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7 July 2011

Mount Roland Tourism study released for public comment

A report containing eight proposals for tourism development focused on Mount Roland in Kentish has been released for public comment. Prepared by the University of Tasmania Institute for Regional Development, the report’s recommendations were derived from a two‐month community and industry consultation process involving surveys and interviews plus research into tourism market trends and existing assets. The prioritised proposals in the Mount Roland: Developing a Destination report were considered by Kentish Councillors at a meeting on 5 July and have been made available for public comment. Kentish Mayor Don Thwaites said that the report allowed community discussion to be taken to the next level by focusing on specific ideas. "I am very impressed with the study findings. They are respectful and considerate of everyone and everyone's input into the possibilities for the future of Mt Roland,” Mayor Thwaites said. “I encourage everyone who knows and loves this mountain to read the study findings and make comments to Council if they wish." Proposals include creating a hub of adventure tourism activities; growing recreational camping visitor nights; establishing a mountain biking and family cycling park; developing new walking tracks; increasing the number of look‐outs and scenic viewing points; establishing Aboriginal culture tours; and a history, culture and nature interpretation centre. An eighth proposal recommends developing a process through which the Mount Roland cable car concept can be thoroughly assessed. Community feedback on the Mount Roland: Developing a Destination report is open until 31 August. Copies are available at the Kentish Council office or for download from the Kentish Council website. At the conclusion of the feedback period, Council will consider any plans for implementation. The Mount Roland study was initiated and sponsored by a steering committee comprised of representatives from Kentish Council, Cradle Coast Authority, Tourism Tasmania, Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management and the Parks and Wildlife Service. End… Media contacts: Mayor Don Thwaites Ian Waller ‐ Regional Tourism Development Manager Kentish Council Cradle Coast Authority Ph: 0458 343 059 Ph: 0419 372 400

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