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In accordance with Section 36B of the Local Government Act, 1993

Presented at Representatives Meeting 26th February, 2009


Page No.

Annual Plan 2008-2009


Summary of major activities and achievements – October to December, 2008


Report on Roles/Functions: Tourism


Natural Resource Management (NRM)




Education Training and Workforce Development


Industry Development




Local Government


Water resources




Four Cradle Coast events secured funding through the Regional Events Assistance Program


Tarkine Tourism Development Strategy released in October


Project managed the production of Holiday Planners for each Zone Marketing Group


Received funding for project under Caring for our Country – Sustainable Farming program


Developed regional priorities under the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country program


Funding received for six community group Caring for our Country “Coastcare regional projects


Regional position paper prepared in response to Australian Government’s GP Superclinic program


Facilitated pilot university taster program for 40 year 10 students


Partnered with Devonport City Council to conduct study of future models of operation for the Imaginarium Science Centre


Enterprise Connect Manufacturing Centre officially launched and Burnie headquarters opened in November 2008


Commencement of Ulverstone-Devonport bus service


Executive Chairman attended Australian Council of Local Govenrment’s meeting in Canberra


Regional recycling contract proposal endorsed by participating Council

TOURISM Roles/functions

Progress October - December 2008

Represent and advocate the region’s interests

Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania (TICT) • Met with TICT Executive Chairman and Regional Tourism Managers in December • TICT have raised concerns regarding the outlook for the state’s tourism industry for the 2009 calendar year Tourism Tasmania • Participated in Tourism Tasmania strategic planning day • Completed a funding application for funding for the Mining Heritage Strategy • Continue to support Tourism Tasmania Zone marketing initiative Tasmanian Visitor Information Centre Network • Tasmanian Visitor Information Centres statewide looking to access the Cradle Coast Visitor Information Centre Intranet site • Statewide meeting planned for the 13th January 2009 State Government Agencies The following events secured funding through the Regional Events Assistance Program; Tas Cook Comp (Whirlpool Challenge) New Paper Old Land' IAPMA Congress 2009 National U16 Basketball Championships NeilPryde 2009 Australian Wavesailing Titles • Events Tasmania have confirmed that they will work more actively in the region to support and train event managers/coordinators

Provide regional leadership and coordination

Partners Tourism Industry Council Tasmania

Northern Tasmania Development Tas South Regional Tourism Assoc Zone Marketing Groups

Tourism Tasmania Visitor Centre Managers of Regional Tourism Authorities

Parks and Wildlife Services DIER Events Tasmania Arts Tasmania

Tarkine Manage Tarkine Discussion Group, marketing group and land manager group

Tasmanian Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Local Government Local Tourism Associations Tarkine National Coalition Parks and Wildlife Tourism Tasmania, Forestry Tasmania Arthur Pieman Conservation Management Comm Latrobe Council Devonport City Council Central Coast Council Burnie City Council Waratah/Wynyard Council Circular Head Council West Coast Council Kentish Council King Island Council Tourism Tasmania

Discussion Group informed of progress relating to the Tarkine Tourism Development Strategy

Cradle Coast Tourism Professionals Group Bi monthly meetings of Cradle Coast Tourism Professionals Group Meeting held in December 2008


Progress October - December 2008 Cradle Coast Visitor Information Centre Network Secured Tier 2 funding through Tourism Tasmania for the following: • Support the operation of an Independent Visitor Information Network • Deliver enhanced distribution of visitor information and services through the regions visitor centres • Support the marketing of Visitor Information Centres services to the visitor market • Enhance Visitor Experiences through the delivery of efficient and quality services • Ensure visitor centres are aware and react to the everchanging needs of the visitor market

Conduct strategic planning and research

Managers of all Cradle Coast Visitor Information Centres

Local Tourism Associations (LTA’s • Cradle Coast Authority agreed to assist Kentish with a review of current LTA structure with the view of establishing a new organisation • West Coast identified as a priority area for the establishment of a Local Tourism Association structure

Devonport LTA Latrobe LTA Wynyard LTA Circular Head Tourism Destination Strahan King Island Tourism Kentish Tourism Assoc

Local Marketing Groups • Continued support for Zone Marketing Groups

Cradle Country Marketing Group LTA’s (see above)

Tarkine • Completion of Tarkine Tourism Development Strategy draft for comment by key stakeholders and government agencies prior to final production and release in October • Employed Hank Horton to initiate Tarkine Aboriginal Strategy Met with Aboriginal community leaders in Circular Head, Burnie, Devonport, Launceston and Hobart Draft Strategy to be completed by February 2009 • Provided briefings on Tarkine Tourism Development Strategy to Federal and State politicians and Government Departments Regional Cruise Ships and Air Services • Coordination of discussions with Burnie and Devonport City Council re the Cruise ship industry • Attend Cruise Ships Tasmania meeting in Hobart representing Cradle Coast Region • Awaiting outcomes of meetings proposed as an outcome of the Hobart meeting identified above Regional Tourism Research Coordination and distribution of regional tourism data & research • Collaboration with Arthur Pieman Management Committee and Parks and Wildlife Services re APCA users research program • Continue to distribute relevant tourism data to interested parties •

Develop and manage externally funded projects


Tarkine Tourism Development Strategy • Negotiated a deed variation with the Commonwealth Government for the Tarkine bushwalk program to remove the Frankland River project and replace it with projects at Arthur River (edge of the world) and Waratah • Developing an Authority specific Tarkine development strategy identifying projects that can be initiated or managed by the Cradle Coast Authority

Tarkine Discussion Group members

Burnie City Council & Devonport City Council Cruise Tasmania members

Tourism Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Services Arthur Pieman Management Committee Tarkine Stakeholders – Public and Private


Progress October - December 2008 Implement Mining Heritage Strategy • Identification of mining companies and associated businesses to discuss support and sponsorship for Mining Heritage Strategy • Seeking financial support from the State Government for the development of interactive interpretation of components of the regions mining history including the Gaiety Theatre Implement Source to Sensation (food tourism) strategy • CCA have employed Lea Coates on a part time basis to assist with the further development of this project • Planning a regional produce Trade Show in partnership with the Taste the Harvest organisers to be held in March 2009

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Build regional skills and capabilities

Mining and associated companies

Tourism Australia Tourism Tasmania Regional producers and suppliers Hospitality industry

Arts@work • Links are been established between the region’s arts and tourism sectors

Arts Tasmania

Zone Marketing • Project managed the production of Holiday Planners for each Zone Group • Coordinated the production of Visitor Guides for each Zone group

Tourism Tasmania Zone Marketing Group members

Visitor Information Centre Network • Centres statewide looking to access the Cradle Coast Visitor Information Centre Intranet site • Statewide meeting planned for the 13th January 2009

Managers of all Cradle Coast Visitor Information Centres

Local Tourism Association development • CCA agreed to assist Kentish with a review of current LTA structure with the view of establishing a new organisation • West Coast identified as a priority area for the establishment of a Local Tourism Association structure

Develop partnerships and service agreements


Devonport LTA Latrobe LTA Wynyard LTA Circular Head Tourism Destination Strahan King Island Tourism Kentish Tourism Assoc

Arts Tasmania • Development of MOU with Arts@work • Links are been established between the regions arts and tourism sectors

Arts@work Arts Tasmania

Tourism Tasmania • Completed first quarterly report aligned to Service Agreement requirements

Tourism Tasmania Zone Marketing Groups


Progress October – December 2008


Develop and manage externally funded projects

Implement 08/09 transition year projects • Received funding for project under Caring for Our Country – Sustainable Farming program (formerly NLP). • Cradle Coast Authority received offers of three Caring for Our Country “Coastcare” and one “Open” grants, including cooperative projects with Councils, community groups and schools as follows: o Restoration of coastal biodiversity and penguin habitat o Schools caring for our Coast o Coastal Weed Strategy 2008

Australian Government State Government DPIW Range of regional stakeholders and proponents

Develop investment proposal for 09/10 Caring For Our Country Program • Developed regional priorities under the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country program

Australian Government State Government DPIW Range of regional stakeholders and proponents Australian Government State Government DPIW Community Groups

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Assist community groups to secure additional funding for NRM activities • Funding offers received for six community group Caring for Our Country “Coastcare” regional projects, supported by CCNRM as follows: o o o o o o

Build regional skills and capabilities

King Island NRM Penguin Coastcare Friends of Sisters Creek and Sisters Beach environment team Turners Beach Coastcare SPRATS NW Environment Centre Inc.

Build capacity, skills, and support within the regional community • Coordination and delivery of Coastcare Week activities including Climate Change presentation

Australian Government State Government DPIW TAFE NW Schools Hydro Tasmania Agricultural Industry Bodies

HEALTH Roles/functions

Progress October – December 2008


Represent and advocate the region’s interests

NW General Practice Rural Clinical School State Government

In partnership with GP North West and Rural Clinical School, development of a regional position paper in response to the Australian Government’s GP Superclinic program, including initiatives addressing the effects of long-term GP shortages that could form part of a GP Superclinic ‘package’ for the region. Preliminary discussions with Central Coast and Kentish Councils regarding support for innovative health partnerships involving GPs and aged care providers in their local areas


Progress October – December 2008


Represent and advocate the region’s interests

Skilling Tasmania Strategy Distributed Tasmanian Skills Strategy to stakeholders

Skilling Tasmania

Youth Transitions Taskforce • Distributed Improving Youth Allowance report to regional stakeholders, including local politicians. Drafted supporting letter from CCA Representatives to Minister Gillard • Commissioning specific study of costs for NW students to attend Academy/Polytechnic and University

University of Tasmania – Cradle Coast Campus Participated in ‘Cradle Coast Futures’ consultations re future governance and operating structures for the UTas Cradle Coast Campus, via NW Advisory Board and directly with Deputy VC

Conduct strategic planning and research

Southern Tasmanian and Northern Tasmanian YTT

UTas Cradle Coast Campus

Map skills of unqualified workforce in key regional industries • Submitted proposal to Department of Education to partner in ARC Linkage Grant application to evaluate outcomes of alternate education delivery across Tasmania • Awaiting response from Department of Education

Institute for Regional Development

Other • Conducted focus groups with students from remote areas (King Island, West Coast, Smithton) regarding transition issues • Results of focus groups confirmed influence of parents and community on student decision-making regarding further education and training • Also confirmed the impact of early educational achievement on student aspirations

Dept of Education Southern and Northern YTTs


Progress October – December 2008

Develop and manage externally funded projects

Projects in partnership with local schools Project reports received:


Newstart (Burnie High) Project improved school attendance for all ten participants Literacy and numeracy improvements for all ten participants Two students exited program Eight students continuing in post-year 10 education and training The initial prognosis for these student was continuing absenteeism and no PY10 progression Report to be submitted to Learning Services NW Program to continue in 2009 Spatial Science (Devonport High) Community of practice among teachers statewide established Improvements in numeracy of 35 students participating Curriculum mapped to VET competencies Integrated TCE/Uni program to be piloted in 2009 Program to continue in 2009 Life Skills (Reece High) 15 students completed program Reece High to incorporate in mainstream program for 2009 Awaiting reports from other projects Mentoring project for female students (Parklands High) Awaiting final report from Parklands High

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Local HomeStay accommodation pilot for remote area students • surveys distributed through schools/colleges • information distributed to sporting/social/service clubs • participation in College orientation programs • potential students/hosts provided with information kits • information incorporated in Academy/Polytechnic handbooks • further advertising end 2008 (November)

Department of Premier and Cabinet - Women Tasmania Young Professionals Network Hellyer College International Student Services (DofE)

One student placed (from Smithton) for 2009-2010 On behalf of NWAY, working with Youth Pathways Program to pilot community-based program for youth on Youth Justice Orders

Northern Joblink Youth Justice Services

Potential Youth Justice program to be integrated with Newstart program in 2009 Public/community transport access to education and work • working group on coastal bus route between Ulverstone and Devonport to facilitate community consultations on routes, fares and timetables (service to commence February 2009) • public meeting held in Ulverstone and Devonport • promotional strategies to be implemented end 2008 • preliminary discussions with local operators regarding Smithton-Burnie connection Further community forums conducted in Ulverstone and Devonport during November 2009 Timetables and advertising/promotion finalised

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Central Coast Council Devonport City Council Metro Tasmania Phoenix Coaches Well’s Wagons


Progress October – December 2008


Steering Committee for School Industry Leaders forums Facilitated pilot university taster program for 40 year 10 students intending to enrol in the Academy. This program will run in term 2 in future years to assist student subject selection for post secondary schooling.

Local Community Partnership UTas

Partnering with Devonport City Council to conduct study of future models of operation for the Imaginarium Science Centre. Initial discussions with Learning Services NW and UTas regarding region-wide program to increase participation in science-based education. Project proposal being developed by Learning Services NW.

Build regional skills and capabilities

Value chain skills for agrifood businesses • Resource materials for 2009 developed • Site visit by DEEWR staff October 2008 • 2009 activity plan finalised • Transfer of project officer contract from TAFE Tasmania to Tasmanian Skills Institute

TAFE Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research University of Queensland Industry

Skills component - Source to Sensation (food tourism) project (See also Develop partnerships and service agreements below) Organised workshop on use of ABS Census Online products for regional service providers. Second workshop planned for February 2009 to cater for demand. Organised workshop on ABR database for regional government agencies Develop partnerships and service agreements

UTas research partnership (in development) Developed draft MOU with ATO for CCA to access ABR data. Briefing to be prepared for Councils regarding individual Council access.

UTas Department of Education Youth Transition Taskforces


Progress October – December 2008


Conduct strategic planning and research Develop and manage externally funded projects

Enterprise Connect Manufacturing Centre • Manufacturing Centre officially launched, Director and key staff appointed and Burnie headquarters opened, November 2008 • Australian Innovation Research Centre report on manufacturing in Tasmania, commissioned by the Authority, completed and presented to Manufacturing Centre Director, November 2008 • Briefing for Manufacturing Centre staff on the Authority, the region, manufacturing industry needs and previous initiatives • Assistance to Manufacturing Centre Direct on establishment of technical and stakeholder advisory groups in the region

Enterprise Connect

Value chain skills for agrifood businesses • Resource materials for 2009 developed • Site visit by DEEWR staff October 2008 • 2009 activity plan finalised • Transfer of project officer contract from TAFE Tasmania to Tasmanian Skills Institute

TAFE Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research University of Queensland Industry

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services Build regional skills and capabilities

Australian Innovation Research Centre

TRANSPORT Roles/functions

Progress October – December 2008


Provide regional leadership and coordination

Public Transport - Core Passenger Service Review • Linked Burnie – Devonport bus service commenced. The Authority is monitoring schedules to ensure that user needs are being met, especially students preparing for 2009 school year

Devonport Council Central Coast Council Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources

Conduct strategic planning and research

Alternative Transport Briefings and assistance for UTas Bachelor of Regional Resource Management student project researching development of shared pathway/alternative transport corridors linking coastal population centres, as a basis for further project development • Initial briefing from UTas on outcomes of student project. Detailed briefing confirmed for February Board meeting Bass Highway - Sisters Hills Upgrade • Coordination of Bass Highway - Sisters Hills Working Group meetings regarding progress with upgrade project and prioritisation of additional project stages based on budget savings achieved to date • Ongoing

Institute for regional Development

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Burnie City Council Waratah-Wynyard Council Circular Head Council RACT Community Representatives

LOCAL GOVERNMENT Roles/functions

Progress October – December 2008

Represent and advocate the region’s interests

Regional Development Funding Programs • Executive Chairman attended Australian Council of Local Governments meeting in Canberra with mayors from the region • Meeting with Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development, Gary Gray, regarding future regional development funding arrangements Electoral Boundary Redistribution • Presentation to AEC special committee responsible for final determination of Braddon boundary review. Final AEC position reflects Authority’s proposal to encompass as much of the Cradle Coast region as possible, within statistical limits, on the basis of shared community of interest.

Provide regional leadership and coordination

Shared Services Project: • Representatives supported concept to develop a detailed project proposal to identify opportunities for shared services in August, 2008 • Workshop held October, 2008 to identify needs, options and priorities for shared services arrangements • Further proposal put to General Managers in December for feedback in January 2009

Conduct strategic planning and research

Regional Planning Initiative • UTas Institute for Regional Development contracted to provide regional research and analysis as inputs to regional land use strategy component of Regional Planning Initiative Climate Change • Desktop research and site visits to investigate potential application of slow pyrolysis technology to reduce greenhouse emissions associated with waste management at regional scale • Preparation of comparative analysis of carbon accounting packages for local government • Individual Council Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation workshops for 9 Councils throughout September • Local and Regional Climate Change Risk and Adaptation Plans being prepared – due to be completed December 2008

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Regional Waste Management Group • Deputation attended a briefing in Gosford NSW on a slow pyrolysis plant October 2008 • Meeting held December, 2008 • Regional Waste Management Strategy presented to all Councils • Participating Councils confirmed their involvement in the regional recycling contract


Cradle Coast Councils

Institute for Regional Development

Federal Government Cradle Coast Councils

Cradle Coast Councils

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