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(In accordance with Section 36B of the Local Government Act, 1993)

Presented at Representatives Meeting 28th February, 2008



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HEALTH AND WELLBEING Regional Information Active Communities Advisory Group Regional Recreation Planning Framework Regional Aged Care Health Information Project Regional Health Services Plan EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Creating Attitudinal Change to Education and Training in the Cradle Coast region Skilling the Cradle Coast Community for the 21st Century Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce Institute for Regional Development Targeting Skill Needs in Regions Youth Assistance Strategies Mentoring Project Student accommodation and transport issues Australian Technical College


4 4 4 4 5

6 6 7 8 8 8 8 9


DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT (aligned to Tourism Strategic and Operational Plan) Develop new and consolidate existing local regional and state partnerships 10 Implement comprehensive communication strategy with key partners and 12 stakeholders Undertake and report relevant market research 13 Support the production and implementation of local cluster/hub 13 development plans Retain and enhance the point of contact for individual clients 16 Implement existing tourism development plans 16 Establish a strong regional identity in selected target markets 20 Increase awareness of region within selected markets 21 Convert preference to intention to visit 21 Increase recognition of the value of tourism to the Cradle Coast region 23 Encourage stronger advocacy for tourism at an organisational and regional 23 level Secure appropriate resources to achieve prioritised issues 24

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

STRATEGIC INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT Value Chain Analysis Food Value Adding Initiatives Fair Dinkum Food Campaign Food Innovation Systems Centre Vegetable Industry Initiatives Common site induction requirements Coordination of maintenance shutdowns Collaborative projects Engineering Industry Development Program

25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26

35 36 37 38 39 40

NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Cradle Coast Regional NRM Committee Cradle Coast NRM Investment Proposal Project Specific NRM Facilitators Cradle Coast NRM Facilitator Network Community Landcare Coordinator Sustainable Agriculture

28 29 30 30 31 31

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24





41 42 43 44 45

TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES Core Passenger Services Review Bass Highway west of Burnie Strategic transport services and facilities Bass Highway (Sisters Hills) Working Group Regional Transport Advisory Group

32 32 32 32 33

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

LOCAL GOVERNMENT COOPERATION State-wide land use planning policies Regional approaches to land use planning Regional Waste Management Advisory Group Regional Waste Management Initiatives Point of contact Government inquiries Power Pricing Parity for Bass Strait Islands Access to funding Pulp Mill Strategic Projects Account Regional service needs review Regional research and training needs review Community development capacity

34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36


HEALTH AND WELLBEING OBJECTIVE: Better health standards and services for all residents in the region through • •


Safe and reliable hospital and health service delivery based on continuous monitoring of regional needs, access and coordination across services and locations Better awareness and utilisation of health services through improved community information and partnerships between the health system and regional stakeholders Improved planning for, and participation in, opportunities for physical activity and recreation that can help reduce the incidence of lifestyle-related health problems








Regional Information

Active Communities Advisory Group

Regional Recreation Planning Framework

Improved demographic, workforce and socio-economic data and analysis for policy and planning at regional and community scales

Institute for Regional Development

Skills-based group providing advice to the Authority and participating Councils on sport and recreation provision

Sport and Recreation Tasmania

Terms of Reference for an “Active Communities Advisory Group” approved by the Authority’s Board in May 2007

Participating Councils

No update this quarter

Sport and Recreation Tasmania

A review of the 2001 Recreation Planning Framework undertaken by Consultants in consultation with the Recreation Advisory Group

Review/update original Framework document and strategies/priorities for action at local and regional scales

No update this quarter

Participating Councils


Regional Aged Care Health Information Project

Development of secure patient medical information sharing between GPs, pharmacists and aged care facilities as a regional pilot for wider health sector use

‘Regional Atlas’ under development by Institute of Regional Development, incorporating 2006 ABS data

Department of Health and Ageing NW Division of General Practice

Recommendations from the report submitted to Cradle Coast Authority Board in April, 2007 No update this quarter Project completed July 2007 - The project found that most existing needs for secure data transfer could be met by commerciallyavailable technology, but rely on adoption of common information formats and management systems across health service providers and sectors (GPs, hospitals, etc) at state and/or national levels Other projects are now underway to secure a common approach, but this study identified any system is unlikely to succeed unless there is a strong demand from end consumers that service providers can respond to by adopting existing technology The Authority will continue to investigate this as a potential project, possibly linked to similar ‘community portal’ approach being considered for access to education and employment services at regional scale No update this quarter








Regional Health Services Plan

Development and implementation of a long-term regional health services plan, covering pre-hospital, primary and acute clinical services in the public, private and community sectors

Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Ageing (Fed) NW Division of General Practice NW Rural Clinical School

Authority will continue to work with all levels of government to ensure the best possible outcomes for regional health services Since the Federal election, the Authority, GP North West and the Rural Clinical School have recommenced discussions with the State regarding a revised health services plan for the region, incorporating • operation of the Commonwealth-owned Mersey hospital within regional and statewide systems • links between major hospitals and West Coast, Smithton and King Is hospitals • regional coordination and advisory structures


EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: Increased education and workforce participation that contributes to regional development through • • •



Identification and removal of barriers to participation in education, training and work Better access to regionally-relevant education, training and vocational opportunities Workforce strategies linked to long term industry and community development needs


Creating Attitudinal Change to Education and Training in the Cradle Coast region


Undertake research into attitudes to education and training in the Cradle Coast region and develop and implement campaigns or strategies to address issues raised in the research


Stronger Learning Pathways partner organisations – UTas, TAFE, Dept of Education

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Work has previously been undertaken to develop marketing and promotional strategies encouraging people to enquire about further education and training options in the region This needs to be accompanied by clear information and/or a directory service that allows people to select education/training pathways that meet their needs The viability of a web-based ‘portal’ is being scoped as a point of access for regional stakeholders (along similar lines to the national portal A further review of models currently operating in Victoria and South Australia is underway Any such portal/directory will need to include changed arrangements currently proposed under the Tasmania Tomorrow reforms Review of long-term sustainability of web-based portal undertaken in partnership with Northern Area Taskforce, including review of operating models in other states. Resources available (as currently identified) not adequate to maintaining a quality service. Linkzone, the Tasmanian Government youth information portal, currently being revamped by the Office of Children and Youth Affairs. Input will be provided to this project. Marketing strategies may be included in local implementation of Tasmania Tomorrow reforms. This would include university and other providers as well as TAFE and schools/colleges.


Skilling the Cradle Coast Community for the Twenty First Century

Use the vehicle of science and technology to increase student participation in education, training and subsequent employment in the Cradle Coast Region

University of Tasmania TAFE Tasmania

Initial UTas project funded under Sustainable Regions program now completed, but key activities now continuing with other funding

Department of Education Science Teachers Association of Tasmania Industry Partners Sustainable Regions TAFE Tasmania

Through the Area Taskforce activity, the Authority has provided support including: • Sponsorship of Cradle Coast Science Fair (years 7-8 individual and team prizes) • Participation in judging panel for Science Fair • Support for 26 Hellyer College year 12 students exploring science based careers • Evaluation of industry visits as a career and study decision tool







Department of Education

PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Discussions underway with UTas Science Education team to look at ways of maintaining/ building on current programs in the future Reviewing spatial science education initiatives for 2008 (Reece HS and Devonport HS). Possible joint projects with TCCI in science and engineering based industries.


Guaranteeing Futures Area Taskforce

Regional “umbrella” initiative addressing youth participation in post compulsory education, training and employment in the region and informing state-wide policy development

Office of Post Compulsory Education and Training

3 year $600,000 OPCET funding agreement commenced September 2006 Key activities for period July – September 2007 include: •

Preparation of revised draft Strategic Regional Plan for submission to OPCET

Meetings with Tasmania Tomorrow Project Team to coordinate local involvement in Tasmania Tomorrow

Education Training and Workforce Development Reference Group (ETWDRG) formed as a sub-committee of the CCA Board

Presented workshop on Area Taskforces at TAFE in Rural and Isolated Communities conference (23 August 2007) and Skilling Tasmania conference (30 August 2007)

• Reviewing appropriateness of “innovative

projects” small grant program under auspices of Area Taskforce Submission to Skilling Tasmania consultation process Participation in Tasmania Tomorrow Local Advisory Panels. Development of draft local implementation plan for Tasmania Tomorrow. ETWDRG continued to meet monthly. Tasmania Tomorrow community group established as a “sub-committee”. Projects developed for 2008: •

NewStart@Burnie for disengaged students

Gen Y speaker for business, schools and community audiences (in partnership with Utas and Young Professionals Network)

Tacit knowledge research project proposal with IRD

Trade taster programs with TAFE and private RTOs

Updating of environmental scan with Census 2006 data.





Institute for Regional Development


Collaboration with University of Tasmania to establish a centre for research, teaching, policy and training focussed on regional and community development issues facing this region and its Councils


Department of Education Science and Training University of Tasmania (Cradle Coast campus) Other Grants


Targeting Skill Needs in Regions

Develop a range of competencies relevant to agrifood value chain management as a basis for industry reform and sustainable competitive advantage in Australian and global markets

Vegetable Industry Council Australian Vegetable Industry Development Group Department of Economic Development Department of Primary Industries and Water Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association Cradle Coast Centre for Food Innovation Systems Cradle Coast Institute for Regional Development TAFE Tasmania


Youth Assistance Strategies Mentoring Project

Development of a mentoring program for 24 year 9 female students at Parklands High School

Women Tasmania Young Professionals Network Parklands High School

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Regional Atlas statistical project underway as well as short courses for local government Student research projects, in partnership with Authority’s tourism division commenced Professor Janelle Allison commenced as Director of Institute in June 2007 A joint research project on regional skills and productivity is being developed Cradle Coast Authority approved funding under the Australian Government Targeting Skills Needs in Regions program The "Developing Skills for Sustainable Agrifood Value Chains" project will receive funding of $311,000 over two years An Annual Work and Finance Plan for 2007-08 approved by Department of Education Science and Training Funding contract under negotiation A reference group will be formed from stakeholders to provide guidance and expertise to a project manager (once appointed) Funding contract finalised and submitted to Skills Tasmania. Steering Committee established (first meeting January 2008). Project Officer identified, to commence in January 2008. Steering Committee and Porject Officer to be supported by a group of “critical friends” drawn from industry and education sector.

Funding application prepared in conjunction with Women Tasmania Program will commence in term 1 2008 - a preparatory program currently underway with Year 8 girls during term 3 2007 to assist in developing 2008 program Further projects being considered for Central Coast schools Project planning undertaken with Parklands HS executive. Project Officer identified, to commence in January 2008. Program to be delivered to year 9 & 10 girls, with focus on vocational outcomes. Preliminary discussions with Ulverstone community group to be further pursued in 2008.


Student accommodation and

Compilation of dossier of student/parent

Southern Area Taskforce

Southern Taskforce looking at policy initiatives through Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT)







transport issues

accommodation issues, with concentration on Central Coast cluster of schools

Northern Area Taskforce

The three Area Taskforces will be facilitating a pilot of Home Stays for school students, due to commence after Easter 2008 The three Area Taskforces looking at issues relating to student transport The Southern Area taskforce has taken a lead role in discussions with state government agencies due to its location in Hobart Area Taskforces will be preparing submissions to the current transport concessions review Core Passenger Transport Services review has addressed some issues relating to student transport. Student transport issues included in implementation plans for Tasmania Tomorrow. Absence of specific timetable detail makes it difficult to comment further. Situation will be monitored through 2008. Home stay pilots for Hellyer and Don Colleges to start after Easter 2008. Administration through International students Unit of Dept of Education. Southern and Cradle Coast Area Taskforces combined submission to transport concessions review for establishment of “transition to work/training� fare concession


Australian Technical College

Establishment of a year 11-12 technical college campus for school-based apprentices in trades in skill shortage in the Cradle Coast region

Northern Tasmania Consortium

Executive Chairman a member of the Australian Technical College Community Group Meetings held on a monthly basis ATCNT contract will continue under new Australian Labour Government New administration (DEEWR) reviewing operation of ATCs across Australia


DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: Increased share of Tasmania’s visitor markets and economic returns to the region through • • •

Coordinated planning and development of tourism products, experiences and services Enhanced awareness of the region’s identity as a tourism destination Improved conversion of visitor awareness into bookings and visits

This section is reported against the Tasmania’s North West 2007-2010 Strategic and Operational Plan for Destination Management (refer to separate document)

Strategy 1 - Co-operative approach to regional development NO.




Develop new & consolidate existing local, regional and state partnerships

Complete MOU’s with Events Tasmania and Arts Tasmania with respect to the Regional Arts/Events Officer


Events Tasmania Arts Tasmania

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Regional Event and Arts Officers positions concluded Discussions proposed to be held with the Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment re ongoing funding for Regional roles and responsibilities Assisted applications for Regional Events Assistance Program for: • Chocolate Winterfest • King Island Imperial • Australian Wave Sailing Titles • Penguin Music 4 Life • Supported Living Artists Week via the employment of a project officer Funds secured through the Regional Events Assistance Program include: • Chocolate Winterfest $3,102.00 • King Island Imperial $1,945.00 • Australian Wave Sailing Titles $3,300.00 • Penguin Music 4 Life $1,653.00 Discussions with the Department of Tourism, Arts and Environment have been postponed until an internal review of staff structures and local funding has been completed

Contribute to the review of the Cradle Coast Authority – Tourism Tasmania MOU and finalise for three years

Tourism Tasmania

MOU for 2007/08 finalised - Total value of MOU $140,000.00 MOU program includes: • Co-operative Marketing Campaign • On Line Information Data • Conduct an Annual Cradle Coast Regional Tourism Forum • Industry On Line Communication Strategy • Support of the IPAT Research Pilot Project • King Island Way • Regional Business Awards See notes throughout report specific to MOU aligned projects

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Coordinate review of relationship between Cradle Coast Authority and Local Tourism Associations


Local Tourism Associations

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 To be initiated Delayed due to the progress made by Tourism Tasmania with respect to the development of new state wide marketing zones and the need to establish “Zone Marketing Groups” No further action will be taken with respect to this review until the completion of the implementation of the Zone Marketing Groups

Review the Cradle Coast Authority’s tourism relationship with local government (Steering Committee)

Steering Committee Members

To be initiated Delayed due to the progress made by Tourism Tasmania with respect to the development of new state wide marketing zones and the need to establish “Zone Marketing Groups” No further action will be taken with respect to this review until the completion of the implementation of the Zone Marketing Groups

Review the Cradle Coast Authority Visitor Information Centre Committee

Visitor Information Centre Managers

To be initiated

Establish the Cradle Coast Authority Tourism Reference Network

Steering Committee To be determined

To be initiated

This process is now included in the development of the “Tasmanian Accredited Visitor Information Centre Network – Discussion Paper” which I am producing on behalf of the current TVIN Reference Group. This new (proposed) structure will have implications for the Regional groups

Delayed due to the progress made by Tourism Tasmania with respect to the development of new state wide marketing zones and the need to establish “Zone Marketing Groups” No further action will be taken with respect to this review until the completion of the implementation of the Zone Marketing Groups

Identify new partnership opportunities aligned to specific needs (TFGA, University)

Facilitate, support and develop grant applications

Produce of Heaven Mining Industry Local Government University of Tas (Cradle Coast campus) Tourism Tas

On going A relationship with the Produce of Heaven group is under review following the Election results of 2007 - The University and DED are part of these on going discussions Meetings are planned with the Mining sector in the first quarter of 2008 Secured funding through Tourism Promotion Plan to assist with local funding applications

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Tourism Industry

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Support provided to: • King Island Regional Product and Experience Strategy • Cradle Coast Regional Wine Centre – Hawley House • Cherry Shed - Latrobe • Eagles Nest Retreat - Sheffield • Stanley Seal Cruises • 41 Degrees – Mole Creek • Spirit of the Sea – Devonport • Axeman’s Hall of Fame King Island Regional Product and Experience Strategy have received funding for this project as an election promise from the Labour Party The Gingerbread House (Devonport) received Local Tourism Grants Program Funding to assist with its conversion to Backpacker accommodation - $5,000 Waratah-Wynyard Council received Local Tourism Grants Program Funding for the development of a heritage precinct at Waratah – $4,880 Penghana Bed and Breakfast in Queenstown received Local Tourism Grants Program Funding for the Attic Rediscovery Project – $5,000

Product and Experience Strategy funding yet to be announced. 15

Implement comprehensive communication strategy with key partners and stakeholders

Review current newsletter structure, value and distribution channels

Investigate E-bulletin and local web based blog options

Exploring the creation of an electronic newsletter Cooperative marketing to become a component of electronic newsletter Under development Regional web site under development Interstate and Intrastate database for E-bulletin under development Stage one live:

Conduct annual Tasmania’s North West Tourism Forum

2007 Cradle Coast Tourism Forum conducted th th on 5 – 7 September, 2007 in Devonport 140 delegates participated in forum with feedback currently being collated The future of the Cradle Coast Tourism Forum is under review due to limitations of resources Discussions are continuing with Drysdale (TAFE) in Devonport with the possibility of them taking over management of this annual event on the Authority’s behalf

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PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Production of quarterly reports and Annual reports now aligned to the Strategic Plan Tourism Tas MOU reporting process aligned to MOU and Strategic Plan

Regular reporting against strategic objectives to key stakeholders

We are continuing to assess tune our reporting processes, this report a further example of this progress Elicit stakeholder feedback

Tourism Forum and newsletters used to source industry feedback Under development via electronic newsletter

Strategy 2 - Development Planning NO.



Undertake and report relevant market research


Develop a framework for monitoring tourism activity in the region


Tourism Tasmania Local Tourism Associations and operators

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Program identified – Industry Performance Analyser for Tourism (IPAT) Negotiated with Tourism Tasmania for the use of this program – to be piloted in the region Unable at this point to secure industry support for the program IPAT Research under review by Tourism Tas. Regional implementation has been delayed by a lack of up take by local operators

Produce regular regional and sub regional tourism reports

Produce quarterly reports for June and September quarters Produce Annual Report 2006/07


Support the production and implementation of local cluster/hub development plans

Strahan Sustainable Development Plan

Destination Strahan West Coast Council

Work in progress Strahan Development Plan completed Authority working with stakeholders to produce a Tourism Implementation strategy aligned to the Strahan Development Plan Draft Destination Strahan Implementation plan completed Final discussions with industry will now be delayed until Feb or March as industry too busy to meet

King Island Way

King Island Council industry and community Department of Economic Development

Cradle Coast continues to be an active supporter of this project Funding from the Tourism Tasmania MOU will continue to be allocated directly to the King Island Way project King Island Way support has been maintained for this financial year – future support to be reviewed prior to the next MOU

Stanley Precinct Study

Circular Head Tourism

The further implementation of this strategy will be the responsibility of Circular Head Tourism

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Support the production and implementation of local cluster/hub development plans (cont.)

Tasmania Visitor Information Network Review


Circular Head Council Forestry Tasmania Tourism Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Services Tourism Tasmania (MOU)

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 and key partners. Cradle Coast Authority remains committed to this project and continues to support strategy recommendations No further action required at this stage Local Network meets on an as-needs basis, meetings coordinated by the Cradle Coast Authority State-wide Reference Group meets bi-monthly and the Regional Tourism Manager regional rep on this group Ulverstone Visitor Centre admitted to Visitor Information Centre Network The Regional Tourism Manager chaired a review of the State-wide Reference Group Recommendations from the Statewide review to be forwarded to Tourism Tasmania in December 2007 TVIN Reference Group received the recommendations from the State Wide Review process All recommendations were forwarded to Tourism Tasmania for consideration within their review of visitor services TVIN Reference Group members agreed that recommendation 6 would at this stage be the only recommendation to be actioned by the group, and all other recommendations would be deferred until this recommendation was finalised Recommendation 6 states: “A TVIN organisation, an incorporated association, independent of Tourism Tasmania, should be established to manage the development, education and communication needs of the members.� A draft Tasmania Accredited Visitor Information Centre Network Management Structure Discussion Paper has been developed by Ian Waller for presentation to the February meeting of the TVIN Reference Group

Cradle Mountain Tourism Development Plan

Kentish Council State Government Cradle Tourism Industry

The involvement of the Cradle Coast Authority is now limited to a monitoring role through membership of the Steering Committee The Authority attended the sod turning for the Centralised Sewerage Treatment Plant No further action required at this stage

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Caravan & Camping strategy


Recreation and Motor Homes Association of Aust

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Cradle Coast Authority initiated the Recreation Vehicle Friendly concept for the region 19 Tasmanian communities have embraced the RV Friendly program including 16 from the Cradle Coast region th As at 30 September the following communities have achieved RV Friendly status: Wynyard, Devonport, Latrobe, Port Sorell, Railton, Sheffield, Ulverstone

Communities across the region continue to pursue RV Friendly status Local Government

Local Community Hub Plans

Local Tourism Groups Local government Tourism Operators

Marketing Campaign targeting the RV friendly market is planned for mid 2008

Working with local operators to establish tourism groups in: • •

Devonport and Latrobe West Coast (TBC)

Seeking expressions of interest from consultants to develop a business plan for a Devonport and Latrobe Tourism Association Expected that this project will be completed by 30th March 2008 West Coast process now on hold until the Zone Marketing Group is established Tarkine Tourism Development Plan

Department of Industry Tourism and Resources

Tarkine Tourism Development Master Plan (Draft) has been presented to the members of the Tarkine Discussion Group It is expected a final draft will be distributed in January 2008 for public comment The Cradle Coast Authority secured $813,000 through the Tarkine Bushwalk Program for infrastructure development within the Tarkine. Projects approved include: • Tarkine Interpretive Sites x 4 • Major Experience sites – Frankland River and Wyhtes Hill • Promotional Collateral Tarkine Brand Work (stage 2) completed Tarkine Market research, including latent demand study in progress 2nd draft copy of Masterplan has been received. Further development of the Masterplan is now reliant on the research findings Second stage of Latent demand research has been completed and distributed to all consultants for consideration Planning is well underway for the development of all sites funded through the Tarkine Bushwalk Program

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Cradle Country Co-operative Marketing Strategy


Devonport City Council Latrobe Council Kentish Council

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Supported successful application for TPP Cooperative Marketing funds Contributed to Cradle Country participation in Tourism Tasmania Road shows Central Coast Council has indicated a desire to align their tourism sector to the Cradle Country Touring Route, which may impact on the structure of the Coast to Canyon group Cooperative Marketing campaigns are continuing including the production of the Regional Tourism Guide and Web Site


Retain and enhance the point of contact for individual clients (arts, events, tourism)

Broker industry specific business planning and advice

Tourism Tasmania Department of Economic Development

Electronic Information kit for new tourism businesses has been prepared and distributed by CCA, Tourism Tasmania and the Department of Economic Development Recognition of the CCA as the one stop location for tourism remains strong, but loss of Events and Arts positions has undermined this position with respect to these sectors Wayne Bolton continues to fill this role in his renewed capacity as Co-ordinator - Industry Development (North West) with Tourism Tasmania Partnership with Department of Economic Development remains strong – evidenced by the cooperative approach to the Produce of Heaven project


Implement existing tourism development plans

Cradle Coast Food and Produce (Source to Sensation) strategy

Tasmanian Government Participating Councils Industry Stakeholders Regional Tourism Development Program

The Source to Sensation Strategy is to be closely aligned to the “Produce of Heaven” providing a strong alignment between the regions primary producers and the tourism/hospitality sectors Funding from the Tourism Tasmania MOU will be allocated to the further development of this project A relationship with the Produce of Heaven group is under review following the Election results of 2007. The University and DED are part of these on going discussions It is proposed that a business plan will be developed for the amalgamation of the Source to Sensation and Produce of Heaven projects

West Coast Mining Heritage

Local Councils Mining companies State mining organisations

Electronic communication strategies have been developed to interpret the regions mining heritage These strategies will now be presented to project stakeholders to seek funding support for

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Tour operators

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 further implementation Funding from the Tourism Tasmania MOU will be allocated to the further development of this project Meetings are planned with the mining sector in the first quarter of 2008

East Devonport Precinct Study

Devonport City Council State Government Federal Government

A draft electronic communication strategy focussing on delivering the Mining story as a visitor experience has been developed as a pilot project to share with potential funding bodies or businesses. The ongoing management of this project is now the responsibility of the Devonport City Council The involvement of the Cradle Coast Authority is limited to membership of the Steering Committee Significant progress has occurred with this project over the past twelve months and full credit must go to the Devonport City Council and the East Devonport Steering Committee

Implement existing tourism development plans (cont.)

King Island Food Strategy

King Island Council Department of Economic Development King Island Business community

King Island Council have completed a King Island Food Strategy to coincide with the Cradle Coast Source to Sensation Strategy Funding has now been sought for the implementation of this strategy through the TPP King Island Regional Product and Experience Strategy have received funding for this project as an election promise from the Labour Party Still awaiting outcomes of applications to the State Governments Product and Experience funding program It is expected work on the implementation of these strategies will commence in the first quarter of 2008

King Island Walking Trails

King Island Council Department of Economic Development

The King Island Tracks and Trails Strategy was developed in accordance with the Cradle Coast Experience Strategy Funding has now been sought for the implementation of this strategy through the

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King Island Business community

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Tourism Promotion Plan (TPP) King Island Regional Product and Experience Strategy have received funding for this project as an election promise from the Labour Party Still awaiting outcomes of applications to the State Governments Product and Experience funding program It is expected work on the implementation of these strategies will commence in the first quarter of 2008

Cradle Mountain Alternative Transport Strategy

Kentish Council Cradle Mountain Tourism Assoc Commonwealth Government

Cradle Coast Wildlife Experiences

Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service

Alternative Transport Study has been completed and is now the responsibility of the Kentish Council Further funds are required to continue this work and until that can be secured it is unlikely that this report will progress further No further action required on this project by the Authority at this stage A copy of this plan has been forwarded to the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Services A meeting has been requested with Parks and Wildlife Services to discuss recommendations included in this strategy Awaiting feedback from Parks and Wildlife Services

Cradle Coast Recreational Tracks and Trails Strategy

Sport and Recreation Tasmania Tourism Tasmania Land Managers Local Governments Local Interest groups

Touring Route Infrastructure Plan Parks and Wildlife – Frenchmans Cap car park and interpretation centre, Ocean Beach Shearwater Lookout and Henty Road

Participating Councils Local Tourism Associations Other State Govt Departments

Projects that are aligned to this strategy include: • Increased momentum for the Coastal Pathway • Proposed development of mountain bike tracks at Dismal Swamp and Rosebery • King Island Tracks and Trails Strategy • Sport and Recreation continuing to explore additional options for significant Tracks and Trails development across the region Sport and Recreation have released the statewide Tracks and Trails strategy with includes many of the recommendations included in the Cradle Coast Tracks and Trails strategy The implementation of tourism specific infrastructure continues through this program with the support of all Cradle Coast Councils, Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources, and Parks and Wildlife Service (Examples of projects listed in left column) The future of the Touring Route concept is

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Viewing Platform West Coast Council – Public toilet redevelopment at Strahan and Motor Home Waste Water disposal Circular Head Councilcampsite at West Esplanade, Smithton and tourism infrastructure for Stanley precinct Central Coast Council Leven Canyon amenity and tracks upgrade, Coast to Canyon Trail Devonport City Council – Western foreshore facilities and upgrade to Devonport Visitor Information Centre Waratah-Wynyard CouncilSisters Beach toilets and change rooms Kentish Council – Kentish Visitor Information Centre upgrade and Tourism Signage Plan Latrobe Council – Bells Parade precinct development and Port Sorell foreshore electric BBQ’s Burnie City Council – Signage/interpretative strategy and Guide Falls Precinct Redevelopment King Island Council – Grassy toilet upgrade and redevelopment of King Island significant tourism sites


Sustainable Regions

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 uncertain, as the concept has failed to gain the level of visitor recognition and acceptance that was originally anticipated. This change in focus will have no negative impact upon the Touring Route Tourism Infrastructure Plan

All components of the Touring Route Infrastructure Project are now complete (or nearing completion) Final report to be completed by 30th January 2008

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Strategy 3 – Regional Identity




Establish a strong Regional identity in selected target markets


Develop creative interpretation of Tasmania’s North West Brand Proposition


PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Tasmania’s North West Brand is been modified to better meet the contemporary image of the region Regions logo has been modified to meet the changing brand emphasis (see above) Style Guide for use of the regional logo is now under development

Produce Tasmania’s North West Brand management manual Interpret Tasmania’s North West Brand through stories and images

Under development Style Guide for use of the regional logo is now under development Two separate writers have been commissioned to write new editorial for the region New Web Site will be used to collect visitor’s stories Work in progress

Design and produce promotional collateral aligned to brand interpretation

2008 Regional Guide redesigned to reflect regional brand Advertisements placed in Interstate and Intrastate publications reflect new brand work New web site to reflect new brand Ongoing

Produce Tasmanian’s North West media kit

Yet to be initiated - Under discussion Under consideration

Produce Regional Promotion and Sales Plan aligned to regional brand

Implement Regional Promotion and Sales Plan

Marketing and Promotional Plan developed See attached draft summary of marketing campaigns Implementation of campaigns initiated TPP funds used to support this program See above

Monitor response to the implementation of the Regional Promotion and Sales Plan and adjust implementation strategies as a direct correlation to research findings

All regional promotional and sales campaigns will all include a specific call to action Majority of call to actions strategies will be directly aligned to the web site for Tasmania’s North West Four thousand responses were received for the 1st interstate campaign supported by the CCA in partnership with Tourism Tasmania One thousand responses were received for the 1st intrastate campaign supported by the CCA in partnership with Tourism Tasmania

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Strategy 4 - Market Alignment NO.



Increase awareness of region within selected markets



Produce Regional Promotion and Sales Plan Aligned to regional brand.

Tourism Tasmania

Implement regional promotional and sales campaign. Implement public relations campaign

Tourism Industry

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Mega Famil • 120 Travel Agents experience the region st nd over the weekend of the 1 and 2 Sept. • The CCA developed nine separate itineraries for these groups and managed all of these over the weekend Tourism Tas TV show • Tourism Tasmania (intrastate marketing campaign); has commissioned an 11 episode series on Tasmania to screen each Saturday at 6.30 pm on Southern Cross from September - November • CCA has provided story lines for this television show

Produce and distribute regional cooperative marketing prospectus

Retiree’s magazine • published quarterly in November 2007 • CCA has supplied 3 stories on the region and accompanying images, which may be published Travel Weekly magazine CCA supplied 3 stories on the region for the 17th August edition September – December 2007 all marketing activities were aligned to the production of the Cradle Coast Regional Touring Guide and Web Site Web site: www.tasmania’ Regional Guide – copy attached Ads included in the Tourism Tasmania Interstate and intrastate publications developing a data base for the distribution of the Regional Guide Ads promoting the Regional Guide were included in the three Tasmanian Newspapers in December Cooperative marketing campaign produced for Jan – June 2008 22

Convert preference to

Ensure regional product is well represented in distribution networks

Tourism Tasmania Tourism industry

Hidden Wonders Tourism Australia has commissioned Australia's Hidden Wonders magazine, August - December 2007 issue, which will showcase seven regions in Australia,

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intention to visit NSW/ACT Newcastle 9-Jul Epping 10-Jul Wollongong 11-Jul Canberra 12-Jul Vic/NSW Wagga 16-Jul Albury 17-Jul Shepparton 18-Jul Ballarat 19-Jul Victoria Bairnsdale 13-Aug Morwell 14-Aug Geelong 15-Aug Warrnambool 16Aug Queensland Brisbane Taste 23Oct Mooloolaba 24-Oct Noosa B'fast 25-Oct Queensland Ballina 23-Jul Gold Coast 24-Jul Toowoomba 25-Jul Hervey Bay 26-Jul NSW Central Coast 6-Aug Port Macquarie 7Aug Coffs Harbour 8Aug Tamworth 9-Aug NSW Eastern Subs (Syd) 20-Aug Cronulla 21-Aug Penrith 22-Aug Orange/Bathurst 23Aug


Develop Tasmania’s North West Tourism Website


PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 including Tasmania's North West. • 400,000 copies will be published to correspond with the Tourism Australia special television screening of Getaway on 23 August • Copies of the publication will be included in the seat pockets on Qantas flights between Sydney and Melbourne for the month of November • Journalists visited the coast from Devonport through to Stanley, and Cradle Mountain • One full page has been booked by Corinna Wilderness Retreat and another page by CCA promoting 6 operators in the region who took up the cooperative advertising opportunity • TT Line advertised in this guide Regional Guide CCA encouraged industry operators and stakeholders to allocate funds to advertising in the new improved 2008 Guide, which will be the platform from which all future consumer marketing will develop Tourism Tasmania Roadshows The Cradle Coast Authority has confirmed its participation in roadshows, and will send official representatives to all (See details listed in left column)

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Strategy 5 - Organisational capacity







Increase recognition of the value of tourism to the Cradle Coast region

Formalise regional tourism research strategies

Tourism Tasmania Local Tourism Assoc Local Government

CCA exploring the options for the introduction of the Industry Performance Analyser for Tourism (IPAT) program in the region as a Tasmanian Pilot Project IPAT currently in operation throughout Queensland Limited support locally for the project Future of the project under review with Tourism Tasmania IPAT Research under review by Tourism Tas. Regional implementation has been delayed by a lack of up take by local operators

Establish regional tourism performance benchmarks

Tourism Tasmania Local Tourism Assoc Local Government

Develop local communication strategy

See above Awaiting the implementation of the IPAT Research Program

Currently distributing Bi-monthly tourism newsletter (electronic distribution only) Reviewing use of Newsletter and exploring monthly e-newsletter Conducted annual tourism forum Communication Website and newsletter under production Regular newsletters are continuing to be produced and distributed


Encourage stronger advocacy for tourism at an organisational and regional level.

Establish a Tourism Reference Network (TRN) aligned to the CCA board

Under discussion

Under discussion Delayed due to the progress made by Tourism Tasmania with respect to the development of new state wide marketing zones and the need to establish “Zone Marketing Groups� No further action will be taken with respect to this review until the completion of the implementation of the Zone Marketing Groups

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Retain the Cradle Coast Tourism Steering Committee

Local Government and/or local tourism associations (LTAs)

Tourism Steering Committee continues to meet to discuss regional tourism issues and opportunities Structure and meeting format of Steering Committee to be reviewed in line with the TRN discussions (as above) Delayed due to the progress made by Tourism Tasmania with respect to the development of new state wide marketing zones and the need to establish “Zone Marketing Groups” No further action will be taken with respect to this review until the completion of the implementation of the Zone Marketing Groups


Secure appropriate resources to achieve prioritised Issues

Production of strategic plans and progress reports for relevant stakeholders.

Local Government and/or LTA’s Tourism Tasmania

Production of quarterly reports and Annual reports now aligned to the Strategic Plan Tourism Tasmania MOU reporting process aligned to MOU and Strategic Plan We are continuing to assess our reporting processes, this report a further example of this progress

Ensure effective personal and skill development programs are available for staff

Training programs limited to in house development Regional Tourism Development Manager to participate in specialist training in strategic management techniques Under discussion but at this stage work loads do not allow sufficient time for out of office training programs

Ensure adequate and ongoing resources (financial, physical and human) are available to the Cradle Coast Authority’s tourism sector to achieve strategic objectives

Local Government

Developing presentation for State Government regarding on going funding agreements

Federal Government State Government

Retained funding (Federal Gov’t) for Tarkine Project Officer Tourism Tasmania confirmed retention of Industry Development Consultant position after extensive restructure Marketing Managers position aligned to TPP funding Discussions with the Department of Tourism, Arts and Environment have been postponed until we complete an internal review of staff structures and local funding Exploring options to employ part time marketing assistant for limited tenure to fast track marketing campaigns

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STRATEGIC INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: Strategic development of major industry sectors based on regional comparative advantages, including • • •



Continuing global competitiveness of major processing and manufacturing operations and their local supplier networks Broadening of the region’s economic base through innovation, value adding and collaboration between small/medium enterprises to achieve economies of scale Development of opportunities for new investment based on the region’s climate, water resources and established industry ‘clusters’


Value Chain Analysis


Work with Food Innovation Systems Centre researchers and industry participants to analyse selected value chains and identify options for improved cost structures and competitiveness


Food Innovation Systems Centre Australian Vegetable Industry Development Group (federal)

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Value chain research team analysing vegetable processing industry value chain in Cradle Coast region – currently preparing findings and strategies for improvement for discussion with commercial participants

Findings presented to major commercial participants – awaiting response before release of proposed value chain improvement projects to wider audience and potential project partners. Discussions with value chain researchers regarding possible participation in proposed Federal Govt Manufacturing Centre initiative.


Food Value Adding Initiatives

Continue to support regional food businesses assisted under the Sustainable Regions Food Value Adding Grants Program and seek further strategic investment in food value adding projects

Regional food businesses

Department of Economic Development Food Innovation Systems Centre Institute for Regional Development

The Authority is working with food producers participating in the ‘Produce of Heaven’ promotional campaign to help develop longer-term marketing strategies and links between regional foods and the region as a destination Continuing assistance to food producers (with DED) in preparation of business plan. Review of funding and other support for marketing campaign under new federal govt, and links to new State food marketing initiative. Meeting with State agency managers and University researchers to review current activities and new project/partnership opportunities, to be held March 2008.



Fair Dinkum Food Campaign

Food Innovation Systems Centre

Continue to provide policy development, regional advocacy and secretariat support for the Fair Dinkum Food Campaign and current initiatives to establish formal ‘Australian Grown’ claims

Establishment of a centre for research and development,

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association Institute for Regional Development Fair Dinkum Food Campaign Sustainable Regions

Review of industry needs and opportunities to be addressed in planning for proposed Federal Govt Manufacturing Centre. Australian Grown labelling and promotion campaign now underway, allowing processors and consumers to clearly identify processed and packaged foods grown in Australia No further action

Multi-state catchment modelling project continuing (with Cradle Coast NRM)

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teaching and innovation in Food Value Chain Management and Natural Resource Management for primary production

Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research

Processing vegetable Value Chain Analysis project underway with commercial partners, industry groups and funding bodies

See item 26 30

Vegetable industry Initiatives

Develop project proposals and partnerships addressing specific aspects of state and national vegetable industry reform strategies that apply to this region and secure funding to implement them

Food Innovation Systems Centre Department of Primary Industries Department of Economic Development TFGA Institute for Regional Development





Common site induction requirements

Coordination of maintenance shutdowns

Collaborative projects

Engineering Industry Development Program

Work with major industrial firms and contractors to investigate adoption of common site induction processes, reducing downtime and improving availability of contractors working across multiple sites

Advanced Manufacturing Centre Department of Economic Development Site managers and contractors

Work with major industrial firms and contractors to coordinate the timing of maintenance shutdowns for major sites, improving availability of contract services and minimising production losses Develop projects addressing opportunities for information sharing and collaboration identified at industry workshops in 2005, including • Product design and process technology • Spare parts inventory/trading • Cooperative financing • Apprentice sharing • Specialised training provision • Visiting specialists/experts • Benchmarking and professional networking • Safety information • Export networks

Advanced Manufacturing Centre Department of Economic Development Site managers and contractors Engineering and manufacturing firms Advanced Manufacturing Centre Department of Economic Development

Continue to support businesses assisted by the Sustainable Regions

Continuing development of project proposal for commercial-scale projects addressing production scale in intensive agriculture, as identified in industry strategic plans Awaiting release of vegetable processing value-chain improvement projects (see item 26) Review of industry needs and opportunities to be addressed in planning for proposed Federal Govt Manufacturing Centre

No progress this quarter Refer item 33 below

No progress this quarter

Refer item 33 below

Partnership with Department of Economic Development and Australian Manufacturing Centre continuing Industry capability database project continuing, funded by the Authority’s Strategic Projects Account Authority provided background information, briefings and local industry feedback to federal Labor’s proposed Manufacturing Centre concept during federal election campaign Discussions held with Sid Sidebottom regarding the Federal Government’s commitment to a manufacturing centre in this region

Department of Economic Development

Initial consultation regarding development of a joint State Govt/University/Authority proposal for establishment of a Manufacturing Centre addressing manufacturing industry development needs across food and engineering sectors, for discussion with Federal Govt Ongoing

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Engineering Industry Development Program and seek further strategic investment in projects that improve business competitiveness



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NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE: Coordinated investment and regional capacity to address natural resource management (NRM) priorities through • • •



Development and implementation of regional NRM investment plans and priorities Build regional skills, resources, technologies to assist delivery of NRM projects Increase regional participation in, and ownership of, NRM issues affecting the region


Cradle Coast Regional NRM Committee


NRM Committee established as a committee of the Authority with delegated authority to perform the functions of a Regional NRM Committee under relevant State legislation and federal government programs


State Government Core funding

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 This funding continues to provide the ongoing operational budget for the core functions NRM Committee and Acting Executive Officer currently focused on the development of the Regional Investment Proposal (RIP) 3 The first Draft of this will be sent to the Australian Govt in December The review of the Tasmanian Natural Resource Management Act 2002 is currently underway but the public submission period has closed A review of the submissions has taken place and provided the basis for some minor changes On the whole the review was positive and supportive of the current Regional NRM arrangement Richard Ingram was appointed the new Executive Officer of Cradle Coast NRM in January. The draft of the third regional investment proposal (RIP3) was submitted on schedule in December. From initial feedback on the review of the NRM Act, it appears that no significant changes will be made. The terms of half the committee expires in February 08 so an independent process was run in Dec/Jan to fill these vacancies. In total 11 positions were advertised, 5 of which were filled with a 6th position (indigenous community) likely to be filled shortly. We are still seeking a West Coast representative and also more female members, to balance the genders.

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Cradle Coast NRM Investment Proposal


Development of Investment Proposals based on Regional Strategy priorities and delivery of project funds approved by Australian Government


Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust Tasmanian Government matching inkind support through Department of Primary Industries and Water activity

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Currently implementing Regional Investment Proposal (RIP)1 and RIP2 projects (currently 30), scheduled to continue till June 2008 There has been a renewed focus on the “outputs and outcomes� of our current projects to help inform our decisions regarding RIP3 Resources and skills provided by new staff and operating structure have improved our approach to this investment round NRM intends to provide a summary of highlights of activities in future reports The first draft of RIP3 will be submitted in December but there has been no final budget from the Australian Govt and due to the election it is unlikely it will be in place till February/March, 2008 The potential variation in the figure has proved challenging to our process and made prioritisation of work difficult

The draft of the third regional investment proposal (RIP3) was submitted on schedule in December. This will provide the core funding for NRM from July 2008 to June 2011. Formal feedback is scheduled for late January 2008 although the change in government may delay confirmation of final budgets. Uncertainty in regard to budget has constrained some planning but development of projects and planning for the delivery of RIP3 work is continuing unabated. NRM have appointed a new Communications Officer (Raelee Turner) to develop internal and external communications and this is a key component of planned improvements our business operations. This completes our core of operational staff, but one position is now vacant as a result of the appointment of the EO and one project officer position may also be required. These have been placed on hold till confirmation of budgets and the current building capacity issues are resolved. As stated in the September report, NRM is keen to highlight our achievements to the board and will provide additional material for future reports. This has been delayed due the late start date of our Communications Officer and constraints in the current format.

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Project Specific NRM Facilitators


Project Specific NRM Facilitators to ensure strategic regional delivery of specific projects funded through the Investment Proposal


Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust Tasmanian Government matching inkind support through Department of Primary Industries and Water activity

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Facilitators currently support NRM activities in the region by engaging the community and supporting on-ground actions An indication of their success has been the generation of approximately $500,000 extra investment in this region through various national grants programs including Envirofund As we continue to implement operational change the support of these positions continues to improve Facilitators now have access to an inhouse GIS system providing information on spatial layers to their desktop Future training will enhance their skills in using this information to support groups

The facilitator team has been busy with the launch of a community small grants program in the December Quarter. Seventeen grants were approved for community groups across the region including King Island and the West Coast. With the recruitment of a professional Communications Officer we have started the development of a new integrated engagement and communications plan to guide and inform activities for the new funding period starting in July 08. This will provide better integration of our activities and assist business planning and operations.


Cradle Coast NRM Facilitator Network

Regional NRM Facilitators to assist development of Regional NRM capacity in the community, support funding applications and link community activities to industry, local government and the Regional NRM Strategy

Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust

Provides an on-going liaison with the Australian Government for input into program development This position is not fully funded by the Australian Government and under our structure has been adapted to provide a management position for our team of facilitators This has proved to be a successful move and is already providing better integration of our staff activities Lynne Robertson is the current Communications and Engagement Program Manager had a very busy quarter with her contribution to the RIP3 development, the delivery of the small grants program and the recruitment of additional staff.

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Community Landcare Coordinator


Employment of a local level coordinator to help ensure community, landcare group and primary industries sector engagement in regional NRM processes


Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 The National Landcare Program has renewed it’s commitment to this position and provided ongoing funding for 3 years from June 2008 There has also been a change in focus for the role to a more sustainable agriculture and industry focus - This replicates changes made to the position by CCNRM 3 years ago and gives us confidence in our approach. The fact that we have been operating this way for years may give us an advantage in future NLP initiatives Changes to this program in future will allow CCNRM to levy an administration charge for all the projects we administer - This is significant because previously we absorbed these costs as part of our ongoing regional delivery

There has also been a change in focus for the role to a more sustainable agriculture and industry focus - This replicates changes made to the position by CCNRM 3 years ago and gives us confidence in our approach. The current NLP round was launched in December and is still underway. Anna Renkin is our Landcare officer and is co-ordinating and assisting with applications. The NRM Committee are actively involved in assessing and recommending these applications although final decisions are made by an NLP Committee. This is an important activity for NRM because it generates a lot of ideas, provides a platform for industry engagement and successful projects are often innovative and potentially feed directly into our Land Program and get RIP funding. It also generates additional NRM funding (appx $500K in last round)


Sustainable Agriculture

Assist relevant sectors of regional agriculture (eg Dairy, Viticulture, Horticulture) to adopt and promote NRM principles for best practice management, delivering environmental benefits while maintaining or improving economic outcomes

The development of RIP3 will potentially lead to new initiatives but the detail is unlikely to be available until mid 2008 Current Projects approved under NLP are: •

Sustainable Water Management on Tasmanian Vegetable Farms, • Incorporating Controlled Traffic and Direct Drilling into Intensive Cropping Systems in North West Tasmania, • Productive Farming Landscapes through Best Practice Shelterbelt Design • "Applying the Plan" - Helping Proactive Farmers to be Sustainable and Productive


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TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES OBJECTIVE: Ongoing planning and development of safe, strategic transport links to and within the region, including infrastructure, services and policies affecting • • •




Bass Strait freight and passenger services, including links to King Island Intra- and inter-regional road and rail freight corridors and tourist routes Commuter services providing access to health, education and work opportunities between the region’s population centres


Core Passenger Services Review

Bass Highway west of Burnie



Regional representation in the State Government’s Core Passenger Services Review process – raising regional issues and seeking practical responses to regional needs

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources

Develop strategic, social and economic cases for upgrading of the Bass Highway west of Burnie to National Highway status under AusLink and promote to all parties and levels of Government

Local Councils

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 No update received September quarter Core Passenger Services Review report released December, 2007 Seeking meeting with State Govt officials to review implications for Cradle Coast region and options to fast-track implementation of regular commuter bus service between Coast centres with links to outlying areas. Submission made in response to Auslink draft Tasmanian corridor strategy, highlighting the case for inclusion of road and rail west of Burnie in the Auslink network, promoted to all Braddon members and senators Follow-up with Sid Sidebottom MP regarding new Federal Government commitment to upgrade Wiltshire rail link. Now seeking meeting with DIER to confirm plans for implementation and propose community/user advisory group along similar lines to Bass Hwy/Sisters Hills working group



Strategic transport services and facilities

Bass Highway (Sisters Hills) Working Group

Monitor developments with port facilities, Bass Strait subsidies, shipping, rail and air services to the region, providing regional representation and advocacy for regional interests, as appropriate Council and community-based group hosted by the Authority to provide local information, coordination and liaison with managers of Sisters Hills highway upgrade project

Regional Transport Strategy launched August 2006 Latrobe – Wynyard regular commuter bus service emerging as a regional priority for 2007 See item 41 above Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Federal Government Circular Head Council Burnie City Council WaratahWynyard Council

Project progressing ahead of schedule

Status unchanged

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Regional Transport Advisory Group


Skills-based committee advising the Board on management, implementation and ongoing review of Regional Transport Plan in partnership with state agencies



Local Councils

PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Continues to monitor outcomes from Regional Transport Strategy launched in August 2006

Department of Economic Development Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources

Status unchanged

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LOCAL GOVERNMENT COOPERATION OBJECTIVE: Mechanisms by which local government can respond collectively to regional issues that extend beyond the normal scope or influence of individual Councils, including • • •




Facilitation, hosting and management of regional processes, initiatives and services under delegated authority from member Councils Preparation and maintenance of regional information, strategies, policies and advice that can inform strategic planning and decision-making by Councils Engagement of local government members, professional staff and networks in regional development issues requiring community-level input and leadership


State-wide land use planning policies

Regional approaches to land use planning



Consultation with relevant Council staff and professional advisers to identify aspects of current statewide planning policies and procedures that limit consistent interpretation and effective application in this region

Local Councils

PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 Review of key issues arising from member Council submissions to review of Protection of Agricultural Land Policy

Development of possible regional responses to identified problems with current land use policies as a basis for further action as directed by Councils

Local Councils


Draft submission prepared but not submitted on advice from Representatives Will continue to monitor outcomes of PAL Review once finalised, including implications for Regional Planning Initiative (see item 47 below)

Department Justice (Planning Department)

Following Representatives’ direction to proceed with development of a project seeking greater alignment of local planning schemes, a working group was established to develop a draft MoU, draft project plan and process for agreement and communication between the Minister, Councils and the Authority All Councils received a presentation on the Regional Planning Initiative from members of the Planning Working Group August/September MOU signed by all Cradle Coast Councils by December, 2007

Negotiation of MoU with Burnie City Council (on behalf of Steering Committee) regarding project management services (Patrick Earle) 48

Regional Waste Management Advisory Group

Skills-based group established as a committee of the Authority to coordinate waste management and policies at regional scale and provide professional advice to the Authority and Councils

Local Councils

Dulverton Waste Management Authority

Continue to meet on a regular basis to develop proposal for regional waste management strategy Regional responses prepared on discussion papers released by State Government regarding waste management issues Ongoing

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Regional Waste Management Initiatives


Develop and deliver regional initiatives addressing recommendations of Regional Waste Management Audit, including initiatives dealing with public education, recycling and waste minimisation


Regional Waste Management Advisory Group

PROGRESS TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007 PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 No regional projects commenced as yet With the introduction of a regional waste levy st from 1 September, 2007, it is anticipated that regional waste management initiatives will be commenced in the 2007-08 financial year Levy commenced 1st September, 2007 Workshop organised for February 2008 to finalise Regional Strategy





Point of contact

Government inquiries

Power Pricing Parity for Bass Strait Islands

Access to funding

Act as initial contact for coordination and hosting of government consultation processes requiring input from regional stakeholders and interest groups on specific issues

Local Councils

Undertake consultation and coordinate regional submissions to State and Commonwealth Government inquiries on issues affecting regional interests

Local Councils

Continuing regional support for King Island in dealings with State Government and power suppliers to achieve power pricing parity with mainland Tasmania

Facilitated and coordinated regional responses regarding waste management and regional planning matters, and health and education reforms Ongoing

Other regional stakeholders

King Island Council Flinders Council Northern Tasmania Development

Advice and support for Councils, businesses, industry and community groups seeking government assistance for initiatives addressing issues and themes in the Charter

Ongoing (regional planning, water and sewerage taskforce discussion paper, waste management, health services) Ongoing

Continuing support for King Island Council in lobbying process. Awaiting State Government response to second submission sent Dec 2006 Status unchanged Project development assistance and letters of support/reference for numerous funding submissions prepared by local Councils, tourism associations, businesses and DED client managers Ongoing



Pulp Mill

Strategic Projects Account

Monitor developments with planning and approvals for the proposed Bell Bay pulp mill to maximise regional preparedness and business opportunities

Establish and maintain a Strategic Projects Account to allow the Authority to respond to issues and opportunities relevant to its Charter, and that affect the region’s interests, as they arise

Regional industry capability survey developed and implemented, follow-up contacts and database development underway Database unable to be completed as proposed. Considering options to progress within activities of proposed Federal Govt Manufacturing Centre

Local Councils

Funds committed to projects from Strategic Projects Account: Up to $10,000 Industry Capability Working Group Up to $ 5,000 Review of Recreation Planning Framework Up to $10,000 Regional Waste Management Strategy In-principle allocation of up to $15 000 as part of application for $50 000 Federal Govt grant for regional climate change risk assessment and adaptation action plan – to be announced March 2008

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Regional service needs review

Regional research and training needs review

Community development capacity


Structured review of current Council needs and opportunities for improved service delivery through regional collaboration that could be undertaken or facilitated by the Authority



Local Councils

PROGRESS T0 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 No update this quarter

Institute for Regional Development

Review of regional, industry and Council demand for research, training and professional development services that could be provided by the Institute for Regional Development

Local Councils Institute for Regional Development

Investigate opportunities for targeted research, professional development and collaborative projects to support community development staff and strategies of participating Councils

University of Tasmania

Investigation of models and options for operation of a regional ‘skills exchange’, addressing skills shortages through short-term and part-time consultancies between Councils

Short courses and community development under-graduate course currently being developed through Institute for Regional Development Status unchanged

Community development undergraduate course being developed at Cradle Coast campus in conjunction with Utas Arts Faculty Status unchanged

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