icons like Cradle Mountain, Strahan and Stanley, could see this trend reverse and make the Cradle Coast region Australia’s premier nature-based travel destination. To achieve this, the reports recommend a program of coordinated public and private investment in Tarkine infrastructure, products and services over the next 10 years, including     

Development of major entry points at Arthur River, Corinna and Waratah, each showcasing a different combination of Tarkine landscapes and attractions (coast/river, river/rainforest, rainforest/mining heritage, etc), visitor services and commercial and self-guided experiences Sealed access to entry points, upgrading of the Western Explorer to (at least) hire car standard, and roadside signage, information and facilities along routes to adjoining destinations Improved access, visitor facilities and attractions at new and existing sites between major entry points, including Philosophers Falls, Sandy Cape, Balfour and the South Arthur Forest Drive Information, planning and infrastructure to support commercial development of nature-based products and experiences including accommodation and camping, guided walks and river-based activities, mountain biking and indigenous interpretation Recommendations on planning and resourcing of public land management to deal with increased visitation, and ways to ensure consistent tourism branding and service standards.

Together, the reports provide an assessment of the Tarkine’s market and brand potential and suggest a framework to guide future tourism development and investment in the area. They have been developed by independent consultants based on their own expertise, background research, onground investigations and input from a wide range of stakeholders over the last 12 months.

They do not, at this stage, represent a formal proposal or policy position of the Cradle Coast Authority or any other organisation involved in the process so far. The Authority is now inviting government, industry and community groups, tourism operators and the general public to provide feedback on the information presented in the reports. Based on submissions received in April, the Authority will finalise and release the Tarkine Tourism Development Plan by June 2008 and seek partners and funding to start work on priority projects. The reports can be downloaded from the Cradle Coast Authority’s website located at Hard copies are available on request by contacting the Authority’s Tarkine Project Officer, Jenny Evans, on or phone 6431 6285. The closing date for feedback is Wednesday 30 April 2008. Written submissions must include the name and contact details of the author and any organisation they represent, be addressed to Jenny Evans and sent to or Cradle Coast Authority, PO Box 338, Burnie.

For further information and media enquiries, contact Roger Jaensch (Executive Chairman) or Ian Waller (Tourism Development Manager) on 6431 6285.

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