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Mining Heritage Experience Strategy 2006-2008


Living in a Wild World

Acknowledgements: Cover page image (on left, third down) © Tourism Tasmania ‘Miners Sunday’ sculpture (Miners Siding, Queenstown) by artist, Stephen Walker




Discussion Paper

Steering Committee review

20 March 06

Strategy doc. V1

Draft for client review

26 April 06

Strategy doc. V2

Draft for Steering Committee approval

8 June 06


Approved by Steering Committee

14 July 06



INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1


THE MARKET........................................................................................................................... 2


MISSED OPPORTUNITY ........................................................................................................... 3


CUSTOMERS ........................................................................................................................... 4


CURRENT SITUATION .............................................................................................................. 5


SETTING THE DIRECTION........................................................................................................ 8


STRATEGIES .......................................................................................................................... 10 7.1

Develop a defined, market-driven mining heritage visitor experience .........................10


Position mining heritage as an integral part of the Cradle Coast and Tasmanian experience ........................................................................................................................11


Encourage the development of new and improved product .........................................14


Adopt co-operative promotion for the mining heritage visitor experience ...................16


Develop an events base ..................................................................................................17


ACTION PLAN AND BUDGET.................................................................................................. 18


IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................ 23

APPENDIX 1– MINING HERITAGE TOURISM BRAND DEVELOPMENT ............................................. 28 APPENDIX 2– STEERING COMMITTEE AND CONSULTATION........................................................... 31

1. INTRODUCTION The touring market is currently the most significant for tourism in the Cradle Coast region and the Cradle Coast Authority is working to develop and extend the quality and diversity of visitor experiences, strengthening the region as a visitor destination and making it more competitive with other Tasmanian regions. This has become even more important in recent times, with the introduction of cheaper airfares leading to an increase in the Short Breaks and Visiting Friends and Relatives segments, at the expense of the touring market. At the same time, the State’s largest tourism operator, Federal Hotels & Resorts, is actively targeting higher yield experience segments through its Pure Tasmania brand and this is impacting on Cradle Coast destinations of Cradle Mountain and Strahan. The Mining Heritage Experience Strategy is one of three key strategies aiming to build a stronger, differentiated Cradle Coast visitor experience. The other two are: From Source to Sensation, Cradle Coast’s Food and Beverage Strategy; and Cradle Coast Walking Trails. This strategy recognises that the region’s mining and cultural heritage assets are a significant tourism resource that is largely untapped and yet has the capacity to engage visitors in a personal and memorable way, adding depth to their understanding and enjoyment of Tasmania’s ‘island-ness’ and what it is that makes the people who live here ‘tick’. It is about establishing mining heritage-based experiences that help to differentiate the destination and have the potential to increase yield, stay, or visitor numbers to the region and to generate employment. Development of the strategy has occurred under the auspices of a steering committee with industry and community representatives, and has involved extensive industry and community consultation (Appendix 2).


2. THE MARKET Tasmania Strong growth in Tasmania’s visitor market in recent years, fuelled by increased sea and air access, is now predicted to soften. In addition, the increase in availability of lower airfares has changed the structure of the Tasmanian visitor market, leading to an increase in the size and market share of Short Breaks and Visiting Friends & Relatives (VFR) segments to the detriment of the touring segments. These segments, among those targeted by Tourism Tasmania, are: •

the Big Tour (generally older couples touring the State for two weeks and visiting regional areas to see everything, with a strong spend); and

Short Tour (one-week, tour only parts of the State, particularly the “doughnut” on a first visit, and are high-yield).

Short Breaks typically visit for three nights and fly into Hobart (about 70%) or Launceston (30%), where they stay. Availability of an airport is important to them and they generally require a high-quality standard of accommodation and experience, making it difficult to attract them to the State’s regional areas. In general, the changing visitor travel patterns are seeing a focus on locations closer to Hobart and Launceston and less dispersal of visitors across outlying regions. Cradle Coast Overall, visitor numbers to the North West Coast have flattened and for the West Coast have dropped more significantly. Those who visit Cradle Coast are predominantly in the touring segments, dominated by the Big Tour. Within the region, the West Coast attracts almost twice the number of visitors from the Big Tour segment than for the Short Tour segment. Cradle Coast visitors represent a high proportion of older couples, from lower and affluent segments. West Coast visitors by holiday type 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Big Tour

Short Tour

Grand Tour

Short Break

Special events

Getaw ay

Tasmanian Visitor Survey (June 05)

In addition, the State’s biggest tourism operator, Federal Hotels & Resorts – through its new Pure Tasmania tourism brand – targets experience-based segments seeking


discovery outdoors, in marketing Strahan, Cradle Mountain and its other State destinations. The intrastate market for the West Coast is minimal, with the area offering little that typically triggers Tasmanians from other regions to visit, or those within Cradle Coast to take day or overnight trips on the West Coast. These triggers include opportunities for shopping, eating out, visit friends and relatives, and events. 3. MISSED OPPORTUNITY Much of Cradle Coast’s mining heritage is located along the corridor between the two Tasmanian icons of Cradle Mountain and Strahan, with some on the coast at Corinna and in Circular Head, at Balfour. Along the touring route between Queenstown and Cradle Mountain, Strahan attracts the highest number of overnight stays (112,739), followed by Queenstown (43,911).

Overnight stay 200000 150000 100000 50000 Total West Coast overnight

Other West Coast






Tasmanian Visitor Survey (June 05)

Significantly, however, a high proportion of visitors pass through the towns of Queenstown, Zeehan and Tullah without stopping. The lack of conversion of drivethroughs to a visit or an overnight stay is a lost opportunity.


Passed through - no stop 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Zeehan




Other west coast

Tasmanian Visitor Survey (June 05)

4. CUSTOMERS Those who visit the West Coast have a high degree of interest in nature-based experiences, historic sites and houses, and Tasmanian food, wine and goods, according to the Tasmanian Visitor Survey. While these experiences are popular with visitors, research undertaken by Tourism Tasmania in interstate markets shows that neither nature, history or Tasmanian lifestyle elements are strong appeals in their own right – it is Tasmania’s ability to combine these in a unique way that provides a competitive advantage. Strahan, particularly its access to the Gordon River, is the major drawcard for the West Coast, followed by the West Coast Wilderness Railway and the Nelson Falls Nature Trail.

Top West Coast attractions

SW/Melaleuca inlet

Pieman River/Corinna

Nelson Falls Nature Trail

West Coast Wilderness Railway

Gordon River cruise

100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0

Tasmanian Visitor Survey (June 05) * note TVS does not include Zeehan Pioneers Museum (the Museum’s own figures suggest visitation of 20,000, making it the fourth most popular West Coast attraction)

Of existing mining heritage-related tourism attractions, WCWR is the most popular, followed by the Zeehan Pioneers Museum.




Considerable ‘raw’ asset but little commercial product available.

Mining heritage-related tourism products are generally static and/or under-developed in terms of expectations of visitor segments and many do not offer visitors the opportunity for engagement.

Cradle Coast, mainly the West Coast, has significant mining heritage in a rugged landscape Æ close relationship between natural and cultural landscape.

Much of the heritage is located on or close to the main West Coast touring route (CradleStrahan-Queenstown).

Flagship mining heritage tourism product (West Coast Wilderness Railway) already positioned in marketplace and attracts 47,000 visitors a year.

Few existing tourism products attempt to integrate landscape and mining heritage.

Issues with quality of products/lack of investment.

Mining heritage provides significant differentiation from nature-based destinations with which Cradle Coast competes.

Capacity issues.

Lack of co-operative effort.

Many assets are either difficult to access for touring visitors or destinational visitors at Strahan and Cradle Mountain (e.g. out of the way, rough roads), undeveloped (e.g. wideranging walks) or have questionable visitor appeal.



Create additional depth & add value to the Cradle Coast/Tasmanian visitor experience.

Create products that appeal to the high yield experience segments targeted by Federal Hotels & Resorts’ Pure Tasmania Brand for Strahan and Cradle Mountain.

Potential to create a ‘disconnect’ in regional and State branding, which focuses on nature as the lead appeal.

Potential for fragmentation of experiences across a wide geographical area.

Evolution of Tasmania’s tourism branding has a new focus on “island communities connected with a rich, living history”. Communities with mining heritage can help deliver this.

Mining heritage a vehicle to tell a powerful story of living in remote areas & extreme nature.

Increase market share through converting drive-throughs to a stop or overnight stay.


The situation analysis shows that there are three key challenges for mining heritagerelated tourism: 5.1. Visitor needs not met Visitors in the past have typically sought out differences at the level of infrastructure and services, such as accommodation. However, differentiation in the contemporary tourism industry requires attractions or tours that offer distinctively different ways of experiencing a destination. Cradle Coast has an over-supply of passive mining heritage that offers the chance to view sites and artifacts, with some fixed interpretation. These offerings focus on infrastructure and services which, in many cases, do not meet the expectations of visitors. The region also has an under-supply of products that enable visitors to engage with mining heritage in an active or stimulating way that meets or exceeds their expectations. The product audit shows that most mining heritage-related tourism products cater for the older lower segment, predominantly doing the Big Tour. This segment is low yield and its size is diminishing. These are traditionally the West Coast’s main visitors and they look for good services and facilities, are budget conscious, are generally more interested in the destination rather than specific attractions, but want what is on offer to be somewhat different to other destinations. Older affluent couples have more money to spend although greater limitations on time and therefore seek high impact experiences they can access more quickly. Development of mining heritage-related tourism must take these needs into account. Experience-seeker segments provide opportunities for higher yields through both greater growth and spend and are already being attracted to the West Coast by Federal Hotels & Resorts’ Pure Tasmania marketing. These segments are interested mostly in distinctive experiences that offer high standards in keeping with those experiences. They value experiences more highly than destinations, are prepared to pay well if it meets their needs, and they generally plan in advance. With a few exceptions, the West Coast tourism industry, where most mining heritage is centred, is not catering to requirements of the affluent couples or the newer segments. 5.2. Lack of focus Much of the region’s mining heritage exists along the route connecting two of Tasmania’s five leading tourism clusters – Cradle Mountain and Strahan. Yet this advantage, in terms of cultural heritage, is not fully realised because of the lack of focus in presenting mining heritage as a strong, differentiated regional tourism experience. This is even more important as Cradle Coast’s market share falls.


Overall, Western Tasmania’s tourism product offering is presented to visitors as wild, powerful nature. Current positioning of Strahan, the leading West Coast destination, relates strongly to pristine nature and mining heritage has only a token place in relation to it. Visitors have a low or non-existent expectation in relation to mining heritage. Cradle Coast region in the past has not come to grips with a positioning that encompasses mining heritage. In addition, promotion in relation to cultural heritage is fragmented, inconsistent and generally below the standard required to gain the attention of segments. 5.3. Lack of alignment to Tasmania’s tourism brand Mining heritage tourism has, overall, not been consistent with the Tasmanian tourism master brand, either in the way it is presented or in the type of core products it has offered. The West Coast Wilderness Railway has been the first major product to align its mining heritage values to the Tasmanian brand and its core appeals. These core appeals, to early 2006, were led by nature and have also included cultural heritage and food and wine. In early 2006, Tourism Tasmania reviewed the State’s tourism branding in light of new market research. As a result, in response to both changing market requirements and growing maturity and confidence of the Tasmanian tourism industry, it has evolved to more strongly emphasise ‘island-ness’ and the depth available in the Tasmanian holiday experience. The essence of the brand is now “inspiring island experiences”, with a corresponding shift in emphasis on core appeals. These core appeals are now more specific: •

contemporary island communities connected with a rich, living history;

on the edge of the Great Southern Ocean with strong maritime connections;

ancient temperate wilderness with unique, accessible wildlife;

cool climate wine and food; and

celebrated seasonal differences.

The brand shift brings greater emphasis to island communities and more opportunities for alignment of western Tasmania’s mining heritage. At the same time, the shift suggests the direction for re-framing of the mining heritage ‘story’ and its alignment with the Tasmanian brand. Positioning for mining heritage will also need to align to the Cradle Coast brand, currently under development. While the project is not expected to be finalised till mid2006, it is likely to be a nature-led brand that focuses on core values of ‘wild’ and ‘natural’.


6. SETTING THE DIRECTION The broad direction for mining heritage-related tourism within the Cradle Coast region is outlined as follows: 6.1. Mission To develop a network of viable, cohesive tourism experiences which connect visitors with the region’s exciting mining heritage and characters and provide a catalyst for tourism and community development. 6.2. Vision To create memorable visitor experiences based on the region’s mining heritage, bringing it to life through people and place and revealing the depth of this part of the Tasmanian story. 6.3. The Commitment The creation of strong, diverse mining heritage-based experiences will require a commitment to: - providing visitors with experiences that deliver on quality; - upgrading of existing product and infrastructure to cater for market segments; - development of new visitor experiences that appeal to high yield segments; - positioning for mining heritage, aligned with the Tasmanian tourism brand and Cradle Coast’s core appeals; and - development of strong stakeholder partnerships across State, regional and local levels to ensure that resources, skills and knowledge are available. 6.4 The strength of the experience As part of community consultations, Thematic Interpretation methodology was used to identify the strength of the overall mining heritage-based experience from a supply position, by gaining insight into those aspects that locals feel most passionate about or with which they have the greatest connection. Tourism and community representatives identified the following themes or central messages that would give visitors a strong sense of the meaning and significance of local mining heritage. They are pointers to the strength of the offer that mining heritage can make – •

It is impossible, on the West Coast, to separate mining heritage from powerful nature. It is the tempestuous yet inspiring


relationship between the two that reveals the enormity of the West Coast story. “You cannot separate mountains, forests, people, rivers and lakes”. (Rosebery) “Our mining heritage cannot be separated from the fresh air, the changeable views of hills and mountains, and the amazing weather – with four seasons in one day. It’s fair dinkum and untamed”. (Queenstown)

The vagaries of mining and the challenge of living in rugged and remote areas have left their mark on locals. No-one who comes here, including visitors, leaves without experiencing this imprint in some way. “… being bloody-minded enough to keep going.”. (Rosebery) “The challenges of living in this land in such a cold, wet climate and thick forest.” (Zeehan) “Catastrophic failures … show that this is a ‘have-a-go’ community”. (Rosebery) “People here have a tradition of surviving on their wits. They are resourceful”. (Queenstown)

While mining has been the way that West Coasters have survived economically, socially they have sustained themselves, their families and communities through good and tough times with tenacity, resourcefulness and adaptability. “This is a story of adaptation to nature in a real, gritty way”. (Queenstown) “The frequent visitor question is ‘who are the people who live here now and why would you live here?’”. (Tourism operator, Queenstown) Zeehan has been through many boom and bust cycles but will never die because something always comes up”. (Zeehan)

Mining heritage is alive and immediate in West Coast towns, in their people and in contemporary mines and miners. “It’s a living heritage, especially the people.” (Rosebery) “we mined it – but you used the copper and still use it if you have a mobile phone, drive a car …” (Queenstown)


7. STRATEGIES The following five strategies aim to achieve the vision for mining heritage-related visitor experiences in the Cradle Coast region – 7.1. Develop a defined, market-driven mining heritage visitor experience For Cradle Coast to realise tourism benefits from mining heritage, new products will need to be created and existing ones further developed to ‘unlock’ the strength of the mining heritage story and enable visitors to enter and actively engage with it. Together, they will create the distinct and integrated mining heritage visitor experience. The following model, based on the Tasmanian Experience Strategy, sets the direction for development of new experiences, incorporating infrastructure development, service delivery, and interpretation as the “moulder and shaper”1 of the experience. It also provides a guide to the refreshing or re-alignment of existing products. The Mining Heritage Experience provides personal connections, links to powerful nature, and is alive with stories and meanings that are relevant today. However, it will require experience-focused market research to gain further insight into what will appeal to the key market segments. MINING HERITAGE TOURISM EXPERIENCE MODEL Interpretation: involving, passionate; personal; provides connection to local cultural identity and the way that mining heritage makes western Tasmania different. Service (tours, activities, attractions): authentic, welcoming, friendly; opportunities to meet locals; cross-referrals; matching of customers to activities. Infrastructure: quality in terms of market expectations, consistent with mining heritage branding; links to powerful nature. Place: living heritage located in wilderness, with local people providing the ‘bridge’ to place.


Tasmanian Experience Strategy, Prof. Sam Ham, developer of Thematic Interpretation.


7.2. Position mining heritage as an integral part of the Cradle Coast and Tasmanian experience Tasmania’s cultural heritage tourism is led by convict heritage (e.g. Port Arthur), followed by colonial heritage (e.g. The Heritage Highway), and maritime and Aboriginal heritage. A recent departure from this for touring routes or Tasmanian destinations is Burnie, which has made a strategic decision to position itself on the basis of its industrial heritage – papermaking – with nature as its second appeal. Western Tasmania, including the touring route of the West Coast Wilderness Way (Cradle Mountain-Derwent Bridge), is currently presented as a wilderness destination with a focus on pristine and powerful nature and the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area gateways of Strahan and Cradle Mountain. There is limited acknowledgment of cultural heritage – “memories of mining glory days”, “long-abandoned mining towns”, “hardy miners” – with the exception of the West Coast Wilderness Railway. Mining heritage and its colourful story is something of an intrusion in the wilderness rather than an integral part of the landscape, the sense of place and the cultural identity of the region. It currently has no defined place in the tourism brand framework. The following Brand model positions mining heritage tourism experiences and provides the basis to establish them as an integral part of the Cradle Coast and the Tasmanian brands (Brand rationale Appendix 1) –



• • • • •

PERSONALITY Genuine Down-to-earth Gutsy/tenacious Close to community Unpretentious

CORE VALUES Authentic, Raw, Adventure

BENEFITS Emotional: Enlivening, Enriching, Exciting Functional: Fresh experiences, Discovery

• • • • •

FLAGSHIP ATTRIBUTES Living mining heritage Contemporary mines, miners & communities Powerful landscape Western Tasmanian cultural identity & stories Climate of extremes

This is a brand that puts people into the ‘remote nature’ and ‘wilderness’ picture, revealing eternal issues and challenges about human relationship with nature. With this brand, the power of the story is in the relationship and is revealed in two directions – •

the impact of nature on people: the way it has shaped the capacity of people and communities to survive, overcome hardships and thrive; and

the impact of people on nature: humans affecting nature in generating a living from mining and in making such a rugged, remote environment their home.

Without this brand, people are simply a backdrop to the wilderness – a footnote in the region’s positioning. With the addition of the mining heritage Brand, the wild and remote area of western Tasmania remains stunningly beautiful but now it is no longer at arms-length – the Brand brings people into focus and with it, a more immediate relevance to visitors,


who can relate directly to this landscape through the endeavours of local people in sustaining and supporting themselves and their communities. What is the positioning for this Brand, the claim that no other region or cultural heritage competitor can make to the identified market segments? “The invigoration of discovery through connecting with what it is to live, work and be sustained in remote mining communities, both challenged and nourished by powerful wilderness and with strong ties to the past.”

Applying this brand to marketing and promotion will result in a more contemporary visual representation that reflects the alive, ‘here-and-now’ quality of this branding. This would need to be managed through a shift in images used to promote mining heritage tourism, in messages used in collateral, and in graphic design and other visual cues.


7.3. Encourage the development of new and improved product The development of new product such as tours, attractions and activities, and improvement to the quality of existing products are crucial for establishing the mining heritage visitor experience. 7.3.1. Development projects Priorities were identified by the Project Steering Committee on the basis of market relevance, potential to increase overnight stays, consistency with State and Cradle Coast tourism strategies, capacity for implementation, effort required for development, and community benefit. It should be noted that the Lake Margaret power station and town site was excluded from this consideration in view of the fact that a dedicated strategic process, with community involvement, is under way to address the future of the site. Priorities that were identified also recognise that the development of strong experiences at Queenstown and Zeehan will capitalise on Strahan’s status as a key Tasmanian cluster. They are: Project


Zeehan Pioneers Museum & Gaiety Grand Theatre

Taking it to the next level through greater opportunity for active engagement, such as face-to-face interpretation, live theatre designed to deliver interpretation, performances, and a soundscape. There is potential for the museum and theatre experience to link with the Spray Tunnel on the outskirts of Zeehan

Integrated Queenstown experience

This could potentially include a walking tour, original Mt Lyell Mining Co. offices, streetscapes, live theatre, the restored Paragon Theatre, and insight into past/present environmental remediation. Concept for evening product: The Miner’s Night Shift e.g. a walking tour, food and wine in an original miner’s cottage, a drive through the hills, and viewing of archival film footage

Gemstone fossicking tour

Could include one or more Minerals Resources Tasmaniaapproved fossicking sites, incorporating interpretation into the way of life, past and present, in mining communities; hands-on activities; outdoor eating/wine.

World of mining and miners

Above or below-ground tourism tours where visitors can meet miners and discover the world of mining, with opportunities for interaction, interpretation and food/wine.

Waratah mining precinct

Options include tour incorporating mining heritage and nature; demonstrations such as old stamping machine; active interpretation.


7.3.2. Raising the bar Raising the bar for mining heritage-related tourism requires both improvement to the standard of existing products standards and the ongoing development of supporting infrastructure that includes such things as maintenance of public areas, the standard and consistency of signage, access etc. Given that the mining heritage experience rests significantly on the ability of locals to deliver it, this calls for a tourism industry and community response. To raise the bar, the capacity and skill base must be improved through: •


small business development/business assistance;

active encouragement and support for private operators to develop stronger mining heritage-based tourism experiences through applying the experience model;

infrastructure and planning frameworks e.g. signage policy;

involving the arts in interpretation, product development and interpretive merchandising;

public interpretation at key visitor sites e.g. Montezuma Falls; and

ongoing local government and community involvement e.g. Waratah-Wynyard Council’s Waratah mining precinct; town streetscapes; the Friends of the Wild West Coast Strahan foreshore interpretation project; Copper Coats volunteer guides at Queenstown; strategies and support for attracting and managing volunteers.

7.3.3. Partnerships The development of new and improved product, and public infrastructure that supports it, will require strong partnerships at State, regional, local government, industry and community levels. Involvement of State agencies such as the Department of Economic Development and OPCET will be crucial to the achievement of outcomes. Opportunities also exist for partnerships with the mining industry and mining-related industries.


7.4. Adopt co-operative promotion for the mining heritage visitor experience Promotional efforts in relation to mining heritage tourism would benefit from a more unified approach to maximise impact and outcomes. This effort must be targeted to segments and support positioning of the Mining Heritage Brand. This would serve to establish a higher level of awareness of the mining heritage tourism Brand, as well as specific tourism products. It requires resourcing for coordination and implementation, as well as provision of a local structure or group to underpin it. In the absence of a local tourism body, the group that is best positioned to undertake this role is West Coast Heritage Ltd, which operates the Zeehan Pioneers Museum and has links to the Project Queenstown group. Co-operative effort is not limited to marketing communication but may also include packaging, cross-referrals and linkages across products to create richer experiences. A current example is the partnering between West Coast Wilderness Railway and the Zeehan Pioneers Museum, which is enabling the museum to tap into a customer base whose interest in mining heritage has already been activated and/or stimulated.


7.5. Develop an events base The development of an events program that centres on mining heritage, though is not limited to it, provides the opportunity to attract intrastate visitation, particularly outside the main tourism season. It also assists with brand building. While a West Coast events strategy was developed in 2004, it was not taken up for a range of reasons, including the absence of a broader tourism framework, lack of local champions to drive it, and resource issues. Mining heritage tourism could be the catalyst for a fresh approach to the events strategy. Events Tasmania has indicated its support for this approach, which would be consistent with the State and local government partnership process and with Tasmanian Together goals. Examples of events include the annual Gem and Mineral Fair, while potential events could include a fossicking weekend, ‘back to’ celebrations for towns, storytelling festival, events featuring current working mines, arts and performance etc.


8. ACTION PLAN AND BUDGET The following Action Plan for Mining Heritage Visitor Experiences is predicated on: •

the establishment of a project officer position to provide leadership and administration;

Cradle Coast Authority’s provision of interim leadership and project management, with West Coast Heritage Ltd to establish a project structure and become the lead organisation. WCH will review its board membership/operations to address the needs arising from this strategy and will establish a dedicated reference group to support it. The reference group will include – but not necessarily be restricted to – representation from the tourism industry; West Coast Council, Waratah-Wynyard Council, and communities; and

sourcing of project funding from Federal, State, local government, and partners from tourism, mining and mining-related industries, with a projected budget requirement of $295,000. This funding forms the ‘spine’ of the project and does not include sub-project funding that may be pursued, depending on identified requirements.

1. Develop a defined, market-driven mining heritage visitor experience ACTION




Encourage adoption of the Mining Heritage Experience Model

Promote the model and the benefits of making tourism products more attractive through enabling the active involvement of visitors.

West Coast Heritage Ltd/ project officer


Increase understanding of the mining heritage experiences that visitors desire

Conduct consumer research.

Tourism Tasmania/ Cradle Coast


Encourage and support development of sustainable, high quality products that are consistent with the Mining Heritage Experience Model.

Encourage and support operators to develop new tours, activities and attractions that align.

West Coast Heritage Ltd, Cradle Coast Authority, project officer


Project officer


Share findings with tourism operators & the community.

Support operators to develop existing products in alignment with the model, particularly interpretation and service delivery. Develop interpretive merchandise that establishes the experience and aligns with the Brand (e.g. set of postcards with local characters/their stories)

$200,000 (2-yr project officer + on-costs/car use etc)




Focus marketing communications on the strength of the Mining Heritage visitor experience

Establish a focus on a cohesive experience supported by product.

Cradle Coast Authority/ Tourism Tasmania


Foster community support for the experience strategy

Support the development of a skilled volunteer base with capacity to engage visitors and deliver interpretation (e.g. passengers departing WCWR at Queenstown station).

West Coast Heritage Ltd/ project officer


Develop and implement a project Communications Plan to encourage the development of a positive tourism culture in the community.

2. Position mining heritage as an integral part of the Cradle Coast and Tasmanian experience





Foster take-up of the Mining Heritage Brand with both operators and stakeholders.

Develop and promote a Brand kit, including application guidelines.

Project officer


Cradle Coast Authority/ project officer


Develop resources to support Brand application.

Encourage alignment of marketing collateral with the Brand. Identify gaps in Brand-relevant images available, develop brief for new imagery and commission photography for image bank. Commission graphic designer to develop brand concept to underpin collaborative collateral, marketing activities, interpretive signage etc.

Develop Brand awareness


Brief key stakeholders such as Tourism Tasmania on positioning of mining heritage. Initiate new, Brand-focused editorial content for Tasmanian, Cradle Coast and commercial tourism publications (Holiday Planner, regional guide, Treasure Islander, Travelways etc).



Project officer


$2000 outsourced copywriting

Initiate new, Brand-focused editorial content for relevant websites (e.g. Brief key Tasmanian Visitor Information Centres and supply with collateral.


3. Encourage the development of new and improved product ACTION




Investigate options to advance priority mining heritage-related development projects

Source funding for planning/feasibility assessment of development projects.

West Coast Heritage Ltd/ Cradle Coast Authority


West Coast Heritage Ltd/ project officer/Cradle Coast Authority


Zeehan Pioneers Museum and Gaiety Grand Theatre – explore product development potential and develop & implement an interpretation plan that provides for active visitor engagement and potential for more than one visitor product.

Integrated Queenstown experience – undertake feasibility & prepare expression of interest document focused on niche products (low volumehigh margin) and including evening product; promote potential.

$10,000 for planning/ implementation funding to be sourced separately



Investigate self-guided options at Waratah mining precinct


Raise awareness of/ promote product opportunities Support existing operators to develop visitor experiences

Provide advice and support for operators to review and refresh products, allowing for active involvement of visitors.

Cradle Coast Authority


Build capacity through training and small business development support and assistance

Identify training and business development needs and priorities.

Project officer


Liaise with training/mentoring providers to address needs. Explore sources of business assistance/seed funding for emerging and existing tourism businesses. Liaise with West Coast communities to identify desired involvement and support needs (e.g. interpretation delivery through community development project).

Identify and support local champions

Communicate successes and learnings.

West Coast Heritage Ltd


Build relationships with key partners

Develop and implement a partnership strategy, involving Federal, State, and

West Coast Heritage Ltd/ project officer



local government; the tourism, mining and mining-related industries Establish a cohesive interpretation direction focused on mining heritage strengths

Identify interpretive strengths, opportunities for collaboration, commercial and public interpretation; opportunities for interpretive merchandise etc in relation to market segments.

Outsource/ project officer to manage


Support involvement of artists/the arts in product development

Work with the regional Arts@work officer and Arts Tasmania to identify opportunities for development of artsbased tourism products (including performance)

Project officer


Support tourism operators to use artists/performers in development and implementation of interpretation through provision of a database and promotion of the role and value of artists/performers in interpretation

Project officer/ Cradle Coast Authority

$10,000/ implementation funding to be sourced separately


Develop a West Coast signage policy

Liaise with West Coast Council for preparation and implementation of a signage policy that includes noncommercial interpretive signage and addresses types and styles of signs, guidelines for location of signage, ongoing maintenance etc.

West Coast Heritage Ltd


Preserve and maintain key West Coast streetscapes

Encourage local government support for preservation and maintenance of historic streetscapes such as those at Queenstown, Zeehan, Rosebery and Waratah.

West Coast Heritage Ltd


4. Adopt co-operative promotion ACTION




Identify and implement opportunities for joint promotional activities.

Liaise with key tourism stakeholders and develop a joint promotional/marketing plan.

Project officer


Develop a promotional brochure for the region that assists in positioning the Brand and the mining heritage tourism experience to the touring market, using key distribution points. As relevant product becomes available, develop marketing collateral for new experience segments.


High/ ongoing


Brief Tourism Tasmania and its Visiting Journalist Program on the Mining Heritage Brand and experience strategy. Encourage cross-selling and referrals

Support operators to network with each other. Encourage product familiarisations.

Project officer/ Cradle Coast Authority



5. Develop an events base ACTION



Develop and implement a mining heritage-related events program

Liaise with the Cradle Coast Regional Event Coordinator, Events Tasmania and West Coast Council to determine an approach/funding for development of an event strategy.

Cradle Coast Regional Events Coordinator


Implement the event strategy, including administrative support and coordination.

West Coast Heritage Ltd/ project officer





9. IMPLEMENTATION The following two-year implementation plan aims to: •

establish a strong foundation for an integrated approach to the mining heritage visitor experience, as a vital part of the differentiated visitor experience offered by the Cradle Coast region; and

identify ongoing support needs beyond the life of this project.



Cradle Coast Authority


West Coast Heritage Ltd

PO =

Project Officer

TT =

Tourism Tasmania


West Coast Council

WWC = Waratah-Wynyard Council IS = Implementation Phase

Industry Stakeholders




PHASE 1 Start-up

2006 Official adoption of Mining Heritage Experience Strategy

Establish project structure & leadership

Recruit and appoint Project Officer

Launch project

Steering committee and CCA to sign off, including Brand concept.


Raise awareness of strategy through ‘soft’ promotion to the tourism industry, Tourism Tasmania, 2 Councils, community and stakeholders.

CCA, steering committee members

West Coast Heritage Ltd restructure to address implementation requirements.

WCH with support from CCA


Define reference group role, size and determine operational matters.



Recruit & appoint members of reference group

Determine budget, status (f/t, p/t etc), location, administrative support, supervision etc.

CCA, in conjunction with WCH


Prepare position description.

Conduct recruitment process.

Conduct orientation

Official launch of the strategy/project


Late September



Develop a partnership strategy

Establish project partnerships & support mechanisms.

PO, in conjunction with WCC, WWC and IS


Develop and implement a project communications plan

Conduct planned communication targeted to key audiences, to foster stakeholder support and encourage the development of a positive tourism culture in relevant communities.

PO with support from WCH & CCA

September/ ongoing

Develop Brand guidelines.



Develop and promote a Brand kit incorporating guidelines, & encourage operators to align marketing collateral.

As above


Identify gaps in imagery, develop photographic brief and commission photography for image bank.

CCA in conjunction with TT/PO


Presentations to Tourism Tasmania marketing staff, Cradle Coast tourism operators, visitor information centres etc.



Prepare brief/supervise preparation of Brand-focused editorial for State, regional and commercial tourism publications and guides; and relevant websites.



PHASE 2 Marketing & Experience Development Develop Brand application

Develop Brand awareness

2007 Conduct experiencebased market research

Foster adoption of Mining Heritage Experience Model

Undertake cooperative promotional activities

Design and implement dedicated research to provide insight into desired visitor experiences in relation to mining heritage.


Promote research outcomes to the industry, local government, partners & stakeholders.


Refine model following research outcomes.


Promote model and benefits of product that engages visitors.


Support existing operators to align products to the model and the Brand.


Support operators to develop new tours, activities and attractions that align with the model and the Brand.


Develop a shared understanding of the focus on a cohesive experience & on communicating the overarching strength of the mining heritage visitor experience.

PO/WCH, supported by CCA & TT

Develop a joint promotional/marketing plan, with input from market research project.

Establish funding pool/partners for joint






promotion. •

Develop a joint promotional brochure that is experience-led, & distribute.

Implement other priority joint promotions.

Encourage crossselling

Support operator networking and encourage product familiarisations.



Support local champions

Recognise and promote successes and learnings through project communication program.

WCH/PO, in conjunction with WCC,WWC and IS


Develop an interpretation plan for active visitor engagement within the museum (consultancy project).



Source funding for interpretation implementation


Implement outcomes of plan, including volunteer strategy


Scope potential product components and select 3 options for feasibility assessment

Conduct feasibility assessment (consultancy project).

Prepare EOI proposal to target potential operators

Implement EOI process

Provide advisory service for tourism operators

Develop a training/ business development program


April Ongoing

PHASE 3 Product Development & Community Response Develop and implement product development for Zeehan Pioneers Museum & Gaiety Grand Theatre

Develop EOI proposal for integrated Queenstown experience

Identify desired community involvement and support needs



Continue to provide tourism/ business advice to operators


Exists/ ongoing

Identify training and business development needs & priorities in relation to mining heritage visitor experiences


June/ ongoing

Liaise with training/ business support providers to address needs

Explore sources of business assistance/ seed funding for emerging and existing tourism businesses

Conduct West Coast forum to explore wider community interest in contributing to/ supporting delivery of an integrated mining heritage visitor experience & their training/ development needs



Develop plan/ implement steps to address identified community needs (e.g. interpretation training; establish & train group of storytellers; community



development projects such as Mainstreet programs; arts program etc) Foster development of a West Coast signage policy

Liaise with West Coast Council and potentially Waratah-Wynyard Council to develop a policy that provides for consistent visitor signage, including interpretive signage.


July/ ongoing

Foster local government support for the strategy

Prepare an audit of historic streetscape elements that are crucial to ongoing success of mining heritage strategy


July/ ongoing

Secure support from West Coast Council & Waratah-Wynyard Council for preservation and maintenance of historic streetscapes


Establish a mining heritage-focused event development group (inc. CCA, Events Tasmania, West Coast Council, WaratahWynyard Council, other stakeholders).

Develop event strategy, including administrative support and coordination.

Begin implementation plan for strategy

CCA/WCH/PO with support from WCC/ WWC/IS

Develop and implement a consultancy project that produces an interpretation framework to support mining heritage tourism, including: - interpretive strengths of sites/material; - opportunities & priorities; - interpretive merchandise; - involvement of community/other sectors.


Develop a program with arts@work/Arts Tasmania to encourage the development of arts-based tourism interpretation/products.

Develop interpretive merchandise supporting Branding (e.g. postcards with local characters/stories) & distribution system through industry partners.



Distribute and promote interpretation framework to stakeholders such as local government, the mining industry, councils, community etc.



Action key interpretation framework findings, in conjunction with partners.

Liaise with relevant authorities to ensure that a maintenance program for interpretive facilities is carried out.

Establish events development framework

CCA Regional Events Coordinator

August/ ongoing

PHASE 4 Interpretation Development Develop interpretation framework for mining heritage



November/ ongoing


Integrate interpretive outcomes into marketing activities

Brief key tourism stakeholders

Review marketing collateral to incorporate interpretive focus & delivery points

Initiate publicity campaign to local community & tourism audiences



PHASE 5 Consolidation & Evaluation

2008 Conduct interim evaluation

Design and implement initial evaluation to gauge impact of project to date and identify success factors, emerging issues, barriers etc.



Consolidate implementation

Identify priorities for consolidation to end of program in relation to ongoing activities



Develop a forward plan

Develop and introduce a partner and stakeholder-based plan for ongoing support and development of the mining heritage visitor experience.





While community consultations conducted as part of the Cradle Coast Authority’s Mining Heritage Experience Strategy project did not specifically address brand development, outcomes of the three West Coast workshops conducted in January 2006 provided strong leads for mining heritage branding and the way it could best align with Tasmanian and regional branding. At each of the community workshops, participants expressed a strong valuing of key qualities in relation to mining heritage. They were: • Authenticity – “we’re real people in real places; there’s nothing faked up here”; •

Unpretentious and ‘diamond-in-the-rough’ communities and people – including a gritty, “have-a-go”, tenacious aspect to the local cultural identity and heritage;

A fresh, exciting edge – “boom and bust”, “more to these places than meets the eye”, all set in an incredible landscape and enduring a climate of wild extremes.

Using the Brand Benefit Pyramid model, this can be identified as Core Values of: Authentic, Raw, Exciting. These Core Values, for visitors, give rise to a set of emotional and functional Benefits. These Benefits are the reward for visiting the West Coast and experiencing mining heritage tourism. It is likely that they are: Emotional Benefits: Enlivening, Enriching, Adventurous. Functional Benefits: Fresh experiences and discovery in a rugged environment. The question then becomes, what are the flagship Attributes that deliver these Core Values and ultimately the Benefits? In considering the tourism product audit, the assets audit and key features identified by local communities, the stand-out Attributes appear to be: •

Living mining heritage

Contemporary mines, miners & communities

Powerful landscape

Cultural identity and stories

Climate of extremes

A consistent thread ran through outcomes of community workshops, which expressed strong views on the qualities of cultural identity associated with mining heritage. The Brand Personality can be summed up as: •





Close to community


In considering all of the above layers of the Brand model, the Essence can be expressed initially as a concept statement: 1. On the West Coast, in the midst of mountainous, wet and challenging wilderness, you can discover remote communities and non-conformist people where mining life in the past and present has created a strong sense of belonging, as well as close ties, gutsy, down-to-earth characters, and a totally different way of looking at the world. This is a place where mines come and go and with them local fortunes; and even the weather is full of sudden changes and extremes. This can then be narrowed down to a set of key words: 2. Remote lifestyle and characters centred on mining; wild landscape and weather; ups and downs. In expressing this Brand in a way that conveys its point of difference, the Essence becomes: 3. Mining life in a wild world. This Brand is about the unexpected, about the vagaries of community life that centres on mining, about towns that have come and gone, and about the physical ‘wildness’ in which this life occurs. The Brand model is:



ESSENCE Mining life in a wild world

• • • • •

PERSONALITY Genuine Down-to-earth Gutsy/tenacious Close to community Unpretentious

CORE VALUES Authentic, Raw, Adventure

BENEFITS Emotional: Enlivening, Enriching,, Exciting Functional: Fresh experiences and discovery in a rugged environment FLAGSHIP ATTRIBUTES

• • • • •

Living mining heritage Contemporary mines, miners & communities Powerful landscape West Coast cultural identity & stories Climate of extremes


APPENDIX 2 PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE Chair: Ian Waller, Cradle Coast Authority. Members: Phil Vickers, Executive Director, West Coast Heritage Ltd; Kevin Hyland, Mayor of Waratah-Wynyard; John Halton, Project Queenstown; Anne Drake, West Coast Council and Rosebery Development Association; Robyn Halfacre, Mineral Resources Tasmania; Deb Lewis, Tourism Tasmania; Nicki Fletcher, arts@work; and Wayne Bolton, Cradle Coast Authority.

CONSULTATION In addition to a series of public workshops held at Rosebery, Zeehan and Queenstown, as well as a community visit by the steering committee, discussions were held with the following individuals as part of this project: •

Richard Muir-Wilson, Waratah-Wynyard Council

Jo-Anne O’Brien, West Coast Council

Terry Long, Tasmanian Minerals Council

Ron Bugg, Tasmanian Minerals Council

Tony Harrison, Corporate Communications (representing the Hydro: Lake Margaret)

Julie Marshall, West Coast Wilderness Railway

Daryl Gerritty, West Coast Mayor

Gillian Miles, Consultant, Events Tasmania

Travis Tiddy, PhD student, Lake Margaret interpretation project

Ben Bovill, Regional Events Coordinator, Cradle Coast Authority

John Hepper, Director, Inspiring Place Pty Ltd


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