MEDIA RELEASE Embargoed until 16 March 2010 Potential exists for statewide positioning network A feasibility study commissioned by Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) has been released today examining the options for a state‐wide network of survey‐ quality Global Navigation Satellite System reference stations, known as Continuously Operating Reference Stations, to which a roving receiving navigation unit can connect and accurately determine its position in real time. A unified state system has the potential to generate productivity gains in agriculture, mining and construction by reducing technology costs, providing wider geographic coverage and more precise positioning. Several private and government systems exist in Tasmania today with limited interoperability and no state‐wide coverage. Engineering, science and project delivery consultants, Sinclair Knight Merz, undertook the study over a 5 month period and surveyed current positioning technology operators and users such as landholders of controlled traffic farms, state and local government and engineers with machine guided road and rail construction equipment. All stakeholders contacted in the study supported the development of a centrally managed positioning system for Tasmania, with a strong view that the development should be coordinated by government. The study determined that Tasmania could sustain a state‐wide network based on indicative costs for infrastructure development and network operation, and an estimate of the existing and future market demand. Depending on the level of funding provided and pricing policy used, a network could also become revenue positive in the long term. “We saw a need to better understand the status of this technology in Tasmania and to investigate ways to achieve a sustainable level of infrastructure and network management,” said Richard Ingram, Cradle Coast NRM Executive Officer. “Without a coordinated approach to the technology we are not able to realise the full benefits in Tasmania.” The feasibility study was delivered to Cradle Coast NRM and the project steering group today and will be presented to State Government with a request to fund a detailed design of a Tasmanian Continuously Operating Reference Station network. End… Cradle Coast NRM works with community, industry, private enterprise and government to manage and improve our natural resources to ensure a healthy future for our region. Cradle Coast NRM is a committee of the Cradle Coast Authority. This initiative is supported by Cradle Coast NRM through funding from the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country.
Media Contact/s: Anna Renkin Land Coordinator, Cradle Coast NRM Ph: 0429 166 949
Amanda Wilson Communications Manager, Cradle Coast Authority Ph: 03 6431 6285