ANNUAL PLAN, 2008-2009
1. Tourism
2. Natural Resource Management (NRM)
ROLES/FUNCTIONS Represent and Provide regional advocate the leadership and region’s interests coordination
Conduct strategic planning and research
Develop and manage externally funded projects
Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services
Build regional skills and capabilities
Develop partnerships and service agreements
Represent regional tourism on Tourism Industry Council
Convene Tarkine Discussion Group and land manager group
Complete and address priorities from Tarkine Tourism Plan
Priority access, market and product devt projects from Tarkine Plan
Host Regional Arts@work Officer
Visitor Information Centre Network
MoU with Tarkine land management & tourism agencies
Represent region in statewide tourism policy and planning processes
Tourism Professionals Group (local govt)
Regional input to statewide tourism infrastructure plan
Implement Mining Heritage Strategy
Support Zone Marketing Groups
Local Tourism Association development
MoU with Arts Tasmania
Regional Cruise Ship and Air Services strategies
Implement Source to Sensation (food tourism) strategy
Tourism ndustry training
Tourism Tasmania service agreement
Coordinate regional tourism data & research
Theme-specific regional marketing strategies
Review Regional Strategy to align with new national priorities & funding opportunities
Implement 08/09 transition year projects (to be confirmed)
Build capacity, skills, and support for community groups in priority areas
MoUs with major land managers, research and data providers
Represent region on State NRM Council
Consolidate regional leadership role under new Caring For Our Country structure
Strong regional participation in state and national funding programs
Assist community groups to secure additional funding for NRM activities
Develop investment proposal for 09/10 Caring For Our Country Program
3. Health
Lobby for a fully integrated regional health and hospital system and advisory board
Provide briefings and forums for Councils on regional health issues
Maintain budget allocation for health-related initiatives, and review annually
4. Education & workforce development
Regional information and submissions to Tas.Tomorrow reform process
Youth Transitions Taskforce regional education/training and youth development network
Map skills of unqualified workforce in key regional industries
Fit Club initiative
Local Year 10 transition projects
Local HomeStay accommodation pilot for remote area students
Value chain skills for agrifood businesses (content development)
Mentoring projects for high school students
Public/community transport access to education and work
Skills component of Source to Sensation (food tourism) project Value chain skills for agrifood businesses (veg industry pilot)
5. Industry development
Seek specialist food and mining-related manufacturing roles for Manufacturing Centre initiative
Convene/support reference group for Manufacturing Centre initiative
Investigate regional economic footprint and opportunities from mining boom
Projects arising from regional, state and national vegetable and food industry strategies
6. Transport
Follow-up election commitments for major transport projects
Community reference groups for major transport projects
Review regional transport strategy for input to regional planning initiative
Core Passenger Service Review workshops and follow-up projects
Provide briefings and forums for Councils on regional issues
Monitor opportunities for regional resource sharing & services
7. Local Government
Projects arising from regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Regional Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Plan
8. Water resources
Seek higher priority for State water development projects in region
Approved by Representatives – 29 May 2008
Investigate development of a regional water development plan
Fairbrother, PPAC, The Advocate (Fit Club) partnership
Regional Waste Management Group
Regional Planning Initiative
Pursue funding for projects arising from regional water plan investigation
UTas Institute for Regional Dev’t skills/services for local government
Skills Tasmania service agreement
Business partnership for access to UTas/ Institute services Regional Planning MoU