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Don Monk Tourism Marketing Coordinator Cradle Coast Authority

The Future Th F off Cooperative p Marketingg

The Future Of Cooperative Marketing Don Monk Tourism Marketing C Coordinator Cradle Coast Authority di t C dl C t A th it Regional Tourism Forum 2010


The Future

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The Future

¾2010 2010--11 will be a challenging year. ¾CCA and the zone group’s will have a new prospectus of cooperative marketing options in market by mid September 2010. ¾This prospectus will have a slightly different look feel and content to 20092009-10 and will give operators the opportunity to package options together or select what they need from what will be offered. ¾CCA and the zone group’s have worked on marketing plans that will come into effect @ the end of August 2010.

The Future

¾The packages will be assembled to allow a marketing campaign to be planned quarterly in advance to ensure operators are not asked to fund advertisements and organise advertisements and organise advertising materials erratically, and with little advance notice. little advance notice ¾Cash flow can be eased with an option for operators to pay in installments installments 50% on signing of advertising contract and one additional 50% on signing of advertising contract and one additional Payment of 50% on agreed terms

The Future

¾Operators O t who h choose h to t supportt these th packages k are in i effect ff t appointing CCA, through the zone group, as a dedicated marketing /PR agency. agency ¾ The CCA has retained high high--quality creative services to provide support, but through economies of scale, the marketing of individual businesses by the CCA will be at a fraction of the cost to the operator of engaging a marketing or PR consultant direct.

The Future

žThe established conduit to further agencies and marketing options via the CCA, will ensure operators get an exceptional return on their investment. investment. žThe multi multi--strand nature of the packages dissipates the risks inherent in putting all marketing dollars into any one single single-theme campaign campaign..


The Future

¾Operators will be asked to provide CCA with images, editorial and logos to be kept on file which will only be used as authorised by the operator. operator. This will ensure a rapid and “stress‐ “stress‐free” turnaround in production of promotional material, without having to come back to each operator every time something new is required required..

Summary Zone Benefits ¾ The zone group will know in advance the support it has in numbers and dollars for zone specific marketing initiatives. ¾ The zone groups will be able to plan and implement a 12 month h ill b bl l di l h strategy with enhanced levels of confidence. ¾ An anticipated overall increase in support from the businesses in the A ti i t d ll i i tf th b i i th region will support and contribute to a more effective, coordinated, collaborative marketing effort. ¾ Embracing a variety of marketing distribution channels will be vital to the success of our partnership programs.

Summary Benefits to our Region ¾Manyy enterprises p are founded on the energy gy and entrepreneurial p vision of an individual.. individual ¾Integrated Cooperative Marketing will promote business growth by pooling expertise and resource between tourism tourism‐‐related companies and agencies more effectively to communicate with our target markets. markets. ¾The Tourism Industry is a major contributor to the economy of the Cradle Coast Region.. Our tourism industry will continue to be a major economic driver in Tasmania Region and there is only one way its heading ¾With a tourism community prepared to endorse our partnership approach to marketing we will be well placed to continue the success we have achieved in the last 2yrs and our future marketing will on a set of rails with stations on the route! Our future marketing must be about the greater good

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