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2010 Cradle Coast Advocate Newspaper Regional Tourism Awards Entry Criteria

Contents 2010 Cradle Coast Advocate Newspaper Regional Tourism Awards Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................3 Eligibility.................................................................................................................... 3 Qualifying Period ...................................................................................................... 3 Tourism Award Categories 1. Accommodation.................................................................................................................3 2. Caravan parks.....................................................................................................................3 3. Tourism Restaurants...........................................................................................................3 4. Tourism Attractions/Experiences ......................................................................................4 5. Tour Operators . .................................................................................................................4 6. Visitor Information and Services .......................................................................................4 7. Events and Festivals ...........................................................................................................4 8. Sustainable Tourism . .........................................................................................................4 9. Outstanding Contribution by an Individual .......................................................................4 10. Young Achiever.................................................................................................................5 11. Contribution to Local Tourism .........................................................................................5

Judging Criteria ...................................................................................................................5 Levels of Achievement ......................................................................................................5 Site Visits .............................................................................................................................6 Confidentiality .......................................................................................................... 6 Submission of Applications ..............................................................................................6 Hints .......................................................................................................................... 7 Attachments 1.Entry Form 2.Nomination Form – Categories 1 to 6 3.Nomination Form – Category 7 only 4.Nomination Form – Category 8 only


2010 Cradle Coast “The Advocate” Regional Tourism Awards Welcome to the inaugural Cradle Coast “The Advocate” Regional Tourism Awards , providing the Cradle Coast Authority with the opportunity to encourage, support, celebrate and recognise industry excellence and professionalism across the region. The Awards are a stand alone program incorporating the Tasmanian Tourism Awards format. Although not aligned with the State Awards, Tourism Tasmania and the Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania will be advised of the winners in order to generate further recognition of the region’s accomplishments.

Eligibility: The Cradle Coast “The Advocate” Regional Tourism Awards are open to all tourism and associated businesses located within, or actively operating within, the Cradle Coast region. Award winners will be announced at the Cradle Coast “The Advocate” Regional Tourism Awards Dinner which will be run in conjunction with the annual Cradle Coast Regional Tourism Forum and will be held on the night of Thursday 29th July 2010 in Ulverstone. Qualifying Period Applications must include only activities undertaken between 1st June 2009 and 31st May 2010.

Tourism Award Categories 1. Accommodation Open to owner/operator accommodation providers offering a high degree of personal contact with guests. • Entry is open – but not limited to – Hotels, Motels bed & breakfast, farm stay, cottage or other intimate, boutique, colonial or heritage accommodation. • Judges retain the discretion to separate this category if considered necessary and to acknowledge winners in sub categories.

2. Caravan Parks Open to tourist and caravan parks offering a tourism experience. • Entry is open – but not limited to – cabin, caravan and/or tenting accommodation providers.

3. Tourism Restaurants

Open to restaurants and catering services offering a tourism experience and/or servicing the tourism industry. It is not a food award, but does recognise a significant contribution to tourism through the provision of food and beverage. Sustainable operational practices should be identified. Entry is open – but not limited to – hotel or stand-alone restaurants, event caterers, pubs, cafés & wineries.

4. Tourism Attractions/Experiences

Open to attractions of regional importance which, • Market primarily to intrastate and/or interstate visitors • Significantly contribute to the tourism experience within the region. • Attractions may be developed in conjunction with a natural attraction or on their own.


5. Tour Operators Open to tour and/or transport operators with fewer than 5 annual fulltime equivalent employees. • It is not a transport award, but does recognise a significant contribution to tourism through the provision of tour guiding services and transport services • Entrants must offer a tourism experience as a significant part of their operation

6. Visitor Information and Services Open to Visitor Information Centres and Local Tourist Associations to recognise their integrated focus on the provision of services to the visitor e.g. reservation service, information delivery, marketing and promotion etc.

7. Events and Festivals

Open to festivals or events that • Create economic impact within the local community • Attract visitors from intrastate and/or interstate • Generate regional media profile • Positively promote the destination • Are one-off or recurring

8. Sustainable Tourism

Open to tourism operators who exemplify a strong commitment to sustainable and innovative business practices. The award will recognise and showcase successful tourism businesses that set out to minimise their environmental impact, conserve natural resources, respect local cultures and benefit local communities. Entrants are encouraged to show evidence of both an innovative approach to sustainability and use of tourism-related accreditation programs and respected sustainability accreditation schemes.

Important note: It is recommended that entrants in this category provide evidence in relation to their business’ sustainability practices. Examples of possible referees include: 1. Environmental Groups/Foundations and Cultural Groups 2. Government Agencies – Local, State or Federal 3. Journalists/editors of local publications or travel/tourism publications 4. University Professors/academics

9. Outstanding Contribution by an Individual to the Tourism Industry

Recognising the extraordinary personal and professional achievement and contribution by an individual over many years to the regional tourism industry. Judges consider in particular the activities and contribution of the nominee outside the expectations of normal employment. Important notes: • The award will not be made to the same person twice • Nominations are acceptable from any party except the nominee • A written nomination of no more three pages must accompany the nomination • The nominee’s resume and no more than five letters of recommendation may be included


10. Young Achiever

Recognising an individual, less than 30 years of age, working in the tourism industry and their contribution to the development of a vibrant and professional tourism industry. Important notes: • The award will not be made to the same person twice • Nominations are acceptable from any party except the nominee • A written nomination of no more three pages must accompany the nomination • The nominee’s resume and no more than 5 letters of recommendation may be included • Copy of documentation such as driver’s license, passport, etc should be included to verify age

11. Contribution to Local Tourism

Recognising individuals who have made a significant contribution to the tourism industry on a local and/or regional level. Must be nominated by Councils or Local Tourism Associations. Important Notes: • The award will not be made to the same person twice • Nominations are acceptable from any party except the nominee • A written nomination of no more three pages must accompany the nomination

If you are not sure which category to enter please contact the Awards Administrator.

Judging Criteria Judges will seek:

1. Creative and sound business planning and achievements 2. Business expectations for future growth 3. Flair, passion and innovation 4. Quality customer service and a developed service culture 5. General excellence (at both business and personal levels) that contributes to local tourism and the wider community The Cradle Coast Authority will appoint members of the Cradle Coast “The Advocate” Regional Tourism Awards judging panel, including the senior judge. The judges’ decisions will be final based on the submissions received. If requested, feedback may be provided to non-award winners.

Levels of Achievement There will be two levels of recognition for good practice: Winner – Certificate presented to the entrant with the highest score in each category Certificate of Merit – presented to entries that come within three points of the winner • All efforts will be made by the Cradle Coast Authority to ensure all winners and businesses awarded with a Certificate of Merit receive local and intrastate media coverage • Award winners and businesses awarded with a Certificate of Merit will be acknowledged in the following edition of their zone specific “Visitor Guides” • Judges may choose not to award a winner or certificate of merit in any category


Site Visits Entries will be judged by a panel that will conduct site inspections to verify information supplied in the application. Judges may request physical evidence of claims made in written submissions. Site inspections will take place in June 2010. Appointments will be made with each entrant.

Confidentiality Judges are required to sign confidentiality agreements that prohibit them from releasing any details about applicants, the information contained in the applications and judging results prior to presentation of the awards. Applications will not be publicly displayed without written permission from applicants.

Submission of Applications Applications must not exceed six pages and must conform with the following: i) Hand written applications will not be accepted ii) Submissions must be presented in Times New Roman or Arial font and font size must not be below 11 point. iii) Line spacing must be single space or greater. iv) Applications must be submitted by 31st May 2010 to: a. Post: Leanne Bonney, Cradle Coast Authority, PO Box 338, Burnie 7320 b. Email: v) Enquiries can be directed to Leanne Bonney on 6431 6285 or via email to vi) Application/Nomination forms are attached a. Separate application forms are provided for i. Categories 1- 6 (same format) ii. Category 7 Events and Festivals iii. Category 8 Sustainable Tourism vi) Nomination forms are not provided for categories 9 - 11


Hints • Choose the category that best fits your business. You may like to enter more than one category • If you are unsure about categories, please ask our Awards Administrator Leanne Bonney (6431 6285) who will discuss your request with the Cradle Coast Authority Tourism Team • Tailor your submission to the specific category entered and to the tourism industry (these are tourism awards!) particularly if you are entering more than one category • Identify what is special or unique about your business in your entry • Remember that the judging period is 1st June 2009 and 31st May 2010. Everything you have done in this period could be relevant • Try to prepare your entry 2-3 weeks before the due date • Set aside 3 – 4 hours to complete the entry form to draft stage • Think carefully about the questions – jot down ideas and activities you think are appropriate to each question • Tackle one question at a time. Re-read each question several times. Answer the question as printed – not the question you think it is or would like it to be • If you require further assistance with individual questions contact Leanne Bonney at the Cradle Coast Authority (6431 6285) or check the TICT Web Site (after the 19th April 2010) or the Victorian Tourism Awards site ( • Be passionate about your product, no-one knows it better than you! • Allow time to have your team and business network review your entry and suggest improvements • Ensure you outline why your business is a key part of your community and how it adds value • Keep attachments to a minimum and include those key documents that will support your entry one or two examples of marketing materials is plenty • With regards to financial information - basic information, growth rates and percentages etc, is acceptable. • Write: • • • •

- simply and concisely - using dot points and/or graphs where appropriate - highlight key points of your entry - emphasise your involvement in the tourism industry

To assist the judges, preface each answer with the exact wording of the question - This will also serve to remind you of what is being asked If you find yourself repeating information, it is likely that you are not answering the question as asked Where information does require duplication, do not answer by writing “Please see answer to question 2” type it out again and see if there is a slightly different emphasis that could be put on the answer Post your entry before Wednesday 27th May. Entries must be received by close of business on Monday 31st May

Adhere to Criteria as identified within the Entry Form Document, including: Applications must not exceed six pages and must confirm with the following: • Hand written applications will not be accepted • Submissions must be presented in Times New Roman or Arial font and font size must not be below 11 point. • Line spacing must be single space or greater. • Applications must be submitted by the close of business on the 31st May 2010 to: - Post: Leanne Bonney, Cradle Coast Authority, PO Box 338, Burnie 7320 - Email: • Inquiries can be directed to Leanne Bonney on 6431 6285 or via email to • Separate application forms are provided for - Categories 1- 6 (same format) - Category 7 Events and Festivals - Category 8 Sustainable Tourism 7 • Nomination forms are not provided for categories 9 - 11

2010 Cradle Coast Advocate Newspaper Regional Tourism Awards Entry Form Business Name: Contact Details Contact Person: Phone: Email:


Award Category Entered Number:


Business Details: How long has your business been operating? Does your business have tourism accreditation?



Does your business have any other form of accreditation? If so please provide details:



Is your business asscociated with your Local Tourism Association?



How many Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff do you employ?

Signature: (This page is not to be counted in the 6 page maximum entry)


2010 Cradle Coast “The Advocate� Regional Tourism Awards Nominations Form - Categories 1- 6 Overview / History (0 points) Provide an overview of the history/nature of your business. (You must also demonstrate your eligibility for entry in the category of your choice)

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1. Product (15 Points) a. Briefly describe the services, facilities and unique feature of your business, and describe how these set you apart from similar businesses b. Explain how your business enhances and compliments the tourism experience for visitors to the Region

2010 Cradle Coast “The Advocate� Regional Tourism Awards Nominations Form - Categories 1- 6 cont. 2. Business Success (25 points) a. Provide an overview of your business plan, including vision, goals, strategies and outcomes. If you don’t have a formal business plan describe what you are trying to achieve and how you manage continuous business improvement. b. What do you see as the strengths and opportunities of your business and what plans do you have to enhance or maximise them? c. What do you see as the weaknesses and threats to your business and what plans have you developed to minimise their impact on your business?

3. Marketing (20 points) a. What are your target markets and why? b. What marketing strategies do you have in place? State any success stories. c. What data/research do you use to drive your business?

2010 Cradle Coast “The Advocate� Regional Tourism Awards Nominations Form - Categories 1- 6 cont. 4. Customer Service and Professional Development (20 points) a. What professional development activities have you been involved in during the qualifying period (e.g. workshops, discussion forums, seminars, conferences, visitor information work)? b. What training and professional development strategies do you provide for your staff? c. Explain how you achieve, measure and manage customer service?

5. Sustainability, Innovation and Community Involvement (10 points) a. Describe and demonstrate your commitment to environmental sustainability (e.g. waste management, energy, water, cleaning products) b. What innovations have you used in your business to improve visitor experience? c. How did your business contribute to our community during the last year (e.g. volunteer work, sponsorship, mentoring, donations, membership, and support for local producers/suppliers)?

6. Site Visit (10 points)

Extra pages may be used – 6 pages Maximum

2010 Cradle Coast “The Advocate� Regional Tourism Awards Nominations Form - Category 7: Events and Festivals Only 1. Overview and History (25 points)

a. Provide a general overview of the nature and history of your festival/event b. Detail the number and origin of visitors attracted and the methods used to determine this data c. Describe the programme of activities you stage and the tourism experiences you offer d. Describe the services and facilities you offer

2. Business Sustainability (25 points)

a. Describe the key features of your business plan, for example goals, strategies and outcomes b. What were your major funding sources and demonstrate how you achieved your planned financial outcomes c. Describe the risks to your event and summarise your risk mitigation strategies d. Demonstrate your involvement in, and contribution to the tourism sector in your community

3. Marketing (25 Points) a. Who are your target markets and how did you identify them? b. Describe your marketing strategies and how you use your distinctive difference to attract your target markets c. Outline the media coverage you achieved at local and/or state level

4. Environmental Sustainability (25 points) a. Describe and demonstrate your events commitment to environmental sustainability. b. What major initiatives have you introduced to reduce your environmental footprint and what are the outcomes? c. Describe any innovations that have taken place during the qualifying period to improve your festival/event

5. Site Visit – not applicable

Extra pages may be used – 6 pages Maximum

2010 Cradle Coast “The Advocate� Regional Tourism Awards Category 8: Sustainable Tourism only 1. Overview and History (0 points) a. Provide a general overview of the nature and history of your business/product. You must demonstrate your eligibility for entry in this category as outlined in the descriptor above b. Describe the key features of your business plan and how you have embedded sustainability principles and practices

2. Business Sustainability (25 points) a. Demonstrate how sustainable practices have enhanced your business profitability b. Describe the sustainability risks you have identified for your business and the specific risk mitigation strategies you have put in place

3. Marketing (20 Points) a. Who are your target markets and how did you identify them? b. Describe how your business/product is competitively positioned and differentiated in the marketplace through your sustainability philosophy c. Describe your marketing strategies and how you use your distinctive difference to attract your target markets

4. Environmental Sustainability (25 points) a. Provide evidence that you measure and understand your environmental footprint (fuel, energy, water, waste) in particular any use of accredited methodologies or audit techniques b. What major initiatives have you introduced to reduce your environmental footprint and what are the outcomes? c. Beyond your own operations, provide evidence of any contribution you have made to improve local environmental conditions and how your work has inspired change in the community

5. Innovation – (20 points) a. How does what you offer add value to the destination experience of the area ? b. Describe any innovative sustainability practices you have introduced that are unique to your business and may position you as a role model for the industry c. Detail your sustainability plans for the future

6. Site Visit (10 points)

Extra pages may be used – 6 pages Maximum

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