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If all you do is work then the product can If all you do is work – become tired – you become tired and the experience becomes tarnished ‘The important thing is to: Refresh yourself and your product Be Inspired by what others are doing Be Inspired by what others are doing

Go the extra mile – you don Go the extra mile you don’t exceed expectations t exceed expectations, you just do what is required. Successful experiences always have the extra edge. Question the product regularly. Question yourself regularly. A match, a mint, a cup of coffee and a Newspaper. The Emyth, Michael E Gerber

No one ever gets enthused from listening to a person who appears tired – worse, bored. Successful sports coaches are animated and full of energy. If you are lacking the energy to deliver this experience, then question yourself Why are you here? Why are you doing this? h h ? h d h ? Would you actually liked to be served by yourself if you were a customer?

If all you do is work ­ you tend to leave those chores that can wait until tomorrow – picking up the butts at the front door, putting out the proper signage or cleaning the kayaks. What does that do for the presentation of o r b siness? does that do for the presentation of your business? Make sure you are checking any online reviews about your business – better still, be proactive and seek reviews from your customers! Take a step back from the business if you can and see it from your clients point of view. p f

Ensure you and your team are well rested – energetic and full of Ensure you and your team are well rested boundless enthusiasm. Greet people with enthusiasm. It’s contagious. We have regular staff events, impromptu lunches, drinks after work, fun training events, Staff Bingo. Little things can help with creating an energetic feeling at work, such as l h h l h f l k h music – who doesn’t enjoy a good 80’s classic.

If it’s not fun – then don’t do it. Fun is also contagious. Sadly, so is tiredness and boredom. You can hear a smile on the telephone. Takes very little effort to answer the phone with a smile (my wife Alison is great at it) and it makes all the difference to a customer’s first impression. impression Staff want to be there and the buzz they get from taking others out into the location.

If you haven’t been fishing recently, (or been out to the pictures, di dinner, watched sport, read a novel ) then its highly likely you have h d d l ) h i hi hl lik l h been working all the time. How can you expect to have a pleasant and interesting conversation with a guest/ visitor if all you can talk about is your work and they are probably not interested anyway! Get a life. Go fishing. Take the kids along and connect. Take your loved one out for a surprise.

Winning teams always rest their best players – that why we have an interchange bench. Make time to Go fishing It is really important to take ‘a get away from it all break’ You don’t need to shut down when d ’ d h d h you take a break.

Have you noticed when life is all work and no play that your tether gets shorter? Your fuse becomes very quick and the smallest things irk you? W ld ’t Wouldn’t you like to have the patience and tolerance of other lik t h th ti d t l f th people? Work and life balance can definitely help in that.

Plan your work. (then work the plan) Why not work 10 days on and 4 days off to make the break a complete and valuable break? Why not travel and gain new experiences and develop new ideas for the business? Why not reconnect with your partner somewhere else rather than j just in the business and lead a balanced life? i h b i dl d b l d lif ? We are here for a very short time – lets make it a wonderful and thoroughly enjoyable time.

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