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In accordance with Section 36B of the Local Government Act, 1993

Presented at Representatives Meeting 28th May, 2009


Page No.

Annual Plan 2008-2009


Summary of major activities and achievements – October to December, 2008


Report on Roles/Functions:



Natural Resource Management (NRM)




Education Training and Workforce Development


Industry Development




Local Government




Cradle Coast Authority hosted the first Cradle Coast Regional Produce Tradeshow


Facilitated and supported negotiations to host two separate filmings of “Mercurio’s Menu” (Channel 7 Food and lifestyle show) to be filmed in May, 2009


Cradle Coast Authority to host the 2009 State TVIN Conference in Strahan


Natural Resource Management Corporate Plan for 2008-13 completed


Australian Government regional base-level funding under Caring for our Country confirmed for next four years ($1.843 million per annum)


Discussions held with the Advocate in regards the Cradle Coast Authority hosting a project officer to instigate health and wellbeing initiatives for the region


Recruited nine young persons to represent the North West on the Tasmanian Youth Forum


Workshops held with Councils in March, 2009 to present draft values and profile documents for the Regional Planning Initiative


Regional Waste Management Strategy presented to participating Councils and adopted


In partnership with GP North West and Rural Clinical School, developed a proposal and briefings for MPs regarding establishment of an electronic health information system linking all health service providers in the region


Linked Burnie – Devonport bus service commenced in February, 2009


Presentation to Councils commenced of final Project Plan and draft Memorandum of Understanding for Regional Shared Services Project

TOURISM Roles/functions Represent and advocate the region’s interests

Progress January – March 2009 Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania (TICT) • Met with TICT Executive Chairman and Regional Tourism Managers in January 2009 • Participated in a Review of the State Tourism Awards with TICT and Tourism Tasmania • Secured TICT as sponsor for the Cradle Coast regional Tourism Forum Tourism Tasmania • Attended the launch of the Zone Holiday Planners and planning workshop – Feb ’09 • Met with Tourism Tasmania, Northern Tasmania Development and Tas South Regional Tourism Assoc on a regular basis • Attended Tourism Tasmania E-commerce Launch in Devonport and Stanley Tasmanian Visitor Information Centre Network • Coordinated and chaired first meeting of the Independent Tasmanian Visitor Information Network Reference Group on the 13th January 2009

State Government Agencies Participated in Business Case development training program in Burnie • Continue to support Arts@work regional arts positions • Agreed to increase support for Regional Events Assistance Program for 09/10 Provide regional leadership and coordination

Partners Tourism Industry Council Tasmania Tourism Tasmania

Northern Tasmania Development Tas South Regional Tourism Assoc Zone Marketing Groups

Tourism Tasmania Visitor Centre Managers of Regional Tourism Authorities Regional Visitor Centre Managers

Parks and Wildlife Services DIER Events Tasmania Arts Tasmania

Tarkine • The Tarkine Tourism Development Strategy is now complete and final reports, including audited statements have been provided to the Commonwealth Government • The issues associated with the Tasmanian Governments Tarkine Road proposal continue to dominate this project; the Authority often questioned re its position regarding the road and its potential implications • The Tasmanian Liberal Party and The Tasmanian Greens have now both released alternative plans to the Government for development within the Tarkine; both of these plans closely aligned to the Cradle Coast Tarkine Tourism Development Strategy • It is expected that the issues associated with the investment within the Tarkine will continue on a political level until the next State and Federal elections Cradle Coast Tourism Professionals Group Bi monthly meetings of Cradle Coast Tourism Professionals Group

Tasmanian Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Local Government Local Tourism Associations Tarkine National Coalition Parks and Wildlife Tourism Tasmania, Forestry Tasmania Arthur Pieman Conservation Management Comm

9 Cradle Coast Councils Tourism Tasmania

Meeting held in February 2009 Cradle Coast Visitor Information Centre Network • Conducted Regional Visitor Information Centre Network Meeting in February ‘09 • Agreed to manage Recognition Day – 13th May 09 – for all Visitor Centre Volunteers (part of Volunteer Week)

Managers of all Cradle Coast Visitor Information Centres

Roles/functions Provide regional leadership and coordination

Progress January – March 2009 Local Tourism Associations (LTA’s) • Continue to monitor progress of new LTA’s in Devonport and Latrobe • Discussions continue about LTA structure in Kentish • West Coast remains a priority for the creation of a new LTA

Local Marketing Groups • The Cradle Coast Authority continues to monitor Local Marketing groups with the view to creating cooperative links with zone marketing activities. Conduct strategic planning and research

Tarkine • The Tarkine Tourism Development Strategy is now complete and final reports, including audited statements have been provided to the Commonwealth Government • Tasmanian Library has sought permission to stock and display copies of this strategy

Devonport LTA Latrobe LTA Wynyard LTA Circular Head Tourism Destination Strahan King Island Tourism Kentish Tourism Assoc Cradle Country Marketing Group LTA’s (see above)

Tarkine Discussion Group members

Regional Cruise Ships and Air Services • Discussions regarding issues associated with the Cruise Ship sector of the Tourism industry placed on hold until the end of the cruise ship season • Brief is to be developed to complete industry specific review of issues associated with this sector

Burnie City Council & Devonport City Council Cruise Tasmania members

Regional Tourism Research Continue to distribute relevant tourism data to interested parties

Tourism Tasmania

Develop and manage externally funded projects


Tarkine Tourism Development Strategy • Work continues on all sites included within this program, including the finalisation of directional and interpretive signage for each site • It is expected that all works will be completed by May 2009. • Discussions have been initiated with the Commonwealth Government re official openings of these sites. (Further information will be provided once finalised) • The production of Tarkine Marketing collateral is progressing with quotes now been sought for the printing of the Tarkine Motivational Brochure and the Tarkine Walks and Experiences Guide (It is expected that these publications will be produced on recycled papers in keeping with the overall sustainability approach to the Tarkine) • Discussions are also well advanced regarding the production of a Touring Map for the Tarkine, which may provide opportunities for advertising support from appropriate tourism operators • The significant success of the on line Holiday Planners has also encourage us to explore options for all Tarkine Collateral to be available on a designated web site (plus other appropriate sites) and these options are now been explored Implement Mining Heritage Strategy • The Cradle Coast Authority presented the Mining Heritage Strategy to the Tasmanian Minerals Council Business Forum in Launceston on the 13th March • The strategy was well received and generated some interest, but if timing is everything then this was not the time to be asking for financial support so we chose to use the opportunity as an information sharing session only • Follows up meetings are proposed

Tarkine Stakeholders – Public and Private

Mining and associated companies


Progress January – March 2009 Implement Source to Sensation (food tourism) strategy The Cradle Coast Authority hosted the first Cradle Coast Regional Produce Tradeshow on Wednesday the 4th March at the Axeman’s Hall of Fame • 22 producers participated in this tradeshow, and although no official count was done it was estimated that over 250 people attended • An opportunity to host two separate episodes of “Mercurio’s Menu” (Channel 7 Food and Lifestyle Show) has been presented to the North West Coast Cost for these two shows is $50,000 A meeting of primary producers on the 23rd March supported this initiative with producers agreeing to contribute financially to this program. Cradle Coast Authority to support and manage this project • Local producers have agreed to consider the establishment of a Cradle Coast Food and Beverage Producers Network. The Authority has agreed to support this network Events Tasmania • Events Tasmania have conducted their first Training Program in the region focusing on the development of business cases for individual events – a valuable tool for assisting the hunt for sponsorship – with twenty local event operators participating • Further training programs are planned over the following months within the region Zone Marketing • The Cradle Coast Authority continues to manage the North West Coast and Western Wilderness Zone Marketing Groups • The Authority continues to provide project management to both zone groups, managing and implementing all marketing campaigns including the production and distribution of the Holiday Planners and Visitor Guides • Proposal have been developed by Zone Marketing Groups to allow CCA to continue to provide Financial and Administration assistance and project management for the next two years •

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Build regional skills and capabilities

Visitor Information Centre Network • Meeting of the Regional Visitor Centre Network held on the 18th Feb 2009 • All Cradle Coast Visitor Centres have paid membership of the Regional network • Advertising for all visitor centres was included in the Holiday Planners and Visitor Guides • Cradle Coast Authority Regional Visitor Information Centre Network is to conduct a Visitor Centre Appreciation and Education day on 13th May • Cradle Coast Authority to host 2009 State TVIN conference in Strahan Local Tourism Association development Continue to monitor progress of new LTA’s in Devonport and Latrobe • Discussions continue about LTA structure in Kentish • West Coast remains a priority for the creation of a new LTA •

Partners Tourism Australia Tourism Tasmania Regional producers and suppliers Hospitality industry


Tourism Tasmania Zone Marketing Group members

Managers of all Cradle Coast Visitor Information Centres

Devonport LTA Latrobe LTA Wynyard LTA Circular Head Tourism Destination Strahan King Island Tourism Kentish Tourism Assoc

Roles/functions Develop partnerships and service agreements

Progress January – March 2009 Events Tasmania Events Tasmania have conducted their first Training Program in the region focusing on the development of business cases for individual events – a valuable tool for assisting the hunt for sponsorship – with twenty local event operators participating • Further training programs are planned over the following months within the region •

Tourism Tasmania • Completed second quarterly report aligned to Service Agreement requirements

Partners Arts@work Arts Tasmania

Tourism Tasmania Zone Marketing Groups


Progress January – March, 2009


Represent and advocate the region’s interests

Support the investment and delivery of regional NRM outcomes through: • Development, maintenance and review of the Regional NRM Strategy • Representation on the National NRM Executive Officers Working Group • Active discussions with State Agencies and Tasmanian NRM regions to develop statewide initiatives • Membership of statewide NRM Joint Steering Committee • Strong regional participation in state and national funding programs

Australian Government State Government DPIW NRM North NRM South National NRM Working Group

Provide regional leadership and coordination

Consolidate regional leadership role under new Caring For Our Country structure: • Provision and support of the regional facilitator network • Co-ordination and support for regional applicants in the “open grants” process under the Australian Government Caring for our Country program • Held discussions, communicated experiences and provided templates to other Tasmanian NRM regions for statewide projects

Australian Government State Government DPIW NRM North NRM South Hydro Tasmania

Conduct strategic planning and research

Review Regional Strategy to align with new national priorities & funding opportunities: • Completed NRM Corporate Plan 2008-13 • Developed NRM Business Plan for 2008/09 • Continued support and participation in the National Landscape Logic Program • Initiated a review and Tasmanian presentation of cutting edge NRM management information tools and methodologies

Develop and manage externally funded projects

Implement 08/09 transition year projects Contracts negotiated for successful Caring for Our Country “Coastcare” and “Open” grant projects: • Restoration of coastal biodiversity and penguin habitat North West Tasmania • Schools caring for our coast North West Tasmania • Coastal Weed Strategy (2008) - implementation for Cradle Coast Region, Tasmania • Control of weeds of national significance outliers in Cradle Coast NRM Region, Tasmania Develop investment proposal for 09/10 Caring For Our Country Program • Developed investment proposal for Regional Base Level funding for 2009/10 and 2010/11 Caring for our Country Program • Developed competitive investment proposal to manage Weeds of National Significance Statewide, for 2009/10 and 2010/11 Caring for our Country Program

Australian Government State Government DPIW NRM North NRM South Landscape Logic (multiple partners including UTAS, ANU, RMIT & CSIRO) Australian Government State Government DPIW Range of regional stakeholders and proponents

Australian Government State Government DPIW Range of regional stakeholders and proponents


Progress January – March, 2009


Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Assist community groups to secure additional funding for NRM activities Supported and assisted the development of applications by community groups for funding under the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country program (2009/10 onwards), including: o North West Environment Centre Inc. o Wynyard Landcare o Elliot and District Catchment Management Group: o King Island NRM o Understorey Network

Australian Government State Government DPIW Community Groups

Build regional skills and capabilities

Build capacity, skills, and support within the regional community • Provided sponsorship support to Tasmanian Agricultural Productivity Group Sustainable Soil Management Field Days • Planning and development of environmental weed management training program with Tasmanian Skills Institute

Develop partnerships and service agreements

MoUs with major land managers, research and data providers • Attendance at the National Fenner Conference on the Environment (NRM policy and decision support systems) • Australian Government regional base-level funding under Caring for our Country program confirmed for next four years ($1.843 million per annum)

Australian Government State Government DPIW TAFE NW Schools Hydro Tasmania Agricultural Industry Bodies Tasmanian Skills Institute Australian Government State Government DPIW Hydro Tasmania Landscape Logic

HEALTH Roles/functions Represent and advocate the region’s interests

Progress January – March 2009 •

• •

In partnership with GP North West and Rural Clinical School, development of a proposal and briefings for MPs regarding establishment of an electronic health information system linking all health service providers in the region, based on concepts raised in an earlier submission to the GP Superclinic initiative. Participation as an invited member at regular meetings of the North West Health Services Network Advisory Group Participation as an invited member of the DHHS Consumer Engagement Reference Group (statewide)

Conduct strategic planning and research

The Authority continues to be represented on Sport and Recreation Tasmania’s Regional Open Space Planning Project – a project aimed to improve open space planning and provision for Cradle Coast councils

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Discussions held with The Advocate regarding the Cradle Coast Authority hosting a project officer to instigate health and well being initiatives for the region

Develop partnerships and service agreements

Partnership continuing between The Advocate, Fairbrother and Premiers Physical Activity Council for Fit Club Initiative

Partners NW General Practice Rural Clinical School State Government

Cradle Coast Councils Sport and Recreation Tasmania

The Advocate Premiers Physical Activity Council (PPAC)

The Advocate Premiers Physical Activity Council (PPAC) Fairbrothers

EDUCATION, TRAINING AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Roles/functions Represent and advocate the region’s interests

Progress January – March, 2009 Tasmania Tomorrow reform process Arranged community briefing by Hellyer Academy Campus Principal Working with Academy/Polytechnic Campus leaders to establish “community liaison” processes (as a pilot statewide model) Skilling Tasmania Strategy Met with Skills Tasmania staff to follow-up Skills Strategy implementation Youth Transitions Taskforce Distributed Improving Youth Allowance report to regional stakeholders, including local politicians. Drafted supporting letter from CCA Representatives to Minister Gillard • Advice received that issues relating to youth allowance may be addressed in Commonwealth Budget in May • Arranged briefing for Legislative Council through Ruth Forrest MLC (after Commonwealth budget) •

Partners Hellyer College The Don College TAFE Tasmania

Skilling Tasmania

Southern Tasmanian and Northern Tasmanian YTT

Through National Youth Week activity recruited nine young persons to represent the North West on the Tasmanian Youth Forum Conduct strategic planning and research

Map skills of unqualified workforce in key regional industries • UTas confirmed interest in research partnership • Initial scoping discussions with Education Performance Services (DofE)

Develop and manage externally funded projects

Projects in partnership with local schools Project reports received:

Institute for Regional Development

Newstart (Burnie High) Program identified by Department of Education as good practice in flexible delivery Spatial Science (Devonport High) Seven school-based GIS/mapping projects and year 10 school camp and industry placements organised Reports received Stitt Walking Trail (Rosebery High) Workforce Toolkit (Parklands High) Awaiting report form UTas Science Camp Mentoring project for female students (Parklands High) Final project report received and project reporting finalised

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Local HomeStay accommodation pilot for remote area students Further advertising will be coordinated with the Hellyer Campus during 2009

Department of Premier and Cabinet - Women Tasmania Young Professionals Network Hellyer College International Student Services (DofE)


Progress January – March, 2009


Public/community transport access to education and work Service commenced February 2009 Continuing to work with DIER, Phoenix and Metro to overcome initial problems with services to school students and young persons

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Central Coast Council Devonport City Council Metro Tasmania Phoenix Coaches Well’s Wagons

Imaginarium Science Centre • Partnering with Devonport City Council to conduct study of future models of operation for the Imaginarium Science Centre • Consultants appointed and research and consultation stages of project completed - Initial reports due April 2009

Local Community Partnership UTas

State Youth Conference Conducting workshop at State Youth Conference on student experiences in new Academy/Polytechnic Campuses in the North West - Workshop will be conducted by year 11/12 students, with coaching support from Cradle Coast Youth Transitions Taskforce

Build regional skills and capabilities

Value chain skills for agrifood businesses Extensive consultation with agrifood industry to promote 2009 workshops (scheduled May and August 2009) Learning resources and articulation arrangements finalised between UQ, UTas and TSI/Polytechnic Resources distributed to CSIRO for feedback Skills component - Source to Sensation (food tourism) project (See also Develop partnerships and service agreements below) Organised workshop on use of ABS Census Online products for regional service providers. Second workshop was planned for February 2009 but due to unavailability of ABS staff this workshop has been rescheduled to May 2009

TAFE Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research University of Queensland Industry

INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT Roles/functions Represent and advocate the region’s interests

Progress January – March, 2009


Media interviews responding to the Premier’s State of the State address references to ‘Food Bowl’ and prospects for delivery of significant components (irrigation, agribusiness course, etc) in NW, and follow-up discussions with DPaC and UTas Presentation to Forestry and Forest Industries Council strategic planning workshop in Burnie re issues facing forestry in this region Representation of the region’s interests at monthly meetings of the Tourism Industry Council Board, and out-of-session activities

Provide regional leadership and coordination

The Cradle Coast Authority hosted the first Cradle Coast Regional Produce Tradeshow on Wednesday the 4th March at the Axeman’s Hall of Fame An opportunity to host two separate episodes of “Mercurio’s Menu” (Channel 7 Food and Lifestyle Show) has been presented to the North West Coast A meeting of primary producers on the 23rd March supported this initiative with producers agreeing to contribute financially to this program Cradle Coast Authority to support and manage this project Local producers have agreed to consider the establishment of a Cradle Coast Food and Beverage Producers Network and the Authority has agreed to support this network

Conduct strategic planning and research Develop and manage externally funded projects

Enterprise Connect Manufacturing Centre State Director, Gillian Sparkes attended the March, 2009 Board meeting to outline progress to date with the Enterprise Connect Manufacturing Centre

Enterprise Connect

Value chain skills for agrifood businesses Extensive consultation with agrifood industry to promote 2009 workshops (scheduled May and August 2009)

TAFE Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research University of Queensland Industry

Australian Innovation Research Centre

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services Build regional skills and capabilities

Learning resources and articulation arrangements finalised between UQ, UTas and TSI/Polytechnic Resources distributed to CSIRO for feedback

TRANSPORT Roles/functions Represent and advocate the region’s interests

Progress January – March, 2009


Participation in NW consultations for Statewide Infrastructure Strategy, conducted by DIER for State Government Preparation of notes on current and proposed regional bicycle/shared pathways in response to requests from federal MPs

Provide regional leadership and coordination

Public Transport - Core Passenger Service Review Linked Burnie – Devonport bus service commenced in February, 2009 Continuing to work with DIER, Phoenix and Metro to ensure user needs are being met for school students and young people

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Collaboration with Minerals Council in development of West Coast Industry Corridor concepts for submission as part of West Coast Economic Development Committee proposals to State Govt

Devonport Council Central Coast Council Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources

LOCAL GOVERNMENT Roles/functions

Progress January – March, 2009

Provide regional leadership and coordination

Shared Services Project: • Presentation of Shared Services project proposal to the NW Branch Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) • Final project plan and draft Memorandum of Understanding prepared for presentation to Council workshops • Commencement of individual Council briefings

Conduct strategic planning and research

Regional Planning Initiative Workshops held with Councils in March, 2009 to present draft values and profile documents on each local government area to guide and underpin the strategic framework for the Regional Planning Initiative Climate Change Slow pyrolysis technology – Funding sought under CfoC to establish field trials of Bio-char in the agricultural sector CSIRO, DPIW & TIAR Lead proponents CCA supporting • Individual Council Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation workshops for 9 Councils completed successfully • Local and Regional Climate Change Risk and Adaptation Plans being prepared – due to be completed May 2009 • Development of long term (25yr) climate and sustainability program for region

Partners Cradle Coast Councils

Institute for Regional Development

Federal Government Cradle Coast Councils

Develop and manage externally funded projects

Climate Change • Regional Climate Action Program to be updated and presented to Councils, LGAT and State Government • Other initiatives under development

Federal Government Cradle Coast Councils

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Regional Waste Management Group • Regional Waste Management Strategy presented to participating Councils and adopted • Meeting to be held in May, 2009 to progress Annual Plan against the Strategy

Cradle Coast Councils

Broker/facilitate regional projects, funding and services

Regional Planning Initiative Council forum regarding Proposed Changes to Planning Legislation organised for April, 2009

State Government (Justice Department) Cradle Coast Councils

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